nt c Railroat nce of m~ ch isscue dauthority c e premises, be blic discussiot the tarpayersi ore. In giving m refe--ence to tbe pre uds, sustained by th e constitution and th ited, I have only exei natitutionat right of fre ich i' guarantesd to th citizen in this land of liberty opose on all proper occasions think the public interests de it, to exercise this constitutions t, without fear, favor or affection tat the same time, with due con deration, and respect for the righti of others. "The very head and fro,, f my of fending Hath this extent, no more." I expect the town council to consult their own attorney, and when -o in structed as to the law relating to their authority in the matter, to do their duty as they may be advised, wit bont regard to what I may say, and n awed by '-the Anale" which <.oses my friend's communication. In regard to what my friend says Ut legal advice being an "uncertain the legal advice give his ' friend a zealous banker," by his legal adviser, with respect to the necessity of protebt- b) ing a note in order to hold the en- n dorsers liable and the payment of pro- Y test fees, I suppose my friend had [l some object in inserting what purports a to be the experience of a mmnager of a i bank with his legal advisers; but to me, w it set me, it is not at all germane to thbe ilt question under discussion. But what- 01 ever -ting may lurk in it, is very ce easily extracted, and whatever covert" purpose may underlie it, is rendered a' perfectly harumless, by a correct state- U >ment of the law. Our courts in this State, whenever the question was made, have always decided that it is not necessary to protest an inland J bill of exchange or promissory note, made and endorsed by parties living in the State, but if a note is made by a - person residing in one State and payable to a person residing in another State, it is considered a foreign bill of exchange and protest is absolutely I necessary. But it has always been the custom of the banks in this State as far back as my knowledge extend,, to protest all notes, whether classed as ha Inland bills or foreign bills, and to m -charge protest fees, and whenever BI notes which were protested have been placed in my bands fir collection, I have atways collected the protest fees of as well as the principal and interest trc Ane on the notes. While the courts have held as above stated, with re gard to protest of note., they have al- dm. ways insisted on proof of the present- - ulent ofta note to the maker, at maturi- A 7 shown bytheU . 'I and its owiieo ,fare seven thousand people in trhe tA and suburbs. Its town councii hal recently issued $35.000, of 4 perce D onds at 10'.05, for the constructioi D of a sewerage system. Yorkville hai y had tbe advantage of t wo independent lines of railroad, for ten years or more and has now a population of two thou 6 sand and twelve, and only recently ha e commenced to grow by thie erection o1 .factories an d municipal improvements, SA correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier, whe is a residerni B of Y'orkville, in a very recent issue of ;that paper say.: "Yorkville is at the ,mercy of two indepezident railroads, . and would be glad to see them bot gobbled by one of the great systems." If the toewn of Winnsboro should issue $50,000 of 5 per cent bonds, as proposed by my friend, it would have to pay not only $2,500, interest each year, but an additional amount of $1,250, if they be 40;yu bonjda, for a sinking fund to pay the principal wvhen due, as required by Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution of the State. The amount raise'd by the taxes now Jevied by tbe town council amount to $2,500. To pav~the interest and pro vide a sinking fund for the payment of the proposed issue of bonds at their maturity won Id require a t ax sufficient to raise $6,250 per annum, an in crease of 150 per cent. A. S. Dongiss. MRs. WINSLOW's SOOTHING ST~ as beeni used for over fifty years by tii->'ns of mothers for their children bhile te.thinig, with perfect anecess. soo-hes th - eb d, so'tnei the sums, lays a 'i in, wn es w in-i c.