~ w V 1^. V 1L. | : ABSOLUTELY GDARA 8?SKB 11 i?li? nr.it booklet frr*. \ 1. va>CO??< L.v\ ASTER EHlIllPIUSi I'l.oi suel Every Wednesday Morning KV T(;E ErWEilPF-iSE Pu3. CO., l.ANOAS'l Rli < II > '' ?- I T HRMS: Subscription *1.00 per annum. A I>V Kit riSKM KNT*. *?ii? ? i<.mr?*. flr-.t i iimtI i ii.ii ' i'',in l>y < In* y?-.tr at rHiluoil Hi I,?icni ml vt?rt i-'MiM'Mtn tfii cents per ' itunry notices :in?t t ritmies of rer will In* <>li*ri{f?l fur. A Marriage in-i leatli notice* All draff* ?iti| money order- t" tit* i??a?1 pay:?!?! i?> Knt,,r;'ri>?* I'ultI iMit u^; t 'inn;>rtii.V. For the Hound Trip. The Seaboard Air Line will .(50. They have also made a round trip rate of $11.00 from this point to Nashville, Tenti., to attend the Reunion of the Veterans in June. For further information apply to Goo. Mel*. Batte, Traveling Pass'iier Air't, <'harlotte. N. O. PERFECT MANHOOD NOW WITHIN THE REACH OP EVERY MAN. IMnny mon nr* HnfTnriniMintoM ml-. *ry. ' iiiK ilioir iiiotiny for tnHilicitiHM koc I and bad, |H i but for I ho want i.l intelligent treatment are S hoinn laid awajr in prematura urns-en. HELP ^ y K 1* in llin ranch of every - itferiru! and w?'nk M I B man. All cn??mof NERVOUS DISEASES A WEAKNESS, FAILING ENERGIES, A P VARICOCELE, UNNATURAL LOSS- f )ES AND DRAINS, whether they lm from ^k theeitoctH nf ;?rly errors, indiscretions overwork, BICkOOSB, ?>r Imuii any caie???. we can quickly and permanently euro by r.iOAt tmfn'H t.-4 i -.f hola ki.own to modem S medical Hklll.AUnont all enneaof t'oinu nipt ion V Khetifnulitttii, Catarrh, Kii ?nr?* Iik ? dr >w ninn man, ttraftidim B nft??r mern Mtruw*. ?-'.n*h a* Free I'tescri pt inn*. Freo Tiaatru??nt*n ri?v, only to find thaiiiMdve* B duped by noiue fraudulent O. O. I>. flrtiutfi?t or , nii' liciiiH company. STOP ??*f ori mint iiiu. A B W?nivo a le^al Cond or Guarantee I W to euro or refund your money. M B I rentnierit. ut hon ?? an wall as bar- name fi B pr*co, fruutintee. To ihe-o who |?r??fi?r B M to come bare wo will < -j.tr ,ot to rotund B U| railroad i.ire find Imtel M an-on if wo D fB til t'. euro, c s?r?o.oco.oo -n pita I B U hack Oi our .in?o!utu Cuar.mteo to V H cure or refund your money. If >nu nro ^k R i * I ? ( ?; ?' I. , ! J CHI b.lVa I. ?' Of ' ' JlhoVl' B, B . -> tl >t a iko lifo a n.t-ar.ibb* B ' ft* OI WKMTE US aril wil n I F REE a B If \ i abb- i - .ii . r fill I v explain! riit 11 -o d i ?, J B ai. . o r inn! Iiotlt til tbo moat per f? ? t. ro iiabla B B < !! <*' ve t reef ri't.t ? kn ?' . ti lifdiiil - |. B r>i . (' ?rropi>.-n?j? ia i atiict ly > -oiii it?iitiul. B |P No inedicinwa M*iit until orderfil.j Addif-^a | SfATE MEDICAL CO.. OMAHA, NEB. lOf S.broska, Iucorporuti'-l.) Registration Books Open. I IN A < < (> ICI?A N (' K WITH TIIKi 1 Act of 1 s'M? providing for t he reg-| istrniioii of elector*, tlie liookn of the Supervisor* of Kegiftrutinii \> 111 lie open nt tlie Court lloiMe oil the tlr-t J Monday ineaeh month for tlie reirisA . t rat ion of elect or- - lit it led to regi >t ration utid kept op-ii for three -nccessive ilnyi in eaeh month until the g-mernl eh-etioii of l.v.?s. W'.tS. A. I'otti'Klt, i Hoard of K. M. Kiuk, K. .1. I'i.vw, t Kegi-ttration. j - Nov. IN, 1 sJM}. tf. ?All kimlh of blanks Urpt on j haml tl the Kseim'Iusk ollk'o, i ? ix 'ASTE LANCASTER, S CATHARTIC |j, i griMior^^ ;; : 0R^es!ST5;: c isrof constipation. Cnsrnrrts nre the lilonl I.a\n- i t 'Ip or trripf. hut causo easy natural results. Sain-i ,, .. Chiemro, Montreal. ( an., or New York. . IT.J 1 ( TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. !'I To the Memory of A\rs. S. A. Wcbcr.' f President of the Woman's Mis- j fi slonary Society of the N\. EChurch. At a meeting of tlie Lancaster j Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, hold on ( April 15th, 1807. the following t tribute of respect to the memory ? of its late president, Mrs. S. A. I Weber, was unanimously adopted: * It is with a keen sense of outloss that this society feels the death of its late earnest and faith fill president, Mrs. S. A. Weber, ' whose association with us lor the ' past year was sweet, profitable t and never to be forgotten. Her j death, although not unexpected, r has cast a gloom over not only t our society, but the entire com c m unity. 8 It is peimitted us to remember hei by her gentle sway, iter words f of encouragement, and the untiring zeal with which she worked, even to the last, for the missionary cause.