^ 1 DENTISTRY. fir. R. i. GALL0WA1 s i n <; t:<> x / > / ; x t i s t. Office over Heath, Springs A Co ' Grocery Store, Lancaster, S. C. Short Locals. ? 7 pounds of Arbuekies'or Level ings'cofl'ee for $1 at Chkkky llitos. * . ?Miss Sude Moore is houi from Charleston on a visit. ?Mrs. Sheriff Cly hum is vii iting her parents in Camden. ?Mrs. YV. R. Kerr, of Hoc Hill, is visiting l.ei parents hen ?Another ctir load of ires lime. T. H. Davis. _iu- \* ... o u *? i mi aim mi*. li. J>. of Ileath Spring. spent Satnrda and Sunday wirl? relatives her< ?Mrs. J. K. Taylor and ehi! dren returned last week from visit to her parents in Due Wes ?Miss Janic Ilardm is visit in?* her sister here, Mrs. (J. A Wall. ? Miss Mamie Markov >u sisti 'k in the nvllinery depart ^ merit at (imi-on1*. ? Mr. R. 8. Cherry is visit in tti-h friends and relatives at Koi ' Lawn. ? Mrs. R. K. Kiddle, of Wit Cat, is visiting her sister her Mrs. .1. W. Carries. ?Miss Kate Laney, of Monro* i paid her friend, Miss Ma mi 9 Maokey, a visit last week. ?Mr. T. M. Kii/.patnwk lui returned from a week's visit t New York. ?Mrs. Martha Hagins ha moved to her son's, Mr. J. M. II; Kins, where she will reside in th future. f ?Mr. J. C. Elliott has move into one of the Adams dwelling on Dunlap street. ?Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shannoi of Canulen, spent. Stindav here a the guestof Mr. and Mrs. Spring ?Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Ewai have returned from North Care lina where they went to atten the meeting of Presbytery. ?Rev. 1>. I*. Neil, of thi County, was recently licensed l> the I*resbyt? ry of the A. R. I j church to preach. ?Miss Gertie Foster who ha i been teaching for the past fei months at Walkup, N. C. has rc .i.' turned home. ?The Jones X roads schoo taught by Miss Kula Casket closed last Friday, as did also th Chestnut Ridge school, taugl by Mr. Geo. W. Jones. ?Miss Fva McClintock, r Riverside, is visiting Miss Anni Smith here. ?Mr. John A. Cook, count auditor, has bought a lot bet wee Messrs. D. A. Williams and . Wylie I'orter and will build hii a house this summer. ?Ex-Magistrate Caskey h; moved into one of the .Jones co tages on Meeting street. Mr.C. 1 Stoll has recently moved int another one of them. ?Mr. K. Cunningham ha moved to town. He occupies th liEdwards dwelling recently pui a|^-ased by him. Mr. .J. R. William t . .10 has occupied it for some tira< J c as moved }o the factory. - ll Charleston, S. C., March, 2\ lsi>7.? U suffered v.it ti that tired feeling an II . nan no appetite but began takin jjr IIood'H Sarsaparilla and it gave me 71 good appetite and completely cure J I that tired feeling. ^ Mrs. K. K. lIobtT, 52 hrakeSt. II Hood'* Pill* are the beat aftei 3 dinner i'illtf. K . Snri'1 voi't* iMet. j The meeting o! the surviving Confederates of < Jills Creek township was held at. t lit? court house s Saturday, and organized by elect ing Capt. .J. IS. Witherspoon "* chairman, and Mr. .1. E. Stewman secretary. The following were elected as r- a Township Pension Hoard: Capt. J. C. Foster, Lancaster. e Geo. W. Williams, Jacksonham. }* J. M. Ilagins, Elgin. " | W\W\! v I \ Colds, y ache, \ ^ J* ^ Diarrhoea, ^ A Dysentery, a X ?* * t I tsowel Complaints. J A Suro, Safe. Quick Cure for t- m these troubles is t- 0 It is the trusted friend of the ? y Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, y Sailor, and in fact all classes. ^ y Used Internally or externally, y % Beware of imitations. Take J J none but the genuine " Terry T (j y Davis." Sold everywhere. A p $ 25c. iuid 50c. bottles. f e Annual Meeting of the It. ?C L. Ansoclatlon. 'l'he second annual meeting of s the Lancaster County Building & ? Loan Association held last week, and the old officers were re-elected, as follows: President, R. E. Wylie. Vicel" President, W. T. Gregory. Secree tarv & Treasurer, W. (.'.Thomson. The Treasurer's statement shows that there are 353 shares with <1 $24 per share paid and having a rs book value of $26.28 per share, which shows an average interest earning of about 91 per cent, per , annum. Thev have loaned out ltJ $8,647. j A yew Cemetery til Last. The town Council has purchas(j ed a lot for a cemetery. It lies in the northwestern part of the 'town and will he reached by the is extension of Barr street. The y price paid Mnj. B. F. Miller for the land (14 acres) was $850." They paid Mr. Ii. K. Wylie $50 for sulficient land for the extension of Barr street to this land. The council will enclose the new cemetery and lay it oil' into lots of convenient sizes. opened that i bottle of " It voWeep? mk y The popping of n / II (" cork from a hottlcof \ Wy I ^ Hires is a si^anl ol i * | 11 ol|o j W || H I "v, JL"?