LANCASTER ENTERPRISE Published >cry Wednesday - i,;>wu aim was m- i surer! tor $ 1'UHiO. ^ Ignite a number of damajjinir reports have been ^oim; the rounds, such as follows: That Mr. Harris was seen to leave the vicinity of the hotel in a suspicious manner a short time before the lire: also that lie was seen bv another party near the hotel a short time before the tire; also that lie endeavored to restrain ] people irom entering tin* burning' building during the lire for fear some evidenee might lie secured against liiin. The news ol Mr. Harris' dealli was 'juile a shock lo the people here. There is a standing reward, ol fered by the city council and the citizens, ol $'j.uuo for the capture and conviction of the or persons who did the burning, and it is ru mored here today that a party here in town would have had Mr. Harris arrested to day and claim the reward. The death of Mr. Harris pre eludes, it i- supposed, any deli jiik: hum oi ever soivm^ t nc no tel mystery, unless the rumor that tIkto are others connected with the all'air proves to have foundat ion. The prevailing opinion is that it is a plain case of "murder will out*' and that "suicide i* conlession.'' For seventeen years I >r. K. C. West's Nerve and lirain Treatnient ha^ v\orked wonders for tlie sick, pale,nerveons, debilitated men and women or this country. $1 per box ; six for $* . Sob> Atfts.,.!. F.Mackey ?v t o. and H.C. Houghs Co. Lancaster, s. c. I>inl fi* 'I'hree Score tmf Ten. Mrs Ivosa ('askey. widow of t to. lota I III '.,.1-.... u;...l ... 1. U..W ? Uiri t ill 111 -1 home near < ills Creek church on the 1st inst.. a*reu about 7y Its peculiar J combination, proportion and process, I which makes it peculiar to itself. More people are employed and more space occupied in Its Laboratory than any other. ' More wonderful cures effected and more tes- I timonials received than by any other. More sales and more increase year'by year t are reported by druggists. Moro Jivoplo are taking Flood's Sarsaparllla today tlian any other, and more arc ! taking it today than ever before. More and ktii.i. m""// '? The Citi/ of The f'n' ( eba''?The limit of The Seitsn M. As has already have been announced in the Kvr-iitritiM, there wiM be given a general picnic and barbecue at Fort Lawn on thel J'.)I h of .Julv. The occasion will he under ihej auspices of the fort I .awn Dra malic Troupe with the n incur 1 once of t ho Fort Lawn and Lands lord "Democratic cluhs. l'romi iiont speakers are expected to he present. All are cordially invited In attend. The festivities of tin4 day being ended, a grand concert and musical will he given at night by the Fort Lawn Dramatic Troupe, a recently organized com-1 panv of twelve voting ladies and gentlemen, and one which prom i>es to render a delight ltd and art?stie entertainment in the proiluc lion ol the modern d"aina, "The ; Fruit ol llis Folly." The play will he interspersed with the Lest of music which is under the di rcction of Mr. and Mrs. II. < I. An 1 | derson, l ho insl rmuciit.s being fur | n;shed by K. M. Andrewsol" Char I loMe. especially lor lho occasion. I). II. .Ionian. I're- ; M. J. M<-Fadden. See. .1. A. < larrison and L. 1*. IJ aldey, i j Managers. I "" Utiles For bicycle biding. | An Knglish surgeon oilers the following excellent rules for bicycle riding : I. Never ride within hall an hour of a meal,which moans either j before or after. *2. Wheel the machine up any I hih the mounting ol which on the! wheel eau?es any real ellori. See that the clothing round the stomach, neck and chest is loose. 1. Have the handle har sulli ciently raised to prevent stooping. A. lie it- sparing as possible of taking fluids during a long ride. I Ilinsinglhe mouth thoroughly as well as gargling with cold water, j will quench tin* thirst as well, if : not better than taking lluids in ; the stomach in large quantities. t?. i moss ino wind. roads, etc., ho favorable novor ride inoro than Ion miles an hour.except for very1 short di-tanoos. 7. Never smoke while riding. Attention to these points will j tend to relieve the pressure on the rijiht side of the heart,hreath lessness will largely he prevented,! and even persons with certain j tonus ot heart disease may ride with safety. UyONDERFU L are the euros l?y WW Hood's Sarsaparillu, and yet tliey I arc simple and natural. Hood's Sarsaparillu iiiakcH PURE BLOOD. For the Enterprise. Van Wjfk Item*. The grass has been holding tis so closely that we have not had time to write any for several weeks, but neighbor Smith thinks we have it under control now, provided we keep our picket posts well guarded and do not get in too big a hurry to quit work, but says the time is about here. The days are mighty long and he Tears come of us might quit before the crops would bear it The crop prospects in this community, though about two weeks late, promise a fair yield. We had a magnificent rain on the evening of the 4th and was glad to see it, for we was beginning to need it. The small grain crop was saved in fine condition and was pretty good, particularly oats. The Hock Ilill District Conference convenes at Hlacksbnrg on the Sth ilist. Messrs. ,J. M. Voiler and John Hall will represent Van Wyck circtiil. and together with the pastor will leave for the seat of the conference on the 7th. All of the Lancaster papers have correspondents at Van W'yok now and we congratulate the Ledger on securing such a valuable contributor as Mtptimus." Van Wyck was treated the past week to quite a social event given by Mr. and Mrs. ,1. M. Voder in honor of Rev. Henry Stoke.