nu-wE EL rEDFmON.1 AV IN INo, S1.109S. C., IT Usu , 1v-u 27, 17.VOL .N.1 N EW A 1) VERT*' ,ISIe1ENTS. B A TTV )ANO. OttOAN best..*ok! B A l-TT.YWsartlig I wev I Orgatis, 12 siop ,i$51, P o ily .141 31. mcirc ars freo. DA NIE.L F4. BE:.r'rY, \".1InI1g(l, N. J. till Ri evolver.-;. Ill1sIated P'rlc .! -A rei..e,cmt l'e.'di11 Gupli'k UIE W ELLS' Carbolic Tablets For all ainasiois of : 2''1.* :.,t an d .A - - IL . USHt NOXL BUT WELLS' Carb)lic Tabl ts. Sold by all Druggists. C. N. Citurrr-ro%, 7 Si-dh Avonuo, N. Y. pw"Y aMrve-41 for Agonts, Wesoi-nd . i,. otw. now -Iop;lgo 1l11IMra' . 1: 4- .14welry a lit %%;IIlvatI - looz11, with 11t t I nlis llow to in1:Ike. lonon y. Adhlro-.m, .11. CR ONl;t HU' & 11.. Phlilatlelphiail l'e Ilisy lvailt, or .N"ihwaukee, W-kcontin. Agronts Wantoa i .1rasalnpoa Fo2 awaAdt' Fo I, ~N~ i PICTORIAL 200 11lust ral ione,. '_3 T " A .. c *F A direi,s for nbw eliul:tr.i, A. .1. IM.ilAN & CO.. 1'.\ Aet Solee, 'i lade4lia. f rv:s i. rison by ' an.o we:k 0 b. 11rh d:ie tlonHu tchl stres,st r' n i pi 4 4. h."o e n reast. 111y1 jI~ S'l?44 n1ut'' .'a' I he44:'la4 eet' 'a41!4 * a nr4l11 touti ha ce 4h.,a a n14. 1)!"e II 44 i e ' hli ter4 I ' t ANi4V4lungs .ti h 1 n . , pw e 1 1.4 t1a t Im ale 1,4) A Illyo ne. E'X\TRsA T OP-' -"l IrZ' A,3;;1 AS! frn 1, lwc'tilso WIWh * - -'.1 hV \.V l y W I-'* S It POvTI:Mt, iol 'I, .:III -- ! J;ostwl, - 64 ' r 11 1 n 'I , ie 4)' f w it .") I I vo 1;l e l- . .. . .'I,iL ..iA N, 'lii Broad 441 r "* or. I t flow b) o . WVII_h 341'I *i.~' 0, ' :- " ' s w,4 1) 1.1 4'1 1,0 1 1 illill phoo V:'1*41. ! :-'. , i '1 '1. h 1 t- ) 1r1r4w id to Ill-'l ,t;rl. "hor' If IC -:i wh !'t*.h I l"1 II', or I 'i '- . 1 a Germ lin (ier|c. now vli 1, .' hlin -,el !:r. WV. It I(r m l ., 110in;411-d 011 '1 .011. f i' . S. 1&,l awatl trial for wg r ol1, 4.11wAin" L 1.W )04E I-'()t P1AHTECUTLAt UN A.\ 1. ES3 COM PAN Y, S: ' IrIa I, w. I y N v,rX-Vy:vl; ;IN 111 . N )II i"ilIs, L.t.; ue lin FranIcizcx Iai . n.1 IL-ABT CURED. A <'oe:.ia u;rlS r. I. .: nda o' M p :0 A ti al h)II IQl frec. l a .'. . - . .4...:: .4. 1.4La PortE , I1n;,1l la. ('Or*.jn * . d .,Irs. Dr. S. B. Cllins). o-RLAND INTER NATITONAL E(could hi no") othrIA pro(pr'iat(e hIe7ading to ilidicule~ 144 Ltrge Stock of DRY GOOD'XE SHOES, UATS, &c. &c., thatw are nowv daily receiving. 'We tihought of Hcadquar'ter's, Emupo rium and Bazaar. All too tamno. Come One ! Come All! We are dotermined not to be un dersold by any house in South Carolina. The Best Prints in Town at 6i cts. Th'le very best made at 8ft ets. Coats' Cotton, all colors, at 75 cts. We intend to try to please you in prices, goods and polite attention. CALL AND SEE. -LZADD BROS. oot 9 Augusta Advertisements, 1~) EXT Dry Goods IIouHO in the South. ) All express fit. paid where thr order is $10.On. Writo a Postal for San pies ai(d prien List. V. U1HARIDS &- 11m., oct 27- August, Oa. G. V. Defmf -A D UndertAking in till its Bnmlics. 