T. T_ __ _T_ N N s.B O O S A U D Y OJ N G, O T B R 1, 87 O. 1. NO.N10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 .,OANT'OARDS, 110 two alike, wflthk namec 1Wets pomt paid. J. S. JIMM)a:, Nassau lIens County, NGW York. Revolver and Cartridges for $3. "-A title nIckel plateV, feVe11 Shoj, yocket re volver; a first-class art ile. Ment, (0. D., or onl receipt or Price. (0. W. Wmi.l' 11. 0. Box 2,18, Now York VEG!ETIIVE. Tholusands will bear testimony (and (10 It vol1in11arily) thai. Vegetine is the best medical collipouni yet. placed before tho public for renovatting and puirifying the blood. LADIEU Elegant Its tation H ome Carnt met, Dreattpl an Pendant Drops, Bout Pot alito any roader of tI Paper for 29 cents. Throo Bote for 50 centa. In Cur rency or Stanps. TRIFLING With a Cold is Always Dangorous. USE SELLS' Carbolie Tablets, a sure reomedy for Coughs, and till Dis cases of the Throat, Lungs, Chest and Mucous M embrano. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUrh BOXIs. Sold by till Druggists. C. N. 0,11ITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenuo, N. Y. HABIT CURED. A Certaii and Sure Cire. Large reduct lon In prices. A trial bottle free. 1N1ts. .1. A. I)mol.1N.1:t, la Porte, Indlana jIox 1038. (lFormerly ri s. Dr. S. It. ('011lls). T'heonly combilatiil o te trito falaa (Minger witi c holve Aromativs anitt ''renlh Branly, is i tell donls, harmilless, strenlgili ellt,% sl)ititute for all kinds of si timhows p IrOMpttly relleves D>yspep sta, oppresslon after enunlg alld every Sp"'cies of fint1 - estion, correvs alld lsti r Vam ie-of lie 81,0111:cit in Ask for .\\tit1?. R U PT UE. - Those wishinlig relief and elre for Ituptitre sholi consult, Dr. J. A. Si Eli 1.\N, 2:a Ii u, way, Now York, or send for Ifi nt-w b ok, wit h vo1riltograplie likeesst-s of bail i .i; Ifooe ani after "lrt. Uen .re f Ltha . W rO ItWOLUId W furirilsh Dr. Sherinan's trealtient.. Ono of these fellows, it (erman clerk, now calling Ifihnself Dr. W. (. Crempien, is Ilnicted on complailt, of Dr. 8. and awaits trlal for forgery ad embezzlement. oet 2--1im PROSPECTUS. HISTOIY of South Carolina, -BY REV. R. LA.THAN. 0 soon as a sufficient number of sub scribers are secured to warrant the enterprise, I propose publishing a IH1TORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. The work will embrace a complete history of the Stato from the first discov cry of the soil; tho settlement of the terri toryi at difrerent periods; the history of the Stato under tho Proj)rietary Govern mont, under th1e lIoyal Government, and( through thle Rtevolutionary pleriod, or to the close of tihe Rlevoiationary war. The movements of tihe several Wig military chliefs aire accurately traced, and thle several battles fought during th( Revolution are mninutely described. Tihe whole will make a book of miore thian 700 pages of the size of Stephens' Ifistory of the United Stakcs. It will be)pinlteal on good paper, with cla t ype, aid bound in sulbstantald cloth. To sub-, ..inbers tihe book will bo delivered for Persons dosiring to canvass for the wvork,are requested to commllluniento with tho'author at Yorkville, H. 0., for terms, &c.1R. LATHUAN, Yokil,S C., August, 1877, ESALISH EDUIN859 7---- M-LE. ViATCHIES, Clocks and Jewelry re toaev ryod, aind sntisfaction guaranteed N.fl.---All who have Left watches mIy store must come and get them, or I will noll them for costs in thirty days. sept 18 CHIARLES* MUL LEln, PROF, N. SCHMITT, Pi ano, Melodeoon and Organ Tuner, 238 Main Street, ColumbIa, S, C ' AVING an experience of thirty-five .L. years in tuning and repairing Pianlo, Meledeons, Organs and cother Musical Inst'ruiments, bsth In Europe and America, Is enlabled to guarantee satisfac * tion, or make no cbarge. Hie has the highest recommnenidations from schools an d colleges In (,he United Staten. July 18-4f, CONNOR & CHANDLER CALL attention to their full STOCK -OF Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Watch Chains, Brooches, Ear rings, Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Plain and Fancy Rings, Solid Silver and Plated Castors, S p o o n1, Forks, Napkin Rings, Goblets, Cups, Butter Knives, Butter Dishes, &c. Specta clos, Cutlery, Lamps, Lanterns, Glass and Crockery Ware, Vases, Toilette Sets and China Tea Sets -ALSO Maclimo Needles and Springs. Sewing Machines