? Suffered Eighteen Years. o I'ntiiv Ilopnrtril nod Sleep l ame. Mrs. Julia A. Brown, of Covington, Toun.. '' whoso husband lias charge of tho electric light plant at that place, has been a great L sufferer. Her ailments and speedy euro ! t< Vare best described by herself, as follows: tl "For It y :>rs 1 sttff"r"d from nervotist.ess ' ^ ' and Indigestion. I tried e\ery remedy reo- I . otumended by family and friends, out 1 t' could get no relief at. nil. Two years ago, r> white beitig treated by three local physl- * ciatis, l>rs. liar rot. Ma ley and Sherod, they ^ Mrs. Julia A. Brown. '] informed mo that I h:id become div.psfcrtj, ii and that there was llttlo hope for me. I , then decided to try 1 Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, ^ I was then unable to net to sleep until I well on toward daylight, and during all v tills time I had a deep, heavy pain in my h left. side. 7 mvm moat mi*frattle., iicio.f, but * after 1 aking one-lial f bottle of the Arret lie ^ I could sleep till iilurlit Jn-t as well as I ever f did. The Aervfne is the only remedy that . itave mo any relief whatever. I am now well and strong, and 1 'haul', Had every iltj r of tnu life far Lr. Milis' .Vcn-itu." MRS. JULIA A. BROWN. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive ^ guarantee that the tirst bottle will benefit* 11 All druggists sell It : ? ft, > bottles for $5, or p it will tie sent. prepai'h on receipt of iirlco ! by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. 1 Dr. Miles' Nervine Ro.8!?u"tb J; _ _ f ti lilaine Opposed a Duty on Hides. f Tim following letter from Secretary of State James O. Maine in lS'JU it , suppt isetl to have had great weight will: tin* ways tiuil means eoniiiiittee: . Wariiinoton, April 10, 1M*). ^ li Dk.au Mu. McKini.kv It i.iagrcat inistalu 1 to take hides from the free list, where the! j havo ls-en for so many years. It is n slnp tr | . tlio faco to the BoUth Aincri' ans. with wlioli ' we aro trying to enlarge our trade. It will | e ls-netit the farmer by adding to S per cent t<. J the price of his children's shoes. It will \ ielij | j a profit to tlie butcher only, the last man that needs It. Tlie movement is Injudicious from '' beginning to end, in every form and phase. (1 Pray stop it liefore It sees light. Sueh move i j. ments as this for protection will protect tin ?j Republican party Into n speedy retirement. ' Yours hastily, Jamls (1. Hi.aim:. * Hon. William McKlnley, Chairman Ways ami a Means. Whcro is tho Hlaino tliis year who railhead olT tho westi Titers who want ^ their shnro of protection and foolishly ^ imagine that they tail got it by a duty tj on hides? It is perfectly consistent with tho protection system to tax hides, os pecially its tho bulk of tho tax would ^ probably go to a few monopoly hutch- ^ crs and ranchmen. But observe somo of , tho effects upon our industries: v Tho iiuportntions of untaxed hides ? and skins lust year were valued at $>2U,- _ 21(1,628. Tho goatskins worn valued at j $10,808,859. The former wero mostly ^ converted into solo leather, beltings and such like heavy material, for which our native hides are not thick enough. / The goatskins uro not prrsluced in this country. From this raw mat> rial wo not only manufacture boots, shoes and bather goods fur our own peoplo cheaper and J bett< r than they are made elsewhere in / the world, but wo exported finished I products of tho value of $20,242,750. < Without free and cheap raw material ^ this export trade would have been im- j possible, and our own people, as Mr. 1 Blaine pointed out, would be compelled } to pay more for their footwear. Tho / wages paid to our workers in leather 9 last year amounted to $25,642, ltiO. 1'rolt'ctiiiK tlx- I'Vw WiHilgrowt-n. Suppose the Dingley duties on wool would givo tho wool growers all tho proteetion claimed ami that the price of wool would actually go up the full amount of the