f LAN VOL. VII. . fTl^S 11 ^^CUR?COri ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED W* ?* ' | nlc unit hnoklpt frrr. Ad. STKISI IM1 II KM KIIY ( I WE KNOW " how close money matters are j with most people. We are pre- , pared for close buyers. Values that two or three years ago seemed almost impossible are to-day an actual fact?nearly cut in two. Many are surprised at the line of Groceries I oll'er. Some even are incredulous. Our Leaders: 28 pounds light brown sugar for . $1.00 X pounds Arbuckles cotl'ee, 1.00 7 pounds good green cotl'ee, l.tto! . 2 Hlh cans line peaches, .15 1 Best Molasses at 85 cent per gallon. A CLASSER. Kor the Kntorprt.se. NOTES AND COMMENTS. ^ It lias never been my disposi mm wimmi a poiiucai campaign was going on to sit on the fence. I have always enrolled myself as an outspoken partisan on this or that side or for this or that man. But. this time I have no candidate; none of the men who are running suit me. Before the campaign opened, when I thought McLaurin, Kvans, Maytield.and possibly Irby would be in the race, 1 thought that in spite of my dislike of his taritr views and of some other things about him, McLaurin would be the candidate for whom I would vote. But when Duncan entered the race?or, rather, announced himself as a candidate, for he is not in the race at all ? 1 imagined that 1 sniffed a ring, or a kind of a conspiracy,and promptly climbed up on the topmost rail of the I fence to await future develop Ami nnw I li-it I .?,?-> H.-.I .... ...w. ?fV? ?? Vllitl i (llll 11 j? here, I rather, like the position. It is jjooil to he where yon can see things as they are, unbiased by partisan feeling. It yo . tret tired <1 of sitting there all you've got to do is to get down. * * * I do not know of any Southern man who has made a reputation in ('engross faster than lias Me I.aurin. Able, fearless, aggressive, he is recognized in Washington, as here at home, as a strong man. It may be, however, as Irby charge-, that something besides these tilings helped him to rise? that his protectionism helped to! make him popular with the con trolling element up there. For say what you will, McLaurin is a protectionist?a mild one it is rue; mil sun a protectionist?a1 protectionist Irom principle?lor protection's sake. I have been asked how I could object to these things in McLaurin and still endorse Tillman. To this 1 have replied that I do not endorse Tillman's vote in favor of a tarill on cotton, lumber, and so on. Hut the ground Tillman occupied was quite diH'erent from that oc f mi pied bv McLaurin. Tillman doesn't care how high a tarill the Republicans put on, for he believes that the higher it is the quicker the country will rid itself of it. With this I agree, but do not believe any Democrat should ^ have any hand in making it high. Ho believes further that while we have protection we should demand our share of it. With this I do *ASTE LANCASTER CATHARTIC y | |j ESJm^ DRUGGISTS i I asp of constipation. Oasrnroti are thelilpal Una- < rip or cripr.tmt cniiso cnay natural results. Sam- \ Ki Oilraro, Moatraal. Can., orNsv York. tn. i not ajjree ; as I've said in this paper before, we should keep our hands oil' the whole business. Policy,if nothing else, it, seems to me, should .make us pursue this course. I low can one eU'eetuallv light protection and having it .