The above ii that stare us i ern Merchant ceive,?energy The skillful Sv the hand of sc Timfts ruin Viir No\ $50,000 u 4-4 Heavy Brow 5 cts., our price j Factory price 4 c Another Lot Heav ?others ask 8 cent Gingham?others cents. 11 caw Bed 90 our price 5 cents, sold everywhere f long as it lasts, 16; Red Twilled all > 5 cents Bleached Men's Heavy Un( for 1 5 cents. Mer cents kin for 5 cen Cheviot suits, sold our price $^,00. 1 D iagonal suits will 50 strictly all wo Best value ever off* all over the countn long as they last $1 UNCASTRR ENTER I'! fMlhlisltcd * very ? MY? the - Enterprlsa - Publishing . Co A. J. CLARK, l DKCKMHKK, . . . 8. .1. Klmorc Martin. ex ohi police in Charleston, has appointed hv (Jov. Kllorl SherilV to succeed the late i Ferguson, whose death was e icled in our last issue. There nro 85 eases of i pox in Atlanta and the p are getting alarmed. The 1 of health has ordered that i man, woman and child he einated, unless they can that they have already heen einated this year. Twelve dollars and 80 cen fieri' I'nr fnrtnttiir iIaik sound much like hard times r> cent cotton. That was wha J.S. Miller paid for some Moi It lies in Indian Land town jioar to Mr. Miller, and lie k what land is worth. (iet genuine I ?r. I a* lirun's b. fills for ladies. Sold only by ni ized agents. One hollar, at stc by mail. Sole -Agts. J. F. Ma- key A. Co. a <\ Jlough & Co., Lancaster, S. 3 the latest estimate n the face. This me and Farmer almost ' to accomplish,?anc lrgeon in order to sg fence. The merchai n, but will put the ki ? n tor the forth of Goods to be Slaughtered. m Sheeting, Factory price . cts. Heavy Alamance :ents, our price 3 cents y Brown Canton Flannels :s, our price 5 cents. Apror ask 6 cents, our price ^ Tick?others ask S cents All wool Kentucky Jeans or 25 cents, our price, as \ cents a yard. 25 cenl A'ool Flannel for 1 5 cents Shirting for ; \A cents O V/ / ler Shirts, 25 cents kind l's heavy Socks, the ic ts. Men's all wool Blac^ ^ ,,1 _ f_a> cr r\f\ v;vv.;i \ wntiu tJl^u iwi spiJVJKJ "he Sio.oo iron's Imported be sold by us for $6.00 ol suits?guaranteed the 2red for the money, sold / for ?12.00, our price as 6.00. T. M. |i J A CAHI) OF THANKS. (J iy How often are we made to fee the truth of the worda of th mpany j I'^almist, "The lines are lallei junto mo in pleasant places; yen ' i I have a goodly heritage," whei I o!;7? 1 we stop to think of what we en jov. This pastor and family wor made to feel the power of thi neon I truth, not from a spiritual stand ?o as I point only, hut from a tempera II ugh 1 standpoint as well. As some ore hron 'lias so well said: "I would h 1 more than a man eon Id I give ex j pression to my feelings in words small ; I would he less than a mancouh coj)le I sit in silence." The unremittinj hoard attention of a kind physician, th )Vefy untiring and unfeigned servic Vfu, and sympathy of a communit; are things not early forgotten. Ii show ..... ,. . ,m addition to this, nice thjngs wer< 1 sent to our home from dav tod:i I (luring our illness, ami continue regardless of deuominationa ts an ijnoi,# This has been our ex ; not porienco during our stay here and Then on Thanksgiving day then t Mr. began a downpour of boxef nday. basket-', bundles, etc., came it irthin, from our friends in town ; wagon news :in(^ buggiesjeame from our friend in the country ; and barn nm pantry were well supplied. \Y ^ t> will not take up spaee by enumer ithor- ation, but will suni up by sayini >n- or that it was a genuine "lions warming." The things are al ml i>. valuable in themselves, but tci times more valuable to us whei ! FIYE HUN BAI on the present cott ans 5 cents cotton. ; means starvation i nerves of steel to ive his patient wil it who understands aife in unmercifully Cutting i CAPES AND JACKETS. We have never in the history of our mercantile career sold so I many capes. We often wonder it any one else keeps them. This ? is our Til Hi 1) STOCK OF (\ 1 PFS. A nice black all wool Cape?velvet collar, other houses 5 ask *l.r>0, (?ur price 7.*> cents. \ An extra long all wool cape? others ask $2.00, our price #1.00. (-'A lovely double ? 11 >?* trimmed in fur, latest back, worth $.'{.00, our ' | price $1.50. > All wool beaver jackets, ought - j to sell tor $5.00, our price $2.00. , t SHOES, SHOES, : SHOES! We carry the only complete ) line in Lancaster. When you are ? tired trying to find what you want I come to Headquarters. i A BIG OFFER! I When this advertisement appears we will put on sale 250 ' pairs of Ladies' Shoes, worth $ 1.50 | a pair, for 75 cents. You can , have them at that price as long as they last. Only two pairs sold to one person at the above price. FITZPATRK j wo remember that such care for j us, costs some sacrifice to others. Though we feel our unworthiness, 0 J wo can truly say that wo appreciate all these things. They warm '''our hearts ami strengthen our " hands. And now to one and all w uhl we extend our gratitude, p and ask a kind (iod bless you. Sincerity, W. C. Kwakt and Wikk. 1! Tor (Jala Week.?Cheap Kates OllVred by the Ohio Hirer A: Cliiirleston K. K. i1 , The Ohio River A Charleston yr Railroad Co. oilers very low rates o i . / . i , . . . * | 10 ' nariosron ana reiurn. ncKcts n ' will 1 >? on sale I >??