>lic, anid rrie be~-remedici for d a:.a ho'a it itli reiev'. the poor litt c' -fferer run -dwub. 8:,d be droiisits in .ra par if' ii.e~ ...rld. T l.c Iv 6ve :11 a bo.t;tle. B-. -ure atid . k for id cik, * ., rt In . I z-7 WE HAVE ust Received Direct from England a complete - line of T Au extra supply- of GLASSW AfE s also been added to thia depart mnt, together with a nice s!ection of Fa ne and White Enaimeled Ware We cordially extend an inepection' :hese eoods to every ore. No uble to show them or quote prices. . W. SEIG LER2 'he dw FRICANA w'lUcure Rheu"-mann and j * Scoaa oSa CMrd.c iaques an i edali Mirrors. Shaving Sets. . Photo Frames and Albums. Tea Sets (all prices). Cups and Saucers. F China Plates. CORailroads. - Sailboats. SBird~s of Paradise. Vrses. o Fine Candies. Toys too numerous Do'tforget the sa odplace. Yours for a Merry Xmas JNO.H. McMASTER&C Druggists. IN STOCK' SHINGLES, LIME [YDRAkULIC CEMENT $1 .251per Bushel. /I.W.Doty & Co. IE MALLARD LUMBE CO., (Lirnitec,) --OF iEELEY1TJLLE ail GREENVlLLE, S. G., rnishes Lumber, Building Materials >t all kinds, and are contractors for brick or wood houses. Their representative, MR. J. M. McROY, low in Winnsboro doi'ig work for cotton mills and erecting several allings in town. riformation will be given by Mr Rne at 1# innahnrn. 11.1..m "4 n ... ontpt d Irtd I wIl selb LAId C s i of Fairetate of Sourth (r on iecwest of l th e l o n e wayt conaining nWiin TWOA, HNDRE DAC more or luses and being inthe Mf ay E. e, Sand of wouhC oedmatetwest of J on A. mone-thrd ei, and thengbal dary of sae, tnof escre MayEKe purchaserze and a o sodatt esi sofd with tt Vsirrin oF P f thecrdi ei puca ndeene AD' 'M~ * ayr Bouni and rec e d, good lpriel bh eno y , 1901 purchas ing del proerty Io havethreo:fu Allmbin atationHorss ptrateI lyin, oidwore and el inth outbfo ared StaeofSo. h oTheyae wterclimatedad Creel onamil wokgoe of them tore o me ae, su~itaienorhav wrkg mor tem as cheap anodc ben t landwevreds ba few pAg. MO tosema EI will ary and wpic reer, ied yubseie and c Carrsno si you cotee me al. TERMtoryou.z IOmnewysnthir cake, andthba reyan dits of oeandl that yoear todl.y See me, teoeo seclr. Winnsboro, wit.t For te Thaksgivn Hfo nrlrse st ul o and eG~ ROoERIE;S.h e njopy t~,~hesl gods snie CmBiaton Harms, npModassesR diers and ceders; ate fnc thee BMsnArps, ,nd oCesand Goods br satb es or c briod nae th l i -eto -justv as orhankful brokie at Theysah godarrclimatdl and can qu ofall ha w o oer isof the hunreI meamlesto se~e for 'hev ork htI selthe A gos dhep seorcaeby. anyhere . Alo9 fwplg' #10,00( ARE YOU VICTO IF The and receive a certificate which 1,ooo Cash Prizes by the PR: ing the nearest guess or estim of 1991, which will be taken. We have made arrangeml to participate in the distributi UNTIL FURTHER NC AND HERALD will be entit by paying their subscriptions ber. You get the guess abso When you send in your as plainly as possible. As so PUBLISHING ASSOCIArj prize that you may draw. W, subscriber will, receive as man >ND HERALD. If you w also be entitled to one guess. To aid sul Year. Total Population. 