Kill Arp's I.ot-ter. Here is a letter lor the hoys, t believo that oven an impcr feet knowledge of many calling renders a man happier than per lection in any one and com para live ignorance of all the rest (treat scientists, discoverers ant inventors seem to 1". necessary for the world's program and tin good oi mankind, but ibmr vvor!< is generally at the expense o health ami happiness. Sir i an Newton in lu> iast days exelaiine( with a si^ii, al have math aslavt ol myself.'* Mistreat mind wn: always on a .-drain in ??i?*. tion It is - >i l of him riiat In I >) |?()' ? ?M?4 ?? t ' > f\ ' ( . the door for hi - :V cat tt out t ami exit, and wh -I t ii.a a pair of kittens ho had tut smaller hoi s cut h r 'hem. Tin nam. is iilvo ii. body, ii mas h:. .v a v;.. ioly d" fo : !. 1 i i. lib? t.i i:,as d % i !ho :. >. r \j,s If only >n ' are r ! the other hit'o:;!" weak nd w'H gradw 11* perish away. ! was talking not long ago to ; learned judge, a man of lin< judicial mind and literary at tainnumts, but who acknowledge! his very limited knowledge o nature and nature'? laws. hardly know one tree Iron another," said lie, 'h-xee^ting, o he chest nut, hickory mi and v .inut. Yes, of course, know the jiino and tho oak. In deed, 1 have never had any oe casion to know more, for I wn raised in town and hooks hav _ I _ _t 1 . _ . . M ansoroeu me. I was ruuiinatiug about tin because our little girl's mother i teaching her to draw and to paint ami 1 asked her to draw me chestnut tree, and oak tree and maple tree. She is working 01 them now and has to go out am look at them and examine ih bark on the trunk, and the shaj> of the limbs ana the leaves, wonder how many hoys ,?nd girl can draw a hickory leal wit lion looking at one. I should like t see their specimens. Thousand of boys, especially country boysknow all th" common trees of thoi neigborhood, but it requires clos and careful observation to do scribe them 'ind point out tin dilTbrenoo. Now there are ton >1 i( ftrent kin of oaks in this conn try, but vorv few town raiset people can nanio half of tlicni 1 hoii 11loi'o arc dillorcnl kinds o hickories and pines and ash am <_ !'ii 11cos, besides tho hae'.b. rry box older, popiai. bcocli. .oeus and cottonwood. Kugcnc 1,* liardy wa \ r\ lo.iruod .u.< h ft litifi? Frenchman 1" f 1. ; i .-1 *!i.t Amori in cotton yrow - the n w< ' trcec' r: ! 4! ; we at he red it bv osjti ' ladders !t is said t!.;it a Mr. Jack u, ? AI aula, is trying to introduei the ladder kind now ami has j?o1 tin !.c u,> to b '. '. nit t ' if;!. I iie study ol tiie trees .tie shrubs <>l lb.- southern country i- a deiiyhlfui ami iiisliueli\ re creation lor younjx people, an I 1 wis1 f1 >v would pay more "d tention to it. < M' cmi'se this stud\ requires some knowledge o I'd 11y, Mill I iial i~ . u'ljiiiii This !;iiui <>l knowledge i> mor? useful iiid more rotntorting thai a col lego smattering f log i fr m tl e 1 But perhaps Dr. Holme go all from, some old honest wa; . tl..,.. I........ T-ll IuitWM i * *wi uiry r\iiww. I II that Mr. Pradley, of our t<> can answer every question, i hoys ought to find out that bl i! locust and chestnut and os orage make the best posts. 1 black gum the Ihubs. 1 persimmon the best wedges 1 .Juts, and sassafras the 1-st b a and white oak the best bask >1 1 n Kngland it is claimed Ih; t yew tree post will last lou I than an iron one. The lj ought to know that the harks all trees are nonconductions s heat and cold and keep tl o cool in summer ami warm in v ter, and the green leaves are s lungs that inhale the carbon h s the air and not only make \v , for the ttee, but purify the atn a phere that we breathe, t a hence every habitation ough n have some trees about it. 1 hoys ou^ht to know about th e l)enntiful islands in the so.t t e are of coral formation and k I growing until they ^ot ahovo s water, and then some cocoai; came lloating aloii? and lod 0 there and sprouted and irrcw , s the leaves ol the trees fell d?. i, and rotted and made a r for more cocoanut, and in col e of lime the island heeame a ps disc. 