repaired, cleaned and adj usted. aug 23 CONGRESS STRET N w G 0 0 D S! WINNSBORO, S. C. 500 LBS. NEW YORK FACTORY CIIEESE, Just at hand, and warranted to give sat isflctio.a. U. G. IDESPORTES. Sept 18 Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agree able, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by Its use. Nothing can re store the hair wher-e the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Blut such as remain can be saved for usefYilness by this application. 'Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean aind vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, It does not soil white cam brie, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gratefuil perfbme. P1RPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., PvaGs..ar ad 4earyges .o1pe5,. borw nr Arr n=nare ==nw=ja, VEGETI1E Rev. J. P. Ludlow Writes: 178 BALTrC STnEET, BROOK,YN, N. Y., November 14, 1874. MfnI. 11. It. STEVENN: Dear Shr--From personil heneill, recvtve(d by Its use, tsi well as fromwi personal kilowledirle (if those whose clires llhereby h eif:-t m1 Il Inlost. 1i1r1,uilous, I can mst huar1tily and sil cerely reeommeid tw b colnI F:' for the com plalits which It Is clattintt'.I 14) (clrn. .l 11 '. LUIAIW.L.ale lisf Or Calvary Haptist vhureh, Sael-A111,1mtmo, ta.1. vege1ineA. kShle lRests 0'ell. SOUTH POLAND, MX., Oct. 11, 1876 Mn. 11. R. S,rTyvus: Ilear :.Ir--i have been sk:k ' :'' rs with I he liver compUtlat. and detr11111 ', ;Iivi h ve taken at great, ma n i e'- 0'W..but none ofvthem dtidl im,111r" ., wxl re. f l1s At. night, a 11(f h-t no pPOr i 'i we i :1A' the VE*omTINE I ro4t,md . ii . l mI fofodF Can ret, 1111cld1 w *' ! V r. for wat it. Is ha done for jmb. Yours re....pecl (lily. MAu. Ai.mar1 B tcIcU. Witness of the Ibove, Mr.. Gcorgo M. Vaughan, Mledford, Ynss. Vagetine. Good for the Clithlren. BOSTON Hom., 1.1 Tyler Street, BOSTON, April, 1876. I)ear Nir--We feel that the clilldren In our lhome have beenk greatly benefited y the V:a;s. TINr y-ou have so kindly givenl us from t!mlne (( time, ePpecially those trouiblQd with tIl( Scrofula. W%Ith respect., 3ics. N. WORMI ELL, 'Matron. Vetino. Rev. 0. T. Walker Says: PibovimNcE, It. I., 164 Transit Stroet. 11. R. STEVENS, Esq I feel bound to ex press with my signature I hie high valuie I ple upon your VI-T:IrNK. ly failly have used 1i. rot' the last, two years. Il ntervous (eblit,y It, s lnvaluale, and I recom.. mllend it uo all who may need anl in1vigorat. ing, relovating tonic. 0. T11. WAI. I,i:lt, Pastor of Iowden-Square (hurch, ljoston. V8fotin. Nothing Equal to it. SoUTH SALUM, MAss., Nov. 14, 1876. M. 11. I. -4TEvENs: Der Sir-I have been troubled with serofula canker, and liver complaint for tine years Nothing over (idl mne good uintil I comlltm(enIe( using the Negeriye. I aIm n1ow getting lon1g)1 irsterate, and( sil!luing the VeaelIn. I con. s1dvr there Is nothing equal to It .for such con 1latints. Can heartily recommend It to every. body. Yours t-ruly, Mus. Lizzm M. PAciuin), No. 16, L,agrange St., South Salem, Mass Vegetine, Recommeni it Heartily. SOUTH BoSTON. Njn. H1. Rt. ST.vmas: 1)1tr: Sir-I have taken several bot tles of yout Vegeltie, and aill voinvilled It, Is a valkuabb remedy (or 4ysp(-psiaj, ki(idney c()Ilintl, an - erai,nl dcblilty of thesysteu. I cal heart [I. recomenied It to ill sufter1rs from the ahov complaints. Yours re.speel f ully, 31.s1. MUNROE PARKPt. VEGETIN E. -PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON; MASS. Vegethic is Sol by all U -rug i its, oct 1-4w YLW XULU -AND Winter Gob&s. --0 J.F. McMvasutei' & o. 0 A large and c.omtple't'i ar.0tment o FLa.ll and Winter' Goodls, jusit receiv. ed1. Prints, Longeloths, fEa Isla 1(d Iome spuns, Osnaburg, Dr.Ilings, Plain Homespuns, Cottoni andl( Woolen Flannels. French'and Charlottesvillo ('assimInores. lnlkets, Jeans andi Kersecys. One of the finest lots ofOClothing we have over received. Boots, Shoes and Hants of all the latest styles. All of wvhich we are offering very low for the cash. oct 2 J. F. McMASTERU & CO. FO , S.A.T...ID. r pHE plantation known as the "Thomp, 1.son Plac," seOven ijles north-wecst o: Winnsboro, or,ntaining threo hundred1 and tweonty-four acres,'bounded by landn of James Turner, Sr., Thomas Rlobertnon and WV J. Hoerron. There is a fair paortior of original, well timb red woods on th