1871 3.689.257 -1881 4.324.810 1891 4,833,239 The population for 1901 at atr over the population would (An increase At an increase of 15 per cent (An increase At an increase of 20 per cent (An increase At an increase of 25 per cent (An increase o sr tome fore the bnro on FJAlf escribed )f land, County arolina, , abut Ridge Address your or< tract of Lqgg to Lhe said ssessed Keev. Farmers, e aneo *+* Attentic st from _______ I bythe ortgage NOW Id THE TIME TO BI e privi whole- Pla|ntatioen inst al y. OUR STOCK OF HEA.VY G ceries is now complete. ___ We cater specially for the farrm ""trade. Woe know what they need, are prepared to set ve them an. al tom prices. IWe also carry a nice Jine of s goods SHOES, HATS, DR1 GOODS, COP NOTIONS, ~jand everything usually found ii rood general store. sad- I"Goods delivered to our city r nice Come and see us. -W. R. RABB & C GRANITE CORNER. an 0OBEAR'S trge can bem ae Dyspepsia ile id I ~vllTa blets will ave -Cu res Indigestion Dyspepsia. Hoiday... Goods. I have a nice selection ju. opened for inspection from whi, to select your Christmas Presen1 consisting of SLEEVE and COLLAR ist BUTTONS, PINS, RINGS, as BRACELETS, s'and FANCY GOODS. Di, an As, nice presents in Chix SPated ogers & Bros'. Celebrate e.P dt Wares, as che a d relit - l sthey con be b.ht an: where. )U Call soon and imake your soee tion. C. M Chandlei )TO BE dX\ INTERESTED RIA 'S GREA TL SO, SEND YOUR GUESS A-ND SL News anc will entitle you to participate in ESS PUBLISHING ASSOCI.Van ate of the population of the Dom n \pril 1. nts with the PRESS PUBLISiI" " on of the prizu-;. amounting to i TICELeer : w 1 ed to one Iuess. tn 1st January, 190!, proddi such p utely free. YOUR GUE ;ubscription you make your guess. 1e an as we receive your subscription xve ON, OF DETROIT. MICH., contamir will file th- duplicate certincate witi y certificates andlhave as many guesses mnt more than one guess get your friE Valuable inform >scribers in forming their estimate, we fu Increaze. Per Cent. 635.553 17 23 508,429 11 19 To the i:eal increase of 12 per cent To the 2nd be 5,413,227 To the 3rd, :f 579,988) To the 4th. it would be 5,558,224 To the 5th >f 724,985) To the 6th. it wonid be 5,799,886 To the nex )f 966,647) each, am it woa!d be 6,041,548 To the m-x E 1,208,309) each, am To the next each, aan To tle ~ex1 each, ami To the ext each, ami Tota!, I In can of equal:y con them. lers to THE NEWS, SOUTHERN RAILWA Oantral Time at Jacksonville and Sain Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedulo in Effect June 10th, 1900 " Springsleld .....!.. ...444P 4 RO v. Charleston, (So.Ry... .... 10a ~ "Summervifllo.......... 41a1 120 er' " Branchville ........ .....85a 1. ers Orangeburg ........... 23a2 ).Ar. Columbia .........._... 11 00a_5_ Lv. Augusta, (So Ry ... uGa 255p ~9i Lv.Graniteville .......245a 826p 10: hei . L Edgefield ............. i1p .. Lv. Aiken ........... 315p Lv. Trenton .......... 053 11 "Johnston.............. 520a 419p1112 Ar. Columbia, (U. D.),........... 545p 2' Lv. Columbia, (Bidg St....930a 610p 6 5 " Winnsboro............ .....7 703p 7 "Chester............... ..... 751p 8: " Rock Hill .......... 823>p 81t a Ar. Charlotte .......... .... .... 90 p 04 \V. ashington ..... . /E'i "Baltimore (Pa.RR)... .... 912a112 "?hiladelphia..........!...... 11835a 2 1 " ew York...........i...... 2 03p 61 Col mbi .......... ...1 40a1 6l .Spartanburg ..............810p 05 ".A.h.le................ ...... 715pl 11 . Cincinnat . ........ fE 7 4 '. Louisvile ............. T45TI Lv. Knoxville ............... . ET " Asheville............. ...... 800:-. 80i "Spartanburg ...........11 453 61l 4r. olumbia ..p..... ...820) 9 4 ". Ic ,. .... ... . V. reot ................ * Rok E11 .................. 5a 10~ " Chester ............. 25a 14 "Winnsbord ........... ...... 10 18a 1( . Columbia, (Bdg St... O809 112Ca 1' .Columbia,(..)....... 11 45a4 Johnstn .............. 1 i8 p 1 886 "Trenton .............. 