Only One I y Standard | You and we may differ as to jP1 money standards and out of |f our very differences good may come. But we won't differ as to the merits of one standard n emulsion of cod-liver oil. t* SCOTT'S EMULSION has | won and held its way for 0 nearly 25 years in the world cf |S| medicine until tc-day it is almost as much the standard in m all cases of lung trouble, and w every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as CT quinine is in malarial fevers. [jn Differ on the money qucs- ^ tion if you will, but it ?j comes to a question cf health, perhaps of life and death, get M | the standard. '' | Your cruggist sells Scott's Emulsion. P that if it was necessary ho would canvass the entire state in the in terest ol the dispensary law. Ho was asked if his remark at Abbeville still held good. It will be remembered that during a speech at that place Senator Tillman said it was necessary he would resign his seat in the senate and run for governor in order to keep the dispensary law effective. Senator Tillman replied that he still 'stuck" to that assertion and that if matters took such a form as to indicate that the dispensary law was not going to be perpetuated he would fullil his promise. .lust let the oppsition crack their whip and put out a state ticket," the senator said, "and | then more will be said." Senator Tillman will leave at 1 o'clock today lor his home at Trenton. l'rllow Jaeli Hlllrtl. t Cast are ta. Canity Cathartic kills Yellow Jack wherever they Unit him. No one who takes Cascarrts reRularlv ami systematically la In danker from the dreadtul disease. CMCBrotS kill Yellow fever norma In the bowels and prevent new ones from breeding 10c. 2hc t?K. all druKK'^li* i I Two siccs, 50 cts. and $1.00 ^ j SCOTT U UOVTNK, New York* ? ^coaazMBaBE s aaaa?bmS SENATOR TILLMAN HERE. Says 11 is Remarks at Abbeville ^ Still Holds Hood. Senator Hen Tillman arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from his home at Trenton. lie went to Mr. .J. W. Bunch's, who is a ^ kinsman ol the senator. Senator Tillman was seen by representatives of the press, and he stated that his visit to Columbia was on private business, and that he intended to return to Trenton this afternoon. The Senator was asked it he had anything to say about the removal of the metropolitan police and the dismissal of the constabulary, but he said that ho did not care to discuss those matters. Senator Tillman said that ho had not long since returned from New York state where he filled engagements making speeches. "More people listened to my fine 'speeches delivered in Now York state than were present at all tho I meetings held during the recent, senatorial canvass," said the senator. lie said that tho democrats in New York are "fighting hard for true democracy" and that they were thoroughly aroused. ^ Again referring to South Carolina affairs, Senator Tillman said THE AVOIDANCE OF COLDS. Practical Hints as to How not to Catch Tltem. A German professor, says the Youth's companion, once wrote a long treatise with a learned title on how to avoid catching cold. After tracing the history of colds from the earliest stages, studying their causes and symptoms, and cataloguing the remedies which have been used by the most eminent physicians of all times, he concluded with a short chapter on prevention. His plan was to inure tire back of the neck to drafts by having some one direct a current of air upon it from a bellows three times a day. The writer had the correct idea, although its practical application was clumsy, and ho was along' time in reaching it. The best and only way to escape colds is to meet the causes that produce and not to run fmm Let the body be hardened by a cold sponge bath, or even a cold plunge, followed by a brisk rubbing with a "scratchy" towel, every morning. Let the clothing be adapted to the season, though always as light as possible, but keep the neck uncovered?no turned up coat collar, no mulller, no boa. Never let the temperature in the house rise above seventy degrees in the winter. Air every room systematically every day, no matter what the outdoor temperature may