147, 14-71 and 1491.) Broad St. WALNLT . BURNAU SUITS. Teln pieces, enclosed. Wash Stand, X 35 Marble top,enclosed Wash St;ad,-1 it 6S 4 " " upwards, to1 DEUlP%IUS. Imiation Walilnit anm Gtlass, $ 7 7. Walmut and Gb1ss, . . "5 "5 1.;.5 " tlu111 inarble anl, P' "9 Ill " ", C : 0 0 n pwairds to 1ji 0 BEADSTEADS. No. 1 Pied, Q 2 24 2 "6 -, 71 3 " S)1 1 :De1, d . * feet, 6 ines biah, 3 71 4 " solid oa earv'd top, 5 Fell. 4; inc;it..,b, .4 (11 5 solid hed carvedl to), 801 I Wall. varved top. G fect mia .sigh.s r 7 7i 2 "solio -i fol. evrmed top, 6 I'vet 6 inrihen hi-h o7, 3 ";)N olw adl. VA:-Ved top,7 fee hi.th11 7, 4 " o hem,carved top, 8 feetih, , G. V". DeGMZA AF, nov27- -1o - rd t. . No charge for Idri t.yage r i.a hkinII Columbia Businoss C.ards. 1-AD>4UARTjEJ,1s for cheapt-st. ir.) ceries and Hardware in Col.nii to bec found at the old reliaible house of LORIlCK & LOWRANCE. 1X'8,, Portraits, Photographs, Str . stoS-VO , ) . All obil t urt1 -vsiulc cl i u;. - e f te ii. c .ie . r i aler U ildinlg, 14.M.ail Ciu111, Co Ithilk, S-. (I iiur r co-lill-ivid to call and examinle. {~'11lA R IA."SL A,frmryofCu C hals mloved to Coumia,t ;''optnt a large stoci, of Dry Go.1s nd Notions Boots, -Shoe, Tulnks and Valise. atis faStion guaranteed. '1)C"C'LING'S GALLER11Y-Opposi f (I' w th Wh olr Iltount:e. P o rtra it S P"tographis. Amhlotyps wnd Fcrrot p: fidi lled i tos elivtyleof theil1t ol prate, l iomis .1 , Il - to -n Sugrsh ChKees e and ~acRos e, Buckwheour FlorsM. l Mlsyrus,. oass oa Soap, Stach,Baging3~ S:.v,;a Bodoit phivA.-.m. "*11:1.i no v(s,ull w;n : blu .lI lti:iA..O. Il'i-:s'vlrfof 1:kal mI MlY -; t fill 4.1liv . -1 , ; I0 al l IV.h r':nI. 1 i it l- , vi,itt-fl 2 h 1 . Lot 1k; tory%a , Ii o v I m .. 11 s g , kilill Ilv-it . 11 ), I p-i-;lA iroak h:tri;, ror-,s :tnl ho. hle, v:'"11 of whIv!I ks h11:hty 1.:,(u it\,v . ali th-\ V o;ll .:p-v l il ilk -;Iiun at Ilianly as to prudilve astn.its lis." VEGETI ~NE Is the great BloodI Pu liter. Will cure tihe% wor.4t ca.Cs ' of I-croftila. 1N revomjimenedlZZItl-.s. eieve F2:ivtill'ss of thle on,h VE( ETE CUreS Pa1i Il Ithe back. 'Effeetti' 1tIMs Kind IIVY ('1111)[l t. - Is effeetive Inl It.jecit! of fvem.11I weknss Is till' gre11a r'emedy t,r goneral debilty. Is -1: .0 u e rl. -i o parpleo In the m Qkld. -~ I -PREPARE'D BY whr a h w m - J. D McC IU.. 2 vlei t et t ' W1'2' . 0.12 . 2t11 ';fht2 n 221 ft jh). Ov-iI.. - f- l'. m21l21i. ('I is; t i ~ .' - ltJ I) 1 ( , U. U s01W(6 P:th!2. 2 b. , 1'ne N.izC. 011 p 2~ . 1 --I .1. I.t -ItO iJ1'iI rto' >uroI1 N. C. A;oi - ' 1Lnt!, oh i(20 Stone N. (I. $Sweet M'i14b 'oru~ Whistkey, My Cabinet RIyu--the best whliskcey in town, -and a full sttock ol'alil other good Liquors. ;Also, the celebrated Indian Pale Ale, frs Lgrrand sweot panrling Cider on draghtlTe largesit andi bes t socod stock of Havana Cigars and CI garettes in IIt,own, Blackwvell'ai gonninQ.Smuoking To bacco, Messina Oranges And Lemnons fai le low for cash by . JoFn9 12 F, W HABEMOBT, TlE fUTURE OF PARTIES. ----o NO SIGNS O A BREiAK IX A NI' o; ii 1OTHRKSTA TE. Fympnthy vIth tho Soutoh Carolina o;;uies Prot.y much Wastod--Tho Stato MusL Bolong to the Thioves or tio Democrats--Saft) to Label the L.ato Slavo S.utcs "Domocratic." Cne-r.oon1,Novombor 1--I soc it) indientions of a break-up in p:-u t ics Smuth, with tho exception thA Ihe Replilicall party is prel. mcll b!-(kvin up and played out. .in Geor,(gia it is formally (isbanded. 