e-I TRI WEEKLY EDITION WINNSBOROS On nn ESTABISED 1844. * nx e -.a W ,; oI -\on to ee.rA m - .)Down r: ecrr - And the dirn :o - P. ep rhi.i -r 9 - ,:'was born fo Lx' u> worn I N A 7D 49, with the coal bin Piled .4.4 higlkand her water box full erwing, backed Sul - -n' the baggageI nk". that -y- -the 15stser SaL a u rnk .in the baggage car witNI hbis pile of papers by his side, waiting for the train to start, he could think of nothing but that happy reunion. C Ben had been saving up for this Christmas with more than the, usualm stinting and el-dni and the reCsult of it all now stood before him _, ally packed in a wooden box. T w e hr eeaor h 7' loowithuphetctal bininier. "What .iin her waeertboe ful -Halftpkt eight to gh e1cnd- ui rowled thelentheer. upge no whre'."criedthe freman who eT: nae wasStebg"Nie Carithas wi eof have 1.ucy is wsid waitioof fo thvera ts. sthy hoe have th tike I b ofoing, bu thatly haulleuio. 'Beun hebo preint ape thir trin Chriht-as wim orwithani the mothurl stg Tndhelfeniinks the rneslt efi l o stuc l betnh re an h L Qe / caked in awdgn uswoxw. ak TA n thmoet we abadrte7: of th iytis chee. Pacrly henu tieae priki down he oil aoDi1 lot~ uim a the moen~r. a 10pe dehnt ofl'e thirole STVwas arl~ he dlo. ied - tolf respoiht to- es~o golThe onuclor. a1k)en 110 wasre' ald 11e fryeawoeIT ne dwes nSteblie toNtink (ofisalt losig th tri.uyifw fud nd alrhaps ing0 Chrl~5.\~iy doinnaer. trk It i At1 exne-tly~t I7.. t t ia ws:h l and wi~ethe a great isin ta of- th- tri ltea an (hitia wh "cho~ o-her We Zil til 11 ti~l' 110h ili IO T a ~. T~enonthjk'I Lt li et ll buI - e tuki ~ -enhr nii htle! othr-wfi ING so. STill UT lht (UII 1hiiky ii the :1nta majs elly h St. t tha the pe av nt hobs th Uis ~ tim-we athen nra) bubinc, iniq' Chnrrw bOn nt e Psbe.e der b mor nars !den norm g n golden brs the rin ' g,.\. sween 11K.ng, Ns lhe Qladsomer Iv high and wOAt. - utSTYMIAS EVE [WENT)URE was a sudden jolting and ,arring n the train came quickly To a standstil Some folks,' thinking It a statior gathered -up their traps. preparator; to departure, but Ben knew 1etter. t knew they should be halfway betweel Sandsville and Ienderson, which Wta the last stop bei . Edgetown. Hot box, I. rectonMuttered to himself,. T -1Riue ot :1l elam~uborini~ dIown. he rau 1wit the" grouip. FLcing eachl other an iounfter'feit coin at the doors f the te'mle of the drama, which was i:nken without examinaticn, one shil liuad sixjbence b)eing given in Ne.. 7. Se-eing his friend had safely -~'. j.wSl the- money box, wvent up glee fully and put down the Iirst coin he '-iuld take fronm his poc-ket. It was halfh :a cro"wn. Imagine his consterna ion o e'eiving the change-thte bad n ut ria the use or electrical pow-. -d b r bu l on in mills and factories n linm e wi'lospread and almost