'I'iiat is the testimony e the rocks. 1 li*i hoys .-lioiild i the little gossamer hall thu' !< away in the air from the nv 1 little dandelion plant. So li . and so feathery that it would t t | a thousand of them to wei^h 11 ounce and yet the seed are tii :'i . r* Tiw\rii j i ml *1.. I I l,,< J t; wrapped,a it wor , i'i a b! 1:1 j to protect them troin the vinb 1 ! eold. So it m with the seed tithe Scotch tliistlo that Is hi i ' about by i lreath or*:tit* !iI:? '' vi' !i f'>*??" In1' i' the 'lie "in'n}o o| 1 iI i I if, ai'. 1 v r inui i h)i . . I 11 r j 'hi* il ami sleep until spring, ami :! i | make no mistake. It will ' ' . ', l|.stjie!y make a tin .tie. In hurt ici'!tur il g tr-1 < ?i >t !. ?m are ra pberrv plants tha r i ' from .'?ied foitn 1 in lei ' >n ' 1.700 years. I'J Study nature a li; tl as y u . I along, boys, an 1 it will no '! you wiser ami beltei ami hapj i men. Find out wliv it is that < dead bird weighs more than live nni> sml tiv vvleit f'< >> ? Hon Franklin, but every hoy r ; learn something every day, a , even one fact a day will in con of time muke him a wise ide what a boy was Franklin ! \VI ! n man ! The youngest of "ovi teen children, apprenticed tc candlomakor. next a printer; i ! away from Bonton to I'hilad j phia whon ?eventeon years ( land hired to a Mr. Read, and f :ive in love with Deborah, hi) lan daughter; was never idle; rear and studied in every leisure mo p]0 nient; mastered French, Italian inir Spanish and Latin; became I'ost ^ master of Philadelphia,then Post * master Gener 1 of all the colonies mo established the Philadelphia Li m<> brary, vorsity of Pennsylvania 11'd and not long after he drew light ted ning down from heaven with a 1 is kite and a string and a key. ear What a man he was ! What s ind ! ,]U; MILL AHP. vill id 9 The Ways of the World. for . "s A young man who has alwavi f OF i . | worked on a salary has during .^1 j the last year gone into businesi (]u. tor himself. Although he ha? been industrious and saving, ant his family have lived comfortably l?e never k:u w what it was ft economize as they have beer obliged to in the* last few months i'f " j Working on a fair salary is fa ' "i safer a::d in many oases tr.ori t ! sal isfnrtorv than. in Imci " j - - ^ r. - i*q?> ness for one'* self. hot j Whilo visiting somo woll-to-d< wn, relatives living in the country l',u|tho young man is surprised ti a?k j hoar his cousin repining at thi a-lj | hard lot of a farmer and wishinj ., that lie might ieave the farm am rind 1 . , . I learn a trade m the citv. 1 Men l or! (W was that he told the young farm ,.fs. i <>r that life in a great city is no ,i. :t always all that it is supposed t< igor J he, that there many things tha toys are looked upon in the city a of luxuries while in the countr; they are only the ordinary com 'V forts of life. It is to be hop.ei l,1M" that the cousin's eyes were open od to the fact that the man whi rom , ( j leaves a certainty for an uncer 10S. tainty is decidedly foolish. ^Iuj From that homo of comfor t to and convenience, where every Hie thing was cosy and attractive lose where plenty reigned, and when hat, care and want were unknowi ?pt such as is felt by thousands ii r'"' our villages and cities, the kin< . am! generous-hearted hostoss di< god . , tn(j not permit her guest to go ou >wn empty-handed. When the good soil ^3'e8 were said,the thoughtful wo man put into hot nephew's hand tin- a corded hamper which was fount of to contain throe yellow-logget chiekoua, several roasta of beel '* a quantity c? tiieo pork, a bag o beans, a jar of butter, and numer ous other substantials. ;i!