- 1 (Jod in His inscrutable providence saw fit to remove her in M the zenith of her usefulness, hut J behind her shines the beauty of a ! pure life spent for Christ, which j remains with us a priceless cift. { It is our sad privilege to place a1 j feeble tribute in testimony of our t love and esteem. Therefore be it, i resolved: i 1st. That in the death of Mrs. i S. A. Weber, this ?Societv has |1 been deprived of its beloved and ' honored president, whose wise 1 counsel and cultured Christian ' example we shall ever cherish. 2nd. That, a pane in our!| minute hook be inscribed with , her name and dedicated to her ( memory. t drd. That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the 1 family of our friend and president, 1 and that a copy be published in our town papers and the Southern ('hristian Advocate. Mas. M ARV .1 oilN'sox, \ ice I'res. ( M? l?. I-' '? mn*. tkiKHMl'. I'.. 1 \ 11 > 1 > I. I. 1 lll-.S < Mas. Sam.ik I.kmmono, Secy. t Miss Maiua M wkh, <'or. Scev.'t I1 Sfot't'M Hill < 7o.se nl We, the undersigned merchants and business men of Lancaster, hereby a^ree to close our respect ive places of l.u-ite ss at , p. < m. commencing May the 1st, ' 1 >1)7 and continuing until September tho 1st, lsU7, Saturdays ' excepted. . T. M. I'itzpatrick A' Hro. Heath, Springs A do. Kunderburk (Jo. ^ I.. (1. 1'ayseur. J. H. Mack ore 11. K. S. ('herry A' Rro. |{. Maokorell. Cloud A' Allison. McCardell A- Allison. I. J. lilackmon. W. (ianson. (Janson I )ry < ioods ('o. 11 l)i?fi'l Tobacco S|>lt ami Smoke iour I ifc Awny. (j To <|iiit to"...wo easily forever. i?- lint: iH'tio, full of life, nerve unci viifor, tuhe No To ^ Hue, tho wonCi r v. .no r. thnt make- weak nu n " Ktronrr. All ilrm?cliir<'?1. I , Constantinople, April IT.?T' e council of ministers, after a sesiion at the palace to-day, de- : dared that war had broken out m the frontier, owmjr to the in:ur-ion by the (Jrooks on Turkish < erritory, an! Elhatn Pasha, the { I'urkish military commander,was irdered to assume the oflVnsive. This arMiouncement of the actual , existence of a state of war on the | routier was at lirst misunder- 1 itood, reports th t the council of minsters hud declared war upon 1 loon (ireece li?nw> u-wt.?t?* ? , uv,..- . ated. j | It was also reported that the |; souncil of ministers had decided o recall Assirn Hey, the Turkish ninister at Athens, and give) lassports to Prince Maurocordato. ,he Greek minister at Constanti- i lople. These reports of the ieverance of all diplomatic rela- j' ions between Turkey and Greece! laving been decided on, a circuar issued expresses the hope hat the powers, in a spirit of ustice, will agree that the entire; esponsibility for tlie war falls h >n Greece. Turkey has no idea ' >f conquest, the circular note uids, and as fresh proof of pacific ; entimenis, the sublime port ofers to retire the Turkish troops ! >n the frontier if Greece will relro her forces from the frontier md from Crete. News of lighting between the ireeks and the Turks at Nezeros, ust within the Grt??k t'mnii?r < ino in Thessaly and due south of j i Mount Olympus, have been ro-11 :eived. The lighting originated, j i iccording to tho Oreek reports, n an attempt upon the part ot he Turkish forces to occupy an ,, tdvances post. The movement ,vas opposed by the Greek forces,! thereupon tho Turks opened fire md a sharp engagement lasting "our hours ensued. The Greeks 1 iventually retreated. Their losses ire not known. This engagement occurred yesterday. At 5 1 /clock this morning heavy tiring ( Detween the Turks and Greeks oar Xezeros was resumed. The 1 ireeks in thi? meanwhile had , seen brought into play upon the Turkish posts at Kotronl. The 1 alter was eventually destroyed ( ,vith dynamite. It is reported that tho Greeks 1 lave occupied three Turkish sta- , ions, and t hat the Turks are roreating. (Town Prince Constanine, the c?'itr?l. As has been tho history of (very tdl'ort made ! y the indusnal masses to bring about T)rivileg: s t none," that clement vhieh clamor* for and has grown at on "special privileges" have it last r-'-orted to their favorite letenee,?the use of money. A hen 11> people rise in the issertion of their rights iti denanding a more oijiial sharing of he burdens of government, tiii* ?:1 i i ' 1 >i i \ i fi:? me monoy i >.i - < ons?strive for awhile to stem, he tide with their specious argu* ' nents, financial theories, and < licfi-sounding words, but when li?'V at last see that the people * re in earnest and refuse to 5?? | leeeivod by >ucli glitteriim eneralities, then it is that this { privileged class" turn to that ( ornedy wh'ch has served them n many occasions in the past? ' 1X.JLOH. NO. 5. P' isj $?, rr Mni ^ ^ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ilcttcr Schools Wanted. lleath Spring is to have a special school district laid oil', as is i also Ookhurst. Kleetions will be j held later to fix the special levy ] tor each district. ?The Sumter District Confer . ance will meet with the Kershaw Methodist church on May l'J-2dd. | poag ai '/'/ .Hi i ^r- J m .K nil 101(11(1 11111/11(11 ICS, ,, >!< ar to act info their jinninj < lilitchiin fo 4/0 f/if n cilsoirj i (tm! county. ll'< hare at last C& JHll'Cil With J Machinery an to 1/0 fin i/th i/of 10 o'//' 11 in . ) oil mcil not (fo .\orth m' iti can hil"i. ilom at home in a % First Class jP ami for h.s . mom y. .1 ci*it f> ?,? that Wi a 1'I no' ifi/i'i I'f 1 > 1 i J 1 /''1 ' i 1 / < lomj a ml i\l. \ of calces, sti am i/ui/i s. i V /7y*/ { ndultorntion common to tho ilmnp hrntms UOYAL UAKIN'U l'OWDUIt CO.. Ni:\V YOKIC. ?Mr. J. Hazel Witherspoon, of Lancaster, is spending a few days here assisting in the ollice of the Kershaw Hanking & nier cantilc Co.?Era. ?The egg hunts at Mrs. Ira H. Jones' Saturday and at the court house lawn Monday were numerously attended, especially by the children ot the town. PERFECT and permanent are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, because it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD. ?Mr. T. M. Belk has si little slack time now in surveying and can do any work in that line on short notice. Address him at Dixie, S. C. To Curo Constipation Forever. Take Casca rets ?.Mmly Cathartic. 10c or 25c. It C. C. <\ fa:l to cure, druggists refund money. PHILOTOKEN. Is Woman's Safe and Uellable Friend. Ke iieves monthly painos, cure, nervousness and hysteria and restores to period health. Sold by druggists anil dealers (or fl a bottle. Pamphlet mailed on application, if you can't get it from your druggist, send fl to the proprietor md he will send you prepaid by express. Chas. Ilislev, Wholesale Druggist, 62 Cortland St. Vow York. To Curo Constipation Forever. Take f'ascarets I'.indy Cathartic. H)c or CSc. If C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. ntrr b('e.n stmvi'mjjor /icdi'ly a iiiJ milling jihinl a da** of 0 *enrk i/cimtn'/i / thm to>rn succt < I 1 ^

Manner, 5 < nttl' Jihf i ?/ /.'' <; t n '/W ^ i ill III') 111l // / < ,/ / ./(?.' O/'t'll/t ' ^ r{// if )l i/filllf 1/ Il'/litf till Jlcnjlll ^ ? "//' ' /" ' <7 V (t tm' f/li'iil. i / // A//.S / ,/( . '//// 'i.K' n('ks ft>! / stint m i" 'i t f i n f/s iif T. 7 / T /'' '/ / / "' '// ./ ^ ft !H* 1)111 /'/ <)){f / <'/ "/ onti'ii 9^ i t ft < . / / / / !! ->) don { <11-1)1: /. / "/ ii'ihuI ?/ fitt/us/i <'<>/<(/it << * * m K'c/.i. ,/l'nrf.i it' ' " /'i/iifs. /It'! Hi/ ^ / // ? .s'ir. Hi //>?/.<U'(t.SU. ep) JL )Llt JTV f." APRIL 21, 1891. the use of their il'-gotten gold-hii<1 with it corrupt, buy up or subsidize every influence which they see or know will be of service to them in deceiving or fooling the people, and thus for a little time longer succeed in riveting the chains of financial slavery * '11 tighter on a too confiding people. This course is now lining pursued nil over the land, and South [Carolina is not free from these lh?nedict Arnolds and political ludases. Not many months will elapse before the people will see ind know who these rascals are, hut tint until they have had time to inoculate many unsuspecting Alliancemer, and voters with their gold euro virus. Keep a ivarv eve on these fell own Alii 1 fineetrien, and don't allow their paid-for ''convictions" to deceive you into believing their silly rot. ?Exchange. HiifK/it'M ami Wftfjfimt?. Ju?t received another lot of nice buggies and wagons, which we will sell cheap for cash or an time. Stkykns, Hkatii & Ei.liott. Want tit Teach. 25 applicants for teachers' certificates appeared before the ex arnining board last Friday and Saturday, 8 whites and 17 colored. The papers have not been valued vet, consequently it is not yet known how many "passed."