LOUALJNTELLIGENCE Saturday, December 29, 19( 3 -GO TO- - F. E. PROPST'S For Fruit Cake material. He has quantity and quality. RoyalExcelsior Currants .......17he. Seeded Raisins. ................15c. Citrou Fresh and Fine... ..... 20c. Figs.................... 12c. Fruits of all kinds. Prompt delivery. LOCAL MATTERS. -Read the notice of D. V. Walker & Co. elsewhere. -Read McMas.er Co.'s new adver tisement in this morning's issue. Miss Emma De Woody, of Pine Bluff, Arkansaw, is the guest of Miss Mamie Jordan. The. most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. McMaster Co. -A small and very informal dance was given in the Armory on Thursday night. The music was furnished by the lo-al band. -Rev. H arol 1 Thomas will hold ser vices in St. John's Episcopal Church on Se aday mo. ning at 11 o'clock, and at 7.30 e'clock on Sunday evening. -A -eception will be given thlis evenin at the residence of Mr Jas. Q. Davis by the congregation of St John's Uhuch in honor af Rev. Mr. Thomas and his bride. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse liver, remove obstructions and invigorate the system. McMaster Co. CeuXIN AND GOIN. Messrs. E. W. and Hamilton Hana ban spent Christmas at home. Miss Lala Davidson has returned to Chester, after visiting Miss Annie Davis. Mr. J. J. Neil, Jr , has gone to Charleston where he is temporarily employed in the postoffice. Miss Helen and Jeannete Stewart and Miss Daysie Brockiogton arrived last night and will spend several days at home. V A. 0 O T4.EL XA.. The id Yo Hso Always Do& GEORGE E. BOGGS DEAD Mr. George E. Boggs died at his home at Livingston, N. C., on last Thursday, and the funeral services will ho held at the Presbyterian Church this morning at 10.30 o'clock. Mr. Boggs belonged to the well known Frirfield family of that name, being a son of Rev. G. W. Boggs. His mother was an aunt of Sheriff R. E. Ellison. .Ae was born in 'Wiensboro about 5E ~~~ age, and joined the Fairfiek~ Fencibles on the breaking out of the war, and became a member of the famous 6th Regiment. At Seven. Pines he was desperately wounded. He engaged in planting on James Island for awhile and subsequently went into the insurance business. He moved to North Carolina a number < f years ago, and engaged in the nursery business. He was a good business san, and it is sid that his business was a success. A Monster Dev'il Fluhb - Destroying its victiiz, is a type of Constipation. The power of this murderous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at Mc Master Co.'s drz'g store. A FATAL ACCIDENT Little Mary Stevenson, the 3-year 'old daughter ot Mr. Jzuo. B. Steven son, met with a terrible accident on Friday morning. The little girl was playing in the yard near a granite post, upon wbich another child was sitting,1 when the post feli over on the little gui, striking her on the head and in fileting a terrible wound. Dr. Lind say was immediately called, but fond upon bis arrival that nothing could be done for the child, the injury being so serious that t bere was no chance for he& recovery, and she died about 41 o'clock Friday afternoon. This is one of the saddest things that has ever happened here, and the perents have the sincerJpnathy~ of S the w~le--6iTht The little girl was a bright and attractive child and was the idol of her family. When you need a soothing and besl ing atiseptic applhcation for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hr.zel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores witboni leaving a r-car. Beware of counterfeute. Mc~faster Co. A Rear End Colilson On Wednesday morning, near the~ freight depot, a north-bound freight train ran into the rear end of a freight trinit w bich w as standing on the main track, but fortunately no one was in jurel The second train, which was undef orders to go through town with out stopping, was making good time, but up~on coming around tbe curve in f tae road, near the town limits, the engineer of tbe train saw the other freight staniding on the main line and did his '-must to stop his train be:ere it ieac1 I the other. The distance was b ~ too s :t, however, and the engine strue tbe cab of the first train with eno~ force to splinter it. The en ir d was also badly ikinured, and thbe first car box on the second train was .a-ken As ar an a nossible the WHY COUGH t Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Couh and Mleasle-Cough without fail. mothers praise . t Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis,' Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. Quick, sure results. 