duty, which, of course, is absurd. What would bo tho effect upon the country sit large? Mr. Kdward Atkinson, statistician, f estimates tho annual wool product at 1< $55,000,000 out of a total of $18,200,- i< 000,Ooo produced l>y all the workers of c the country and the persons d< pendent Oil tin- wool industry at 1100,000 out of n total population of 78,000,000. Tlin wool duty then menus that out of every 240 persons 289 are to he "held up" for the In n; lit. of tie otle r one. This is a si suiiiplo of what protection does. (Jf Jj" course more than 800,000 persons may ti sometimes raise a few sluep, but the 1 , lit inter. Hts of those others are nioro those si of the eonsumer than of the sheep raiser, ^ ami tin y would lose more heenuse of in-J m i reasi d cost of woolens than they would '' /gain by the inert ased price of wool. The protective tariff system is a farce | T ^ Winn s V STT? 11 L I H K fi, . ,t ) | I i \ T II!-. Mrk In n| B ? H JH'h'-. illinium. arlll*. CtiHUip ClnrU'n Wit. Chump Clark of JL. i l is not only no of the wittiest nu n in tlio house of j eprcseiitntivi hut lio is one of tlio i ost post* il on tho tarilT question. In ridiculing some of tho rates of tho iingloy hill that to him si i nu il subject t criticism, ho rceit< d how a man of lio nanio of Goodyear we nt before the ! rays ami moans ccmmitb o and secured bo tarilT ho wanted by some skillful alavor about tho groat statesmen that. Iaino had produced. Then ho said: "Mr. Chairman, that piece of 'soft nap' made it harder for every poor tan in the United States to build a ouso. Governor Dingley swallowed the ait as quick as a trout would swallow fly [laughter], and next summer some oor devil out west, living in a dugout 00 miles from a railroad station, who oted for McKiuley under the deluded lea that prosperity would come under is administration and who has not eard of this tarifF bill, ciphers it out hut he can build him a two room cot- | age with lumber und other building | tutorials at the old rate. He goes to the ; tation to get the lumber and finds that ' lie price lias gone sky high, and ho goes 1 aok to his home and says to his wife: j My dear, I am sorry that we must stay u the dugout. We cannot build our litlo house. A great man by the name of iovernor Dingloy lias put tho price of umber and other things so high that re cannot do it, but, thank God, he as left dragon's blond free.' (Laughter. ] Text year, when my handsome friend rom Iowa (Mr. Doilivcr) returns to i.n iiiit; u^'iii uiiiiiai uisirici wmcn lie [ presents, some man who bus not been ble to buy a eont bemuse of tho high I rice of woolen cloth will say to his j cighbor, 'There comes Dollivcr, who tut tip the price cf woolen goods. ' But he successful candidate for tho pc.stlliee in that disti ict says, 'Oil, but Deliver put divi-ilivi on the tree list!' 1ml in chorus they sing, 'Dollivcr ami ivi-divi forever.'" [Laughter. Apilauso on the Democratic side.] 1Vliy In< r?-:uif tlie Coul Duty? Under the existing tarilT bituminous oal pays -Jo cents a ton. Tho Dingley ill proposes to make this 75 cents. In 895-0 the imports of bituminous coal nto tho United States were 1,248,83b nns. The exports were 2,24(1,284. The Inures for Canada wt re: Imported from {ova Scotia, New Brunswick, <'tc., 23,404 tons; from Quebec, Ontario, to., 39,987; from British Columbia, 27,257; exports to these three divisions aspectively, 413 tons, 1,(171,802 and , 0'.? 