< ., 13th, 1-Uh, ' I ami 10th good returning n r 1 >ee. ISth. Tickets will also ho f on salr the 17th and ISth good Y returning Dee. 20th. Fireman, >t 1 trass Hands, and Military Com I panics in uniform, twenty or more '?ii one ticket at the rate of one ! rent per mile is announced. A " I large numher of people from all : over the state are expected to at' tend. 1 here will ho many at1 t tactions f to the agents of this company I or to the undersigned, a S. H. I.r.MPKiN, <>. 1'. A. DEED THODE _ES OF O on crop. These are And 5 cents cott . It takes men wit! meet the existing 1 cut deep with the 3 his business, will ] t and cut and slash and Slasl A Few Plums 20 pounds extra lig Parched coffee io cents io pounds best green Ri van's World Renowned matched anywhere for 3< 2 cakes best laundry soaj nnv r renic n ml/P (Vm- i ^ 1 tv V^tlfVV^ 1 V' I I cents size baling powder FlHMTl Itli. FHIMTURE! In no line are we so 5 in these two articles ! $1.50 Beds for ' Beds for $1.03. $ $1.58. $5.00 Bureaus?ext $2.48. You can't mate We handle the celeb Stoves?every one warr; what we recommend brii new one. 25 Buggies and V (let one at your own price. 100 Muzzle and Breach Loading Sli "K & BRQ-. 1 .1 Toirn UnJ'ort tt natv, lint JI on pi - It tdblf. The town of Kershaw is a waste re in part on account of the recent f0 great lire, which burned up so ni many business houses. le, To stand and see the place ni where the hope; of some, the joy oi others and the onhj chance and u pride of some young men and th women $50,000 melted into worthless debris is a spectacle I 111 which invites solemnity. Such ut are the meanderings of the mind lu of the thoughtful when it looks at the hurned town of Kershaw. Hut to look at the other side of Kershaw another ? a loftier in thought tills our mind. il> Our conference witnessed the St I unstinted hospitality of its citi zenship. si" All the churches were open to "" i ,nr us, and Kditor Hainel and Dr. K. ,jja S. Heckham offered us all the tloi courtesy of the local and asso- ?tr ciated press, while the honorable Mayor extended an oiler of any s(r henelit for which he was respon- it t .si hie. Revs. Beckwith, Wells and ",fl pastor of the Presbyterian church ,M'' did what they could to make us happy at their churches. They, ,J with Dr. Beckham and others at ' tended our sessions. 'J'ho colored churches entertained us royally. * ' V?\ A. Bi.ackwkli.. at (AND 4- " OTTON. , s terrible figures on to the South1 brains to constate of affairs. . kinfe guided by aot let the Hard right left. ling ! * IN THE GROCERY SLUMS ? ht sugar for $i.oo. package?no trash, io for $i.oo. SulliTobacco, can t be cents per pound. 3 for 5 cents, You the same soap. io for 5 cents. STOVES, STOVES! '1 o r<4-ry ?-r? o r? v iiiv uiciM^ia aa 75 cents $2,00 2.50 Beds for :ra darZ' or light for h the above prices, rated Chattanooga mted. If it don't do ig it bao? and get a 1 Weuro mov* M Ciy VJIlO inR thorn out. ot Glitis at the old prl ce. .eaders of Low Prices. nportunt 'J'ruat. Senator H. F. Miller and Kopsentatives Haselden and Kainsrd, were appointed a joint comittee at the last session of the gislature to investigate the fiincial affairs of the penitentiary, e asylum and Cedar Springs initute for the lineal year ls'JG, i ' to make a written report, to 0 legislature at its next session. Senator Miller left Monday orning to meet with the comitteo, of which he is chairman, tin* Oratul (Central Hotel in Comhift that night, to enter upon e work of that important trust. tVhen your stomach begins to trouble ii, it needs help. The help it needs, to digest your food,and,until it gets you won't have any peace. Stomach >iibio is very distressing, very obnafo, very dangerous. Many of the ist dangerous diseases begin \vith uple indigestion. The reason is that ligestion (not-digestion, not-nournt) weakens the system and allows lease germs to attack it. The antite is Shaker Digestive Cordial engthening, nourishing, curative. 1 cures indigestion and renews ength and health. It does thi? ?>f engt lieniiitf t lie .stomach, by helping o digest your food. It nourishes u. Shaker Digestive Cordial is 1 ide of pure herb-, plants and wine, is rfeetly harmless and will certainly re all genuine stomach t rouble. Sold druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 r holt le. ?The Order <>i tin- Golden x iain will moot to-morrow night I S o'clock.