4 LAN VOL. VII. !! re*---rC v ;; vS sW W y !?*l. :ABSOLUTl!iT CS^Hr. SSSSKTS ]! nli> nml honHr! f -c. '.,!. ; ' \(. ' kVu:T?V O ! AM" ASTER EaIHI i; lii>i "uMsfced Every Wednesday Wornicg liV THE ErITEHPBiSE ru5. CO., LANCAS'l Kit C\ II.. S. C. r kKM!): SubHcription Jjil.DO |>cr iiiuimn. ADV KKTISKM KNTS. | (lilt* square, iTrst insertion fl.OOl i Rv..rv?n? S?- -"! <'out runts by the year at reduced; rut e:>. I.oral advertisements tpn '*enfs per1 line. Obituary notices and tributes of re>pect will be charged for. Marriage and de.it5: notice* kkkr. ( All drafts and money orders to be ; made payable to The Knterprise Publishing <'oinpany. ? .Vrir Church to tn- ttryo nizctt. A IJaptist church will be or ganizcd at the Stevens Mill school house to-morrow (Thuraday). ltevs. .1. S. and S. X. Watson will assist in the organization. The sermon will be preached at 10 o'clock a.m., and the organization effected thereafter. A house of worship w i 11 he| llllllt in noor fo*ot.e ^1*? - ... HIV nun i iiHUin. lilt? MM of two acres upon which it is to be built was given to the church by Mr. John T. Stevens who has subscribed $10 to assist in build-1 ing the church. There being no Baptist church " in that neighborliooil and no church of any kind nearer than (iiils Creek, a church at this point is much needed and will he a great convenience to the people of that neighborhood. v li you cat what you like, ami digest 1 it, you will surely he strong ami liralt hy nut it y u don't dige.-t t, you might ! almost :tr> well Hot at, tor what good ran lour food do you if it doesn't uour- , ish you'/ If you liml that you ean'i digest it.j there is a -imjde h t 1 I ;aste LANCASTER, 5 smamJS j isT.1 A'.t | JkL jaur.Gi.sBj is?" "c-:*ra*r-..* tr^rrMl i !..i: :. i I i|? or vnpe.Niit muse i .t^nntumlrr'iilh. hjn-A Chi vo?Oontrcil*C'An?? NpitYork *. j 1 ^BUY THEM HERE! > J| K pounds Arhnrklt-'- I?1 \ V Ollt'c . . ... f>l ,l'<'V I ' Jfr 7 pomuls r 'J IS?11>. runs liin* JVa>'hrs, ^P llw. 1 .iylit Iirown Siig? ? ..*' .""i^P & Itl'tllff YiHIl' /'.'(/f/.H fo .1/r, ^ A. GLA3SER. & 1 ? Cohl (linger All* always on haml.,-< All kinds of other Groceries at correspondingly low price*. u The I'tJ i t it'til I'ot Stum tit ttoif. The State Democratic exec- J' utive committee met in Colnm- <*1 bio yesterday to consider the' matter of a primary election for 1". S. Senator.- i at A general Mate campaign will likely he ordered which will start probably about the first of July, ui and a< there are 10 counties it JV will take about two months* to' get around. The primary to so- [') lect a man for the General As-I<|i sembly to elect to the I nited'J'" States Senate will be held as soon t>< as the campaign is ever. Beside s (*( Senator McLaurin, Stale Senator, S. (1. Mayiiehl is said to be a can-1 didate end probably W. L. Don-j i?? aldson and ex-(fOV. .John Caryl J., Evans and possibly others. ' w ' * ^ ' t; AREAT SALES prove the great i merit of llnod's Sarsaparilla. I'<> Hood's Sarsapnrilla sells heeause it accomplishes GREAT CURES. Xnf Hontr tmt I'tvmar More. '* M In his card published elsewhere in this issue, Mr. .Joseph Clark s, says tfio import <>f our notice in al reference to his being an appli ,.< cant for the postmastersJiip here "seems to be that lie is using some unfair means to effect a change''; but he does not point out what the unfairness i?. !f it is the statement that ho "is striv ing to displace Mr..'. F. (iregory In and nave himself re-appointed". we will modify that bv saying th it according to iii card, lie is no' " trying to get .Mr. Cr.-gory i- trying to got 11in 1?o!f > ?a ca-.- " of the dill'erence between tweedle iiiitii and tweedle dee. ,1 CASTOniA. ' ' li ILttftor# London. d Mr. A. I". Walters, jiailitl'of the P' 1. S. Court, was married at Mount Pleasant, S. on the 10th inst. to Mrs. London. Mr. Wal- t ters and his bride came tip on the 1 train Thursday and are now visiting his old homo in this county, yj ...... i? !l v 51 lire in mrer nays. * me i Miliar, ai .tore or by mail. \\ Sob1 Agts. .1. F. Mnekey A Co, ami II. I". Hough A <' Cnni>t Inn Forrrrr. 