- as a birthday supper. Among the guests from a distance were Rev. Mr. Moon, Waxhaw, Misses Pearl Rodman, Florence and Louise Heath, Waxhaw, and Kdwin Nishet, Misses Amelia Reckham. Daisy Holler. Kdith Stewart, Rcssie (iihson, Kdna Hull and Mr. Jach White,of Rock Hill. Mr. < >. F. Holland and family left Van Wyck the past week for Rlacksburg where he has gone to work for ?he O. R. A* ('. Railroad as :i section Moss. We hated to loose Mr. Holland as lie hnd been here over d years and had won tlie esteem and confidence of all our citizens. Mis- Minnie Masscy left this week tor Macon. to the famous ('atawha halls. < >1.1) 1 1 U Kolt V. M I t I liU.l IF I ur. r>--? 1? tmIh! Against the Stale ol North Carolina. Charleston. .June do.?Judge Siinonlon rendered his decision today in the eel eh rat Oil ease ol the Southern railway vs. the North <'arolina railroad, which was argued before hint several weeks ago. The decision maintain! the .jurisdiction ot the Federal court. It also continues the injunction against tin* governor, the attorney g? neral and the rail road commissioners restraining them from interfering with the Southern's lease of the North Carolina road. A special master j> appointed tot ake t ho testimony relative to the charge that the Southern secured the lease through fraud. The ease will come up lor hearing on its merits iip. rt Welsh. There has heen but very little tion for several years except what we have | Simple enough. Buggies, Buggi< We have on hand and to arrive the most Surries, Carts, Ac., in the State. We have best makes, hence our ability to furnish wl of the kind we handle : Babcock, Tyson A bus, Columbia, l'any Advance, and a great tion, ranging in price from $25.00 to ; Over the brain of each youth is spren "How long! How long! before I can You must wait patiently and endu And wait until it does mature. But, how much sooner it would be ii you oiuy nuy :iu n. ?M. 1. lie take our tin, lint/ ir/n rc it's i We have the exclusi best makes, and will sell | anybody. CANE MILLS f ivK Mills, I Al\ Ii I L LijJ w Now is the tiini'to buy your Cane Mill J Chattanooga t ain1 Mills, Evaporators, stee both hfre ami at Kershaw. Wagons, \ We earry the best line of Wagons in the Piedmont, Sprach or any other kind you u | and four horse. Repairs of all kinds on h.i have three large distributing points, henec j low prices paid. o< IIARNE * IJARNE The huh that i'iu'i t't >/ tin Is made to whiz ojtoa tin In ft ins sotfieie/it that Are. nmh ufactum! In/ i Of Cll.stlll/U'IK IIKI III/ f/lCIII /'rout tin (lorci'nor i/own All kinds harness, single and double, w; from $6.5? TO A nice line < f riding saddles and bridle.-, harness a special!y. Mowers, I We handle all kinds that nre (food. I> j We sold W. It. ( ulp and T. K. ( iinniii^hai ourselves. Plenty Mowers on hand of the Resp tt i nnni n. J. unw HEAD US! * ssed the X Pole V * ; in Sight. season with the most i the State of North i 5ome one says, what t say, what do you it that you don't le Main Articles: rs, (iins. Feeders and Condensers, ^y, Saw Mills, (Jrist Mills, Shafting, Grinning1 IX [jeuinuy. pcft-r yon to I'oajf A Harper. 11 **r?? ve sold full out tits this season : W. on, Col. I.. C. Hough and Dr. C. if any machinery sold in this se<> sold. Some say, "Why is this?" 38, Buggies! complete line of Huggies, IMw tons, the exclusive agency for all the !iat you may desire. Here's a few tones, Carolina,Rock Hill, Coluiuinany others too numerous to men1150.00. id, wed !" re, N'?don't move In a Jash? 'In' cheapest find pay the rash. ve agency for all the for less profit than ?ANK HILLS I .AXL MlLLSl JANE 111 ILLS s. A large lot of the celebrated 1 ami copper, ami furnices on ham! J Wagons! Carolina*. Old Hickory, Tennessee, lay desire. All sizes, one, two. three i mil. Prices not in the way. We A the large number bought and the SO I ? :so! ? O 7,1 COW X burl lrark\ will hold mr Mr. St oil. tin ri is no iml. to Salt if lh a. igon anil buggy harness ranging nil hand. Repairing Saddles and VIowers! iering, I lie Mef'ormiek and Wood. k ' ii a harvester and bought one fur v above kind, and repairs for same. / ectfully, GORY & CO. *