Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, April 14, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does It. Mr?, ("has. La Point , a well-known resident' ot TXnivvr, praises this wonderful remedyIier testimony should convince .ill as to the vrorfh of lie Now MeartPuro and ltestorative Nervine. Iter letter dated Sept. 11th, > 1KW. reads as follows: V Miis. La Point. 2p.7 Humboldt St. "Typhoid fever left ino with heart trouble Of the most serious nut ire. Nothing the doctors gave had aay.ti'eci. 1 ha I severo pains In the heart. and was unable to lie on my leftside f?.r more ti ..i three minutes at a time. My heart seemed to miss beats, and 1 had btuothcrlnn mk I.:,, Iii which ;* corned every breath would be my last.. We accldeiitly saw an advertisement of Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure* Re?tor:itlvo Nervine, and ptirehased a Untie of each. After taking t lie remedies a week, 1 could be lifted In a chair and sit up an hour, and in a slan t time 1 was able to do light Iioiisi work. I shall be over grateful u... u for your \vi ederful tnodiciucs. Truly they saved my life. Mi:.-. Oil AS. LA TOINT. Dr. Miles near? Otiro Is sold on a positive guarantee that tiai tlrst U ttlo will henofit. AH drnrrglsts ell I* :tl *1 0 bottles forM or It will bo scat, prepaid on receipt of prtco by tho I)r- Miles Jlodioal Co., EUhart, lnd. .?J __ Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ""hSK*. Tiir it i: a i i i rci, JEWELRY > -*-<$ STORE AT CHES'l-ZH, 3. C. R. BRANDT'S JEWELRY STORE, under tin* Tower < lock, is one of tin most beautiful jewelry establishment* in tin* State. Tin* liny of jewelry comprises ainany line Watches ami elegant I>iamoiy's ami solid (.old (roods as can h< foiu.o' in many mud) larger cities. Sterliug Silver Spoons $7.00 per dozen. All Kinds of novelties ami souvenirs in silver. Latest improved flocks in the moal modern designs from SlOc. up. All clocks sold are warranted for t \v? years. (Quality of all goods absolutely guaranteed as recommended, and price.* compete with reliable dealers only. R. BRANDT, Watchmaker and (>ptician. feb.H-1 y. THE . \ BRIDGEPORT ' ORGAN 1 IS r*KI> \'\l> K#IM>K*K1> liV the I'. S. Government in tlie 1 udian schools of the West. This argument is conclusive because the Gnvernmet ! lis > nothing !>ut t tie be-t of every t tii ng. Von Hint siij:? I can I I?n> n jtimio or uir nrirn ii--lon high," Now right tiere | meet yon more tban half way ami li\ pri. es that will surely meet you approval. There was a lime when I bey were out of reach in price only to a favoretl few; this is changed dear reader, and your daughter ran own an elegant instrument and the priee wont hurt you. (Jet my catalogue. It. .1. llKKMMiN, Yorkyilie. S. ('. IIJI tour i /rmiws. Tin' hoard of Health hereby jjives notice to all persons living in the incorporate limits of the town of Lancaster to proceed at once to clean np and thoroughly renovate their premises. A. .1, t't.ARK, u < hairman. k ' ? A r. i inn 11 c i o'1 ' i If ? ?? t? 1.1 r T' r tl in ore- llilrit of all llie k ar 'atents N i*'?1 In tin iM V . ill .covery of " - *' 1L n .inklinl IV;(/p'lrmiln i: on : u. Cholera nut 'V^L 1?. irr o ' .... if. r to r< o-v> IM, ftC. Ul I tiy * IT]' I? . 