4. Canada now proposes in rase the )iuglcy rate is imposed to retaliate by , high duty on our coal, which will crtaiuly not stimulate exports. Here h an export business worth twice as nuch as tho corresponding import busiiosh, and it is j reposed to run the risk f ruining the former for the sake of crowing $350,000 taxes out of the later, and this on tho plea of reviving uncriean industry. Can any sane man ail to see that, oven assuming that innorts do not fall otT, it is hardly forth while for tho sake of a paltry 350,000 to tempt Canada into ruining n established business nearly twice as urge as that which is to yield tho tax? "et this is, the way in which "tho old liing works." Tim l*rotvcti??ii I inlircllu. # '< '&S&?l I f this paper wIII Im? pleased to urn tlint there is at least n in;h faith in its i ur itlve overs, that they J. iter due Hundred l>..;iar r any etvse t fails to cure Send for list of ! est imonlals Address, p. ,i CHENEY CO . Toledo,O. | Si -til in I irujrif ist s. ; ic Hall's Faintly I'ills are the hesu imTim )toki:n. In Woman > Safe ;iml Kcltatdc I'ricnd R? i BT68 monthly patnes, curoi nnrvoTiminii and I yitU-i'lu and restores i<> perfect health. Sold , v druggist* and dealers lor n a bottlo. Pain-, hlet mnlli'd on application if vow can't vol from your druggist, h nd ti to tho proprietor >d lie will Hcnd you prepaid iij express Dins. Isloy, Wholesale UriiKVist, Cortland st. cw York. A Wonderful Till. Undo Sum?Why, doctor, that looks liko the pill Melvinlcy gave 1110 to reduco my revenue. Dr. Dintfloy?Yes, its i:i|tredi? nts are practically the same, though perhaps they ure somewhat stronger. U. S. ? Hut you say this is to increase niv revenue. How can it work both ways? Dr. 1).?It's u protection nn-. j.uKi.iuw ?;?. -co. per yarn, equal to fit cents in our luntit y, w* i^;lt >i:^c 38 ouiico to tho running yard, ami costing undei tlio present taiill' 78.4 cents per yard, would under the proposed taritT cast $1.4858 per yard. "An all worsted cloth, costing in England 2s. Id. per yard, equal to 50 cents in our money, weighing 1(5 ounces to tlio running yard, and costing under the present tariff 70 cents per yard, would cost under tho proposed tariff $ i. os per yard. "A 32 inch black serge (cotton warp), costing in England 7 5-8d. per yard, equal in our tie m y to 15. 25 cents, weighing less than 4 ounces to the square yard, costs under the present tariff 22.87 eents per yard. Under the proposed tariff it will cost 30.07 cents per yard. "A 27 inch black sicilienno (cotton warp), costing in England 7 7-8d. per yard, equal to la.75 cents in our money, weighing 3.7 ounr< a to the running yard, costs uml r tlio present tariff an.oa cents jmt yard. I inlcr the pro]msi il tariff ik will rest U:J.Or.1 < < nts j .-r 5 .?r?i. Kvorvboily Says So. Onsrarots Candy Cathartic, tlio moRt wondcrful medical discoverv of the ago, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver arid bowels, cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds, euro beadnclie, fever, liabitual constipation and biliousness. Pleaso buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; It), 'S>, 50 cents. Hold and guaranteed to euro by all druggists. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE OESICNS, 'YW"*' COPYRICMT8 Ac. Anyone sondlne n skotrh ami description may quickly ascertain, free, whether hii Invention is proteihiy patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patent* In America. \V? linve u Washington office. Patents taken through Munn X Co receive special notice In tho scientific american, beautifully Illustrated, larinnl circulation of liny scientific Journal, woek'y, terms I-t ill a year; tlVlsix mouths. Specimen copies ami IIANIi ilooh ON I'ATI'NTM sent free. Address MUNN A CO., 301 ItroililnnV. New York. Tan Toeal familVmedicine"! 5 For nollne.il.>n. | Hill.Ml.nr.Sj I J slut iV. ill- i of tho tit-UIUM I." :'J RIPANS TARULCS . act (fently^v. t I'm rect\^^^KulJ>^ I ^appllcutloii to nearest druggist. (J QHtO RIVER AND CHARLESTON RAILWAY CO. Passknckk Dkpaktmkm. Iil Kffocl W< iii? . lay. May ?lli IMI*. Noi'tlibiiuiul. | | >o ... bound 35 II 33 j STATIONS. .32 12 34 A.II %.M. IP.M M. I'M I' M. . an .?.'aiiuli ii | i I ,"i w:?> .la so I . D a-M-r.... Ill :i .Y. I"' lu .... Hive ruble. . ..Ill "51 a 35 I ao 350|... S;?ritiv' 4;, s 10 ; i" I'auerson Sir u> 7 ia h to |l I" *' 50 Slii'l by .... 