LAN gi Vol. XIII. ^Thf* I 3c ? TO OUR GRAND | Summer B " | "HE people have enjoyed our ^ WM * goods till tliero is very little 1 stock. Still there are a few go< K must he cleaned up before the a II fall stock. We leave in a few markets in search of the best vali O anil we. promise our friends not |jj secured for them the greatest vali ?0 that has ever been brought to t Buying at the same time for our 1; wra we can clean up big lots. (.Juan W price is the consideration. We ^ bought right, as we have the outl ^ towns in the state. n* r* *a sy fe v wllr During the next few weeks ami y There are many odds and ends a ^ be disposed of at half their vah \ call special attention to ladies' a A Shoes and Slippers We oiler ji fM for ladies at 50c ; better grade at Try a pair of our men's genuine 1 ^ > ?worth $2.50. For good wear II at l)5c?beats the world ; try a pa > Big Clothing la .lust picked up 20 Suits of the vet Jr. finished cassimere They are eas ])rice $7.00 suit Every suit goo< fd Yours very ur ir riccs that cli # W e haven't time nor i prices, but come to sec 1 Save Your J Yours for $ Funderbui kSTEK LANCASTER, S.C., WEI MATTEB8 >!? Oclll si a,,,obb *"" for (iovrrno FEAST OF % Ma" ^' rni_ _ t \ 1 i lie l ojum bargains ?1 n the political ] ipocial sales of summer Ju 10,l^.v begini eft of our big summer the ad things 011 hand that M 3'oar ?'l* Ho rriva! of our matchless A There is ah dajs for the northern ^ of talk in vat ics this country all'ords, ^candidates for to return till we have || for months tin to in good merchandise j# sibilities have ho city of Lancaster, seriously. In irge store in Rock IJ ill, Ja under the pri tit v is no object?the I election is virl can handle the st 11IV if ^jmist every sc et of two of the best result of the 'J; there is an eve y going on. Si S tOre ^ dhdates hnvil* ^ soon as one ou will he well repaid, The hist conl ml remnants that will j% closed a full i ie and some less We JJ wonder ha. be. nd children's how Cut J2J lUJ not ,)( ,in good solid Oxtord 1 ie &,t\ next contest 7.x;, $1.00, and $l.?ii>. Kl second pnmar ^rici Kid Shoes at$1.05 gj tunately, the use out $ 1 hip 1 ie i ii,i< L*' * PJ j have I> >o 11 ail Bargai n %i , , li about Candida y best grmlo of smooth pcopl(, wh() a, uy worth $12.50. Our been talkin" d for three years wear. of certaill na>1 truly, ^ in the public 1 -y | At the pri I K a practically ne rfVJr U I f M ci?Us was sol ?** exception ot 1 all the Stateil selected for th ~~~ summer, and ** *?* +t>4%*r^ an unwritten J ofTiceholders ^ term without Hi 1^ evstom seems ill ^igr*1 ^ dde to at lea ^ political rest. crnor I f i ?\* w?i Y151st ring of op| ^ he it CHllllulaU ^ ami just now i ^ i he will hav< There was si ^ uliatoly after ? of last, year tl days everything J Ansel woui.i i I* ^lenior ai the Cling ^fview of the * ^ traonlinary r; 12 ?. w i t h t h o s t ro 11 ^11 n Yf ?? >1 ' ',, ^ *V_? np . OpJ) O-O v lOVel" ^ re-election, 1)1 ts, Underwear, Si?," llu- k,,VI!1 w that. Nothing has L^1 ically from for ClL>, ^Talben sine,. ^ ^ I ho unprossio c . . +& Governor lie ziy competition. 