-V I * j I Captured and Jailed. The negro, Kd Marshall, alias fl Bill Taylor, alias Koh Wither<1 spoon, who shot Mr. Kd Nivens at 1'ineville several days ago, was captured laat Thursday near Van Wyck in this county and was r. taken to Monroe and lodged in | J*" We Have Stage of Bio; Popular goods and low prices ness that can be done under pre: more like Christmas than April, until you get ours. The public prices to people who try to gro\A to pay for anything to anybody; and that is why * GAIN is giving away more goods ever) concern in the State. When w< NOW DOWN 1 Millinarv Miss Minnie McLarnon ; lflllilllulJ Gathering BARGAINS Dflnan+IAn earnest. Fashion here i UClvJpilUll i Store bedecked with all lar. Orders pouring ii CHILDREN'S MILLINERY HAVE GREAT L DRESS GOODS, Stock overflowing with all the STYLES and N stroke in BLACK GOODS buying and selling. 25 cents for 48 inch Black Mohair, G5 cents tor 10 inch Silk Lustre M 50 cents for 40 inch Silk Lustre S( 21 cents for 38 inch Surah Serge, AK 4 ~ 1A I T * t-j i-cma mr 4w men uzzaru uioin 27 cents for 35 inch All Wool Hat 00 cents for 40 inch Silk Brocade 00 cents for Iligh Class liaised Br A GREAT S Of T \z c. 2-500 YAIiDS NOW IN JLxy w at 20 cents. Black Moirf w w T ^ ? Moire Velour Silk at $1.3 Foulards, Black and Whil Duchesso and Changeable Our wonderful display of new WASH GOO an assortment. Never such low prices. Nevei Colored KTAMINES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, very fine. Grass Linens in Stripes, Figures and 0 cents. 50 pieces Nainsook, Lawns and Dimit at 5 cents, worth 10 cents. In Lace and Everything now and just what you want. Miles ie -ui-.i L.. * ' ? - it ujwiiuj is an uuject tu you, you iuust visit m Handkerchiefs, undressed, 5 cents. Yard wide ' yards Diaper Cloth, 1 cents. 120 White Countc tain Poles and fixtures, down to 15 cents. 110 ] Hoy's Knee Pants, worth 25 cents, for 10 cents. 1,500 Sample Hats at 40 cents on the Dollar. ? than one-half price. Tremendous Purcha Crowded; Ou Ladies Slippers down to 40 cents, worth 75 cei at $1.26. 2000 YARDS NKW MATTING at Hundreds of Window Shades. You must buy in a hur Ganson N. B.?New Idea Patterns,of CORSETS coming. VESTOKE! Passed The T rumpet wing. win us trade. Wonderful, the Wusissure to sell. Trade with us now is You nevei know the lowest price IS no Innrrer wm 1 linrr ? .. ^ i v,? ^ i ?? iuiiig JJCIJ' LWU j rich on usury. One price is enough and one-half one price is better still, ISON * j day at one-half price than any other 2 set out to do a thine we do it. o S3 BUSINESS ! J* * mil her assistants are already. The last IIAT is in. has ended. SELLING BARGAINS has begun in s faithfully respected. South Window and front of the CHARMS which make our MILLINERY so popui from every direction. MOLRNING HATS and )ISPLAY. , BKISS GOODS! OVELT1ES for Spring and Summer wear. Master . , / Not surpassed in a city. PRICES unmatched : , the best 40-cent kind. ,4 ohair, best $1.00 kind, icillian, best 75-cent kind. (lull , best 75 cent kind, iste, best 50-cent kind. Jacquard, best $1.00 kind. oeades, worth ??1.50. ILK SEASON. STORK. Corded and Plain Kai-Kai Silks,once again > Velour Silk at $ 1.00, the good .$1.50 kind. Black 5, the extra $2 sort. Fancy Tafetta Silks, Pointed te Indias, Black and Colored Surahs, Black Satin j Tafettas. DS have fairly caught public fancy. Never such , never! Such selling seen in Lancaster. Black and handsome designs. French plain < )rgan0 cents. 500 rpanes, large si/e, only 50 cents, worth $1. 300 CurLace Curtain's worth ^1, only 45 cents a pair. 300 120 Men's Cassimere Vests at 40 cents, worth $1. 1TKAW 1IATS for Men, Roys and Children at less se of Slippers. Depot r Store Crowded. tits. Misses Fine Shoes going at 85 cents, groat value 10 cents. 1 'onular Colors. ry to get our goods,?they don't stay. Dry Goods Co. ?any Pattern 10 cents .A new line G. D. G. Co.