\0 an "v" c>rt. How's Th is? ai'O Wo or r line lii.n nil li.iilani Kew.iru f.i , t i Uel li.iil > t At .it t . 11r* K .t t'llKXry ACn I'rojw . Tolwlo, o, L'? \\ < ltn> Ulnt. TAi. IU' t.llUM- Ktlliwn IV J, Chl'ltf, .# f?>r Mm l& 'veariiWtd tMllevi blm porfoatl I IIOIK'tAt !<: until l>unllllrl-l t ritUSUl* lltlllH Ulltl till ii .... i'. t- ir- ? v ' '.4tti)n> ma?t i by moil Hi m f* it' wI l .T \\ v ; * Mr ' 1V?b*?b | yurfaee* ?V ii ; I?ru?v. T ?.o".tais p j l .ktu)?y t'iAn ap* tie b- Ht. h (I | ? \ 11otr itaisiiiic i.i South Caro'inu. U,o '.ii, I I : t r I: 1 K.rm ... , . . , W him 1 do not think it pays i 11 (larrner in this country to ruim ' | iio^a tor tno market, i know froti | my own experience mat it payi f I me to raise hocR for liome con iKe | , , , r j sumption, because euch a larpt per cent, of my ho?i feed is whir ! would he wusted or could not ht 1 I liKerl in nm ?.- ?v < V>ri 1(J|] should not ho selected as a prin on oipal food for hogs, the bono* can \ not he product 1 thorofroia, and the animal v. ill succumb, as there ' a ! is but 1 itt1 o limn in grain. 17 :*'J make young animals grow rapid';, ' they should have foods rich u i,,; lime, which is best secured by al hat lowing a varied ration as potatoes 'n' apples, cabbage leaves, green corn ' 11 oats, slops, etc. My bogs are shut up in a mul< old herry orchard at night, and art ell fed well, night and morning. Foi ? about three months in tho year I tho mulberries from the trees in this orchard furnish a large part ' of their food. They are allowed . to run at large over tho woods dur, inp the day, and always seem willing to hunt for themselves af' ter being cared for at night. I never shelter my hogs only in tho most severo weather to keep i off tho dreaded mango and other diseases. ! I have a sow now that was throe ! years old *n Juno. In June 1S0G, I she had fifteen pigs, ten of whirl) J were raised ; in November she C was found with nine, which rrr r'all doing well, and in July, IS'1", i { sho had thirteen, eleven of which < she has now. She has only eleven 1 [ teats. Can any of tho farmers , beat this'* Thirty-seven j igs ;n a > little over a year, thirty of which i will ! o raised. Tho nice, blocky hog is always r sought after. The largo, raws boned, pine roo' peel r hog h - - seen his bed day, and what I now ip as near a perfect ho?; on J possible. ono that, will fatten ea, sily and sell rapidly, a Walker Floyd. o Nichols, S. C. A Cure For iiiliotiti Colic. Kksoitrck, Screven Co., Ga.? 1 i liavo been subject to attacks oi J i of bilious colic for years 0 | Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and t' Diarrhoea Remedy is the onl> K sure relief, ft acts like a charm One dose of it gives relief when all other remedies fail.?G. 1) Sharp. For sale by J. F. Mackej 1 A* Co., and R. C. Hough & Co. - Druggist's, Lancaster, S. C. STATE TEWS. t Senator Tillman is said to be - rapidly approaeb'ng recovery i, from his recent illness. He hat o lost abou' 20 in avoirdupois ; bill , i,? I~~i- ?:__i ii 1 lio IUUA9 V.V.'IIIjmiftU*UI) WWII. j Ten bale* of cotton were burnj ed at the ginnery of Capt. S. E t White, in Fort Mill, Monday night, Oct. 18th, cause of the lire not known. s Mr. T. Monroo Oaten, a promi1 nent young farmer living noai 1 Tirzah, left for Haltimoro Wednesday night, accompanied by f I)r. W. F. Strait. Ilia object if to take the Paatuer treatment for hydrophobia. Three w??okf ago Mr. OateH wan fondling one of hi* dog* '.vInch was drooping r: ami looked kick, ine dog ?