be. Always have fresh air in the bed room; there is nothing poisonous in "night air," popular belief to the contrary, notwithstanding. In a word, don't be always afraid of catching colds.; don't coddle, but meet cold and wet and changes of temperature like a mail?or rather, like, a horse, and you will then run a better chance of being as strong as a hoise. Of course, you must strengthen your armor where it is weak, but if you recognize in yourself a weak place, a "cold spot," dont cover it up with more clothes,but toughen it, and toughen your entiro body until it is one homogeneous re-1 sistant whole. UIIIU lll> fill A>l? UlAKLKSTON. Krports that Through Freight and Passenger Trains from Marion, N. to this City will Soon ho Scheduled Spt'i'lul to N'ow ^ & (.'our 00. If it does not they will, of course lose. Your correspondent is informed that work will ho commenced immediately to extend tho (ialT ney branch to 1'acolet and from there to Clinton and Spartanburg. It is said that the money witli which to make the extension has already been secured. The newroad from Blaeksburg to Spartan burg will parallel the Southern and compete with it in what is the most profitable territory it now has. The Ohio Uiver and Charleston Road will turn what business it secures in the new territory over to the Seaboard Air Lino and the South Carolina and (jl corgi u. For several weeks past a minor has been in circulation here to the oiled that at *\iu early day"' a through mail, express and passenger train with l'ullman sleopot attachments, would he put on the South Carolina and Georgia, and the Ohio River and Charleston, and would leave Charleston every morning at about -1 o'clock for Marion, N. ('., passing this place I at about 11 o'clock, and another train would leave Marion in the afternoon for Charleston, passing ' lrni*n ?*t C * 'IM ' 1 ... ... mi iiiinii ii ii rnicii. I IIO KlO.'l for putting on tho train is to facilitate travel hot ween ('harleslon and Asheville, and tlio West. I'p to today the time for tho schedule to be put on was October 1, but to-day it is said that it will surely go on the loth. Such a train would no doubt pay the roads operating it, and would be ol great value to every town along tho line, and also to Charleston. It is also reported that a through freight train is to be put on at the same time between Charleston and Marion, and that there is to he a material reduction in the freight rates to all points on the Ohio River and Charleston. If this is true and Charleston merchants continue to hustle as they have been doing recently the hulk I of business will be turned from Richmond to Charleston, where it | should have been going all these years. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LI'Mi TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. Tlio distinguished Now York chemist. T. A. Slocum, dpnionstratinf? his discovery of a rpliable and absolute curp for Consumption (Pulmonary i iiurruuiuaiaj ami ail nronclnal, throat, 1 iiii^ ami chest diseases, stubborn coughs,catarrhal abortions, general decline and weakness, loss of llesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send TIIKKK KUKK HOTTLKS (all dift'erent) of his New Disrovery to any alllicted reader of the Kntkki'KIHk writing for them. Ilis"\ew Srientillr Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experimenting for years, ha> produced results as heueticial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. 11 is assertion t hat lung troubles and consumpt ion are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of gratitude," filed in his American and European labratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bronchial, chest and lung troubles lead to ( oiisumption, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloeuin, M. '.is Pine street, New York, giving postollice and express address, and the free medicine will he promptly sent Sufferers should take instant advantage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the Kntkkckisk. SPANISH JACK BKKOKKNRIDOE, THE CKLEhrated tliorouglibred SPANISH JACK?the handsomest in the State, which lias been awarded the highest premium over all competitors at the State Fair for years, will stand the present season at the stables of Heath, Springs Co. in the town of Lancaster. Sure foal guaranteed for $10 April 13, l?V7. uy uruggisis anu dealers r<>r fl a bottle. Dam- | Fihlot mailed on application If you can't get | t from your druggist, send " ? JO i*1 li 85 d ""!! " Philadelphia . 