TRIVEERLY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tri-Wkeely Ono Year.- - - - 4.0 SIx-monuths. - - - - 2.0 4 Thre onths. 1.0 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ono square one insertion $1.00. For eaoh subsequent insertion 50?. Obitua rios and Tribute of Respect chtrged for as advertisemonts. Liberal discount made f or contract advertisements. -0 JOB WORK. Bill qads, Letter Heads, Envelopes Posters, Cards, Invitations, Tiokets, &c. neatly eocuted at this office,-CHEAP FOR CASH. DRIC-A-BRA C. George W. Julian is to be editor of a now Democratic organ in In dianapolis. Mr. Julian is looking for some honors. Goorge William Curtis officiates as minister regularly every Sunday at a Ufnitarian church at Now Brighton, Staton Island. After the first of January, the North American Review is to bo published in Now York, instead of in Boston, with the imprint of D. Appleton & Co. The Emperor William will colo brate his groldtii wedding next spring, and Queen Victoria is one of the crowned heads whose presence is expected. The younger Gladstono also takes to literaturo and art. He has trans lated and written a profaco for Thibunt's "Purity in Musical Art." It is doniod that thore has been any misunderstanding between Speaker Riahdall and Colonel Polk, doorkooper of the Houso, regarding the latter's appointmonts. William Galo, of Cardiff, England, has secomplished a walk of fifteen hundred miles in a thousand hours, which is said to be the greatest po dostrian feat on record. Joe Jefferson's ro-ontry upon the American stago at Bootlh's Theatre, Now York, on Monday evening was greetod by a crowded house and great enthusiasm. The engagement promises to be the chief dramatic event of the season. General Harlan is the third lawyer who has risen from the bar directly to the United States Supreme Court bench, Justice Bradley and ex Justice Davis having enjoyed tho same distinction. Harry St. George Tucker, a son of Hon.. J. R andolph Tucker, was married last week near Lexington, to Miss Honnio Johnston, a daugh - ter of Colonel WVillim Preston Johnston, and a grand-daughter of * General Albert Sidney Johnston. ?Mf. Joaquin lfillor says the ilhly .Piper of his "Danitos" is a true pic ture of himself and his life, when, as - a boy, he had run awvay from home, * and after escaping from the Indians * lived among the miners. All the peole f he play he declares are real.1 The proprietor of the hotel in the White Mountains, wvhere the 1Rev. Henry WVard Beecher spends his Bummer, has been appointed keeper of the Senate restaurant at Washing ton, at Mr. B3eecher's suggestion. This is better than the divine did for himself, when a candidate for Chaplain of the House. President Hayes doesn't find Washngtn ~life so expensive as some of his predecessors have. He ireported as saying that during the frst six months of his term he has petonly $4,000 of the $25,000 which he has drawn. and that ho thinks of recommending Con gross to reduce the Executivd's salary from $50,000 to the old figure of $25,000 . An oriental traveller describes this shores :"Our steamer lauded or a beach which was the port of Anti och, whore the discipl1es were first called Christians. There was no town at the water's edge, no people, nowharf. The passongers and the mrcnanise were put ashore in A trop of amols, withthidrv for the goods into the interior, Among teatce addwr boxes marked 'Da. J. C. AYER A Co., Lowzur, MAss., U. S. A ,'shwn that they contained. nio'dicines and and ,when~ce they came. Those with other goods were hoisted on the P ~ backs o~ camels, for transportation to Aipn .SIhus the skill of the west k a0k itaremedios to heal the mJ q of, popu~lations tha~t inhait aastrn hores, whence~ ourspr Iai e~ne." - 1Vide .aO S.V C 'A *m GRAND INT E RNAT IONAL Exposition! E could find no other ap propriato heading to indicato the largo Stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., that we are now daily receiving. We thought of Headquarters, Empo rium and Bazaar. All too tame. Come One ! Come All I Wo are determined not to be un dersold by any houso in South Carolina. The Best Prints in Town at 61 cts. The very best made at 8A ets. Coats' Cotton, all colors, at 75 ets. Wo intend to try to please you in prices, goods and.polito attention. CALL AND SEE. LADD BROS. Oct TDSewin-ahe MARk PATN JULY 5, 1611. WE CrAUI FOR 'rE IMPROVED WI-ITNEY SEWING MA CHIN ES The following specific points of supe riority: I-Great Nijlicity in Coni NtrulctIioni. 