4 r r f I{. o <lv i; n . fate, ilv mm ' toil'. yi:irs, ami llinl it n> lie the lie-t IK A. |ni' rim I ?"Ver livaul foe ' ^ - - .......... ... .11. VI..Ill " .. ..I. . . I' .i ... J. r, Muck, v Vl Co. 1 " Hough & Co, LuiiMHtrr, S C. ?Son our sewing machines and M ' prices before you buy. Entprm i'ukk oilice A ? V. .. ^ PRESIDENT AND PEOPLE - v ,?: m ?SpwiHi Message of McKinley t (lieNational Government, Re leering to the Condition ail Needs of t lit* Devastated Rc gion. The President sent the follow nig message to the Senate am Ilonse of Representatives las week : i Information which has recentl, come to me from the Governor of Arkansas, Mississippi am Louisiana and from prornineu citizens of these States and Ten nessee, warrants tlie conclusio that widespn ad distress, involving the destruction of a larg amount ol property and loss o human life, has resulted from th floods which have submerged tha section of the country. These ar stated, on reliable authority to b the most destructive floods tha i Iwlvp <>Vf?r r]M\'acfato/1 . , . , . i vvt i tic: in iom r*c lppi Valley,the water being tunc I higher tlian the highest stage i has reached before. Froti . Marion, Ark., iiorth of Memptih to (ir< euville. Miss., a distance u more than 250 miles by river, i is reported tin re are now at leaf J fifty towm anil villages t.nde j water; and a territory extenoin i from 100 miles North ofMernphi t? 200 mtles South and from fiv I to lorty mi!?-- " i-le, is submerge! | Hundred- of thousands of acre I of cultivated soil, growing crop 1 arc included in the submerge territory. In this section alon there are from 50,(MM) to tiO.Oll people whose business has hoe suspended. Growing crops hav 1 been ruined, thousands of cattl have been drowned and the' inhf bitants of certain areas tbreatene , with starvation. As a great nit jority of the sufferers are sma farmers, they have thus been lei 1 entirely destitute and will be ur prepared for work even after th I lloods have subsided. ' The entire Mississippi \'alley i .| Arkansas is flooded and con > i muuication with many points cu |off. In Mississippi, a like cot dition exists. The levees i Louisiana, with a single except ^r>n, have held, hut the water i Tising and the situation there i reported as being extreme) critical. I'ndor such circumstances, tli citizens of these States look fo cooperation and support of th national government in relievin the pressing cases of degfitutio for food, clothing and?.?he)te which are beyond the reach o local ell'orts. The authorities wh have communicated with the exc cwtive recognize that their lirs and most energetic duty is to pro vide as far as possible the mean j of caring for their own citizens twit nearly allot tlrt*m agree in th 'opinion that after their resource have been exhausted, a sum h# gregating at least $1 f>0,000 am p-i.