7 30| H a5 -, n to ... I.lit i III ore ... 7115 ,0 .Mil . ..Moorrshoro 7 25 looo! ....Henrietta. Tin lioao ...Forest 4'ity... US" 1030' ..Kmlirrforclton. 0 ao O. 11. XI 111 >\> 1< K. I Q. p. A Washington. A Q P. A.? Atlanta "In addition to the above train service, there is a local train dai ly between Columbia and Charlotte, making all stops. No. 31 leaves Columbia (Hlandingj Street) at 5:00 p. in., arrives Charlotte S:10 p. m. No. do 1 leaves Charlotte daily 0:30 p. m., arrives Crdumbia 0:55 p. m." JP YOU GO'ing^ An*! want !.<>\V ItATKS to >t. Louis,! Memphis, New Orleans. incinnati, Louisville, Chicago, <>r points in Arkansns, Texas, Missouri, Kansas.Colorado, Oregon, Washington. California, or any point W est, It Will Pay You to write to or ski: mk. Kxetirsion anil Special Hates I'roin time to time.; Choice of Koutcs. N*o trouble to answer ouest ions. Hates niiil nmrw fur itis}> I?. Itrsu, hist. I'nss. Agent, I,. A N. K. R.. Wi1.. W all St reel, At lanta. < in. Ym its Thti.Y, KHKI> l>. RUSH, I >ist. I'ass. A erf'"', Atlanta, (?a. SPANISH JACK BntCkKNRlUuK. |>KK( K KXHI iKiK, MIK ? I.I.KI) brated thoroughbred si'AA'Isll .1 A<' K ? t he handsomest in the State, which has heen awarded the highest l premium over all competitors at the state Fair for years, will stand the present season at the stables of Heath, Springs ,v Co. in the town of l.aucastor. Sure foal guaranteed for .fin A pri I i:>, Is'.i7. ? All kinds of blanks at the ' Knthkimusi: ofliee. ?(jet your .lob Printing done at the Kmkkpsisk oITtce. ?See our Bewini; machines and prices before you buy. Kntkkphisk oHice . ii nr> .... will wool.... | duo II85 . . Golden Valley.. 533 111 35 . ..Thermal City | 5M .12 )0 . .. Glenwood ... t 5(ft .12 20 Marion . I 45 p.m. . ' p. M p. m., p. m. a m ' a. M No. 32 has connection with Southern Hailwuv at Keck Hill, anil with Seuhoaril Air I.ine. at ( atawha Junction. Nos. 31 and 15 will carry iiasneni^ers. N'os. ii and 12'have connection at Marion with Southern Hallway. All trains will stopnn Alcnal at f)al*hurst. Klcit:.('asrey-. Hoddvs. Old Point.I.ondou,Kind's ( 'reek, and Vain Mountain. SAMUEL HUNT, President. S. B. LUMPKIN, G. 1'. A. Tourist Sleeping Car Line Between Washington and San Francisco. The Southern Railway and its connections (the A. & W. i\. I,. cV N. and Southern Pacific) liavo inaugurated a Tourist Sleeping Car liine between Washington and San Francisco, via Atlanta, New Orleans, and Los-Angeles. This sleeping ear goes through without change, leaving Washington every Saturday morning at 11 '1 " a?t/l io nn/?Ar?i * ?. . * *, ?tini ir? (iv v uiii |Mll l<-'i Ijy a Personal Conductor and Pullman porter, who go through. The Pullman fare for double berth is $7.00 from Washington to San Francisco. This service is especially for the convenience of the parties holding second-class tickets, though firstclass tickets are good in the car. Further information may he obtained from any Southern Kailway or Southern Pacific aeent or official, or from A. J. I'oston, (ieneral Agent, 511 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington. 1). C., or from W. A TYrk, (t. P. A., So. Rv., Washington, I). C. LA N CAST Civ \ C11KSTKK RAILWAY. Between Chester and Lancaster. In c(Ii oi 700 a.in , Suiulny, Kol). 11 I*'.'.* Ifdif {/ jtt Sumhtif. Westbound. Hunt bourn!. No. No. II. No lo No. 10 A. M 1?. M | |A. M 'I*. M. 0 oft ."i fto <1 Ar chi-stor . f.\ li o.V 7 1)5 8 50 5 35. Orr'n " I il 'Jo 7 SO s i;t S 85i? Knox's " | il t no 8 r.l r> 15' ". Mi |);iru< .'s 11 10 7 1U 8 il ft oft <| ".. IJu'bburo ... ' II ft"' 7 ftO 8 1ft I ft". * I tunc. I IV:. 1" ' ' I'.' Oft 8 0) - Oft I ).? * i .'liar Siioui- 1*7 1 ' 8 10 7 ftft I :i.ft il .l'"ort l.nwn .'* 1*7 -ft: 8*70 7 3s 1 I *Jo * "... races... . 1*7 to! s lift 7 *7* I lo ' Miller's t'rossV *' 1 1*7 *>" 8 |ft 7 *711' I no <1 l.