>ir mm v' on the hand and a few days later .disappeared, Sunday a pup in | , Mr. dates' yard began to droop and act Htrangoly and soon aftor, ' ward disappeared. Mr. Oaiiv . then began to feai that hyd.opho i hi a Was the cause of th ) dog action and disappearance, and, thinking that "an ounce of prevention iJ worth a pound of cure,'1 ho hastened to Baltimore, and if lie cannot get the treatment t there, he will go to New York. llis many friends hope that his j fears will be proven groundless.? s Kock Hill Herald, 10th. Dr. W. 1". Strait has returned from the I'asteur Hospital at Balt timore where ho accompanied 3 Mr. T. M. < )ates. Ho reports t!i at i Mr. Dates is getting along very well indeed, and has no anxiety as to the outcome of the treat Illt'IlI. I M J It is better to bo defeated thin I to conquer t>y unfair moans. Dishonorable practices aro, in ' tho lontr run and in tho noblest * interests. A losing business. Char, actor is won where "points" aro t lost, and defeat is an honor when it comes through being honorable. OASTOniA. i 3* Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. y Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many Hollars in doctors' bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion Tor sick headache, dyspepsia, I malaria, constipation andbilioI usnoss.a million people endorse I TUTT'S Liver PILLS V/T* 1 MM ^ ft N '"4 3 ! * i| fi tf? |h, i jH. A. 1 MIIU I#IA HprniT '? IH.hi 1W lulill I j \\ i' will sotul you by mail (in plain pacKage; A UNOL'r.d>e;. Cure , ^':i\rainco(i li: I 3 .* ?>?. HiiihII |ilt J.ife Force .ii old and youiift men No wom-oii! Krer' h romtdv; rontuios no I 1'liiopiioion* it ' ncr ' t *?!??nt It H ? WdSi'Kicr i Tn: \ vi:\v itia?;U*nl iu ita <.'!? * , .1 in i .HI ifiua-m, vim ur<- sii'V .ii,: fi n won I'tm tluit blight-i tlii'if In'-.-,r tIiit mi'iitnl and pb\M ai ; !? to I.?? Manhood, *bo ild writo tothofiTATK MEDICAL i \.> . t>11 i . i-iid liioy wul KAMil * . > ? " I t . , - - .?*? ? .... ...I ? nr. J'., ii Vf?lauH?? mi : I> 1 .p. and j* itivo proofs ?.i : ,iiy V . .!i .11. Ti:i:?:,m :sr Thome j and* of men, who hnvo lost all hop" of a i i. 10. aii- li.-ai,, .c turod \jj thorn to a pur[ fed r . lit 'I iiis V s.-1 Tv.imtmknt mny bo taken ut lioiii.i hum r their directions, or they will I i\ i 1 fare ami hotel Kills to ull who prefer t . ; o there for treatment, if they fail to ctire They are jicrfoctiN reliable; have ii.) Free l'resrriptions. Free Funs Free Sample, or F <). 1). fake They have *iif?O,00() capital, ami guarantee to euro every ens? they treat or refund every dollar; or their oliurges may be deposited in a bunk to In- paid to them wbeu a cur? la etToetod. Write them toilay. I rSn TotAL FAMILY MEOIGINE'I i F"f I uill(i ?t ton* nillodiiirM| - 1 I Headache, nustlpatloa, 1U4 ' * 1 Coaiolr ilon? OfTrnalro llr?fttkt v | *r <\ all <11* r?fem of ih* Blomaeh, . Lirsraitd UowcU. PIPANS TABULE* LLOd(CF | *C% gently y.t prompt!/. rorftcl^BiOX I digestion folio*** their uaa. a May be wiiUlard by I application to nearest ArifflH. I Yellow Jnrh Killed. i Casearnt*. Candy ("atharllr kill* Yellow Jack wherever they And htm No one who take* Canrarets regularly and NyMtetnatleally In In danger from the dreadful disease Casearnta kill Yellow fever germ* In tho hnwois and prevent new ones from breeding Ida tV: lOe. all druggist*