-ill ! the time thrown in his face that he too is a protectionist when he fancies that his own State would he benefitted by it ? lint this is all merely a difference of opinion; it is not a difference of principle, lint even if it were a matter of principle, one can look over a wrong principle in Tillman that conhl not be excused in any less able and useful man. Protection is wrong?wrong in principle ami wrong in policy : Wrong in prinefyle, because it is nothing more nor less than a species of robbery ; and wrong in policy, because though it helps a small minority it does it at the expense of the vast majority. There is no possible way under (iod's heaven for it to benefit the people as a whole, and especially the agricultural classes, and more especially still, the agricultural classes of the South. Another objection 1 have to McLaurin?but this is not a seri ous one?is that it lias always seemed to me that since he has liirr OtiAlHrli +r\ efnn/1 tv OVCIIIVi (l|i;llUj politically speaking, lie has gone around with a chip on his shoulder. I like to see a man independent, don't like to see him wearing any man's collar but his own, hut that is no reason why he should assume a defiant atti tude toward the other leaders of his party or faction. * * * My opinion of John Gaiy is precisely the same now that it was when he and Kafle were can-, didates last summer, and if that j race were to he run over now I 1 U'Alll/l iKo w /.ysi... w. ! ?? 'mum i'uiouu ? iiv ruling- v;uwi:mt that I did then? that is, support Karle the West I knew how, but always treating Kvans with fair ness and respect, and pleading' with others to do the same. I did not believe then and do not he lieve now that there was any1 truth in the charges that were made against his honesty?believe that they were false, and that all that part of the light that was made against him was infamous and outrageous. And I'll venture to say that it cost many a Ie> former a hard struggle to smother his partisanship and lollow his conscience and vote for ! '. trie while the Conservatives, aided and abetted by that political mountebank. J >hn Duncan, were i . i _i ? -1 . ? su oniony Housing ano no mean ing a member and leather of their faction as they were Kvans. An..< i-- > uuo. i>ui ne neean i expect it if he uieddles with politics. * * * May field I know but little about. I think, though, that he made a pretty good record in the State Senate, and that he might make a good I nited States Sena tor. He is alright on the tarilV question,and of course favors free coinage?no man dare come out for any office in South Carolina who doesn't ; but as he seems to he running to a large extent on itis opposition to the Dispensary law, and as that would lie used against the law if he were elected, 1 I *-11 1- 1 * ' " a no as i miii neneve I lit' Ulspen sarv system is tin* Test ever yet devised lor tlie control and curtailment of tin* sale of lienor? helievinir tlii-. I say, 1 would not vote for anyone \\ lio w is running as an anti-Dispensary candidate. The Dispens.u-y I: is ?uoiij;h to contend with in the jud^c made nnti States-rights I iws of Simon ton and his ilk. |>nl the State will ye; win against these judges it I lie people and their represent a lives will Tut stand linn. And they must stand lirTn ; it would he rank eowardice to uriv not running lor the Senate.hut is taki |? Lf this lliethoii ol mlvorl itinir himself preparatory to limning for (Jovernor. I jrot my idea from a remark Maytield made in hi? speech at lieaulort. If this is re ally his scheme he is entirely too smart to suit our people, and I opine that they will sit down on him next year as hard as they will this. A reasonable amount ol smartness commendable, but ITERF Y, JULY 21, 18.97. i j too much of it deserves to he (lis I.conraged. * * * 1 cannot speak of Duncan with ' any patience. Kven from my 1 philosophical position on the fence I cannot speak calmly ol a man who would engage in as a execrable business as Dp -?n was engaged in last suinn. ?r even a man of his caliber sceth.it he stool no chance a. all. \ .. i i - .\ 1111 mt'ii * * * Irl>v says it makes Ins blood hoil to see a man |>ut in stripes ? for sellinir li<|uor. I wonder what he wants the State to do with these lawbreakers, and how he wants them to he dressed ? I toes he want them sent to the (hand Central Hotel, and dressed in the tashion dictated hv Col.