RAILROAD SCIIEDIULE.--The follow ing aro the hours at which the tria.s on the C. C. and A. Rt. It. pass Winnsboro t REGULAn PAssENOER---NIoHT. For Charlotte, 1.20, A. M. For Augusta, 11.07, r. -u. ACCOMMODATION F REIoUT--DAY. For Columbia, 7.30, r. hr. For Charlotte. 10.45, A. hr Relixious Notices. Methodist Church--Rov. J. M Boyd, 11, A. At., 7j P. Ar. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Associato Ito formed Church- - Rev. J. M. Todd, 11 A. A., and 7f P. Mr. Presbyterian,Church-Rov. . R. Brackett, 11 A. hr., and 74 1,. 1r. Sabbath School 4j r. At. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 54 r. Af. Epis-opal Church--Rov. J. Obear, services every Sunday except the 2nd Sunday of the month: at 11 o'clock A. M. Now Advertisoments. Shcrifrs Sale-S. W. Ruff, S.F. C. Rostaurant-J. Groeschel. Estate Sale--A. F. Ruff. Executor's Notice-A. F. Ruff Lowest Prices for Cash- 11. J McCarley. Pay your subscription to Tu NEWS AND HERALD. The following aro the prices of cotton for the past threw days: Thursday, 10f ; Friday, 10f. Attention is c died to the estate sale advertis.d by Mr. A. F. Ruff, as executor. The property to ho sold is varied and1 valuable. No additional memibors of the Graham family have died in Charles ton. It is believod now that all will recover. The origin of the poisoning is involved in inmy story. A telegram has been received stating that Mr. R. Gibles Centcr, formerly of this county, died of yel low fover at Port Royal on WcJ nesday.Mr. Center was a son of Dr. T. I. Contor, and was highly es teemod. NE.w AnvEaTsErrs.-Mr. i1. J McCarley advertises a large anl well selected stock of groceries, boots, shoes, wines, liquors, sogars and tobacco. * Mr. Jos. G roeschel, proprietor~ of the Morning Star Saloon, annouu ces the reopening, for the season, of~ his Restaurant, where miay nowv be found all the delicacies of the season. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. -We are re quested to state that the Rev. G. R. Brackett, D. D)., will hold divine service and p)roach in the Presbyte.. rian church at 11, a. mn., and 74., p. .im., to-movrowv. Dr. Brackett was formerly pastor of Scion Presbyte rian church at this place, and is now in charge of the Second Presbyterian church in Charleston. HIe is too well known to require an introduc tion. Cordls C icUs. -This leviathan show is coming to Winnsboro on Monday, Oct. 22. The exhibition embraces a famous circus, extensive menagerie, colossal museum, aqua * rium, &c., arnd a grand consolidated world's wvondoer exhibition, of which W. WV. Colo is sole propeietor and manager. The 1Mobile Register says: ~i "The wild beasts connected with the show were all first class. Then the Iperformances of the circus ring were most excellent. One rare quality Wvas thme piromptness, amounting to almost dash, with which everything wvas put through. There were no long breathing spells filled ini with stale witticism of the conventional clowvn. All the acts were just lengthy enough to interest the spectator, and not to p)all the taste. These features are so rare in travel ing exhibitions, that we make special commendation of them hero. Added to this, we may say thall the per formers in the arena are first-class--. not a poor one in the lot. We hearti ly commend the exhibition to the favor and attention of the press and, public wherqver they may chance t pitch their tents." Tho Voluntoor Parade. Winnsboro wma w1k1ed ip on