- .ihl^ *200,000 w ill be require) fur 1 ill niml i s? 1 >? imo Precedents are not wantin that in such emergencies as thi ('ongress has taken prompt, gen erous and intelligent action, in volving the expenditure of con 1 siderahle hums of money with sal isfnctory result*. In 1R7-I, $500,00 was appropriated and in ISSi $:{.r?0,000 was also appropriated fo relief in same direction, beside large sums in other years. The citizens'relief cominitte of Memphis which has take prompt action has already care for from 0,000 to T.'WK) refugee from the flooded districts, an I Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castoria. \ -.v \ i. I.'they ere still arriving in that city in large numbers daily. Supplies o 'and provisions have been sent to i- the various points in Arkansas J and Mississippi by this commitlee ; bur the utmost that, can be done by these efforts is to partly relieve the most acute cases of . suffering. No action has yet been rl taken for the great majority of t the inhabitants living 111 the interior whose condition has al y ready been described. Under s these conditions, and having exd erted themselves to the fullest t extent, the local authorities have . reluctantly confessed their inan bility to further cope with this . distressing situation, aided by e relief from the government, f It has, therefore, seemed to me e that the representatives of the t people should be promptly ine formed of the nature and extent e of the sulIYring and the needsof t these stricken people, and I have i- communicated tuese facts in the h hope and belief that the legislat i tive branch of the government i) | will promptly re-enforce the work i, j of the local authorities in the if i States named. 11 [ Signed J Wji. McKinlky. it | Executive Mansion, April 7, r 1M>7. K is Restored to Health, e If you are sufferou* with any skin or blood disease, Kheuoiul ism,Catarrh, >t! I leers, Old Sores, Ceneral Debility, p, etc.,send stamp to the Itlood Halm Co., . Atlanta, Ga., I'or book of wonderful d en res, free. This book will point the e way to speedy recovery. Itotanie Itlood Ihiltn, < It. It. It.) is ' manufactnred after a long; tested- preii seription of an emiiient physician,and is tiie best building-up and blood pue rifyiiijj medicine in the world. Itee ware of substitutes, l'rice $1.00 for larj?e bottle. For sale by Druggists, tl ON H IN A THOUSAND. One summer, several ,\ ears ago,while .. railroading in Mississippi I became " badly atfecteil with malarial blood ft poison, that impaired health for more than two years. Several offensive uleers appeared on my legs, ami tfotliing q seemed to give permanent relief until I took of Itotanie Itlood which cured me entirely, n M. I). I.ank, I>everaux, (Ja. ? W E SEND m FREE IS ; TO MEN e will send you liy mail fin plain K package) ABSOLUTELY FKEK, the powerful \ DR. HOFFMAN'S VITAL ? RESTORATIVE TABLETS, 1 with a legal guarantee In permanently t cure l.u.ST M A \ IK>(>!>, \V KA KN KSS, \ AHK'IICKI.K; stops forever all nnnaliiral drains. Speedily restores health and perfect manhood. ' We have faith in our treatment ami ? if we could not cure you we would not f? send our medicine FKKK to try, and pay when satistled. i i WESTERN MKIIIMi CO. (Incorporated), KALAMAZOO, MICH. K I 8 i" U t / 1A N K rK KKK HIM I K? K N KA U I he Krwin place will In- let for repairs () to the lowest responsible bidder on , Thursday, April 22, at II o'clock, a. ni. '' Bond (will be required of the successir ful bidder for the faithful performance of t he work. The ri^ht to reject any and all'bids is reserved. L. .1. PKRRY, e County Supervisor. l 4i.. h..n:. mint hi mi1 rmiiii'. i I - I TNTI1, Kl K i ll KK NOTIC E is givI. J en my oftlce will be open on Saturday of each week, and on the llrat Monf day in each month. L. J. I'EKRY, County Supervisor. 