1kmi.C inl "Miss:s-ippli. In South C.rol most of the leaders have boeen rin (Ar or a1re lodged in the poli,ten11iary, whe, e jorc of theld belong thanu will over g0t there. Right here let m11 say that, sympa thy for the South Carolina Roipubli can leaders is pretty much wasted. They were rascals anid plunderers froi top to bottom, vith now and then an exception that made the surrounding darkness only more dark. That fellow Patterson has no bisi)ess in tho Smuate, and should be kicked out, no matter if his vote is necessary to Republican sul)rem1acy, as I believe it is. -e0 bought his place, buying the pur chasable darkeys in the Logislature aS the slave-drivers did in the old time, only under Patterson's die pensation the darkeys got tho money themselves. Don't sympa thize with the "persecuted South Carolina Republicans" more than you would with an ordinary gang of convicts, or mourn that tho so ealled DemocraLs aro in power there. That State must belong either to the tiieves or the Demo crats ; thcre is no half-way ground and it is better to let the Democrats have it. Wo can ahnost cry out, "Anything, Lord, but what has for the past ten years." in Al-bama there is no Republi eaa party to speak of. There is Spencer in the Senate, but he soon goes out and wvon't go in again, and Willrd Warner ulnIn1ing an iron ful imee, tand ex Governor Parsons aHvndilg courts, and Sam. Rice l'ttiln on the fence, and ex-dov e1or1 LcNwis down on the other side, ain,k t halt is all there is of the Republican party in Al'balma.. In FoP[ida thure is a sigh of life, growmg out of a collection of Northern consumptives ad nativo negroes, but they cannot carry the State. In Texas the Republican party is so roduced that a short s,ring of omnibuses, oderately lodud, (nIl caury it all ont of the St., nid they b Iu haq ItS well 4nbar. -r the o(mibulses so far' as f11u-e suin nmey is ecrned. in -'If: Ii Ih par1y i so de:ad that i t : i 'I Tr.l ed11ll a inon te he d the eam 4y appear~ edh 1,1 (. VI idii hwI- C meai O s har1 -01 paH 'ii pa.ti that pefhLtom Ta lse ha l i,j 1:0 t.l iI sis d of( and i'i sh1:l a 1.:iurno ot *Pen:dc anwn'g foin again.y tnd thiy tcoinpd. tht insr of qeton 'i teub party in nteha quatr Tneso 'only ut" theri ainy ofe Suotial Reubtantie. buisetinly r ead of Theuck es willenormain her n.:ereingf aome tom by1U ma jorgees rangring afrom thity Stto Buevener thousand Ith condiuetion i ate aorbto nRennesseias nrot, ifr "gitoe up" thnin the oatye Suthorn Si ot igts o rtainly aboutdall Ktaty the tDumocrte retrogring a t plagou as nary al maoite asinthat State. Yet ite ior wor sstanhly eniaions ji m oranbleo. blcngrwh if anywhoo, wofd ath pary makig norealprogess.If w sa the futuro of parties and the like, a good deal of which is now going On in the press, it is well to bundlo all the late slavo States in a parcel and label them "Domoeratic." At present certainly there is little room for speilation herv and loss room for hope. There aro no signs of a "break" inl the Democratic party in aIIy Southern StatO 1dd'ICiQIIt. to give that Stato to [ill opposition party. In 1880 you will see the Solid South in volid oray for the Nationd Dumocratic nominee, who ever ho mIny be. With this and a conple of larger Northern St-rtes New York and Indi'ma, fur instanco -they have the Cloction. Inl the face of sueii enculralgcNeent as this, it is useless to look for the Solid South to bo otherwise than solid. A BlLUI-|E' MS DY. A very sweet story of lovo coines from- CiliiIAi, whelco very few mwe ehigsor vomlo, and probat bly We' lever shontlIi, havo had this chCIanting talo hdd not the hero and the heroine been imported for the occasion from