RR.OAD SHEm.DILES.-Tho follow - ing 1ar the hours at which the trains oni the C. (J. and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro lIMULAI PAS!3ENoER--N1wr. For Charlotte, 1.25, A. 51. For Augusta, 11.07, P. m. AocOMMODATION FJIoHT-DAY. For Columbia, 7.36, P. u. For Chulotte. 10.45, A. M New Advertisomonts. Firo Insuraico-Jas. W. Law. Choice Lard-J. H. Catheart. Report of the Nation .al Bank-' T. K. Elliott, Cashier. Knights of H1onor-E. S. Chand lMr, Reporter. Wo shall give a full account of the militiry inspection, in o1r next isslu1. We again urgo our Eubscribors to come forward and settle without de Iay. Tho following are the pricos of cotton for tihe pa'st three days Tuesday, 101t ; Wodneosday, 10-1. The taxes are coming in but slow ly. The books will closo on the 31st inst., and there is tlAeroforo buit a shit timo in wN hich taxpayers m110y pay viLholut incurrilg the penal ty of fifton per. cent. The people of Winnsboro have not fogotton the spoeech made here by Supeiintendent Parmeclo in tie c:upaign of 1874, when he came along withi Walhlaco and Patterson, and thuso mulatto carpet-baggers, Minton and Richardson. The county treasurer reu(iests us to say that he will vist "canterville, for the collection of tax's, on Mon day, the 22nd inst. He will be there but onle (lay. A1i rror was puado in the adlver tisemient of 3I 'As. L-ld B Irs., published in Tuesdays N:w.- AND .:i :.mn. 'T h1e advertisceent, as5 publishedI, re( :id --We c uli'd not find n"o other appropriato lieain g, j ote. The word not shuLIAIi have b)(l omil.Led. The mnistakc was the fait of the proof-reader. Tim-: B.I.Y, Ar rml: FA(a.-Jutdging from an account in the Columbia Register, th, ball of tbo Spiith Carolinia Club , to tah place in that vity Otiring Fair week, is to be (uite a grand tiri. Here is wh']at the Regfi8tLor says about it:; The South Carolina Club, onice an immense institution in itself, but which, afiter lying dormaat for la long wvhile, was roorganized just before the inauguration of G4overno)r Hampton, aind so successfully man aged the inauguration ball given in honor of the Govcernor, have in charge the management of the grand ball which is to be given during the State Fajir. 'We have aIssuranlices from the gentlemen of thme committee who have the matter in charge that the inaugural b all wasn't a circumnstancos to the aftair they priop)osO to successfully pilot through lat the Stato Fair. Tjhe0 inivitabtions are being p)rin tedh, and will be sent to nmany huindreds of peop1le wvho were not pro'sent on the last occasion, but wvho, it is thought, will attopdc the contemp)lalted ball, w hiich is to be upon a much larger ahd grander scale. Get out your , piko-ta1il coaits anud lavonider ikids, old boys, and young onos, too ; its to be a big thing. BALL ANT) ]AT. -The base ball season is over, atnd tihe Bostoni opib claims the lengue chamnpionship. Tile professionabl contests began in 1871, and the Athletics received tihe. peonnant that year. Tile Bostons th n stepped to the front, and sue couively won the ponnlfamt in 1872, 1871), 1874, and1 1875. In 1876, owillg to tllo 8ocession of B3arnes, Spaldinig, MoVoYy and Whmito to the ranlks of the Chiicagos, thle flatter won. This year fortune has smiled again on t,he 1ledE$, though at one time the Louisville Greys wore ahead, and were confident of v*)oory. T hey swep)t everythlilg b3efore thein ouit WVest, but two or three defeats, East, demoraliz.ed themn, and they fell to second place. TJhe last r'eport of tbe games, with two or throo yet to near from, gives Boston, games won, 31, lost, 17 ; Louisville, won, 27, lost, 19 ; Hartfordl, won, 24, lost, 24 ;St. Louis, wvon, 19, lost 29 Chicago, won, 17, lost, 29.. The Cincinnati club dish-nld ealy i the selason, and, though reorganized, .:a ruled out of tho race. It would have taken last place. In tho internationd conltest, composed of clubs not in tho loague, tho Teo -- schs thius far tako tho load, the Allo, glonies being second. Tho base ball seaso)A has also closed in Winnsboro. CHOICE LARD, --OR sale by tho subscriber in Ti Qans, .L at 12X cents per peund, or 8 po.adt for a dollar. Oct 9-xt I JOHN 11. CATHCART. Truo Brothorhood Lodg.o, No. 344, Inights of Honor, IlM ret,i meeton of t1his 1,o1go will bl, heltl AinAsOila on Ft111 evnn, 01 12th lm(ns., at, We;'imel. E. 8. CIIAN DL.ER1, Oct 1i-11- 1(c(o,ter. Fire Insurance. OY is tlhe time tg insure ycur . )we lng1, BaraN and Gin ollosi. Ample security oflbred in the OLD AND WELL ENSTALISIED COMPAN11ES represented at this Agency. Apply to JAS. W. LAW, ovt 11--Xtll Iusuirance Agent,. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or THE Winnsboro National Bank, T Winli-oo, inl the Sta(e of 8o.11h A 'Caroh t, at t.he clo1i4 f b,usiness. October I-t, 1,77. RESOUR OES. allad DisColunts, $67,028 00 Overd -nfs, 270 .43 U. S Bouds to eCure circuliation, 75,00 00 .e to i approved, reserve ig. its, 337 9-1 )IIe 1romi other Nation.al Sanq, 3,321 05 Ile-M E-4tate. P'titmture and Fiximtes, 1, .410 '45 Currept Expenlses and Taxes P.aid, 1,591 67 Pre'iniums Paid, eollo l) lills (if oher Boank!. 4,868 OU F'ractional Currency (iuichd ing Nik9s.) 2.15 -1 Speie, (inchiding (YC.I' Tre irv cerdificattvs) 407 2) LIgl T'.-rilrl Notes, 1. 700 0 luleniption fiw,l with U. S. Trvas.i,5 per cent.of circulation, 1,875 00 t ottal $104,074 20 MLITLIT193. Capital Siock paid il, 875,00! 00 uriins l'uttid, 3,037 -i UifIivilmd prefl s, 5, 587 .1 Nar omitI itkli nitiies out. --ilt11il ig, 67,501) (10 Dividenids nnaid. 117 5) Iiid:all depubts subject in check, 7,t007 45 D1"e to -hur National 1aiks, 193 90 bills I ayablo, 5, 0o 00 Total, $16-4,074 20 STAT 0 - S.Tll T'A dOLINA, 1 Co o airield. I, T. . Elliott, Cashier of ite ab1e :1ned hin, do solemnjilly na -r 1 at. th . aoe sc aement is i rue o t '.i best, of' in knowhitlge a iii beliefu. T1. E. ELLIOTT1, Cashier. Subscrirbhedl ant sworni to before me, I his 9'h~ day ofj October. 1 877. WM. N. C1IANDfriDR, Notary Pgiblic. Correct(-Atiest: W. Ri. RIOBE!IT.ON, J)AS. Is. \leCANTLS, DiWreciors. J.MIES A. BICE.J October Il-I Notice to Road Over'seers. COUNTY CoMMrisSxOxNls' OFF'xeE, WINxmiono, S C., Sep)t 24, 1877. F 3H~E Roa.l Oveiscers of Fairfield I.coun ty are herewith dircected to order out as son as practicable all per ons liable to road dluty inl their re sp~ctivet juriisdictions, to finish up the numuber of (days requaired by laiv, where the samet haiis not hiertoforet been1 doneO. Defaulters must be promptly reported to t.hui office for prosecution, anld all neglect of diuty by oveLrsecers and other road oflicials will he summartiily dealt with. Road Overseers arte also requlired to re purt to this oflcej thie number and1( kind of wvorking imlemlclents in their respec tive districts. J. 4. IIINNANTl,-'Chairman Board of County Comm 11ission ers. ept 2(1-I f. ESTrABL [8ISH E 1874. - GEO, B1 EDWARDS, Cotton cund General'i ConUinissionl Merchant CHA~RLESTON, 8. C. P. .ROMPT1 attentjon given fq the sale of 1.Cotton, Peas, Coiu, Rico and Pro duce of' tall kinds. Merchtandlise bought free of commlis riont. .Beiig on the f)p;t, and thsrcuaghly pnsted on prices, can guartantee large saving to huyersof muerchandti.so. Agent at Charleston for Stuato Lipe~ Ocean Steamships betwo, n Now Yo'r'k, G lasgowv, Liverpool, London and tall parts of Europe. References: iBank of Charleston; Jas. Adger & Co., 0h arletston, 8. 0. sept 22-3th ________m__ A new Psino, made by one of the lead ing manfufacturers of the lJn4tedl diates. rThe oinstrumtenthasj a copipnasse .seven and one-lhird octaves, and is Olnished yith all Jhe ltest improvement5. It cant beo bougl4 a# p g'reat reductjon from retail price. Apply at -the office of Tin Nnws AND .HEIlALD. junie 23--tf PRElPARE TO SOW WHEATr. A~ \8 the stock lawv is to be enfored in .. . .1/airfl old we have laid in a largo lot of Blue Stone, Lucerne and Clbver Beeds. For sale b sept 20 ~' MIA fr S nm THE LATESI AT LQWTE HAVE just return e wd from the ma soiest, largest, and best assorted ft( the OSpecial benefit of the citizens of iivite their attention. To the Ladies who would havo GLOVES, LINGERIE, and the very Tf the GenotliMen who would get 0 CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOO' TQ those who are in nec I of good, variety TAB.LE LINEN, HOMESPUNS DO YLIES, IIECIS, TO WEL, TICKING BLANKETS, BLEAC. -:THESE MAY B] THE E'LEPIAN'T --HAS COME With a Fresh Stock of Fall and AT2 THE DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND -0 Xiinery Bazaar. - 0 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. E take pleasuro in nnonncing to our friends and tihe publio generally that we are now opening tho fine3t and most complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, including Millinery and Fancy Goods in all the latest styles aud noveltits of the seap-ol, sIth ats are, generllly foluid inl a first-class Millinery establislhment. Fa1n1 cy and staple Dry Goods, a bealutifil stock of ieweut styles of Dress Goods. Buttons and TRIMMINGS. A full assortment of brown and bleacheod Mlusins, P'oplins, Cadicoes, Ginghamsu, G ents' Goods, Notions, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, lhustles,8k irIs, Shuawhlui Cloaks, &c. Me.n's andl Boys' JHats. Boots atnd Shoes for Qents and Boys, Shoes and Gaitors for Ladies, Misses and Children. A. FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries, Confectioneries, Cakes and Crackers, Ch'eese, Mackerel, Flour, Meal, Grist, 5