11 ra^ou (;onti;i ^ 4._ ^ lv anil satisfin space to quote ^,c-nti ll0 wi? ,, tic nnrl in 1001 Tin v?w? ui?v4 mmf open. Mr. Ai ^ mm & the lield. Mr Money fct ^ I as it is ruiiii ??? ^ Mendel L. Si i * & and Iiepresen bargftins, J Williams of ^ make excelle | timber, and tl | |f IjO, d) tenant Govern 1 ** * J j naturally exp< ^ | ruoted. i With tills p ENTER] DNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1903 l'OiJ I ICAL. hood is there will not be mi of a campaign next year, nn something happens and tlm iber ot Candidates always possible Capt. Jenni . . may stand for re election ir, a Lancaster . f . , , , , state treasurer, but ho lias Mentioned. fore him the defeat of Dr. T merman, who stood for a tli bia correspondent term, and the custom of find nd Courier makes new men. If there wore i observations as to "ther ollice for which Treasu 1,or, which is ;il might shift ho wo stand a better chance than nng to simmer, ,f ,.u|ls t)| next election is a will be no opposition. Th says: jis some talk that Colonel I?< re July a "rejtt deal! " 111 ru" fl'-,r?*n?ST Adjutant: ious states about Inspector (Jenernl Frost. ( state ofliccs, ami Bo-vd opposed (ion Frost 1 3 presidential pos yoat and lost, and the mil > been considered sfem eminently satisfied w South Carolina, tho P^sent administration. unary system, the ,State IIo,,so 0,Iicials, inosi tuallv held in Au whom nro newcomers here, f icond year The l,lat Columbia is a very exp > system is that sivo P,acc 1,1 which to 11 rhisting campaign aro hi?h? as con,Pa nee the primary Wlth ,nost othvr l)iacos 1,1 sen in vogue can s,a,n; provisions are as high been grooming as ?lsewhero and servants ec campaign closes. 1,1,1,1(1 ?ood wages. 1 he ex lest in this state rwMlC0 ul of the oflici fear ago, and the hl\* b,'ou that' u,,1.08s Lh(:>' h 3.1 that candidates ^lier sources of income, fr their work for the thon; or professions, tl a week after the 111,1 bebindv in 1P0 > Fv State ollicials who are exp< re has been no ed/to 'lo any amount of em year, ami notifies mining cannot possibly live owed to similiter their income*. I Ins may sc ouutv newspapers sti atige, lint tho fact is thai r, been writing governor in recent years tos ami issues,and ^?c" to come out even re interested liave salary , and the salary about tho future governor ts tho best that is p 1 now more or less hy tho Mate?Of con there will be plenty ot men v mary last year a want the glory of be ing dec w sot of State olli- governor of lliis glorious si ectod. With tho '"id there are many men v reasurer .Jennings would accept the office with ouse ollicials were ;l".v I'??' hut it is well lo k, eir first terms last ho"' stain . there seems to lto As,,l" , "I"'"*" law that where hvmK p'1,""'1";'. ill",v ,s 1 pvnntwo nf Inn niuinn mr ui?ob usel is already in to defeated as well as tosucc< Talbort is almost ful candidates, and as this i but the older men ,ow "verhgo, as some defea ok to their laurels candidates spent twice as mi I X _ 1. 1 l-l A 11 ored that Speaker 10 oc '"-ieaied, "s 11 an wem nith of Camden, moet legitimate expenses ; tativo T. Yancey k??P Paco with the other c Lancaster would 'lidntos. nt gubernatorial - le friends of Liou- ^/ f ior Jolm T. Sloan /^T ?ct him to be pro- Sw/Lf, Th,? aigu^lar* <* on every bos of tbe gen ruspect the likcli- ..l aialive Bromo-Quiith^ t.m 1 1 Ik* mmIi Uat mum mM im * 1 auenu 10 tueir ; r.y -.? >e given a second ,n somo s:tnf(,s n,? opposition. This censes of ;l campaign are p to apply to prac ,)V ^l0, st;m: 1,1 lhis stat? ov Jtivc ollicers, and, candidate has to pay his o chances are favor transportation?unless he st another year of passes?has to settle with Last year Gov- hot?K l)a>' fop advertising, rd had a strong l,P his Plate matter for omenta. He will PaPor*> have supplement ; for renomination ticket* printed,- encounter he outlook is that committee with the list for 3 no opposition building of