Wedlna2 y by the hi:'peelion of thm voh;er mpsby i'Aijua't and' In Or G14 oer c 1 i se. AlthlougI t11i i. a buy Se.!ron of the yer, Lho military m1'ado prepar.Aions to litanld the ordeal. On We'vdnesd.:Lv morning the Fairfield Light Dra goons, Capt. T. I. Ro)bortsoa, a stalwart body of men, and lzind somnoly mounted, rendezvoused on the Collego groon, and executed several mancouvres proparatory to "passing muster." Tho Hampton' Rilo Guard, of Ri-dgeway, under i comuand of Capt. I S. DesporLes, arrived on the morning train and oncampod at the depot. The Mon ticollo Rtilles, Capt. Jnlo. B.* Davis, although tho corps had boon organ~ ized only ia week, determined 6o have at place inl the picturo also. Tihe Gordon Light Infantry, of Winms boro, Capt. V. G. Jordan, was of course out in full force. At four o'clock, p. i., accordin to announcement, the dif'erent com panies assoiublokd, and, preceded by the Citizens' Cornet Band, marched from the town hall .to the Collego groel, the scene of tho militury parades in the good old ante-bellum days. The order was as follows Citizens' Cornet Band, Gordon Ligit In raitry, Drm and Fife Corps, flampton Rile Guard, Monticello Rifles, Fairficld Light )ragoois. None of tho companies have yet, beenl regIlarly unifurmed. They appeared, howver, in black coats an pants, and black felt ba. The 14m1ptoni Rifle Guard had arms, their private property, and worc red rosettes. The Dragoons were armed with sabres. Arrived on th. green, whither a largo concourse had assembled, the bat:lion was formed, and G_neral Moise assumec comnnalnd. Several imanoinvres wor creditaly executed; Itnd 'iho companies were then il sp eCted. After this, General M11oiso ad dl essed the troops in a neat specch, in which he explainled the aims. and objects of the Stato government in organizing". tho Voinnteer Stato Troops. Ho said it was tho pur 1),.O of the authorities to raise the volntcor for cs to the highe 4 s tod E\01. hi'm. ig p-i*le would be done111 in mmmaing thir d1Ileront comnpanie.s successful. Hie p)id a. high comi'gi. iment to Col. 4 no. B3. Da,vis, the commnander of thme MonticQio fles, and nrged that corps to follow thme example he had already andl w~ould in future set them. At the closo of the addi ess three rousing cheers woere given for the G3neral, and the parade wa'fs dis',issed. The comip:mies marched back to Main street, and were dismissed. The appearance pr'esenited, considering the time the compiesiO have been org miz'd, was highly creditable. The battalion is composed of splen didi imaterial, and it will form an admirable nleusii for an exton dedl miiitar'y organ iza tion in Fairfield. At night General Moise was sere naded by the Cornet Bandl, and he responded in a graceful adldress, Ho loft on Wednestiny night's train for CheHtor, wh oire lie has alread(y inspeted the volunteer troops ort ganized thoro. Lowest Prices for Cash. ~ HAVE just received a large and well assorted stock of Groceries, 'which 1 offer cheap for CASH. I am selling out my stockc of Boots and Shoes at COST PRICES. Triumph and Lynchbm''g Rye,and Steo Mountain Corn Whiskies. Fine Brands of Tobacco and Cigars. Highest prices given for Cotton, R J. McCARLEY'S. JTORZ SA JLj. nolw Piano, mado by one of the load-. ingmmnufacturers of thme Unitoed States. ThIo instruiment has ai coIUminaI o Seveni and eoetird octalveF, aind is Inilhed with all thme latest imiprovemnents. It can be botughat at a great roduetioni frm retail pico. Apply at the omieo of Tnn NEiWs AND1 ILIsaAJD. June 93-tf .4w, i1111,rm A L NOI : i ir .In i-oWwll-You Ble I ta of Ings j~1ihiti is 1141 .I ) To -4-lc' ~ io i t60 Iwf!0 U ) n - NVt ;I1 1 ofh.5 i 4rllv Pw.n;[s o urInI inii-1.e To do i'r.Ith 's PnII14la o s h c 'r, -. 