1 Price, s5 cents. Refuse the dealer's substitute. D.Bulrs COUCH SYRUP Always cures when others fail. Dr.BuU'SPUlsicurConspation. so pills loc. broken eng ine was sent back to Celum- I bia. Who is responsible for the acci dent has not yet been found out, but it is supposed to lie between the flag man and the engineer of the first train, and is thought to have been caused by great carelessness on the part of one. Had the engineer of the second train not seen the other train in time to check his speed, the collision would have been very much more' serious. The whole matter will be investigated at once. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the biave General Buruham, of Machias, Me., when the doctors said 3he could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S, H. Lincoln, who attend ed ner that fearful night. "All thought she must soom- di-am-. wmonia but she begged for Dr. King s . ew Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at McMaster Co.'s drug store. A FOUL XURDER. Wiiam Eo(borough, an Esteemed Col ored Man, Found Dead. William Rosborough, the colored merchant, attended a business meeting of the deacons of his church (St. Paul's Baptist Church) on Monday night, Christmas Eve. While be was in the charch, William Smith, the sexton, in formed him that some one on the oat side wanted to see him. Rosborough went out and never returned. Becom ing alarmed, his brother-in-law, Arthur Golding, and others, went in search of him after the meeting adjourned and found him dead about 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning. He was lying about 100 yards from the church, with a gun shot wound in his chest. They then notified the policemen. William Smith, Wm. White, John Rowe and Sam Craig have all been arrested. The oroner'. jur y was impanelled by Mag istrate (.&heart on Christmas day, ani it is still inivestigating the case. Smith has been released. It is supposed that Roborough, who was a very succeas ful business man, had a hundred dol lars or so abput him, and all of this as well as his atch had been taken fromr - ~as fn his pockeis were turned inst out in licating that rabbery was the ? . osborough was an nunsually 'pros- C 3erons and enterprising colored man, I ,d was very highly thought of by the white people of Winnsboro. RIDGEwAY ITEMS. .. A. large crowd was gathered at the A. E. Church on the evening of De ~ember 27th to witness th~e marriage a )f Miss Alice McEachern to Mr. Henry ta ~shell of LKershaw. The church was c n holiday attire, the pearly white of ' e mis tletoe and the gleaming red of a e holly made it a tower of beauty. a he bridal party entered to the sweet nusic of the wedding march, and hile the young coup!e plighted their roth the soft strains of "Annie Lau ie" fell on the listening ear. The bride wore a hanaisome gown of white satin and rain sauce, en trainf aer statelf head crowned with the soft I ridal veil anid wreath of orange blos- f omu carried a bouquet of mareschal 1 teil roses and ferns. The brides e naids, Misses Sara Coleman, Margaret b bell, Margaret Lee, of Sumter, Sallie S e Harrisoii, were dainty and sweett n white organdie over white silk, y ~arrying bouquets of holly and mistle- si .oe. Tbe ushers were Dr. Burdell, of s: amden, Messrs. Walter Isbell, of .9 er.haw, Jack Crompton and Ed. icEachern- The bride entered on he arm of ber' maid of honor, Miss pt thel Rabb. The groom with his best nan, Mr. Mills, of Camden. After - be ceremony a reception was given at he home of the bride's parents. Mr. d Mrs. Isbell left on the midnight rain for Camden. The bride was a general favorite and il be greatly missed. A century of tappines attend them! On December 26 Miss Ella Campbell' vas quietly married at home to Mr. lakely, of Laurens. Mrs. Sloan, of Davidson, is visiting cr mot ber, Mrs. Camnibell. Misses May Thomas, Corrie Wi'son, ?ear Joh son and Lula Hinnant are ht home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lema'ter are visiting friend. in Urion. Dr. and Mrs. Hoover spent Christ nas in Hampton. Misses Isabel, Harriet and Floy Ruft are ependit g the holidaysa in unmter. Mr. Ed. Boyd iq at bomne. Dr. Sawyer is in town. Messrs. W. Herbert Ruff', Jr , and John Wilson are at home for the holi Mr. and Mrs. John DesPortes are isiting Mrs. Blakely Boyd. Mise Ella Mooe, Sar Coleman nad Eeanor DePortes are enj'iyifg beir vacation. Miss Jean Coleman,of Florida, is pending Christmas with her mother Mr. George Moore came to attend N he Isbell-McEachern weddinng. N Misses Jennie Bolick and Ste'la Walker are at home. D. p Dec. 27, 1900. A Frightful Blunder - Will often cause a horrible Burn, cald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'b Ar ica Salve, the best in the world, will o1 :ill the pain and promptly heal it. 