WINNSBORO, S. 0. Saturday,November 17, 1877. It. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Associate Editor. Flo ALI, accounts the Fair wan a grand success. Thousands of pco ple wont to Columbia, not only from this State, but from others; while tho exhibits wore first class. COL. RoICARD LAHERs, lato of this State, who ran for the New York State Senato from the ninth district, was reportod"boaten ; but his friends claim that an offlicial count will be necessary to decido the result. HON. JAM. 13. CAPIELL has boon unanimously nominated by the Democrats of Charleston to succeed Gaillard in tho State Sonato. He is a native of Massachusetts, and come south as a school toachor, but has long been one of tho loaders of the Charleston bar. The Orr Legislature elected him United States Senator, but tho Senato re fused to admit him. Mr. Campbell is a man of great ability. THE RETURNs of thO municil)al registration in Charleston foot up a gratifying majority of four hun drod and seventy-throo whito votes, out of a total of nino thousand eight hundred and sixty-ono. With proper care this ensures Democratic government in the city. Tbe Journal of Commerce claims that herotofore over two thousand fraudulent votes have been cast by the Radicals. Tho .News untl Courier intimatos that the Devil is not yet dead, and says: It is reported that in most of the Wards the delegates to the Con vontion are already pickod out, and the Aldormen themselves aro already agreed upon. This goes beyond anything that "Broad street" has ever dono. The "cut and-dried" system was never bofore so fully developed. In one Ward, at least, it is proposed to send to the City Convention, as a delegate, a person who is not only not a Dtmo crat, but who has been for yeatrs chook by jowl with obnoxious Re publicans. Are such things to h) pormitted? WHEN CARDOZO was convicted, the good people of the State wore gratified that a hypocritical rascal had comre to grief. When Smalls bit the dust, they wore glad to be rid of him, but his conviction caused no more than a sense of relief that criminals are once more amenable to the laws. But a thrill of gladness tingles the vein of every oneO on the announcement that tardy justice has at last clutched the hyacinthine forelock of L. Cass Carpenter. This mali cious villain was not content with plundering the State. He used his stolen money to suppord a news paper in which to slander and vilify and insult those he had robbed, Day after day, the Uniion contained a mixture of the most unblushing falsehoods with the most consummate impudence. Even after the daily died, ho struggled along with a semi-weekly in which his venom was concentrated. And now, that tis self-.samie sheet has been the means of bringing him to the penitentiary is a just retribution, andl causes general rejoicing. Car p)enter should be made general scavenger of the penitentiary. It would be congenial occupation for 'one who has dished up filth all his life. The Duty of School Trustees. School trustees hold an import ant position in tihe free school system. To them~ are entrusted tihe management of schools in their district, the employment of teach era, the salaries to be paid, and all other matters of a similar nature. In the general slackness that has characterized school officials of all grades, the trustees have, many of them, also been careless in per.. forming their duties. They had nlo encouragement to do well, for the system was a sham and a fraud. Ant undos h no- --ageet earnest offorts will be mado to reduce order out o. chaos. In this the trustees call bear ait imnportant part. They should thoroughly acquaint themsolves with the duties required of them, so that they may be efficient. It is for this purpose, and to securo uniformity in school managemont, that the trustees have been called to meet in 'Winnsboro, in convention, on the 24th. It is to bo hoped that all. will attend ; the more particularly that Stato Superintendent Thompson will bo present to confer with them. Lot us have a good mooting. The South and the Army. During the debate on the army appropriation bill in the House last week, Hookor, of Mississippi, in troduced a Provision that the