01he .Iukin-rh1-s" ellr(s if has 11cc0m plsh , isl o. 1 f :t l ye1 d \YhA olial's I knowni as tII. V 4 I, :14 '40 v.01ri iOfthkl- wVO'Ib6. (4) WhiCh wo - Jvcn i1iiteldi ppoar like nut ic be ffo)re at sinll-e bottlo o f th.Iis wonder-ful COm poilnd. Ht is poreparc-d by ,1J.l fil1, Atlanta, GaI ,1and sold at '$1.50 per bottle by Dit. W. I'. A IHXN. PyiVcIS proseribe it. Its act ion i pronI'pt., sur anld decisiNvo. TIIE ELLPIJAANIT .) a H : c of Fall anil AT T1 "1 1 V ("AOODS, FANCY Milinwy Bizaar. ---0 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. tklho plesiure inl AlluOnllncilg to our frielnds and tie public gneridlly that w vr now opening he line t, and io.;t com11pletf? as.-ortmn"lt of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, inchidling MillinIry. an i - oo N ill 111 the L.tOt .',-yl and nrll)1 i., of t sulumn, ruch il; Itre g - l- ly fonnlld ill it first-clas: Al'AlllnerY esti-.biishiolnt. 1tIn V an sitqe Dry Goo'ds, a% beu:111itil t;tock of lewcst ,.tyle. of Drtess Goods. 13utt ons andti TRIMMINGS. A full aSsorh:mnt of brown and b1noied Miudsll, P'oplinls, Ci, Iicovs, G'.inghamuls, G etsoohis, Notions, Corsets, 6loves, osircy, his.tles,Skirts, Shawl-, 11Cloaks,&c. MenI' ) ad. oys' at,. Boots and 'Shoos foir t;nts an-l ]Ioys, :-h1oes andA Gaiters for LIlklic;, 31is.ws and Childrc. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Orroceriqs, Conf-ootionerieq, Cakes aid Cracrers, Chvese, Ala.u!erel, Ph m1 -, I M, al, ("ri4 t, 1S-11p , S-'tar ,!h, Caudles.Ke rosnie, Crof."i-rY, Tinl anld WVomd-n Ware, Furniturfand Matt ce.sse, LUMB3ERFOR SALE miy sto.4l: ant1 ;.r:-, s. oit 31 - " A. !:h1 a f all 14up1. reetl d, and.4 he is nlow rea14.ly to suipp y the wants of all. oct12 IlolOl Ziou ti ollegia-te Institute, THE''U faill 'ession of this well1 kno4. i nJinstituito began Onl Mondy, Agust27th. to elocution, readi;ing, sl4ling and1( wii ing. PnIu1iil will recoivo. that careful drill in1 the4. rudiiiments wh1ich is1 esseO.ni to s1eiurinIg U thorough oducation, Black b)oard exer.cises willI enter lar 1gely3 as. a mlethodl of ins4tr'uctioni. Tiho college0 building isi comlmodious and conveniently lo.ca4ted1. Thef PrinIcipl4 hopes8, withI4 the plitical anfd ma4f4terial. improl4v'eent of ftho State, to scourio a libelu pat.ronageo, by meaons of wichl the4 fnst.itulte nmy be re hitori'0to its former popul1arity ando unoful-.] Classi1cal de3partmn4.ft, per session of twenty weeks, - - $30.00 Interine;diate, - - - 25.00 P)i imaryO, -------..- O.00 ( Payment to be imade quarterly in adl vance, 11. M, DAVIS, Principu., anu 14-+xwf wizsr,. C.n THE LATESl BEST ATLOWEk SHAVE just returned from the mv ;miest, largest, and bet assorted st ie especial benefit of the citizons ol xvito thoir attention. To the Ladies who would havo 3ILOVES, LINGERIE, and tho vor' To the Gentlemen who would gnt I LOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOO . To those who are in need of good 1ariety L'ABLE LINEN, HOMESPUN; DOYLIES, CHECKS, TOWELS, TICKING BLANKETS, BLEAC -THESE MAY B S FURN jaEr Savo high bills by purchansinfl A NEW SEl RST10 WINDOW SHADE., Low in P will never got out of order, and will M1ATT. Spring Beds, Picture Framos, Pic C rrias LUI And Shingles at Pr REI Neatly dono at modorate Pric UNDERTAKE] wi nekroeop u odaful orde ly ofm wil Andolns Shsinlsh AlP RJ J. E.A&ger& Co., 1ia"' aund 139, Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. 