Kentucky, a State which is abandoned to tho raising of heroesi and Deinocratic majorities Illi heroinsilIS and superior whiskey. Professor Pio has taught school across the river from Cincinnati for many Ilyars, and devoted his even ings and Saturdays and Sundays, and much other time, to Ituldah, who was a school-marm, and this pleasatut thing VeI. on v il the professor was lifty and Iildah was forty-five. After to or elevon yeIrs, Huldah's folks, beginning to think they were going to altogether too nuch exponso for fire-wood and coal oil and extra dinners fo the professor, and feeling tha there never would bo any wedding after all, began to toll naughty storiies about the professor. This made Hfuldali cry and love him the more, and the strategy failing he wis forbiddon the house. Then ho climbed, in the parlor windows, and the boys pounded him with fonco boards as ho went through. And thon they fired blank eartridgos at him in the still darkness of the night, and finally loaded their guns with beans and afterward with bird-shot. The professor endured this excitidg exciting amusement a few weeks and then ho got mad, stole Huldah out of the house, ran away with her to Cincinnati and they were married 1 Young Kon tucky strategy had suceceded with the invaluable aid of fence-boards and shotguns in bringing a pro longed and weary courtship to a happy termination. The professor was forg.iven and invited back with his brido. The aft'air wss a little novel and sensattional, oven for Kentucky, but in spito of its pro nounced [iuccoss it would hardly be desirable perhaps for every lady wiLh a hesitating lover to start. a lot of untamed nophews on the warpath with shotguns and fence boards. A LuxuitmouSiPAIsIAN EsTA .lt ME:NT. -A in sense of lo luxury that at prcesent prevails in the fur~. nishinig of expen!fsiv(o l'aiis houses maly be ga'inedl fromi the description of a few r'ooms inl the mnsion in,. habiit.edI by at newl~'y miarriedl M~ u qis. 1 10 bed )('-room)1 is driapod in roh'')cld veivet'of th' o mii'a con IyV and exqu:i..o tex uro, and( tlhe w lh the same nateial ; the~ dra perrics9 are r'eliuved by execeedingly fino silver ehisolinig ; the pauocls, which aro' do('rat.ed in tho loveliest mannIiier, are also dhividedt by silver lines ; the inn.er31 bedl curtinis are of Venet.:an p'o it haco, and(1 t,hie ou(ier on flt Ii roe,-eo ored satin, wVi th Lt armriail bearings~ in sil ver. In an anIgle 0f this charinig boudLolir thero is; a small relinary, anid a golden bLop conlst-mntly burning boe>re it, 1tu:eian fashion. Another room,. a kind1 of p)rivate p)arlor, near' by, is hung wvith white pouli des soie ; and here also are floods of expensive lace. The wvholo must have cost the income for a year of 5,000 Paris. wvor kmen. Swearing on the Bible was first introduced into the" judcial pro. ceedlings by the Saxons abmout A. D,. 6i00. It called a corporeal oath because the witness, with his hanod, touched some part of the Holy Scripture. There have boon great improvements in swearing within the last 1276 years. Agassiz says that in certain Ama-, zonian tribes, on the day of his mar riage, while the wedding festivities are going on, the bridegroom's hands are ied up ini a paper 'bag with fire-ants. If ho bears this torture smilingly and unmoved he is con 'sidend4 lit for the trials of matri pony,