1 148p 8 4 Ar. GranitevilM......... iLd6t T~ Ti r. Aurusta ........... *100a S50 8 0C " gville................ 48p88 Ar. Charleston ........ ...81.5p 700 Lv. Columbia (So. Rly.) .~12oa'1 2( Ar. all ................ .... 12 7p1 282 "Springfield ...........,..... 1245.p 2 40 "Blackville......... .... .... 107p 800. " Barnwell . . - --. . ..' ..- 121n 8 1 *Trins43and44(mixed except Sunday arrive and depart from Hamburg. tIDaily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Service. Excellent (taiy passenger service bectweei ..Florida and New York. Nos. :Al and 34-New York and Flo.lds Exz Augusta and New York. Pullmn drawing-room sleejinug car:s be tween Port Tamna, Jackrsonvi le, So-annah .st Washington and Ne-:. York. fulmncleping cars between Chw ) kto an: h ihod. Dining cars between Ch2arlotte Sd Nsav~>andh 86-U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawinit-room buffetsepigcrb Iween Jacksonville and New Yors: and Pull man sleening cars between Augusta and Ohar. lotte. Dining cars serve nil meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jnckso vlle~ and Colmbia. enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FR ANK S. GANNON, J. 31. CLL.. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Trainc Macr., Washngton, D. C. Washington.D. C W. A. TURK. S. E. H ARDWICK, Gen. Pass. A g't. .As't Gen. Pass. A g't. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, G~a. d rIJE POSITION OF RESIDENT I SperinI Agent of thie Eqgji b Life Accurance S ciet fIr Wi. olc and vici-:ity i opened to a to of good character s~nd abili'y. A v~ u:: ble contract, carrying renewa!s. n be gie totei t mat'.A r . W. J.RDD Y Jgr., Rock HI , S. C.9-13td TLN AWAY. IN QUEEN .ST DOMINION? -SCRIPTION TO I Herald bution of .io,ooo to be distributed in DETROIT. MiCH., among those mak * >nada, as shown by the official census CJI A T iON to enable our subscribers years subscription to THE NEWS ears may take advantage of this offer . s made on or before the 24th Decemr S and write your name, address and guess send you a cerfificate of the PRESS your guess, which vill entitle you to any th- Press Pubiiing Association. Every as he sends -ubscriptions to THE nds and, neighbors to subscribe. They wil a -ton rnish the following data. m to bMAEMi~o as FMloi: cst correct guess, $5,000 00 0 2,000 00 700 00 30000 10000 5000 12 s:iret correct guesses, $10.00 Oanililg to 120 00 t 42 nearest correct guesses, $5.00 unt1ing to 210 00 100 nearest correct guesses, $3.00 >uning to 300 00 380 nearest correct guesses, $2.00 )unting to 760 00 4d0 nearest correct guesse!, $1.00 2nniing to 460 09 ,000 prizes, amounting to $10,000 00 a tie, or that two or more estimators are 'e.,, prizes will be divided equally between AND HERALD, Winnsboro, S. C The Easy Running "HOUSEHOLD" oa 2 The most modern Sewing ~Machine of the age, embrac ingfl all the latest improve ments. Unequaled for Dura bility, Range of Work and SSimplicity. yDealers wanted in unoccu 2pied territory. Correspon dence solicited. Address, J. HI. DERBYSHIRE. jGeneral Agent, RICHIMOND, VIR6INIA. P12-28-Iy Cfalotte almmdRQUI8 Chariot, N. C ., 81 ' a Roume, Gr'., established i n 1886. now und~raer one mnagem~~jeng, offers Sece~pt)i>al advan.tages to an one (lesi: inig a thrub 1 raictical basi ii:.e n' d" r.:ng~ 1 te enit<.ry covered excepor .?... ch!aino fo.r se'cu1-ing post- . cons e -:: i'rr f ee 'ou ai posi Onl if .le V IIe u'' girdivtct ctnrie. n e :r o . '' .<'' ' n n- ' large YX~ ii :j'. 'r 'utg '.omn may nrol in e. heIe. t eke If u on et a tenc'lrap oer, book cha e' a *. C. If ': e' c not a mr.og r.. r :Dck..& ':. er, spend a fe- r ., y n one ' f h ese r-chools and 2'et r ou -'I in ciye for ear~ money. send 25 cans ot rt gct our Poetet Cii yen need. F *r e reula~r; a tio. aIhrim