Wh;Te 'Pwius an~d A,) rald. WINNSBORO, S. C. Baturlay, November 10, : 1877. R. MEANS DAVIS, 9ditor, JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Associato Editor. MAJOR JOHN H. KINSLER has a host of friends in Fairliold, all of whom congratulato him upon the oiinor so dorservedly conferred upon him by the Democracy of Richland. DAN VoORWELs, the tAll sycamore of the Wabash, has bcon appointed to succeed Morton in the Senate. The dead Senator will turn in his grave, when he hears sound Demo cratic doctrines proclaimed from the seat he held for ten years. A TELEORAM sent from Augusta on Tuesday, saying that Georgia had, as usual, gono Democratic by a largo majority, was evidently a canard. Georgia is not in the habit of going Democratic by a large majority more than about six times a year, and this is an oil' month. A MEMuEit OP cardozo's family is quoted as siaying that ho has a plenty of vioney over in England. The trouble is he wn't be able to got over thero to spend it for some time. The reverend financier should have devoted more time to laying up treasures in Heaven ; whero neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, r.nd where thieve.i do not break through nor steal. The Elections. The result of the elections is on the wholo satisfactory to the Demo crats. New York and New Jersey remain Denocratic; while Penn sylvania swings over along with I Ohio into the Democratic lino. Massachusetts is Republican by a reduced plurality. Wo do not see, however, in this resull, the evidence that the Republican party is yet dead, or that the Democratic party is sufficiently secure of the futuro o relax its vigilanco foi a moment. The tidal wave of 1874 was the result of Grantism, which had dis gusted everybody but machine Radicals ; and in this demoraliza tion of the Republican party, the Democrats effected a surprise. The desperate struggle of last year showed how the Ropublican p)arty had recovered from its crushing defeat; and taught the lesson, also, that the Democratic party was dis, trusted by a majority of the North ern people. Still, the ill effects of Grantism were felt, and this enabled Tilden to d'arry four States north of the line. But Hayes is using every effort to make his p)arty popular. Old abuses are being eradicated; and needed reforms are p)rop)osed, even i not carried out. Many disaffectel' Rlepublicans fancy they nowv Bee some glimmer of reform within, their own ranks, and p)rofer, there fore,' to return to their old love, and vigorously combat the Domoc j' ~ racy and the dominance of the "Solid South." Every victory her'e -after must be wrested from them, the fight being in the North--their * own battle ground. While the Senate will be assuredly Democratic next year, the House, now held by a frail tenure, may elude our grasp. Most of the Nor'thern States are so gerrymandered that the Democrats labor, in the congressional districts, under great disadvantages. } The odds are now in favor of the Demcras;but a false step may The whole party must move in solid column against the enemy.. Several severe earthquake shocks were felt at various p'oints in New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Caina-I da at,an early hour on Iast Sunday mornimg. Ells1 were rung, houses t shaken, glaiis arfid crockery broken, and many people rddely ' awaklened. A low, i'mbling'noiso accompanied the shocks, which succeeded each other in rapidi succession for sonme time. At .:Montrelier, Vt:, tey A R.MANIUC T iAGDY. On the evening of the0 6th int., Mr. Samuel G. Henry, Jr., livlg in the lower part of Richland county, was shot through the heart by a young lady, retpectably connected. According to the Register, Mr. Henry, wYho is a young married man of twenty- five, with a wife and three children, began visiting, about three mnonthsago, the house of a'neighbor who hia.1 a young sister- in-law, aged about oigiteen. Calling as a friend of tihe family, he was frequently en tortained during his visits by the young lady referred to. One d:ty last wcek the neighbor (Mr. Henry) called, and tho wife of the host. bemg confined to her bed, she being the mother of it week.old infan, heI sister entertained him during in-1 visit. She was greatly ustonlished on that even-im at the touno of his conversation, and upon01 his asking her Cortaill improper questiois, lie reecived inl reply to them, from the unsophisticated girl, that it Illy i.ul ever attempterd to wrIong her, she would unhesitatingly slay him. He the left., and sIe ocing young and artless thought Ito more of the mat, ter. Monday afternMoon0 last, the girl roitrned to the house ofl her broth in-law from thme lield, (whero she had beenl to deliver him a ilessiagO from his si!k wife--her sist-r ) ani found her persecutor seated upon the steps of the house. She polit. - ly invited Iii into tho house, bothl of them entering tle parlor about the same time. Almot itimdiat cly after ente ring t1ho palor, according" to the h1dy's alihavit, lo m;ade iin proper proposals to hter. and was by her ordered from the hons.