'rtade: me a iftfKH ?Ua.\ TABLETS I'Oi ITTVKLY CUlili A 1,1. frrrv>vh Divftse*?Failing Memory, lm potency, SScMiileasnena, etc.. cnu<J if} AIm.ho or o'lwr Kicomoh nn J IndUcrtdlouB. '* Jr tiuic/.lj/ find rn-itoro ljo*l Vutility In old or youn*. and fit n man foratndy, Imtln^or mnrringA. latently and Ontumntion if ; takeu in titruv Tholr t*how* Ipimodirto (mprovo. m?nt nna o'.foctn iv c Ui.H whorn n.l other fail ln| mat upon ravinff fho p'nnlnn Ajnx Tablet*. They piivocurod thouH inda and you. Wo. rivo r?po<> ltivo writton cuurnntoo to oifwrt n euro CA ATQ in o?cn c< "?or rotund tho money iVlrnvvMluinoi' jmrkutfe; or ftix pkito* tfull t natrium l> for $2X0. liy mail, in plain wrapper. upon r??c*li?t of price. (Irmfar j**? AJ AX REMEDY CO., 'cll2^ri,tu i For salt* in Lancaster, 8. <3., by J. F. Muokey A Co. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time llrtw??u ( ..I iitiibla ami .Tr%oU uuvlllo. Kuatoru rime Urtirusu Columbia anil Oilier I'olnta. KKKKOTIVK J AN. JO, IH!?7 " ? "71" 3I;I no. ;IH N.. 34* Northbound. Ually.j llally. Oally Lv. J'vtllo. F.C.&P.Ry.. 0 topi 9 20 a 11 00 a " Savaunah 11 .Op 12 Wp 2 top Ar. Columbia Utoaj 4 18 p 0 44 p Lv. Char'tou.SCAOKK. 5?0p 7 10 a Ar. Columbia. lo lop 10 65 a Lv. Auirwta, So. By.... 0 'M ]> 2 10|> 5 00p " OranlteYUl? ... 10 12p 2 !S0p 5 2Sp ** Tronton lUbOp a os p j Mp " Johnston* 11 10 p 3 20p 0 W) ;> Ar. ColumbiuUn. rtep't. 2 17 a 4 Sip Lv Col'bla Hland'j? tit . 6 10 a 6 23 p 7 54 p " Wlnnalioro 0 18 u tl 15 j>, 8 47 p " Chi-titer 7 (W ? 7 lit ..I O ti .. " Rock Hill 7 43? 7 114pi lOO.'p Ar. Charlotte 8 5<> a 8 2?? ? ! 10 50 p " Danvtllo 1 UDpl lJQOntl - iw a Ar. Richmond 6 40p| 8 00 ft . Ar. Washington I 0 40 pi 8 42 n| 0 4.'. n " Rnliiniori; Pa. It. R.. 11 7251>' 8 Uini 11 <>s a 1 * Philadelphia 0 UU h 10 15 a' 1 Isji " New Vork... . 8 80ti| 12 4711>' It M |> K . N?. 33 S<>. 37 N..81* bout ntioiiml. ] i . Ilnlly. l>ally. I??ily. I,v. Now York. Ph. U.K. 1215nt 4 ?l pi IS lonn " Phlladc'piua... ... U GO a 8 55jii SlVip " Hultimorc ... 8 ai a 0 20nl 5 nop Lv. Wiuli'tiin, Ho. Ry.. 11 15a 10 4.1 p| IS 'Alp Lv. Richmond ... .j 1:' 55 p 2 'Ha; ... Lv. Ihitiv111* 8 20 p 6 50 m l-l 1 i " Chariot to . l(i 2 i p 0 lUi Hi 5 ? " Rock llill II Ortp lo VOo 5 i ' Chester llaTnt 10 55 ni 0 Sin " Wlsinshoro. 12 -II a 11 41 a 7 11a Ar Col'liia ISIand'g st . ) :i7 u 12 fiPnn 8 17 a Lv. Columbia Cn. tlcp't. 3uia 1 l.'ip " Johnstons. 5.51a 2 p 10 00 a " Trenton 8 15 n a p 10 12 a " Grniutevillo 8 57 a a 'M p 10 -!' a Ar. Augusta .7 45 a 1 I . ; 11 i a Lv.Col'blft,k.c.&g .Ky.l 7ouaj 4 00p.... . Ar.Charleston Uooal 8 00i>.... Lv. Col'bla. F.C.AF.Ry.j 12 47 n 11 55 a 7 27 a " Savannah 6U)n 4!Clpi 11 82 a Ar. Jackson v'llo. .. .1 POOs! " isj-; 0 DO;? HLKKHINU CAU HKHVI4 K Triple daily passenger service Iwiwnrn Florida anil New York. N'oa 51 and ;t2?Now York and Florida Limited. Through vcuHbuled fain bet warn bt. Augustine and New York, leaving each lertnlnal point (St. Augustine and New Yorkl dally except Sunday, composed of Ptillinau compartment sleeping cam, Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, Pullman oWuvutloii ?ar* and hotid dining car*. Also Pullinan drawing room buffet sleeping car* hot ween Aiig inlft a:id Now York. No*. U7and !W?Washington and Southwestern Liiultod. Solid Vent ibu led train with dining car* and first clas* coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars bet ween Tamna, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping car between Augusta and J Richmond. * Nos. !i5 and 38?