TRI-WEERLY EDITION. TERUM OF SUBSCRIPTION. TA-W..kly One Toar. - -- - - s4.0 " 0 6 Mix-monthm. 2.0 "0 8 Three mouihs. - - - 1.0 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One winarae one insortion $1.00. For eeh susqiouent insortiol 504. Obit1a ries amul Tributes of Rswct 4-harged for as advortismmets. libored discount maede Or eentraot advortisemonts. -o - JOB WORK. Bill Ieads, Letter Heada, Envelopes Pomterv,'Cards, Invitations, Tiokote, &o. moatly executed at this 0Moe,---CHIEAP ]OR CASH. SO UTHIERN CH IV.A LRY1. Rivaling tho dooda of Sir Philip Sidney --Anoodotos of tho lato War. Thto Rev. V. T. Capers, in an an nivermary a(droiss to the George town Rilo Ouards, dolivored re. contly, narrat,ed the folluvin g once dotes illustrativo of Southern chivalry: A desporato chargo upon our works hal 1)mln reptilsed. Many wounded and dying lay betwoon the Con foidorato and Northern lines. Their groans an cries for vater woro ditinctly board. Thei onomy voro liring 11ponl uts. A soldier bogged his General to permit him to carry Wiater to tho sufficring. 1His roquost was donied. A good bravo man's life ought not to bo sacrificod. He would bo killed be fore h0 copi1d reach tho objects of his Pity. Again ho bogged por, mission to go. lo could not stand the 1)peal to his heart. Live or dio, hto felt that ho must go to their roliof. Rorshaw consentedj. lie hung around his necic as many cantoons as he could carry, sprang over tho breastworks, and advanced through shot and shll towards the wounded. 10 reachodi a sufforor, Tho Onomy saw him Supporting the head of his foo, and giving lim, drink.--" They P"-On both sidos the 1n111 lookc(d oil in admiration, until tromondous chor ing roso from tho Northern lines. Tho South responded. The "touch of naturo that makes tilo wholo world kin," tho sentimleint of human brothorhood tfiumplied over all other foolings, and for a time a real wtion, prevailod. The suddon Cons ing of firing so surprised General Loo, that,ho sent a courier to ask the cause of it. After that, when the pickets appronched each other the Northern riflomon would not pull triggor until assured, that the groy-jackoted "good Samaritan" was not bofore thoin. A similar dood of noble daring was porformed by a private of Colonel Gary's regiment. WVilliami Thomas, private and Clhristian minister, seeing a wounded man suffering alone in a voery exposed position, obtained porm1liSsion to go to limi, passed through a galling fire, reachedl the dying man, liftod his head, gave him water, anId kneeling by his side, assisted his dopariting soul to ascend to heaven on the wing of fervent prayer, and then returned ill safety to his post. The next (day Gary p)'rloted 11111 to tihe chaplain ey for "gallantry on the field of battle." A MASOmeC Muss-The Grand Lodge of Free Masons inl Ireland has passeod the following resolui tion: "Whereas the Grand Lodge of Ireland has received oflicial notifica tion that the Grand Orient of France has altered the first article of its constitution from its previous form, and omitted therefrom, as one of its fundamental pr'incip)les, belief in the existence of God and the immortali ty of the soul, the Grand Lodge of Ireland hereby resolves that the Grand Orient of France having, by such alteration, rondoroed ad missi ble as members of lodges within its jurisdiction persons wvho do not believe ini the existence of a person al Deity, has thereby ' caused a breach in the foundations of ancient Masonry, and acted in violation of the first great principle of the order, and therefore the Grand Lod(ge of Irela nd( hereby declares that it can not continue to recognize tihe Grand Orient of France as a Masonic body, and it hereby directs all lodges working under tho Ir'ish constitu tion to dleclinoe receiving as Masons any per'son hailing from the Grand Orient of France or from any subor dinato lodge under it.s