army shall not be used in any Stato in the South, without the request of the Legislature or Executive of the Stato. The amondment was op posed by Goode, of Virginia, and Ellis, of Louisiana, who argued that it was a reflection on Haves, upoi whoil they both passed culogies. Hooker roplied that he had no person in view, but that the provision was a good one in itself. Gaifield mado the most effectivQ point, that the provision is already incorporated in the Constitution. Hooker's amendment received but thirty-sovon votes. The remarks ol Messrs. Goode and Ellis, while very gratifying to the President, we considor poor arguments against the passage of a stringont law proventing the uso of the military to interfere in oloctions. On that point Mr. Hooker was right. Let us assume that Blaino should be. come President of the Senate, and that Hayes and Wheeler should die. Would not "President Blaino" flood tho South with troops as fast as carpot-baggers could howl for them? The difliculty about Hook er's amendment was that it pro vided for no more explicit re strictions than at present exist. During the debate Mr. Mills, of Texas, qtuoted the following froru Jefforson : -,In questions of power, then, lot no more b said of con fidenco in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." That is the Proper iden. Let the South protect her self. She may trust in Providence and Mr. Hayes, but must, have a care not to let the breechings break. THE KHIEII I!. 1'hn "1 7'nt Khc mariy vcr3 soon a widow who is now a clerk ir the troasury dep:. tment. "Petroleum V. N;sby" (). R. Locke) hits sold Ilie ' ole.lo W1ecekh, IP/mde to A. P Miller, the p-ostni alitor, and J. V. 11ylw for $70, 000. Honm. A. 1-H. biophons is a fret b,liover in tai usefulness of tht motric systom, and ho desires it ipplicatiol to the gold coinago oj hIe United Stites. Rev. John Poisa1, Chaplain of th< United States House of RCprcson tatives, has consented to aiccept the plaeC of privato mecrotary to Colonel Georgo P. Kane, Mayor of Balti muore. A Madrid (lispatch saitys a docrec will be published in Decmber nexi coivlokinig the Cortes for Jaiuary to approve of King Alfonso'. mar ringe. The lower is expcted Un.aim1ously to vote a subsidy. On the day the President went tc liebmond a resileilt of Potorsbuirg .ignalized his aeceptance of the peace policy by dischargimg for thc Iirst timi at pi:itol lie loatdedl in 1862 is a mcans of defense against th( Union troops. Lord Dufferin will remain inl Catnada another year. It is uidor :tood t) bo the royal design to send -ver the Ainquis of Lorne and the Prines Louise next ycar, but the Jimnadians do not taku kindly to the Professor Coio is construetiig io end of argument on evohitioin >ut of a. pig's foot he has folnd iii Western Texis. The domestic liog with an undivided hoof, like that of L horse, is said to be quitc common t~here. Sir EdwardI Thornton goes asF British Minister to Madri(d, and will .10 succeeded at Washington by the Hon. Lionel S.exkville West, brother 1d lcir presnmptive of Lord Sack rilo, now British Ministor at Buenos kyres. Se.cretary Evarts 's delighted with~ Lhe edulcationail system of the Uui ity of' Virg.inia, hc a l'uddb hmsJefferson. Hec pron:ounces it "L.he best school on bhie foce of the earth," regretting t.hat lhe had not known it betia r bef ore he s'ent his sons to Cam ridge and Yale. The reportI that Senlat or Mor'ton's onst words were "I am dying ; I am11 sv rn out," is denal by a person vho wasi present,. wheni tho Scnator' lied. About live miutes before 1h0 Itopped( hienta!hingy ho looked upi mddelnly and sgi I to one11 of hmis The Neliv', .f F ypt ha,s the irst chjir-e if I i' s!wes thnt still ire sold imeh- in Eis M.inions, and 1nas no pmrf0 - f n e n' i1 i1, . tienilar ime, from (iin-i'.. n.'f to Nubian. l'ho war has riP'd the 'cslave tradec hsyear, '.nd 8i) C.ircassians were ~old. -at $200 andl pret ty Somuall girls t 860 at the great Tanta fair. Professor Henry, of the Smith oian Instituto, reports that the Paris Observatory announces the :liscovery by Henry, on the 5th oi Novemnber, 1877, of a planet of the tenth maicgnitudo, in two hours thirty -two minutes right ascensioni, seven1teen