1 ., Tftko Ctiacnreui Candv ('uttinrtlo. lOo <>r"Nc. 81 tf i'. C full to cure, r. fuiiil money ' S. C., WHDXKSDA rmrt I'i'wrvttiuff#, ('ourl convened here Moutlay,.Iinljt Mrit h presiding. The following ses have been tl.-posed (lit* penitent iary or rhaii i n*j I*? r I ** munt lis. >nn Mat a'? and t It t tcr (ti i lit* penit -lit i; ry ?"*>i rind or pay a >in?i! ? due. Henry Clarktiion ami ?! *. ? . .*t <'Iy irli were acquitted on lie ..ir^e t lit- rv. Ueorge I'll! 11 ipH \\.i> convicted o re.eny, and has movcil for a new tria The following cases rt ol pr : Itiirrell l.lackmon am! ."mrali i'liil is. adultery am! form alnui. V?'i!l mi 'I illn.:!i', iis-ainl' am! hattery. I! . I t \ . >t* 111 n ir liquor, etc. .NX Olll* W i IV lulil il III 'll'1 .1 e lie Mix.' rxitnTVa -i !* .?!' i ry, and .lolin K. ? lark, ttsiny -toitluiut perm is ion. Two hills were found against Sam itradley - xiii' for disposing xt |>r >| ly under lion ami lit- 'h r fx i'iu'Ii of I nisi with fraudulent inti'ii Hot h i'oiiI iiiikm!. Tli" follow my oi Jx'r t'.i \ nitiniii-il : .Ixlui .1. I liillips, assault ami hatter ifli i"ii>nt to kil'* \\ a - h i i irr:un, ault with intent} o kill. Sehum StaeK llinx 1 i iiior. liud r.i'lk.-auie ollettsi lines ('aloe ami Frank Ji m- . yam ittj*. The three last iiim ! ease re rout ii.ii. il from t he pre\ ixns ten ' eonrt. As we yn to press this Tuesday ternoou the ease ot lleury iximhli taryeil with murder. xeiuy trim ourt will likely adjourn at the eon tisioii of t liis ease. t.A I K.u. Haitiblo was aeipiitteil ami the eour Ijotirneil late in the afternoon. I i It A N It J t'HV'8 KKI'OKT. We have investiynted ami passe yon all hills of imliotment snhinitte i its ami have reported our timlin^ lereon to t he ('on rt We have hy a eoniinittee visited tli tor house and lind it neatly and wel ?pt. The innmtes have eomfortahl tarters and are apparently we ired for. The tirand .Ittry heart i! uiinieml lite ai"ion of the count ard of commissioners it. requirin i ? mi rrnMvr :ii" i rotn in unity to go to t lie county poor Iioiisi The jail is well kept ami is hi fairl oil comlition. We recommend that tlie county su rvisoi make arrangements to pa i" jurors and witnesses for the pros it term of court if possihl" We present /.. K. I'arker for sclluij hiskey Witnesses: Kaile.A.i aston, >. 11. Taylor and A. I.. Cook, .lohn lllakeney atul Mahalcy Itake r living together in adultery. W it *sse.s ; r. W. Carie-s. I?. 11. Sapps an rry l.aney. Ilurwell T\ Hlackmon and Sara hillips for living together in ailul ry. Witnesses: A. 11. Klli-, Seahor mis and Mike lib'-. \|so .lames t'ullins for disturhanc prayer meeting. Witnesses: .1. ( tied, Seeiindus .lohn-on, <1. It. C !'in id .lohn K. <'ollins. We would acknowledge our indt'hl ho - to your Honor for your eoiirl< ,* and kindness to u< during the nri ( iition of our labors. Respectfully submitted, , .1. .1. I'KKKY. Foreman. .'one -J'J, l-'?7. < ongrt -small Mrait wtio has I. "rc most of his time since th< 11h < arch, went to Washington Monda r Vonr flow AX I'll ( ? .in .y i "ui i..i 111 . ? lo.SSe ICC. 0.0 Call, drupin ta refund mono Mi - 1 ela an 1 ' harlot to st a i an. of ?'ainden. and M i-s I renc W it I -s, oi S.i\annah, (ia? and Mr-. I.. ! very and ehihlren of Hook Hill, at ie guo-t- of Mrs. springs this wee OABTOn IA. ? Monday last was th? lonnei ay of 111?