-; whereuptq o1 he aid violent hands uponl her and attempted to aceomlplish a heli-1h purpose. Frecing hjers(f j'romin the, grasp of the man, she i an into her bedroom, seizd a revolver and shot him through the he:irt, and he fell dead at her feet. Tho young lady caIno up to Columnbia yesterlday Lm->rning in company with her broth cr-in-law, and delivered herself up at the county jail. SIe was brouilght before JudIA P'a>vnun I onl a wi-it ol htfbas corpus in the afternoon. After hearing argument uiponl tih part of John T. Sloan, E.;q., wh,> appeared for the pr-isnl, tnd licitor Abney for the 8tat e, Iail wa granted in the sum of $1,000 1,utkil next Saturday, by which time a coroner's verdict wil have been ren dee I. The sympathies of the entiro com munity are with the prioner aild the wronged wife aid children 0] tho dead man11. Tho publications which wero re cently made in referonce to the larAe hotel bill paid by the National Repubhlenia Commiiittee for Mr. Stanley 1Matthe called out theI statonuent fromt his friends that the personald exp)Ces of all tihe coutnsel before the e tletoral commkifssti had been pahl1 by the respective nattionlal cotimittees of the two parties. Inqultiry has developed thttit so far as ithe counsel on te Demiocrat ic siewcrot concerneld there is scarce ly a miodicumt of truth in this state maent. Mr. MLatthtew Hi. Cur-penter, who was taken out of tiho enemy's camilp, as it were, received a fee 01 81,000 for his argumtent int tihe Louisiana Calse. M essr's. O'Conor, Mrrick, Blitir, TIrlubull and all thme otheri D)emocraitic c'ounisel were voluntoers, and not ono .of them received a cent for his services in anly shape or form. It is of inltr est to sce how the counsel on, tho other sido fared. As hats alreadt(I b)0on shown, their hotel ills1, whichi included all the luxuries of time season1, woroO patid. Mr. Evarts is Secretary of State, MrIu. Stotughion is minister to Russia, Mr. Mat t-hews is United States Senator thr'ough the d.irect assistance of the President, and Mr. Shel labarger bhas been retained in all the profita, le government cases before thte courts of this district. Mr. Me Crary, whoI( appeared as oneo of tihe Republican objecoers, is Secretary of WVar; Mr. Ksason, who was another, is minister to Austria. In addition to this, nearly overy mem bor1 of the returning boards of Florida and Louisianna, atnd nearly every one of the Republican electors for those States, has been provided for with a Federal offico.--W Jash inU (ton Cor. Balctim ore Sunf. A bill authorizing the free coin ago of the standard silsor dollar and to restore its legal tender charneter was introduced in the House and under a sus, pension of the rules, pafssedl by a vote of 163 ye to 34 nays. Secretary Sherman thir.ku the bill ill not successfully run the gauntlot of the Senate and the President. When a man ia making love to wido w he always feels as if he had to begin where the other fellow left off. NE WS OF TH0C )D AY. Mayor Ramo, of Baltimore, Ps. uuned(I th duties Of his offico on Modty. A hurricano on the great lakes on S%turday night intlicted great dani ago to khipping. Secotary Evarts w:ants two hun (tred und twent v-five thousand dol, hars for the PAiTs Exposition. Bbirhne, ti 1ntuky,declines a )IaC(3 CIn Lb-. COUl:umit,t'( of the PacficRa rod,vie Potter, re A vigorous winter canpanin has boel 110S i1vk.1 It :..a by the iusiaiins' an. d if Iuce.,uil it vill probably 1he So:-mfo Ch;aor and its ppr(ac.h- wrae stetilly decorat Od with ulubleis of mourniny for -nat or Mortonl by Colonel French, Sergeat-at--Arms. Unexpected difficulties have been met wNithl in forming the now Fronch Cabinet. The Senators of the Left IIv3 1101d a meeb00ti1g and ducided 6hat no compr111omioe with the govenment is possible. General S'.Iley, of Alabama, has ii.roduced a bill to appropriato the 0 ,.IhIg( ed ill-.ad Cottonl tax to C:httttionlal purpost-11s in tle re spmective t.4ateA. BuIlding and Loan Association. Tl k1 . 3 i. I 1 r: lr tontly h i nti nt ot 01,3! I W :: t ,hiwrs l-*:;tIl1:,, ;:Hit L.p:ti Al'wAist imt W ili k: he%1 itt th'! If1w.1 H;al l i,n y tin i ie - i . . i a I .\ om h li'11. i l h i ti I liii 1ini. Fence Law Election. OR Ohe pupose of slbilmitting to iti qua 11C.1 eletors of twilshiip No. '10, Fair-field countyapros tiun to alter the F'nce Law, in ac Cordt0Lme wi'.h Hho p( ovisions of An A of tle (Ienea! Asembly o his Stt, app:ovo,i J.w a'7 , .1 87, it is liere.y ieed tht an cetion M' held in -'ii tow-i-hip, oil Tuc (LIy. the 1WI dyfDeablr next. It is further ordered th.it said ei(w t'i l ,-'n