\ 1,;.Mounter Art I 'XI 8 SJ A M I'. M. 1* M II' M. Truin lcuviii I.anc . rt' i* nt J.'Ti) a. in., con necta :ii Chestri with Southern Kailwav ?/ u. soinff north and ti. i.\ N. Vi^ tii.uh' and 1. cal trains n'olnu w.-st Train h-nvim.' Emu-aster :il .i to p. in, con no is at Lancaster with o l{ ?v (' Irani Cam d. n. ami Chester w . lh s.uthrrn Hallway yoin;; north ami south aid with c \ I. north. Train leaving Chester at 11: (if. a. ni .connects at Chest.-r with Scull rn Hnilway fr.>m Chnr lotto, also C l a ay fr. ii; Columnia. (5 C. & N (roll! Atlanta and C A I., from Lenoir. I.KHOY SI'KINos, \\. II. II AHIH N, President Yice-l'res. and Manager. Totter, Salt-Kli inn and Kezcma. The intense itching ami smarting incident tu thi se diseases is instantly allayed by applying I .'batnberbiin's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases li.ivo been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. Dr. Cadj's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. 'itiey are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 2'> ct nts per package xoTicr. t was'i every man text woman in (no l'nlte'1 Stales interested 111 tie o;-i ,tu aiel whisky habits lo have one of ii.t linoks on l!ie?o diseases. A'idri - it. M tVoolley, Atlanta, i.a ltox W1, ami one will be sent >ou Irco. MADE ME A MAN' AJAX TAHl.TiVjro. IT!VI< LY CT7P.E Ay AVrroiM ' . I ij SfC , ory, l iiiK-tiincy,} : 'I .nw-a. otc- cnu:- i ?, , \ | liy A'11: c ?:!?ir J *it i.ntl luilij* A lii*1 i crc tIon*. 37. / ?!?:? " .' v '-*.< ' ?i \ \J n-ntore Lost \ ilality :n olil oryoutiK. itna I'.l " mnu for?iiii!y, li-i-.i nuirii.t tiskrn 1:1 t lii . ILoir UnO nhuvs i..i! ii: (iruve* rooiit and elf nrta a CL'JtR v.-hero r.:i r \i? r fail 11?*ist ui>on Imving tho ^cnuiuo Ajax Tnhlcfn. Tiny havocurod tl..>u>rknri* aril will euro you. .w* rw>\ r. itive writtenKnnriint?M> tooftcr* tieuro i:i each ca*eor refund tho monoy. Price vV v - Oi j . r pmkaKo; or b;x | ki!o? iftill trentrooi t? for ?'.:.G0. Hy I rniil, irt iluin vrn?rt???r. nt 011 r?i t in i rico. ( ircuhir Iruu AJAX REMEDY CO., ' F(ir salt' in Lancaster, S. by .1. F. Mac key A Co. I ?????????? t?SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tim* !ii Col iimbla nnd 34 rt i " Wlnnsbora.. 0 pip 0> 2s n ....... 1 " Chester 01 p. 7 is a ! ' U..-k Hill T Up 7 57 a Ar. Charlotte 8'A>pi a 35 a 'j " Dauvtllo j 12 OOnt! 1 30 p .... ! Ar Richmond 109 a! ti 40 pi. Ar. Wr.-hlllgion .; p' 121&nt 1 " i'hilaiivlphui.. -i flfiftpl H r?n n| .... " Pa'.Umorc. .1 i? 2up| fl 22 ni.... Lv. Wnsh'ton, 8o Ry..| 10 i?| 11 15 n Lv. Rlohmt>nd ... ' 8 00*1 U 55pj.. Lv Dauvtll* ; 5 60at 8 fOpI I irtrlMti- !? 85 a: 10 50 | " 1' !< Mill I 10 At nj 11 00 ;>i " Chester .....| 10 .">5 ?i lliiTuti ....... " Wtnr.sbnro. | 11 D H, 112 86 a....... Ar Cd'hiit Klnnd'p st . 12 &onni 1 b7 a; I Lv. Cnlmnltlitb'u.(lip't-j 1 l-">i>j 4 SO . | " .lolmstoiiit. j 2 p. 0 >i'2k " Trenton . ! 8 0S pi 6 48 a!. t '* UraniteviU* .) 3bHp| 7 1? il. | I A r lata 4 15p| 8 Wa, ., I Lv. < Yd'hla, S.O.&O.fty. 4 00p| 7 (Xt :xj i i Ar. Charleston .1 Soup 11 00 h( ...... Lv. Cnl'liia. F.O.&P.Ry.j 11 55 a! 12 17.. | " bavnnnali I 4 85 pi 5 10 al . .... ] Ar. Jacksonville. .j 0 HO p 0 lo n| SI.KEPI NO CAR iiltVIt K ' Double daily pa*e?ut{?r service Imtwoin Plor i Ida iunl New York. Vn- s7 htj'1 B4 Waahineton and Houthwo.?tero Limited. Solid Vestibufod truin with dining cars and first class onaohes north of Charlotte. Pullman drnwins.'room slenp'.uK cars Iw twoeD Tampa. Jacksonville*. Savannah, WashlnKton and New York. , Pullman sleepinii car bctwoou Auttustn and , Krtr York. 1 Noh. 05 and 3d? U. S. Fast Mnll. Thromrt Pullman drawing rootn buffet sleeping cars tar Iwwtn Jacksonville and New York and At* pinta and Charlotte. Pullman sleeping carl between Jacksonville aud Columbia. on rout* daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via A->h? \ ille. W. M. GMtlCKN, J. M. GULP. (4. .v.tpt.. Washington. T M., Washington, yv a Ti-wv " " * *..........s..