* year, and a nice, hm ay it was compared with tli ast week. TIRED MOTHERS find lad in llood't j .rill.i. \\ Jiieli j^ivi Iran pure blood, a _'d ilr ail i?'w and iwfdid STRENGTH. ? Mr. An^o Kobinson and Mi> artha Snipes wore mrrried h f?v, <\ W. Humphrey* Sunda t the I'resbytorian manse ? Misses Alma and Straiisi -'alker. of Vorkville, are visii ip Miss Kuna l'ayseur this weet ?The 4th of duly conies o unlay this year. T "?? O IT 1 I. .iw IV J? V, Jl'XK 2S, IMH1IK TAX. : liilJ Introdueod b; CoMtp'cssnmn ,, S1 olios Iii> iii^ Congress Full Foworto hay And Collect ln11 ('(Mill1 Tax. A special from W.e hiimton in . lno Sows :imi ( hairier mi" 17th - iy- 'hat lopr* - i tative Stokes _, t?ii?k a?ivalit a^.? (., of t he hrici' scs f, Muii ( ! tin I Inline 5n lay In oiler a mini iv-olution providing for an i amendment tc t !r- ('oust i tut ion in - favor n| an iiicn.no tax. W lion ratiiied !?v tliroi fourths of tlit* X heni-ini uiv of I in* -ev-ral Stales ii -hall I>e j art of t he ('mi-t it ii I'nn. nam-Iv : Article XIV. Tim f power of t 'niijiro?s tn lovv and collect direrl laxos -hall not l?o restricted exclusively to the ' method- of apportionment annum ' the -evei il Spate-;, according to ..their respective numlxhs. Imt , < ' uu;re---hal 1 have full power In ? lay ami collect a tax upon in ,. comes without repaid to the ' source or sources whence t lie in I come i- derived. In laying -uch a tax upon incomes regard may he iiail to certain classes or armies ol , income, li\e<] hv law according ' [ to atmuint. hut tin tax upon in come- of tin* same class or grade shall l?e uniform throughout t' ? 1 nited States." ' ! introduced this amemlment said Dr. Stokes, "to provide spe cilicallv tor a graduated tax upon <1 incomes. So far as I examined the resol ut ions aire oly i nt rod need I on iui> suojeei, 1 ney do not trn far enough in this direction. 1 " look confidently lorward to a time II when the hfv nt ro m in loioi o a! 10 *J> I of I'lf'l'l V, Mil it III l)llljl <. iflll'l ' djjf , i'i i'il hi ml im it/it'll i/n I'oiiijili i P lilt/n to i/o ill I him/.s of I'lliJIl X 1* I ol IM Oltlilt on V/j o !'t not oO! ii m //'. II iii'r ilifi nth fill' th s/iitlhm' itti'f th i /> /'Vf/A*, iiml ' i/ir/iOfi that is IIn tn st /mmji y 1 rust /? lOt'l'tili. 11/ /'//// ?;/.<RISE. XO. 14. ??m i?iii iimm.g:' wtti Koyol makes tlit food pure, I v/hulcsuaie and dwlicluus. F m\! Jm Abnofutely Pure? I hoval nak nr, r?' *r>*"n co., nr.w y*pk. i ftr r> row* i Mr. S. Abraham. of Haltimore, M<1.. is opening tip a stock of i clot liing and shoes in out1 of the store rooms ot the l'avscur l>look. Mr. Abraham is a trained clothier and shoe man and will doubtless do a good business. Hopewell Alliance will meet Saturday afternoon, 'the 2(>th instant, at d o'clock. Kvery member is urged to attend, as new ofiicers are to be elected,also delegates to die county Alliance. \V. (t. A. I'OHTFK. Apparent Customer (inquiringly)?"(iot any (dean collars and cuffs?" Storekeeper?Plenty, sir. plenty." Apparent (customer (coolly)?"Then why don't you wear some?"?Hartford Times. Mrs. .1. M. Heatli is at (!k?nn Springs for awliile. ? Mr. 11. P?. Howie, recently of this place, now of Chester, was married to Miss .lanie Mcl.arnon sister of Miss .Minnie Mcl.arnon of this place yesterday morning, 1 and the couple left at once for the Nashville Imposition. Kllcction of (irntlcd School Sii> pcrinteiulcnt. a?. 'i'lirifiiiuy 11*1 v 1 |*i: TIM' itiunii , w of|trl*teo8 of tho LitiiciiHinr School I)ti< i trlct ?iil me-1 lo clnol nSuporlnlontlont of the ! I-aticaster 'Graded School for tin* cr.siilnr scholastic year, \ teacher versed tn graded sell <>1 work il? ired. A fair. Miiarv will lie I v> 11 1 1'iirties wlshlrv-* to apply for the poslI lion are re.|iie>ii il to tile their applications I promptly with tie un leodRnod. ? IIAS T. C'UNNOKS. See nti'l Tn-ns Hoard Trusters. ' I.alicuster, S. I'..June 17. \pQ7. HARPER, 5 t ' , | ' i'< nj fnf in r, ;/[ it / /', / / III'' y >//,/ tt < >is , llf s Manner, J fn mi i jilih'i ii'i/1 run . I iir, i/.'ii "Hi ft 'tu / //*< ft'inn t "I'rifu'f tlii I V7/*/< > n th -s , . f h'/ '///r l'(l('l\H ?// / ,sf.l'/l /,./v . I II /' hit)', / /// / // // // ami i/iii t'rj'il i/'t m/. /'isf/i/i ( 'i/lI llill'l's I'/l/ii/'l'il ./,/ / fftfi'l / < < lihrutril Ml,I r, jmiiij's fur l/'i .si/1/ irif/imlf f, (// /(/ Hiltill1 //// ///<: < i/i'th, it nil tin '/ i/iiii f //// i/iii/ li/ii/l nf f/n< // ii'miiI //V , mill I/iii ,v, /// // / /.v. I'llbi lil ts nf 'nil I'tml.s. 111'mi/ /// < /// XII f i sfi/itill'l 11/ iii i/i/i/it lies*. 11/ must lu/i'i t/ui rush that / il mi si.