i ' lanc * VOL. VII. /^)ANDY * li |! CURfcCO '' sh* so ^^^3j!iSiS|j ::ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED j P1" ?n<| hfKtklet free. a.i. STMtl.l\ unurrii on unity was wen attend oil anil the exercise? were of i highly enjoyable character. The excellent recital by Miss (Jorrin iiu Elliott calls for special men tion, as also do the recitations by the little girls and boys. They all performed their parts wel and reflected credit upon then solves and those in charge of theii training for the occasion. The concluding portion of the program was the address of Rev Mr. Henry, of lleath Spring. The y church decorations were very j pretty indeed. To b'ix the Levy. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock is the time for the meeting ol taxpayers to determine what levj shall he made for the support of the schools of the Lancaster 4 (traded School District, and to elect a hoard of trustees for the ensuing year. 5ASTE LANCASTFJ CATHARTIC | HSTIPATIOjU^ druggists:: jraaeor constipation. Caararrta arc tlic Meal I.n\n- , irrip or irripo.tmt rnuso raajr natural results. Sam- i t'O.. 4'hirniro, Montreal. 4 an., or Nrn York. an. > iBUY THEM HERE!; ^ s pounds Arbuckle's g 0 Coflee $1.00 7 pounds Good Greon g B coffee 1.00 f lies! Molnseses. per gal. .Hug (iood Tobacco, per lb. .:to 1 | ^ Best White Kerosene .lid a ii-lD. cans line l'eaches, . 1 r>^ 2 :i-lb. cans line Tumatoes, .ir?d 9 Itrhif/ Your Ff/ifs to Mr. ^ , > A. GLASSER. < Ice Cold Ginger Ale always on lian C : Four Mills Levied. The Oakhurst people have ha ' their special school district lai - off with Oakhurst as the cente s and last Friday the taxpayers mi to decide upon what special lev should be made to maintain tt - school. After discussing the ma e ter pretty thoroughly they di R cided to fix the levy at 4 mills. 1 I)r. S. F. Scott,Blue Ridge, Ha rison Co., Mo., says: "For whoo] ing cough Chamberlain's Coug ' Remedy is excellent." By usir it freely the disease is deprive of all dangerous consequence There is no danger in giving tl e Remedy to babies, as it contan n nothing injurious. 25 and 50 cei tl bottles for sale by J. F. Mackt & Co. and B. C. IJough & C< 1, Lancaster. S. C. l' Moretl to Aiken. U.. u r> j s ilkio. xv. \j. uiiamH una ner i s teresting family left last Frida " for Aiken where they will mat their future home. Mrs. Chaf< had lived here many years ar r had made m ?ny friends amon s our people, whose best wish* ' follow her and hers to their lie home. 8 r Married at Heath Spring. On Wednesday last at 2 o'cloc ? in the afternoon at Heath Sprin Mr. A. P. Brown a prominei merchant of that place, led to tt hymeneal altar Miss Anna Wad tho accompliseed daughter * Mrs. Nannie 1'. Wade, of th; r place. Tho interesting ceremon '. took place in tho I'resbyteria f church and was performed 1 O I> -r i? - I unv. i>. i . i\wiu, oi i eiuiieion, , (J., assisted by Rev. Chalme Moore,the pastor at Heath Sprin Messrs. Walter I*. Davis. < t Lancaster, and Mr.?J. A.Cunnini 9 ham, of Heath Spring, were tl ushers for the occasion, and Mr W. Y. Durant, of Sumter,an aur of the bride, presided at the orga and rendered the wedding marc t as the bride and groom entere and took their places in front < i the pulpit. ! Immediately after the cerem - ny, the happy couple took tl northbound train for a trip I Nashville, Tenn.,where they wei ' to spend a few days visiting tl 1 exposition. J TIRED MOTHERS And hoi in iioou ? MUhapaiillii, which give them pure blood, a good appetite am i new and needed STRENGTH. Hear// Haiti ami Wlml. ' All flections of the county, s far as we have been able to ascei tain, were visited Sunday afte: noon by heavy rain and wini with light hail in fleveral net : tions. The rain and wind in th northern and western portions < the county were especially heav and considerable damage wt done by both. i ?See the now ad. of K. Brand in this issue. if(. EN R, S. C., WEDNESDAY HID AWAY TO REST. I Obsequies of the Late Senator Joseph H. Earle. All (irecnville Pays Tender Tribute 1o the Memory ot the Dead Statesman.? Impressive Services at the Itaptist Church. [Sl'KCIAI. TO Til K ICKOI8TKK.] (ireen ville, S. May 22.?Tin* toll; ir?tr of tlio bell of the l-'irst Ilaptist ~ | Church at I :d() p. m.announced t lie be^ | gillllillg ?? ">?' llllltTUl Of till* lull* SfllP ator .1 oseph II. Eark>. At tin1 time the v ' stores were closed ami t he various speW <'i?I parties of attendants pr< ceded in W j