TRW-WEPMLY EDITION. TEIS ) OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tri-Woekly Ono Year. -- - - - 14.00 "4 44ix-months. - - - - 2.00 Thrw monthm. - - - 1.00 . .RATES OF ADVERUTISING. - One squaro ono in-Hertion $1.00. For mach Hubsequent inmertion 50W. obitun rims and Truibte of Iempect charged for a advovisements;. Liburad discouitt ailo t or contract advertisemon1t14. -0 JOB WOl. Bill Ifeadg, Lotter lead, Eivelopes PosterH, Card, Invitationm, Tiokets, Ac. nr-atly executod at. this offico,---Cl[EAPl 1FOR CASI. Miss Mattio Davio, agod twenty 'ono years, on Monday last, whilo laboring under ibberration of the mind, shot and instantly killed her, solf in Wynnton, Georgia. By the oaving of an enbankment in Brownsvillo, Alabama, on Sunday evoning, John Lawrence, a white boy, was suffocated and two others woro badly injured. They wore dig ging sand from the bank. A man in Westorn Ohio has just been sentonced to the penitentiary for hinotynino years. He thinks it is the longest sentonce on record since Mr. Evarts lost his breath. "OLD oENT to boy (who is sokinoliiig the end of a cigar he has pickmd up) -'Ugh, for shan, throw that nasty thing away.' Boy--'What, for you to pick u1p and smoke, el ? Gar-urn I knows yer '" On the road leading from the Whitmau mino to the old town of Como, Nevada, thcre is a rock, the profile of which has so singular ro somblanco to the proillo of Washing. ton, that from a certain point of view the most caroloss observer cannot fail to n1otO thu likOness. HAYEs ANT) Nw Yonic.-Siaking of Conkling's possession of the New York convention, the T'ribmne says': "Thim, at iy rate, is certain: whiat 'ever tlo convention nay say or do th poople of tho,State of Now York -tro with the President. They trust his patriotism, they admire his char actdr, and (making allowances for a few mistaket of detail) they believe in hi pblicy." An unsuccossfil attempt was made *to kidnap Commodoro Nutt, tho dwarf, from a wost-bound Pa cilo railroad train on Thursday night. Th6" commodoro who was lifted from his berth, screamed and resisted so lustily that his captors bomamo frightened and let him drop, making their escape in the dark TUhe Anburn (N.. Y.) News prints the story of the mrriage of an Au burn girl sonmo years ago to a circus man while the company wals winter.. ing there. When summer camoe the follow went off with the show, and his wife heard nothing from him until he recently sent for her to como to him in a Western town, where he was dying. She woni.~ attended him in his last moments' and received his bank book in which lie was credited with $35,000. cM~aster & .Brico lI AVE grontly rednood ,the prioes of HAMBURG EDG.I.NGS, INSERTINGS, LACE~S, .PIQUES, TRIMM~INGS, LINEN EDGINOS, 4 COTTON EDGINOS, FRILLINGS, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, '&c. Call and . oxAifino their "Cheap Show Case" of "ODDS AND ENDS." july 28 UTAMSUTTA Muslin and 2200 Linen VIat $8.00 per half dozen. Porcale and Calico at$6.00 aind $9,00 por balt' dozen. miar 22 . . WMeMARTER& CO. J. CLENDINING, Bot and tISo A10 attractur'er, WI-9NSORO, S. C. TlIiE, iundoi-signmed rc ectifly ao111011I)C4 to the citizens of Fitirlield fhat hio hails reimloved hl is 141not. anud Shoe Aliinul'etory to oine dooer1 b1low Mr. C. l.-r's 1 ami prepared to manuifatutire illivylvs of %.ork in at suibstamtial and O.-mnIvilke laler, ont of tho very byest m1awi-1S. i a e f as low as tho 9am11 g41011s can b iaufatuired for at the Norta or elsewliere. I keep coistaitlly oil lianid it good Stock of Sole and lopper LevAthws. -Shoe Fitoinig-s &c., whicii will bo soli vi reasounWo pries. Repairilig proml ply at tended to. Terisstricly Cash. D- Dried Rides bonglit. oct 12 J. C1NDINING. Wies, Liquors, Tobacco, &c INE Palo Sherry Wine, fino N. C. SScippernong Wine, liine old Porto Port Win, fino imported Clarot Wino, For table uso-. ALSO, Fine article dry Scuppernonl Wino, Otard's & Co. gennino Cognac Brandy. puro N. C. Applo Brandy, ci ico Stono Mountain (Ge rgiat) Corn Whiskey, puro N. (1. Sweet Mazih Corn Whiskey, My Cabinet Rye-_the best whiskey in town, and at full stock of ill other good Liuors. Also, the celehbritt(d 1indian 1alo Ale, fe(sh lager and 'weet Sparkling Cider on draigih.. 'r'he li-gest ittia best selectt,al townu, P lak-w< 11' genuiine Smokin.; '1'O bacco, Me.ssinitorang-es anud Lvnmon.4 for salo low for aYh by jnno 12 F. V. 11ABENICilT. Ettener & Edmond, .I1IIIMOND. A M AN1UFACT(.imERS of Porlable ann S rEnginesand 13oiler- o all' kinds, Circilar Saw Mills, Grist Mills Mill Geaing, Shating, Pulleyn &c. AMERICAN TURDINIE WATEI WnEEL. Canirott's Special Stealti Piips Send for Catalogue. Oct 191 " WEST J ALADDIN u.& SONS' SECURITY OIL, THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test, WATER WIITE IN COWIL. Fully Deodorized. WILL NOT EXPLODE. HIGHEST AWARD Dentennial Exposition For Excellenco of Manufactie AND HIGH FIRE TEST. EndorEo& by thf Insuratco Companjog. Rea,l this Crlificatc-Ona of Ahany. RniWA inn FrV' 'N