degrees fifteen inu~mtcs orth declinaition, with a daily mno ion of four minutes south. Colonel Charles Chaillo Long, ol ~Iaryland, the most distin:Tui'shed ~mnricamn in the Egytian service, vill hereafter reside in New York. )in tendering hisre.ination to the Khoedive that Prince expressed great regret at parting with him. The K{hedivo had previously bestowed ipon Colonel Long the Declaration >f the Medjidjeh and the title of Boy, in recognition of his services ind discoeveries in Contral Africa. FrINA DracHARGE. N OTTCE is given to all who itmay 4luardian of Charles F. Colemaan, will ipply to tho-Judge of kProbate, at Wilnns ioro, 8. C., on the 30th day of Novem,box bet, for a final discharge. .o$A 0. 1i. TH'OMPSON, Columbia Business Cards, _ ~EA)QUARTE118 for ciheapeot U'ro ceries and 11ardware in Columbia, to bo found at tho olti roliablo houso of LORICK & LOWRANCE. IX'S, Portraits, Photographs, Stere oscopes, &c. All old pictres copied. Art Gallery Building, 124.} Main Street, Columbia, S. 0 Visitors aro cordially invited to call and examino. C IARLES ELIAS,forpierly of Camden, has moved to Coluibia, an I opened a large stock, of Dry Goods and Notions, Boots. Shoes, Truniks and Valises. Satis faction gluaranteed. 1 7-CKLING'S GALLERY-Opposite the Wheeler Hot.vo. Portraits, Phiotographs, Al,nrotypeH and Ferrotypeg finished in the latest style of the art. Old pletures copied and enlarged to any size. W. A. RE'lKLING, Proprietor. U El1tIRS & DAVIS, importers and - dealers in Watches, Clocks,Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Houso Fr rnish ing Goode, &c. N. 13.--Watches and jew elry repaired. Columbia, S. C. oot 27-y STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAIRFrELD. In the Court of Probate. To Minio Lyles, Mattie Smith, William Smith, Davis Lyles, Vic toria Lyles, Frank Lyles, William Lyles, Charlotto E. Ederington, Frances H McKeown, John T. McKeown, Dollie B. Edering,ton, Eugenia Ederington, Henry M. Ederington, Barilla R. Edering ton, Francis H. Ederington, Carolina J. Ederington, May C. Ederington, Precious N. Wall, Josoph B.Wall and Winn Smith, Greting: VOU are hereby requixed to appear i at the Court of Probate, to be holdon at Fairfield Court House, for Fairfield County, on the twenty fourth day of January, A. D. 1878,to show cause, if any you c:!n, wily the real estate of Lucy Edoringtn dece'-sol, deseribed in the petitioll of Mary A. Lyles, filed in my offico, should not be divi-led or sold, alottinlg to each of the heirs -at law of the said Lucy Ederington, do ceased, the share of said real estate to which he or she may be entitled under the laws of said State in such casO made and providod. Given under my hand and seal this ninth day of November, A. D. 1877. 0. R. THOMPSON, L.s. Judge of Probate Fairfield County. To the defendantf, Minnie Lyles, M-ttie Smith, William Smith, Davis Lyles, Victoria Lyles, Frank Lyles, William Lyles, Charlotte E. Edor ington, Frances H McK,)onwn, John T. McKeown, Dollie B. Edorington, Eugenia Ederington, Henry M. Ederington, Barilla R. Ederington, Francis H. Ederington, Carolina J. Ederington, May C. Ederington, Precious N. Wall, Joseph B. Wall and Winn Smith. Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Judge of Probate for Fairfield county, at W~innsbor.o, in the State of South Carolina, on the ninth day of November, A. 1). 1877. GAILLARD & REiYNOLDS, Petitioner's Attorneys, nov 13--flaw6w _Winnsboro, S. C. S HEBRIFF'S SA L E. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. In thme .Probate C'ourt. Samuel A. Murphy as Administra tor, vs. Tarleton Murphy, and Others. I N pursnance of an order from the SCourt of Probate for Fairfield County, made in the above stated easue, I will offer for sale before the Court House door in Winnsboro, on the first Monday in December next, wvithin the legal hours of sale, all thm right, title and interest of Ephraimn M. Murphy, deceased, in a certain lot of land lying and situate in the town of Winnsqboro, contain ing one-fifth of an acre, more or less, andl emblraced within the followino' area, to wit : commencing at the south-west corner of lot number one hundred and thirty-two of said town and