bodies to the residence to form the t>i?r W \ funeral cortege. Ten carriages lined , a j up in front of the Mansion House and ' ^Ireceived the'Washington delegation] (about 20) and the State otlicers and { r umerH. i lie i.reenvilie Itar met at the A court house, formed iu line and pro^ ceded thence to the residence. The m mayor and city council went from the C city hall. In accordance with a teleP fjram from Postmaster General (iary, v the local postoflice was also closed. W When the cortege tiled into the V church at 5:10 the whole town had as- 1 sumed a funeral air. The streets were! d. deserted to attend the funeral. As ? the bell tolled the large crowd tilled j the church. Fully thirty minutes be- I 1 fore the party arrived from the resi- ! I deuce the big church was tilled, and id hundreds of people were turned away j r, for lack of room. When the funeral party arrived at j the church the crowds on the sidewalk i 2 bowed their heads. The casket was j 10 laden w ith a number of very be&Uti-1 t- fill and elegant tloral designs. Soft strains broke from the organ in a minor key, the music seeming to throb in sympathy with the sorrow ing family. r" The services was simple, in deferp ence to the expressed sent iinests of the rh deceased Senator, but in this it wasel* egant. The choir, consisting of Mrs. ? .1. K. Ueattie, Mrs. i>. a. Morgan and | Jd Mrs. William Hill, rendered music i !8. beautiful ill its softness and ^'inplicit y. "I would not live always" and "Asleep in Jesus," were the hymns sung, j These, with two short appropriate prayers and a few scripture selections jy constituted the ceremony, which was j only thirty-live minutes long. The *' pastor, Kev. l)r. (J. S. Gardner, spoke as follows : We stand under the over-shadowing mystery of death, a mystery which no n" human philosophy has been able to re\y lieve of its glooin. In this instance its ce darkness has been intensified by the peculiar circumstances in which the ? stroke lias fallen. A noble and bril-| limit life has been cut short in thei K hour of its supreme usefulness. We , E>p thank God that there rests upon it no I w stain of dishonor. In it truth has not been sacrificed and courage has not faltered. Death has put a period to a career in the vicissitudes of which there has been consistently inaintain'K ed a bearing which suggests in tlie j g, fullness of its original meaning that lit"* old designation, gentleman, lie | feared (iod and no man: h- loved rightousness and scored every mean ?t thing; he trusted the Lord Jesus of Christ, and was considerate of his fellow man; he gave his distinI guished abilities in faithful service to | his country. He had a high and worin | thy ambition, ami rose by patient,per)V severing ell'ort from the comnmii ^ ! walks of life to the highest honor in ' | the gift of his State, and died in the j fullness of his powers. Hut out of reg. spent to his known wishes I cannot ex! tend these remarks. His record is before God and before man. It is for I God to judge. It is for us to cherish 16 [ precious memories and to be stirred s. | by bis example t?> high endeavor; and in the sorrow which we cannot but j feel to listen not to the vain speech of in man, but to the words of Him who It | speaks out of the I'liseen and Kternal >?1 with inlinite knowledge and power ' and love, and whose voice alone can ! tiring comfort and peace to broken | hearts." O- In the procession to the cemetery ye j there were thirty-eight carriages, and >0 about t wo t lion sand attendants follow | ed on foot. The interment was in 111 | ("hrist ( Kpiscopal i ('einetery. The ser10 j vices were concluded at the grave by the singing of "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and a short prayer by I?r. p I Gardner. J lift urn i n(/ to /jti nca*tci\ Mrs. Ada Hough and family, of j Salem, N. (>., will move hack here io ; to live. They are expected to r- | reach here the latter part of this r- week. Their numerous friends [1, will gladly welcome their return b- to Lancaster, their former home, e Mrs. Kd wards, also ot Salem, will )f move to Fort Lawn, her former y home. y OABTOniA. '; -qs^azssr 3.. TERP MAY 20, 1897. ?Miss Annie Welsh, of Kershaw, is visiting at Sheriff* Clyburn's. ? Mrs. (J. A. Marsh, of Marshville, N. C? is visiting her sister here, Mrs. Dr. McManus. ?Miss Leslie Porter, of Dixie, is spending a few days with relatives at this place. ? Mr. llenrv Jordan, who has been attending the (jraded School, returned to his home near Hascomville last Saturday. ? Miss Eileen Lommond and Miss May Willamson returned yesterday from a week's visit to (fakhurst. ?Mr. Walter 1*. Davis left yesterday for New Y?rk to take a business course. ?Surveyor T. M. Helk is at work laving ofl* t ie lots, walks and drives of the new cemetery. ?Stevens, lleath & Elliott sold their line sorrel combination horse to a Hoston man the other day at ? Ti -u: ' ' .. (I.IV.C I HCJ MlippCU Mini j to Boston Monday. ?The excursion train took a large number of our townsfolk to ! Rock Hill yesterday to hear Sam .Jones and to witness the bicycle races. Others will go to-day. ?K. B. Allison, Esq., has let he contract to build a handsome j dwelling on the lot between bis j father and Mr. W. C. Thomson. Mr. W. S. Laugley is the con- j tractor, and the work will begin right away. ? Mr. C. H. Ragsdale, surveyor, has the contract for redistricting the county provided for under the new school Act. The new districts are to contain not. less than 0 square miles. ?Rev. J. M. Stoney, of Camden, formerly pastor of the Episcopal church at this place, died last Thursday. He had been in bad health for some time, though had not been confined to his room until recently. ? Rev. Mr. Humphreys visited Rock Hill and Rascomville last week, preaching at the latter place. ?Little Mary, the three-yearold daughter of Mr. W. YV.EvanR, died last Friday moruiug of dysentery. She had been sick only about four days. ?List of letters advertised for the week ending May 25, 1S97: .lellerson tirier, (Col.), L. (J. Lay, E. A. Saunders & Son. Jos. F. (iREOORY, I'. M. | POAG & I Them- "H i'i>"ml iiici'/iflii ii'h, i/rili' fu i/et mto tin '/' Ji/illi/lJ l/llfi'll I Ili K to i/n tin iici'KSMlh'i/ it ml rn" nt if. 11 < /hi r, i'( /if.it jiOVi'il ii'ifh 5 Machinery ar to ihi iin i/th i m/ /" mil' tim . J "it m i'il not if" .\ oi-t/i in' i riiii h""ii i/iiiir iif /miiir in ti ? First Clas inn/ tm' Ii** imiiii if. .1 I'l.sif that to'i not afhu vtisuiff so> i/n for t/oil. II i I Htm In ffri' I timl fit re pa// thru' moc/iinci On/' e rpei'teiici is hint/ and n nf rillres, stmm i/in/i s. tpnjc I ri'rt'i/ I'iml is o/n'o t/s complete lathe In ilit nil i'nii/s of eni/iin | ^7 ri/it/s mode ,m short not ice,. j ^F out o\ Ill oii (ii/en fs for the s/ialloin oml di t ft melts, ood i j diction that is the In st /tain]! i | cost a fortune. llr can also I ^F mark, such os turned anil sate drops, brackets, mantles oml 1 its tjoor ortlers. We can ptl ft/ and price. r III doift do a credit basin tfor n'hat tec dn. IIeiiii inbcr I tVWWViV 'RISE. NO. 10. BfflU |oY4| MPO*!! ^akiK^ POWDER MDsoiuteiy Pur? Celebrated for H.s great leavening sirenpth nint heulthfulneas. Assures the food against alum ami all forms of adulteration common to tlii- clump brands. IIOYAL MAKING I'OWUKK CO.. N10\V YOKli. ? Prof. J. L. Matin left yesterday for his home in Colleton to spend the summer vacation. If his health will permit he will take a summer course in the Chicago University. ?Miss Pearl Payseur will attend the commencements of the Greenville Female Co'lege and Furman University next week. She will go as far as Spartanburg the latter part of this week. ?The lecture-entertainment at the court house last Fridav night by Mr. W. I). Upshaw, "Earnest Willie," of Georgia, was greatly enjoyed by the large audience that went out to hear the invalid lecturer. ^REAT SALES prove the great merit of Iluod's Sui'saparilla. llood's Sursaparillu sells because it accomplishes CREAT CURES. Notice of Examination of Applicants for Teacher's Certificates. I PURSUANT TO THE RULING OF the State Board of Education, there will be au examination of applicants for county teachers' certificates held at Lancaster Court House on Friday the 2oth day of June next, comuienceing at U o'clock, a. m. The rules are very rigid in regard to renewing certificates, therefore, if your certificate has expired or you have none and you expect to teach in the free schools, you are respectfully urged to meet the hoard oil that dav fur examinntion. Very Respectifully, \V. R. BRUCE, Co. Hupt. Education. To Cure Cn Kiircvor. Take Caacnrets <'amiv Cathartic. 1m ortte. If C. C. C. fall to euro. ilruKUists rrfu..il money. HARPER. I hare hern xfricm/ for near/'/ a am! ni'lliinj f^anf a das* of trnrk t /m' thrill. t i'ii J in this ft nr. ttni linfl I'in'I's iflu/ sfi'.it/n 1'ittimjs iif IIV /// //>*; C(lPth. Hint tin 1/ ihm t