0. WH1OLESALE dealers in Foreign andI D)omestic Hardware and Cut lery, Gunsx, Bar Iron and Steel. Sad dilery and Sadl(dlery liardware, Fairbanks' Standanrd Heales. STATE AGENTS for the celebrated Farmer's Friend Plow. A FULL LINE af Agricultural Implements and Steels. STATE AGENTS ror the Tfredogar Horse and Mule Shoes, which hiave~ been recently improved, and we no0w offer thoem to the trade with satis fact.ion. OUR'ENTIRE STOCK s now full and complet,e, to whiech we invite the attention of the Fall TVradlo. .rpr- All orders sihall receive prompt ind careful attention. J. E. ADGER & CO., 137 and 139, Meeting Street, aug ll-xtaug oct dec Charleston, S. C. 80EYUTING NEW. T h)ave just received somo very fine old iCorn WVhiskcoy, Peach and A pple Bran. ty, 'from Stono Mountain, Georgia, and jinooln eoun ty, Virginia, and various ther grades of Weostern Rlyo Whiskeys, forth Carolina (Cor and Rye Whisk eys, )omuestic and Imported Wilnes and Irandiles. -ALSO A large stock of bottled goods, consist. mig of Charmpagno, Lager Boer, for a mity v.se, Ales, Portecrs, S~oda Water &c. )no barrel fresh Newark Cider on drani ght )ool drinks o1 alli desoriptions. Toba co .igars, &.. --AT OUR HOUsE. J, D. MIcCAR LEY, m a 3 Ptietor. r RRI*VALS.! GOOD. T PRIOC ! 1-T rket, having selected onejof thA lW1hd ocks over brought to this place, for Fairfield, to which I respectfully 0 the pretiest styles of DRESSES, daintiest SHOES Call on SOL. WOLFE. lhe very latest and nobbiost ouits of uS, and furnishing GOODS Call on SOL. WOLFE. B of all kinds, Notions i4 great , HOSIERY, BUTTONS,' HAMBURG EDGING, 1ING, VALISES and TRUNKS: E FOUND AT OL. WOLFE'S. ITURE, Arrived and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut Chambet Suites, Painted Cottage Suites Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safes, Book Cases, Bureaus, Tables Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs Desks, Towel-racks, Wash, standv, Lounges, Sofas, Hall itands, Hat Racks, Coat Hooks, Corner Standi-for Design and Workmanship Un.. equalod. AT HOME. PPLY OF ico, Durable and Obnve0eu. Vey last longer than any other 94 a RESSES, turos, Bracket, Mirrors IBER ices to Suit the Ti4(. 'AIRING es. Furniture made to order. VS DEPARTMENT. [etalic and Rosewood Th ai o, a cheap stock of Coffins. . W. Phillipse NEW FALL --AND Winter Good.k V IcIo1aster & Bre ~RE now pepared (b the lazgesLt,soks of . FALL AND 'ATE to be found in the up country. is full in every. departtAent. astonishingly cheap. SATISFACTION GUA .1 We propose to soll as pha y;MZ house in the up constry to give full value for the mione. Call and examitteld our be convinced that we~ afe ~l~geoo canor and givng Uett4 a than ever beore. NO TROUBLE~ TO 8IW ocOO5 , w n SGEO. B. EbWAflDS. Cotton and- C4eheftl -d6mn~1It#io f~ OHA1%WSTON,E,0.'sD pROMPT attention given to thes l~ oto,Peas, Corn, RioesI1andrO.V dluco of all kinds, Merchandise bought free of oia sion.' Bein8 os Wle spo*h ostbpQgWy posted on prices. o~M e 94.0Il0 savin to burYsaosn o fomsrehan4 ~Is Ocea4 Ste tjWJtVci J5 Glasgow, Liverpool, London and all pari of Europe. References: kBank of Charleston; $ae. Ad ger & Co., Oh aries ton, S. C. sep 2..-r tam