jurisdiction." A dwarf, said to bo fifty-one years old and only one foot anid a quarter tall, named Sato Yukichi, is about to be exhibited in Tokio. The irregularity of proportion for which Mfr. Sate is conspicuous is not less remarkable than his condensed comn pacitness. His head is seven and a half inches long, while all tihe r'est of his body measures only seven JSTOTIc~B]. R. J. McCAJXY begs to inform overy one indebted to him, that, am ho intendH telling out, it W ismperativo that all avcountH be paid oil or beforo tho first day of Januiary, 1M77. After that datio thoso whoN have not paid p1) will pleaso call at tho offico of A. M. Mackey, in WIOHO hands all account will be placod for collection. dec 1:3 LOOK OUT I L O O K OUTI AND WATCu FOR DANNENBERG'S GREAT W ti fe~ Price List. L' tv IT WILL ASTONISH I) fil INT ERBNAT IONAL Exposition!i WE could find no other aip pro iaito heading to indicate the Large Stock of DRYI GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &o. &o., that we are now daily receiving. We thought of Headquarters, Empo- I ii1 rium and Bazaar. All too tamo. Come One ! Come All I ~ We are dotormined not to be un-E dlersold by any house in Sonth Carolina. The Best Prints in Town at 6}~ ota. r The very boat made at 8& ets. Coats' Cotton, all colors, at '75 ets. ir We intend to try to ploase you in c prices, goods and polite attention. 1R CALL AND SEE.F S LADD BROS, R oc o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 'or Diseases of the Throat and Lunge, uch as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma. and Con. sumption. The reputation it has attained, in Donsequence of the marvellous cures it has produced (luring the last half cen tury, is a sufficeent assurance to the public that it will continue to realizo the happiest results that can he desired. In almost every section of country there are persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, b)y its use. All who have tried it ac knowledge its superiority; and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates nts to what medicine to employ to re lieve the distress and suffering pecutillar to pulnonary alrections. Ciinntity Pc ronAL always aiWords instant relief, and p)erfornis rapid cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as Lhe more formidable diseases of the Lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the (istressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable ; for, by its thnely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures it is constantly producing are too remarkable to be forgotten. No family should be with out it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe It, and Clergymen often recommend it from their kuowl edge of its efrects. PrEPA1D nT Dr. . C. AYER & CO., U.well, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SoL nY AM, DnUoGsTs VuywuR=. LiVER CURE. IIMMONS' Hepatic Compound is all ) vogetable, perfectly harmnless and mnkrfully effective; can bo used at all nes and at all nges, and does not inter ro with ono's daily pursuits, but, on 0c contrary enables us to pursue them ith renewed vigor. It is simpler, bet r and cheaper thai any similar prepa tion over offered. iviliolS' l1qjIltic Co1poln(1, OR LIVER CURE, ould ho preferrod as a corrective and terative to every other medicine in use. irstly, it allays fever; secondly, it canss the bowvels without violence or in; tiirdly, it tones the stoumachl; unbhly, it regulates the flow of bile; tly, it p)romnotes healthy perspiration; uthily, it relieves the system from un hiolesomo humors: seventhly, it trn tilizes the nerves; eightly, it' acts upon mo blood as a dupurient; nnd lastly, it rms one of the most certain Liver 3gulators known. W. E. Aru:rs, MeM.u.iia & 3ntces, Winnsboro, 8. C. R, W. Bnren & Co., Woodward's, S. 0 DOW!E & MOWISE, Prop)rietors, die I -2w Charleston, S. C. 4 WEST IALAD~DIN Da& ASONS' ISECURITY OIL, THE BEST HOUSEHOLD 0Oi. IN USE. (arranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test. WATER WHITE IN COLOR. Fully Doodorized. VULL NOT EXPLODE. HIGHEST AWARD lenten niat Exposition For Excellence of Manutotuar. AND ilIGH PIRE TEST. Enderson by tho Insuranco Compandi. .,ldi4 tMi Ltrt(Aae--One cf/2any. ITOWAnn) Finn INStUTANCU Co. ow DALTnrOaiW, illinuore, Dee*i. m.I. 184.