a new church n?Y.A bruise. attend the fairs and Lriiirj i ?11 rv J III I ill* | <-> > i? tho first primary ranS? to h:ivo somo liat Mr. Martin F. certain boxes, and tho"frio? ?o pressed for gov-1 l!slial,f ?ccepts pay for " next primary, in I 'j1110, . ,'s sll,,l>ri";'no ^ tirprisimr and ox. ,k,'sf tl"h?s count tip. ice that'he made Vno of 11,0 candidates in g held in the race.recent state campaigns l:ej d that he will not C10s0 tah on what nor i ley ward for He is satisfied that v nt he has his eye ce,lt 1,0 expended was for le; nur's chair after l,uat0 aml "pessary exp?m and that he did not use anv i been heard polit- an ""proper way or toinllue mer (Congressman a vote. His hooks sit the last primary. that he actually expend >d $, n now is that if for oxlK'nses ^"'ing the n yward's adminis- Pai?" and that h,> "clnpj lies to run smooth away" $200 for incidentals* ctorily as at pros acriptions, tips and the like, ave no opposition other words, the expenses of >n the doors will, primary were *723. This app PRISE. No. 23 uch j i) li M'iVViS. IcSS __ !s Fducationul liaily at Tabernacle ngs for | AukhnI 21111). Fine Speakers DIV I ? III IM5 im lird On next Saturday thorn v.i:! be in^ an educational rally Taber,ny naele. The following spe >Uers 1' I have accepted invitations to "Id . , .. ?r jor speak on that day : Hon. M. L. (ij-0 Smith of Camden, Hon. O. B. ere Martin of Columbia and S pt. \V. 3yd II. Hand of Chester, incl This will be a great day lor I ^ this whole community. The pub- y ll j.l lie are cordially invited to at tend, ith Dinner will be served on tlie grounds. Lot everybody 'ring [ well-filled baskets. Mr. C. A. Plyler made an ex1(511 [V0 cedent talk to the Sunday school red last Sunday. He gave the young the people some good advice. Mr. A. I* Plyler spei t last ?m- week with his parents. The Misses Sherill weie guests ' I of M r U.S. Plyler and Mr. J. lU' 11. Stewart last week. Mr. Wilson Howell hss < fine ie V . hog ami is going to make some ( t corn to feed i! on. Ho aims to have uhog and hominy" this winter. Oil om .Mr. !\ S. Stewart is assisting no in the school while Rev. Mr. lias Winn is busy with special services . on at one of his churches. R.K.S. \ of ? aid CO.Hl'EI ENVY CANNOT HE THROTTLED. vho (Jharlott Observer. Th?? following is from the Cov'l? lumbia State: out "The strike of boiler-makers in .Jersey uity is unique. II wag lor lower wages. The scale tixed hv (he union is $3 per day. Some ol' the workmen being so %m* much superior to others were voluntarily paid $3.7o. The :l^(l union hold a meeting, demand?'T ing that (lie scale be adheared to. n*n The management refused and ihe ',a-< strike followed, those having the received tin' advance going out with the other. Their places have been filled by non union :UT men. Here is another lesson lor 'sensible union men to study. ' H' Kxtra skill, industry, extra taitb,>r luluess were paid tor b> u busiar ness valuation. Is a union man to have no incentive to earn more than the scale? Must lhess" ceive more than the fixed scale is |S ft suicidal. Such practice will soon bring down the standard of work,c^ manship, as it will tend to ent to 1 PAliVuo'A i ni?A?r\ ?\ut z?nn*r t I vwun.f,v iuvv/iil^oivui/J IIIUIO uou inn no incentive to superior an- workt union, if sutlicienlly jt iwuiia o. ilie standard oi competency required of its men, may lix a minimum wane scale, but when it makes the same figures also the maximum rate of com ulB* I peiiwatiuu it signs its own ileath ^ I warrant.