thence running south along Congress street thirty-five feet, then cornering and running at right angles to said street in an easterly direction about two hun dIred and fifty-seven feet to the track of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroadl Company, then cornering and running in a northerly direction along said track thirty'.five feet to the southern line of lot numbeor seventy-twvo, then cornering and running in a wvestor ly direction along the southern line of lots niumber seventy-two and one hundred and1 thir ty-two about two hundred and fifty-five 4foot, to the beginning points. TERMs OF SALE : One-half cash, the b)alance on a credit of one year, with interest from day of sale, purchaser to give his bond secured by a mortgage of the premises sold, and to pay for all necessary papers. 8. W. BUFF, Sheriff's Offic,8. F. C. Winnsboro, S. C., November 12. nov 12-tlx2 - SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN4, COUNTY OF FAIAFIELD. In tho Common Ple . James B. McCants vs. R. B. Sloan. IN pursuance of an order from the Court of Compon Pleas made in the abovo stated case I will offer for sale before the court-house door in Winnsboro, on the first Monday in Decembor next, within the legal hours of sale at public outcry to the highost bidder, the following do scribed property, to wit : All that plantation or tract of land recently convoyed to the said Robert B. Sloan by W. E. Aikon, known as the "Ridge Place,' lying in Fairfield County, on the east side of the road leading from Winnsboro to Boll's Bridge, on wa ters of Jackson's Crook, containing TWO nUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO ACRES, more or less and bounded by lands recently belonging to W. B. Croight, lands of 11. E. Ellison, Jr., and Thomas Jordan, and by the afore said road, and having such other boundaries and delineations as are set forth in a plat of resurvey made by B. H. Robertson, D. S., on the tenth day of May, 1873. TERMS OF sALE: One-third of the purchaseo-money to be paid m cAsii, the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from day of sale, to be secured by a bond and mortgage of the premises, purchasor to pay for all necessary pIapers. S. W. BUFF, Sheriff's Office, S. F. C. Winnsboro, S. C., November 7, 1877. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHSTER. In the Conimmon Pleas. John J. McClure, as Adm. of the estate of Geo. V. Melton, do ceased. vs. Mrs. Margaret A. Mel ton, ot al. iN pursuaneo of an order from the . Court of Coaoon Pleas made in the above entitled case, I will offer for sale before the court-house door in Winnsboro, on the first Monday of December next, within the legal hours of salo, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to wit: All that tract of land, lying in Fairlield county, containing FoUR JUNDRID ACRES, more or less and bounded by -Dutchnian's Creek and the Rocky Mount road, and known as Tract C, of the Cathcart lands. TERMS OF SALE: One third of tho purchase,noney to be paid in cash, the balance on mm credit of twelve muonthd, with inter est from d y of sale, to he secured by a bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the pr.emuises ; purchuas. or to pay for all nc,esary p)aper. S. W. RlUFF, Sheriff's office, S. F. C. Winnnsboro, S. C., November 6, 1877. nov 13-t1x2 RhADEa!Er MARk PAID. JIL . I6,WI. WE CLAIM FORl THlE IMPBOTUD WHIT MEY SE WING IVIACHINV ES .The following speeifio points of supo riority: I--Great stinglicity in Con ut rumctloun. 2-DIur.abl1ity. 3--Exceedingly Light Run niung. 4-Still fIlunning. Nolseless. f5-Perfioans nil Varieties of Worki. 6-Iensy of Finuiwh and WorIlkunanuship. 7-GiIEAT REDUCTION iN Pill CE. Singlo Machinen sont on orders direct from the P'actory, written guarantee with each .'achmino. WIHY PAY OLD PRICEBI fe-Sonzd for circulars and panrt,oular. Address, Thme Whlitnuey tM'g.00o., feb 17 Paterson, N. 3 Fire Insurance. N'OW Isa the time to insure your Dwell ingo, JIarns and~ Gin Houses. A mple scurity offered in the OLD A tD WErJL EH''TAlsl18ED COMPANIES represonte at II this Agency. Apply to JAS. WV. LAW, ee6 11.-xtim Insurance At. TO IDCT. THE privato dIwelling of the late Jaa, an 1., L'ElIO0TTy