* Xeal to hditor Crews of The Cotton Plant? Irbvasks too much of his newfound friends, the blind ticer I men. His blood will have to j boil on. Jt Nirs. | Announcement* We have equipded and opened up a modern repair shop for re; pairing Watches, Clocks. .Jewelry, Bicycies, Sewing Machines, (runs. Pistols and any tiling else that can be repaired. We guarantee to give entire satisfaction on each and every job, or money refunded. Brine us your work and we will give it prompt and I careful attention. Respectfully. B. C. Horuii A* Co. | njtf'rifH I'm ins. The O R. & C. Railroad will run special trains between here and Tirzah and Sharon for the convenience of those wishing to attend the Young People's ('on vention of the A. R. P. church at the latter place on the tth and .r?th of August and the Alliance Encampment. at Tirzah on the 5th and Oth. For schedule and rales, see hand- j hills now being scattered. The \ round fare from hancaster is $1 I to Tirzah and $1..*>.*> to Sharon. | POAG & I ^ The St t i// i/car to net /* at nut >m ^ i (fo tJn 11 nil oil il n f 1/. II . /tifi'i lit list Jill I'l'lf ll'lt/l ^ Machinery ar In iln (tii i/fh iinf in mil' Jim . } hi> m i II tx fni' tin xhfil/mr it ml ih < j> irrl/.v, ////'/ i (ltdton that ix Iht' In xt jnn/ij) < I'llxf ft f Oft II III . If <' / '//' Iflxil iro i'l\ xn rli i fx to/'a i'iI it ml xi fir ^P ili'o/ix. hi'ifrl'i'tx. imfn/lrx it ml nx if on i' oi'ih fx, IIV run Jill tif Itml jifirr. T II'' limi t i/'i u ri'fii/il hfi.lin tt'or ii'hiff inf. ilo. /'ritU'inhrr I t-v ww-wv [ I >RISE. NO. 18. Rujral makes the food pure, 1 whulcsoait and dcliclwus. I I ROM feOY/lS [?J w iP POWDER Absolutely Puro ROVAL OAKIAG POWDER f O., NEW YORK. Mrt thit/ of" The Tirzoh ISibfr St>eietif. The next annual m*etin<: of the Tirzah Bible Society will laheld at Tirzah church on Julv I :51st. i Kev. II. W. lloone of Wax haw. N, Q., will deliver the adId ress. The public is cordially invited. Delicate ladies sake great restoratives. Dr. I.e It run's S. Si 1*. Pills. One Dollar, at store or by mail. Sole Agts. .1. K.Maokoy Co. and B.C. Ilougn A Co. Lancaster. S. C. \on I'altnti Sine Tnlrere. See advertisement ot'Winthrop College lor examination of applicants for scholarships, to he held hereon the loth of August. There is one vacant scholarship from this county, and it is richly worth ^trivinor for 'O ,v" Food, undigested, is poison. Digested, it is life and strength. Millions of us suffer from indigestion, but we often don't know it. We think it is [something else. Kvn doerors often mistake the symptoms. I'ale, thin people, who are overworked, who need strength, who seem in want of proper food, should take Shaker Digestive Cordial. It is astonishing what food will do. when properly digested. It will make you strong, revive you,, refresh you. sustain you,make you fat, restore your color, muke muscle, brain liber, courage, endurance, energy; increase your power to throw off disease and keep you healthy and happy. Indigestion does just the opposite, but indigestion can be cured and prevented with Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold [by druggists. Trial bottle 10 rents. HARPER. | /-.// I Oct )i ft/ tvi tutor nearly (t it 111/ //i'i'i'//i,/ jihlilf il '''/.v.v of // /< s Manner, J to mi/ ji/iir, ii'iii fun '///? ?' y/>>/ hi f /i i in/ 11'i /ill i'i a t i/nt in' fit ii t '/illii 11n i/t u!!/ ir/nif t/i, /iriy/ili // au! than, trial in this line. (hi/' lint', rocks it ml strum l"'i ft i iti/x of III hiti'i Ca'cnfly /Kit ill it iiinl if iti n pot run/. /'isfmi ('iff i mhrs rchoCCll (linl pttal rrlebi'ilftif Myers /mm/is for '/ <: .*//// irif/mut fci/r nf contra '/// ///<,' rill'fh, o inl f/ll'lf don't ilo ifnif html of fancy mood 'a! hal>(xfi rx, colKinns. ii r it'c I x. colli m tx nf oil I'im/x. lie nil/ them satixfactorily in i/tiali ens. We innxf ho re the cash 'hot please. & UlUViUvi /