2-D)urabslitEy. 3-Exceedinigly Ligi t Ruin hilng. 4--Still fluuninplri. Noiseleux. 5--PerfornuaN all VarietiAcs of Wor4)k. 6--lea uty of' Flista41 anad WVor'kmanstp33. ''-GR3EAT RED)UCTION I1N Single Machines sent on ordrsn direct from the Factory, written guarantec with each~ Nachiinc. W1lY PAY OLD PRICES! pifPSond for cireulrs and particulars. Address4, T'aeo Ila itnaey i3Ur'g. Co., fob 17 Paterson, N. J Lowest Prices for Cash. T HAVE jusat received a large and Iwell assorted stock of Groceries, which I offer cheap for CASH. I am solling out my stock of Boots and Shoes at COST PRICES. Triumph andl Lynchburg Rye,and Stone Mountain Corn WVhiskios. Fine Brands of Tobacco and Cigars. Highest prices given for Cotton, R.J. McCARLEY'S. FINAL DracHIAnoE. -NOTICE is given to all whom it may concern thiat David . R. Coleman, guardian of Charles F. Coleman, will aply to t.he Judlgo of Probate, at Winns boro, S. C., on the 30th day of November next, for a finial discha.rge. 0. It. THOMPSON, oct 30-1 m J. P. F. C. TTHBRtUSHIES, 20 dosen E.glisht Tooth Brushes, hm. orted to order. For sale at the Drug Storo of DRi, W. E. AIKEN. Fire Insurance. XTOW Is th'e time to Insure your ..~Dwellings, Blarns and Gin Houses. Ample socnrity oif'ered in the OLD AN'D WE1L ESTABLISH{ED COMPANIES topresented at this Agency, Apyto Apply JAS. W. LJAW, *ot 11- xtl,,m Insurance Agent. FILLED wiTH DRH"y GuuOS AND CR?OCF Tue Cheapest -GREAT BA Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Bacon, Mackerel, Cl GREAT BARGAIN All we ask is to AND WE ARE SURE W. G. ROCIIE, MERCH1XIANT TAILOR, I AS remove.1 to the store no-t to the post-office, where he will be glad to re ceive his friends and customers. A full lIn- of Samples will he kept on hand, from whwch customers mayv make selections. lie no0w has the linest line of French and English goods ever brought to this market. He is also prepared to cut or to muak up goods for those who desire. Garments of all kinds repmaired and cleaned. 73-- Cleaning a specialty. Thankful to the p)ublic for past pamtron age, ho solicits a continuance of the same, and guaran tees satisfaction. sept 18 W. G. ROQC HE. CONNOR & UHANDLER C mAL attenion to their fnu STOOK --OF Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver WatLch Chains, Brooches, Ear~ rings, Studs, Collar and Sleeve Bluttons, Plain and Fancy Rings, Solid Silver and Plated Castors, S p 00 fl n, Forks, Napkin Rings, Goblets. Cups, Butter Knives, Butter Dishes, &c. Specta cles, Cutlery, Lamps, Lanterns, Glass and Crockery Ware, Vases, Toilette Sets and . China Tea Sets Jachine N tls adSprings. Sewing Machines repa ed, cleaned tad adjusted. aug 2n Stores ALL KI[NDS CL THi1 ,, k-ERYWA m 10 tIl0 Bbl"I RGAINS IN RFolasscs, Hamo, CwkeI, cosc, &c. [S IN TOBACCO. give us a ril TO PLEASE YOU. WATERS'ORCHESTRION R e GROAN i ;.h 83 n.,ost heutlI i fi I ' in H1 stye am nt 1)ere . Ic i ". c 1C0 ever 11:21 dr. I Ih ! -- -10 r s, e r-on to sto p , wMh I i a to:l imil aton of tle, I t 1n: a r- Voice, and 1two und n hal0f Octavem (f betha ismtuned fl inerrver Inr ollny 0hiI the bell, I - ~ antiheirt-eet is utn 1(en1 and elelltriyri. IWATERs- (11,A11110 NA, OUCTIEWITRAL, - CONCERTO,.. IESP RU,CENTENNIAL, ('1M13ES, CIAPi , niten COTTAGE )1M'ANS, in Uiitie French Vin ges combine PURITY wVOICRNG trith arrat volnue qf tone, anitale for Purirr