'res Old Sores, Fever Sorc;, Ulcers, ;oils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Erup ions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only L 5 cts. a box. Care guaranteed. Sold oy McMaster Co., druggists. Cold Steel or Death. "There is but one small chance to T ave your life and that is through an )psration,-' was the awful rospect set efore Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, ti Wis., by her doctor after vainly try. ng to cure her of a frighful case of t, tomach trouble and yellow jaundice. s le didn't count on the marvelous SI >owe; of Electric Bitters to cure ft tomach and Liver trouble3, but she eard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided su geon's knife, ow weighs more and feels better than ver. It's positively guaranteed to cure tomach, Liver and Kidney troubles uid never disappoints. Price 50c at 8t dcMaster Co.'s drug store. c A 0 fiv C Za. .a.L b Tha Kind You Hats Always BUght g sign 1:0 e:1Y,--# Cf LA~r*(4 Don't use any of the counterfeits of . DeWitt's Witci Hazel Salve. Most of hem are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt's Witch azel Salve is a certain cure for piles, czema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and ikin diseases. McMaster Co. When the stomach is tired out it must ti have a rest, but we can't live without. rood. Kodol Dyspipsia Cure "digets h what you eat" so that you can eat all bhe good fooI yon want while it is re storing the digestive organs to health. t is the only preparation that digests a li kInds of food. MeMaster Co. it CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. V The Kind You Have Always Bought o Beas the 9 Igatue of , Help is needed at once when a per ton's life is in danger. A neglected d :ongh or cold may soon become r.eri >as and should be stopped at once. )ne Minute Coigh Care quickly cures :ongbs and colds and the worst cases > croup, bronchitis, grippe and other bhroat and lung tronbks. McMaster y, Many persons have had the experi-1 mee of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North stratford, N. H., who says, "For years [suffered torture from chronicindi estion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ade a well man of mse." It digests whbo ato adsalcrtain en forI, rouble. It gives relief at once even ~the worst cases, and can't helpbut oyou good. McMaster Co., - di nnual Notice. JS _____________fo LL persons holding claims against .the County of Fairfield will pre- c ut the samne to this office on or be )re the 1st day of Jansuarv, 1991' tic B. G. TENNANT, tw 12td Count y Supervisor. , LAND FOR SALE. tu 135 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, th ear Hop, or Old Buckhead. A cot- fie ige, good well and never failing eek or branch on said place. Con enient to good school, churches, &c. Aiso, house and lot in Winnsboro: ear busness part of town, good well, d other convgniences on said lot. For termsg Apply tol1'JWS AND HERALD. 12-9tf For Sale. _______________31 AS AGENT FOR THE TEU3STEES : Ministers and I~eacon Baptist - rsion of Fairfield County. I will efier r se on the 7th day of January, FE 01: House and lot fronting on Zion reet, in the town of Wirnsboro, ntaining one-half acre, more or legs, eing the house formerly used by the t. Pal congregation. Terms of Sale: One-third cash and ic balance on a credit of one sudI two ears, payable in two equal annual in alment, with ihterest from day of le, to be secured by the bond of the circhaser and a mortgage of the prem es. sold. or a greater portion or all ish at the option of purchaser. The rchaser to pay for all necessary prer. ''J. C. JACKSO , 1225-2 Agent. FRE&E! VITH ONE BOTTLE OF ME LREE'S ONE OF ed pa DeVOE'S " it re WeIstr' UonvHv PRESTON LGENT FOR Pacific Fire Insurancem ew York. Glen Fall Insurance up ew York. Rochester German lance my of Rochester, N. I Solicits share of publitron 9-26-ly T INSURAl'OL AFE bonghtjfort or Apply to T. M. CAAR Wirro, 184 Jan. 1901. Notic. a the Pablic and tom i Concern: Notice is hereby gbat is day sold to D. IL D. the entire stock ofian e late Q. D. Wil an >ectfully ask that mds e same liberal pati on at they have given ne p J. L. MTG sir Winneboro, S. C., 4 1 We having this d ock of mercbandis rd, deceased, respec the public patrons call to carry one of t ods in the up-con pect to sell at prices >mpetition. . D. V. WA December26, 1900 1hristrr Hon Are