- Messra. C. WVest aBos (entieme,nt linrvingt used the various oils soi this city for illuminlatig purposes, I take pleas o in recommndming your "Alnddln Security I" as time safesat anid best ever used in our house hi. Yours truly eignaed] A NDJREW RlEESE, Presidont. Mianufactured by WEST & SONS, haltInlore. Try it, and you will usc nio other., gg Nlogg for Christmas. ['H1E undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the citizens of Fair la to the fact that lie has a full stock of o utnest LIQUORS and1 WINES in the ~ro, and guarantees its p)urit.y in every stance. In his stook are the follow Dupuy, Otard & Co.,. Cognac Brandy, id genuine Jamaica Rum, genuine 1808 ibinet Rye, genuiae 18%, Roanocke ye Whisk~ey, gennine Knickerbocker ye Whiskey, genuine n N, C. Alple randy, genul no N. C. Sweet Mash Corn hliskey, genuino Stone Mountain Sour ash dorn WVhiskey, genuine Blauche, hs & Co., Champagne, fine Palo Tfable lorry; anid a full stock of all Domne'tio Iqaors, WVios, Alca, Oigars, Tobacco, Ipes, &e., &o. deliespeot fully, IIBIJT FUN AD' Savo high bills by purchasinp A NEW SU IIUSTI WINDOW SH1AD-. LoW in PI will never get out of order, and will MATT Spring Beds, Picturo Frautes, Pic Carriages. LU: And Shingles at Pi REI Neatly dono at modorato Pric U-NDERTAKE1 I keep on hand a full supply of 3 and Collhis of the inuest finish. Als fTE Cheap FILLIED WIT] AND CRO~C ---GREAT 13 Sugar, Coi'co, Lard, B3acon, Mackorel, ( GREAT BARGA: Al we ask is AND WE ARE SUR REST AUR LANWT. --0 ... 11E undersigned~ br'gqleavo to inform his friendis anId th0 pubili g('eoally that the lRetaurlant- attaLlced to tho .a o)ring Star Saloon is open, andi supp)liedl with the best th marti1' affords - Hiuch ats Beoefsteak, Hiam, Bologna Saus.ago, Oys ter's in uvery style, Fish, and other deli cacies. -ALSO A full su1pply of tho purest ',Wine's, L~ignors aidt Larger Beer. 41V' North Carolina corn Whiskey a specialty. -ALSO A well selected stock of Tobacco and Segars. The patronnge of the publi1o is r olicited. J. GROESCHE (L, oct 14--txBm Proprietor. TC.ILF.3T SO.AP' JUST RECEIVEFD, O)NE gros~s of the genuine Brown Windsor Soap. ALSO, Twenty-flye dozen assorted Soaps,at the Drug Store of aprl2 DU.W.nn w AIJ{mN ITURE, Arrivod and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut Chambot Suites, Painted Cottage Suitos Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safes, Book Cases, Bureaus, Tables Chairs, Bedsteads, Crih Desks, Towel-racks, W sh standp, Loungos, Sofas, Hall StIans, Hat Racks, Coat Hooks, Corner Stands-for Design and Workmanship Un equaled. AT HOME. PPLY OF ice, Durablo and. Conveniont. The last longer than any other Shado. RESSES, tures, Brackots, Mirrors, Children's. IIIIER ices to Suit t1b Times. oS. Furnituro mudo to order. I'S DEPARTMENT. 10talic nd IRosowood Burial Cases C), a chep stock of Collins. .W. Phillips. Stre I40 I ALL KINDS ,CL"TEnimNlG, EKERYWAIR E, to the8 Best. XRGAINS IN Molasses, Hams, Crackers, hleese, &c.. :NS IN TOBACCO. a give us a trial,, E TO PLEASE YOU. WATERS'0ORCHESTRION chim, ORGAW Es tm ni hamtIr*fE hecleorated1 Concer haf Octave, of bell Iniaa Et erfect hiar le a n t ng NA, (Jft( Il1s TRAL CONOCL'TO,L VEMP-a 1oks:anshl, and IJnrabllt Unsurpassed. P (it i4 XTt 141 EL Y , OWfor cahafn le nil paid fo a pentrct. A LiieraU inotn i 0 2 sbeaMlfterChuroees Schools ate (1n'et IIIIC DeAERS & SONS. 4OiEAST I 4th ST.,UNION SQUAlR E,N.Yg T1OOTH[ BRUSH ES. 2Udozen English Tooth Brushes, irn $Prr ef tab . = AUwr