10 16 a 9 66 a Naw York ^ 19 48 p fl 93 al 8? 7 17 k,... Ar f\i.>;i.kIu. I Up MiWa ... Lv. Dal'Lia. S.C.Alt.Ry. 4 00p 7 00 n I Arcimrletton. . 9 (jop| 11 00ft Lv. Col'Ms. RO.AP.Ry U M a! 12 47 a j | " Savannah . 4PA|>I 5 10 ad .... ^r. .1 !>? '.(-ton vlHo. . 0 &0 i>i 0 10 a| l SI.KKPIN(I (.'Alt SKHVM K Double daily pox-'ugar ?orvi."*? bulwoon Plor I Ma and New York. No.x. jl uu-i W~Wnahlngton and ISouth weatora Limi'M. .aolld Vaatlbuied train with dining curs mid flr?t rtlass ooaohos north of Cliiiriolta Pullman dm win v -oom alooia;.* mr* h'lwirn Ttnrv-n, Jacksonville, savummn,'ja bml S'ow York. Pullman slooplng our between Augusta and Mow ^ oi k Nox nnd ..-V?U. H. Fnxt Mall. Tl.Ouch Pullman drawing room lmflfot sleeping rnrs ! o Jacksonville 0.1J Cincinnati, ru Ash"vlil??. VV 11 ORKKN, J. M. CUIiF, (i WuhlngtoD. T M . Wnthlnpton. W. A. TITRK. tt. II HAHDWICK, ti. A.. Wadhlnftton. A. H. V. A., Atlanta "111 addition to tlio above train service, there is a local train daily between Columbia and Charlotte, making all stops. No. 31 leaves Columbia (Blending [Street) at 5:00 p. m., arrives I Charlotte 8:10 p. m. No. 33 1 leaves Charlotte daily 0:30 p. m.J arrives Columbia 0 :55 p. m." PHILITOKEN. In Woman'* Safe nnd Reliable Friend. Ho Moves monthly patnes, cure* i.nrui'iani'itn and hysteria and restores to perfect health. Sold 4 YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD That the "NEW HOME" machine is the best. But you want to decide that question yourself. You do not buy a sewing machine every day. You want a good sewing machine at a reasonable pi ice, a light riming and an easy treadle motion that does not nialte your back ache, Then Buy a New Home. It requires no tinkering to sew thick or ?hin goods and makes a per; < t stitch. It is never our o. ni -r hut always ready to sew. it has a steel needle oar and earn, with all parts adju-' t hie and well balanced t?c dura', ility. You will lind all the best rnd latest 1 m pfoveifjents on tho NEW i.t >MK. Examine our style: and prices before you pnr duo:.. "Newhere. We buy direet and t>y buying from us you get a machine that is fully guaruntend. ENTERPRISE I'l l?. CO. Lancaster, S. C. gg*. A G :I M T3 to soiicn H-*", " ; orders by stfTiplii for our n f!' . 1 Wool Pants to or irr $3. & k*-'.; " r'"- " ' H ,. s'\*t f,'.. \i " Overcoats *.!5J tr 'J ut1; ipJticeinnnt^ it tin m V}y )?-?.rK i l t>ai.\.U:t ' J Cy-WAOTSS T-.LOIUNGOO ?kI^si??S2U25K^3 ? 1 r,*2 1 ' ' nnrl S* . N Y. BO YEARS' J|^^9L EXPERIENCE. V J J 1 L J # i V I E I 4 4?1 BivB r?J TRADE MARKS* rFIH|||f^ DE8ICNS, r"*1 OOPYRICHTS Jto. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is prolialily patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest ngcucy forsecurlnK patents. In America. Wo have a Washington office. Patents taken through Uunu A Co. rccoly?special notloe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms (3.00 a year; f 1.50 six months. Specimen copies and ilANI) Iook ON l'ATKNTM seut froe. Address MUNN A. CO., 3tfl llroadnsv. New York. J < a\ c ?t?. an il r .ktkit, , Hoard of K. M. K 1 uk, I.. .1. ! I.V V\. N Ihnri&trntian Nov. is. lsoo. tf. "The Leading Fire Insurance Company of America." Incorporated lsio. Charter nal mk 11RK mum COMPANY OF HAltTFOKI), CONN. Cash Capital $ 4,000,000.00 Cash Assets over 11.000,000.00 Losses paid over . 77,000,000.00 Several other strong reliable companies represented ami business entrusted to me will receive nromnt atten tion. A. J. Clark, Resident Agent. WANTKD?TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTive gentlemen or ladlot to travol for responsible, established house tn Lancaster County Monthly f'tt eo anil expenses. Posttton steady Reference. Knolose nelf-adercssml a tamped envelope. The Dominion Compauv, Dept. W. l'bica?o. _ ^