close on ie heaviest stock o p IE'S ever brought te 1 astling means anr ace this stock in th ' POUN Chocola bulk. X UR package. ' are more b mply works of art. 1 RY a jar of Pineapple of Aprle Batter. fICKLES and less variety. INCE Meat age. LL kinds o dies. OR Cranberri on us. We want yo )r Sour trade. -ade. 2'. MV. HA Dealer in Fi All good~s delive TE OF :or will be open rom thei1st day naary to the 20th~ day of February the purpose of' receiving tax re-s ens. Returns te.'e made of all per nal property. A penalty of 50 per a will be added when parties fail to rke returns with'n the above men ned dates. All male persona be *een t1- ges of 21 and 60 are liable p" rmi~ees otherwise exempt u required to make re rhe Audnour or Deputy will be at following places on the days speci Abion, Tuesday, January 15. Bnckhad, Wednesday, January 16. Wolling. Thursday, January 17. by ville, Friday, January 18. ~dward, Tu'esday, January 22. a te Oak, Wed ray, January 23. iaddens Grove, Tlreday, January hint Hill, Friday, Jabunary 25. .ongtown, Tuesday, January 29. Dentreville, Wednesd y, January 30. M. L. Cooper's, Thurkday, January Blvthewood, Friday, Esbruary 1. Ridgeway, Tuesday, February, 5. Ioreb (Curlee's Store)~ Wednesday, brary 6. Jenkinsville, Thursday~ February 7. Monticello, Friday, Fe uary 8. J. L. RICE OND, A. F.C. -An Elegant - Lin'Zf GARWOOD'S PERF S BULD AN]) PACKA GE GOODS, BATH TABLET ELORIDA WATE15' SMELLING SALTS' SACHET POWDER, ETC., ETC. >bear Drug_0Z mong the tens of thousand,who ye used Chamberlain's Cough Pem y for colds and la grippe durinj the St few years, to ourknwegno ;ingle case has resulted in poe 240 e. To. Whitfield & Co.. abash avenue, Chicago, oneofh St prominent retail draggit in t y, in speaking of tbis, says: b :ommend Chamberlain's Cog l medy for la grippe in many casesas not only gives prompt and couiplt covery, but also counteracts any t ' cy of Ia grippe to result in pn~ - ani" For salt by McMaster Co. ti RCANA wllcuis CstipetonJ * IMI ALL P: the estate o please come save expens counts will attorney fo: notice you v S have CE o.If re eeks. finest 11 Bon year ever, erves, end pack- -' New Fur Thanking our patrons fc heir future favors. ~---EBD, SA Dessee) Good Saddler,, Fi n' - re Lambr Mules, I seli the noted RO@K HILL 'A little higher in price, bfil M1arness and Saddles of all d I also have a fine supply >aration for healing Old Soz repared by the best veteriai urchasing, and I guaran tee 1't Phone 59. Residence Pho> Postole. Box 134. K'ONEY TO I I have made arrangeme rokers in New York City ans on first mortgage of irms for five ',ears' time, p staiments, at the low ratb int interest per annum. Th< re and charge for abstract at cn are reasonab'e. Apply { J. E. McDONJ 10-4 A ftrmey a PORTANT. ERSONS INDEBTED TO E Q. D. Williford, deceased, will fotward and settle at once'and e, as after January ist all ac be placed in the hands of an collection. This is the last 7ill get. MIMNALIGH, 4%r OPPok niture I rrived and to Arrive!I NEW DESIGNISI BEST WORKMANSHIPI And we are right in the price according to quality. Lower prices mean lower grades and poor workmanship. Everything warranted as represented. With a long experience in the fri.iture business and being a practical workman, we mean what we say. Experience has taught us what the trade needs. - We willitell you somethtng im portant about Sewing Macbines - and Stoves later. r past ftnors, we promise to do our best to merit -~4~ AND IVERY STABL. IORSES, MULES, BUGGIES, AERNES8, SAD. DBES, and everything that belongs to a horse. 8 and MULES direct from the Horse State (Ten ne Roadsters, and good farm Brood Mares; some md plenty medium-sized Cotton Mules. .~BUGGY CO.'s BUGGIES. the. B.EST BUGGY in the State for the money." escription. of hors~e medicines, such as "Colic Cure," Dre Es. Thrash. Condition Powders; Pargatiyes,*c., $trc inVrginia. When in need, see me before saisfaco. WINNSBORO, 5.0. OAN MONEY TO LOAN at. with to make On Improved Farms secnated by Srat [iproved mortgsges. Interest 8 per cent. [. ayable in sums not less than $500, S to 8 years. of 7 per No commissine. lorrower pays a broker- ual eruenses. d inspea. A. 5 .M @OA4 Winnabere. s& Lfer W 3. PALME hS, * 8th. e~3 i ~EWS.. S K ~'U. 130 ~LUTTZI DILL EUh~ NTU LAWYP 'al-I, M@1N.&Uh~ ~'* a.' .,WIIM. as sheaply as aaywhm Iheltato. GIVE~USACjAAj~~ -, 4 E~.sy pezay m* keme ie kept at hem UNDERTAKING Ni ALL ITS IM4N~ wbhafulist.ck 6aau a.' O.Sas, ~yaame~ - a.duueethsarust~g~~ Thaa~u1 ~sr past js~ms a~ag~' WI.. for a sham Ia~*wrs, eM stead 6mb atI.sdgd w -. -"p ~ ~ JOE. ~ 4N4 '~