Church. iorkmawnuhip, and iD1rnili y Unxrased. WVarranted for MIX Y EAII'4. PRl [CES EX TiREdlELY L.OWfor ennh.Mon ihly Installnaeun receivedl. Ins1rtmnents toa let uutti paid for as per contract. A Liberal Dlinconutt to 1T-a'her.Min1isters,Chturche)s.Hehool, etc. AGENTS WA NTED). F.peel1 aluemaens to the trade.lilustratedl CataluaSse Mltled. Seond-hand Instrumtents at G REA T H A R GAINS.. IlOlACEt WATERS & StONM, MlanufnaetumrerN and Detalers,' 40 EAST .14th 8T.,UNION SQUA R E,N.Yi RESTARANT - ----0 Hu ndersigned beCgs leave to infotrm hlis frienids and te pub1lijc generaolly tha the Rtestauratt attached to the .i oringt Star Saloon is4 openi, andl supplied wit the best the nurket aflerds - such as ]Beefstcak, H1am, Bologna Sai.n ot, (v) ters in overy style, Fish, and other di caicies. -ALSO A full supl))y of the purest Wines, Liquors atld Larger Beer. ;: ?' North Carolina Ciorn WVhiskey a specialty. -ALSO A weail selected stock of TIobacco andl Tegs patronage of the public is solicit ed. J. GROiESCHEL, oct 14-tx3mi Proiet1or. D. U. FLNEKEN IEEP)S constantly or. hand a full sup ply of Choice FAMILY (IROCERIES and PL ANTA TIONSUITLlES. His stock has recently been replenishted, and hie is now ready to supply the wants of all. ned12 Ayer's Cheiy Petoral For Disanss of tho Throat and Lung, such ai Coughs, Colds, Whooping - Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Con. -_.,. fumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence or the miairvellous cures it ha,-s produced drIiin. g th last half een tirv, is a suflivient, assurance to the public that it will cotitime to realize the happiest results I hat. cal b' desired. In almost every section of couitry I here are persons, publicly :nown, who have beein re:stored from alarming and even desperate disca-es of the lings, by its use. All v-ho have tried It lie knowle(re its superlority: andi where its virtues are known, no oie hesitiltes as to what iimedicile to employ to re lieve the dist.ress and sutilering pectiliar to pulmonlary allections. cUi.Iciy P:c TORA, always aIl'ods Instant relief, and pef'I'Vorms rapil curcs of (ihe milder va r-ivties of brmichial disorder, ats well as the morc formidable diseases ol' the lungs. As a saegttar'd to ch4ildren, amid the dist. r ssing dise:0es which beset; the Throat and Chest of' Childhood, it is invalule(.; for, 1 its t1ime1y use, mult iti tis are rescued anl restored to heal! I. Ti Im-dlicine;lin frivend; ait r ria, as tie ceI.; it, is constatlylt roducin; are too reark'ale to bo olottenb. No t:ni!y .houldi be wvith-b out. it, ind Otlose w-1-ho have once used it, nlever. wvill. colitIv i'tscribe i'. :il Cler.'zymea edge oL its cf' 'Is. ruiaPAu:D r-Y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,, an.d AnAylicni Chen2sts. SOLD BY ALL .D1UUOST3 LVEnI:WIIZE, . t'I. (t . I . ' s r*y,N j 11 . ( . h * -.'e :r . - oct 25 m .ITm &*tmc Warranted 1 Dere Fire-Test WATimWGS'Z El OLOR FuHy WBLL MGT EPOE marme awa. J xr T rn F:: s' aC. op n--' 1: 2 n- c laany yor "A uLin: USEeu.y i rrnU.j A5 NDR EW' R EFiresdent, I anufact ured by ca' Tr i':' n I yo'ill~\' uso noi otheTIr.T i 111u . .I,eit yOiiIi'A 01(1ilS ei'tu y' - bnown Instite ben o nrioif TheUi' ts tr o nsae.o * :nbaes)1athe tt-, clethe Clsse Sien~c. an d bysalEgls to 'elocu ion, refiOg, 'pritin n wit-. in.VL,I Puixl ' wivll ucothcrefu drilhl in e raietwih ins'stial t.o een ig a .horoug edctito bn olal metod'fiet iS(n.IS oTh icollegot u buibling i s on 2un atous ia d onvenientl lugt. Theu .1ricpa1opA withIlC PIi the(il polt)iticall anid maral t's im njl0prvernnt. of t ho State, io seenre a tlberal pautronatge, by meantIs oft whiph theo In it'.it ue may heu 1e ttoredi;to its f'ormer pop1.ulrity anfd ilseful Classical departmnient, per session of twenty weeks, - - $30.00 Intermediate, - - - -- 25.00t Pailmaryt~,--- - - - --'20.00 LP.ymnent1 to be madevh q uarterlIy in ad.. vance('. R.gM.1DAVIS, Prinnipal . 0