-DITION.] WINNSBORO, S. C., SATrUIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1877 [VOL. 1. NO. 102 NEV ADVERUTISEMENTS. 25 RIA"ANT'CARDs, 110 two aike, with name 10Cts% Pst PaId. J. B. IIUSTM, Nassau Rons County, Now York. Revolver ani Cartrhlges for $3, "'A fine nickel plated, seven shot, pocket re volver ; a first-eass art icle. Sent C. 0. D., or On reCit1 or JiW. U. V. WI.L,is, P. 0. Box Y,118, Now York. YEGETINE. T'housands will bear testIinony (anl (10 I; volt=larily) that Vegeline 1.4 the best imedfical compounI yet plcedl before the public for renovatIng and purifying the blood. LADIES Elegant nTm, itation R o,o Corsnl Seaz, DBrespin and Pondant Drops, Sent r ~ Postpaldto aty roader r thil Paper for 25 cents. Three Sets for - *50 Oonts. In Cur rency or stamps. lbti 00.ownto or. TRIFLING With a Cold is Always Dangerous. USE WELLS' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for Coughs, and all Dis eases of the Throat, Lungs, Chest and Muoous Mombrano. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOIES. Sold by all Druggists. C. N. CITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. P U m HABIT CURED. A Certain anl Sure Cure. Large rediuct fon in .rices. A trial bottle free. lits. J. A. ')nof.I1Nuit, La Perte, Indiana. 3ox 1038. (Formerly Mrs. Dr.8. H. Collins). The only combination of the truetc Jamaica Wanger wi1thcho Mc A tes andi French Brandy, Is a dtl clous, harlsns, strength 10ing subttut.e for ill kinds of stinulants. It I l promptly relieves iyspp JAM1 IC 1. 1 .sh1, ollpreion after eating and(l every specles of 1 ndi eitton, corrects all (istur. taices of the btimach and lowels, and cur's Crapsi,). Uhjfti, Fe'vers, alnd Mai rin. Ask for 8A%yom)'.S G.W RUPTU RE. Those wishing relief an( cure for Rupturo sloui cousult, Dr. J. A. iNEltM AN, 5q 1road way, New York or send for ha nw b*ook, w1uh JIotographlic likenesses of wad eases lfore, , aim atter cure. Beware of c1t:i Wilo IreteI Lo furinish Dr. Shermaln's treatinent.. One of these,. fellows a 'erian Clerk, now Calling himself br. W. a. Cremide,n, is Imaleted -on complait of Dr. 8. ana awats Iril for .forgery and embemzlement. o0,2-im W. G. ROCHE, MERItCHANT TAILOR, H AS removed to tle storo next to the post-oflico, whero he will be glad to re ceive his friends and customers. A full line of Samples will be kept on hand, from which customers may make selections. Ho nowv has the finest line of Frenchi and English goods over brought to this market. He is also preopared to cut or to mak up goods for those who desiro. Oar ments of all kinds repaired and cleaned. .SEO 1aning aspo ci r.i Thankful to the public for past patron age, lie solicits a conltinulaneo of the same, and guaran tees satisfaction. sep)t 18 W. G. ROCH E. . J4cCarley EG8 to{4 lattention to his new ..J4~to~ Qj~1ot and Shoes, all sizes an ~9on dly low prices ~e~t~t~ALSO, An ~ y ~ Stock of Groceries. Su ,Coffoe, Rico, Hlominy, ~I~al,~6~ 9~ Soda, Popper, Tea, eto. P f lour. , eoid oli y Whiskey in town .L'obadoi~ brs, Miolasses, Lard, 'Baon\f ~ Lowest market prices. for ensh4 ,,/ mar R. tJ. MOCARLEY. W ni Ioi o Hotel. Tiw~ tMt4 ned takes 'pIoasnre in inforlml rionds and the publio that hp oved to that large any commo lidu i k Hotel. located in the centre oftbuihi a, whore, ho is prepared to accodmiodate the public with clean and welflnsbue4 t'oqms, aond a table sup, plied v(ithith( best that' the market afoerds. n He in s to deserve ao4l hopes to mnoive~ tib1li paLronago, dI L. ;BRBOWN, CONGRESS STRET N E G 0 0 D S t WINNSBORO, S. 0. 