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping curs 1sttween Jacksonville ami Now York and An- i L'UHt.i and Charlotte. Pullman ?lc,.|<Inp car* uot wt-cn Jacksonville and <'oluinluit, on route dally tvetwocn Ja> -kaouville and Ollicluuuti, via Ashcvlllo. \V. H. OltKBN, J. M. CUT.P, <4. Sunt., Washington. 'J' M , Wachlnpton. W. A TUKK. S. H. HAKDWlf'IC, <4. 1'. A.. Washington. A. <4 ' v .Vnntw. j "In addition to the above train Rervice, there ia a local train daily between Columbia and Charlotte, making all stops. No. 31 leaves Columbia (Blanding Street) at 5:00 p. m., arrives Charlotte 8:10 p. m. No. 33 leaves Charlotte daily 6:30 p. m., arrives Columbia 0:55 p. m." ?N*eRPRlSS A F1 lvST-CLASS weekly i Newspaper, and the Southern Cultivator or DIXIE FARMER, a i_ 1 ^lum* iigncti11 iirai journal, published in Atlanta, and in its Mthyear, for '$ 1.50 CASH IN ADVANCK, regular price $1.00 each. If you want both papers, send us $1.50 and start oarlv in flu. i-ndi ?As yon soil your cotton and pay up your dolus, do not neglect to pay the Kntkki'Kisk for your paper. A number have already paid up but a great many have not. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. .jjhmhfcj.: /; .- v hhhlraipclk QHIO RIVER AND CHARLESTON RAILWAY CO. i'ASSK VOKK 1 >Kl'A KTAI KNT. In Effect .Monday, Jan. 4th 18P7. Northbound. | I SuuiiiQotind * 361 II 33 STATIONS. :32| 12 34 a m a. m i-.m Iiv m. p.m. 8 J"! - 1 .Camden : I 3<>< 0"L 2 5't . Ui'KiiMi . I 1 12 0 15 u 15. . 302, Wesiviiie. 1 ?> ; 555 ???? . 3 1..; Kershaw. |l2 IS] 630 II 06 3 3d! Hea'h S|ii ili;'S..ill!32 4 35 I lw . ?A.' I'' ;??..Ill 1(111.. 1228 4 26 I2uft! Lancaster.... 1205 3 55 123Y . 4 I'll .. Riverside.. .. 11 4m 235 |-Ji>0( 4 "JO .... SprlDKdell.... 11 asl 205 1 .V' | 3 1 Cum wl.a Junction II 31 150 -"*'i I Hf*' Lesslte 11 I a | lib HI*;. .. liill ... 1100 12 6f. 4 20 5 00 .... Newport 051 10 55 I 10 5 15 .... Tl/.uh 0 471 10 15 50o, 530 .... Yorkvllle .... 0 35 I02U 0 051 _ 5 15... .Sharon 0201 vi50 o 30, 000 Hickory Urovc. 0051 0 26 8 l"j 010... .Stiiyriiu s 50 9 05 ' lui H00 ,l:w ...UlackHburg ... 8 30 6 10 8 *0 i 8 20 Earls . ... 5.55 | 830 I'attcrson Sjm n's 5 45 010 Shelby 5 30 040 ... Latimore .... 4 25 0 5O ... Moorcsboro ... 4 15 looo Henrietta 4 00 10 20 ...Forest City... 3 35 1050 ..Rutherford inn.. 3 05 .1105 Millwood.... 2 45 .1125 . Golden Valley.. 2 20 1135 . ..Thermit! City.. 2 15 . 13 to . .. dienwood ... t 150 .12 20 Morion i 1 30 p.m. . jp.m. p.m. p.m. . a.m.: a.M No. 32 li;ts connection with the Chester & I.enoir Railroad >it Yorkvllle, S. with the Soothern Rik way lit Rock Hill, S. C.. with the Seaboard Air l.liv' in Catawba JnnCtlon, S. with the Lancaster & Chester Railroad at Laneaster, S. <' . and with the South Carolina and ( eorttltk Railway at Camden. S C. No 33 has eont>ectlon with ll.o South t arolina and Geortrla Railway at Camden, S. (\, with the Lancaster A Ct ester ltnllr. ad at Luneaster. S C., with the Seaboard Air Line at Catawba Junction. S. 1, with the Southern Railway at Rock lllll. S. with the Chester & Lenoir Railroad at Yorkvllle, S. C.. and with the Southern Railway at Hlucksbury, S. C. Nos. 31 and 35 will carry Tr..soHirers. Nos. 11 and 12 have connection ut sl.eltvv v with tho Spiibosird Air Mm* :it ftlnr.on, N. (' Miai'kHhurt;. S- (\ with ih<- S?v:th< rti Hallway. SAMUEL HUNT, I 'resident, S. B. LUMPKIN, G. I?. A. Tourist Sleeping far Line between Washington und San Francisco. , - ' 'V Tlie Southern Railway and its i connections (the A ?V W. P.. L. tfe N. and Southern Pacific) have inaugurated a Tourist Sleeping | Car Line between Washington and San Francisco, via Atlanta, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. This sleeping car goes through without change, leaving Washington every Saturday morning at 11 :15, and is accompanied by a Personal Conductor and Pullman porter, who go through. The Pullman faro for double berth is $7.00 from Washington to San , Francisco. j' / This service is especially for tlif * convenience of the parties holding second-class tickets, though firstclass tickets are good iti the car. Further information may he obtained from any Southern Railway or Southern Pacific agent or ? official, or from A. J. Poston.^L (leneral Acent .111 Pfliinevlrnnia ?? Aveuue, Washington, I). C., or K from W. A Turk, G. P. A., So. Rv., Washington, D. C. LANCASTER A CHESTER RAILWAY. Retweon Chester ami Lancaster. In offect 7 00, Sutuluy, Feb. 11, 1 Hi?T. I)<til 1/ J'Jj'ct'jit Sun tlx//. Westbound Knstboond.. No. 9 No II. No 10. Na 12 A. M.jP M i |A. M I?. M. II nil 5 hilil Ai l.lie.iUT ...I.v 111. . 06 :i.V? OrrV . " ' II ??! 7 s r. * " ivi. \ ii "inI - m y -is! s iisl Mr Daniel's ' l ii mi 7 'to * i%) 6 Un'il " . Ktl'hhUrK.... " I II fc? 7 hO S I.Si 4 !>.< llasi'olIlVlile. " I 17 U'> S ? x itfij I I > * '.( < ilur Shou.s ' I -J 1 x ] ? 7 I II". ,1 .port Lawn ." 17' n 'Ji) 7 S?; I '.si ? Graces... " Itol s :<?. 7 7x: 4 |o " Miller's Cross'K " I- S t.S 7 7'o I <?) '1 L\ Lancaster.. Ar| I mil x 5) A M |P M.I IIV M. Train leaiiiiK Lancaster at 7,7'o a. in., con nocls at Chester with Southern Hallway yumy south, C I, I'olne north ami O C. A N Vestibule and local trains K"lnx west. Train leavlnir Lancaster at 3 40 p. m , con in els at Lancaster with O. 1{. A C Irorn Cam den. anil Chester with Southern Hallway folrur north anil south anil with C. A L. north. Train leaving Chester at 11 oft a. m. , connects at Chester with Southern Hallway frotn Charlotte, also C. & 1, from north. Train leaving Chester nt 7:05 p. in., connects with Southern Hallway from Columbia. G. C. a N. from Atlanta ami C. A H from Lenoir. l.EKOY SI'KIM.S, j \V. If. HA HDIN, President Vioc-l'res. and Malinger. Tetter, Hnlt'Ilheum unit Eczema. ! The intense itching ami smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed | by applying Chamberlain's Eye and , Skin Ointuieut- Many very bad cases 1 llftVe been iieriniinefif 1?.? enroll Lo il It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, (rest, bites ; and chronic sore eyes. 2-5 eta. pci bo*. Dr. Cady'i Condition Powder*, are just what a horso needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood pnHlier and vermifuge. They are not foo<l but medicine and the best in nse to put a horse in prtmo condition. Price 21 A cento per package. <J|