500 LBS. NEW YORK FACTORY CHEESE, Just at hand, and warranted to gi vo satisfaction. U. G. IESPORTES. Sept 18 D. R. FLENNIKEN IK-EEPS constantil or. hand a full sup ply of Choico FAMILY 111LOCERIES and PLAN'ATION SUPPLIES. His stock has recently been replenished, and he is now ready to supply the wants of all. oct12 PROF. N. SCHMITT, Piano, Melodeon and Organ Tunor, 238 Main Strect, Columbia, S. C. AVING an experience of thirty-five .. years in tunming and repairing Pianos, Meledeons, Organs and other Musical Instrumentc, both in Europe and America, is enabled to guarantee satisfac tion, or make no chargo. He has the highest recommendations from schools and colleges in tho United Statem. July 18-tf. Notice to Road Overseers. COUNTYf COl\f MsSrONEns' OFFICE, WINNsBono, S. C., Sept 24, 1877. T RE Roadl Overseers of Fairfield county aro herewith directed to ordler out as soon as practicable all per sons liable to road duty in their re speCctivo jurisdictions, to finishi upl the number of days required by law, where the same has not heretofore boen done. Defaulters must be promptly roer ted to this office for prosecuitioni, and all neglect of duty by overseers and other road officials wvill be summarily dealt with. Road Overseers are also required to re port to this offieo the number and kind of working implements in their respec tive diThriets. 3. A. INNANT, Chairman Board of County Corn mniisonors. opt 26-tf. ESTABL ISH ED 1874. GEO. B. EDW ARDS, Cotton and General commtsalon 31erchant CHIARL~ESTON, S. C. p ROMPT attention given to the sale of Cotton, Peas, Corn, lide and Pro due of all kinds. Merchandise bought free of commis sion. Being on the spot, and thorou~ghly posted on prices, can guarantco large saving to buyers of mnerchaindise. Agent at Charleston fo# State Line Ocean Steamships betwoon ;New York, Glasgow, Liverpool, Londoh.And all parts of Europe. Referenes: IBank of Chit'Ipston; Jas. Adger & Co., Oh arloston, S. 0, Ssept_22-xt3n_______ J-POE? SAI,ZE. 3pIHE plantation known as th "Thomp J.son ,Place," seven miles n6tth,west of Winneboro, onninin g throo hun dred and twenty-four acres, boundo by lands of James.Turner, Sr., Thomas' ob'ertson and W J. Heorron. There is a fair, otion, of origin6l, well timib.red wods the plaoe, alsoya large body of~ - Aioldipines, tho best in the county. F terms &c., apply to . sent 29-.im R. #RN. VEGETINE Rov. J. P. Ludlow Writes: 178 DAUrIC STRUET, 3ROOKYN, N. Y., Novenber 1.1, 1874. MR. It. 81TEvENs: r Dear Sir--Froia inironal bni'liell I'vei l by s Isit, swel ;ts troin personal kilwledg.. of tIlose whose cult's ItieIeby have-i -v.lled Ia Inot, filnlntul ous, I ai a0st, ImAy n11i 411sin eerily recminild tihe VlowriN for Ih(e .,o1imi pillits whil i is elatined to elrn'. JAM. S 1'. IXD')I . .it1e P Iastor calvary IACtptiIt church, SIla*IcaInto, Cal. Veaine. She Itests Well. SouT POTAND, ME., Oct. 11, 1876 MI. It. It. STEvus: Dcar Sir-I have been sik t,wO Yeal's withI ihe liver Comlaliait, a an m <1urIlg t1hi tine have taken a greiai. iniy tIffewknt inielles, but nole of thein (11<1 Ile iany' goomd. I was rest.less it iight, an