RmAn1onAD SOIHED 4.4ThO 'IR110, ing are the hours -hio ti0 tgZa on the C. C. and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro: REGULAR PASSENG$P-+-- GT., For Charlotte, 1.25, A. 5. For Augusta, 11.07, P. u. Aowmoj!nTrg Fi4 W r DAY. For Co i4 For 'harlow, 1 . 14A. New Adverte1s xte .% - EntertaintIA-1 T6d..roW Agent. Best cotton on *.,onday brought 10.10 The storms of the past week have )oen hard on cotton. The Mount Zion 0ociety will neet on Thursday to considor natters of import4auce -ot the school. :I is hoped that there will be a full Attendance. PERSONAL.-Mr. Sol Wolfe is in -ow York, purchasing his fall sup -lies. - Mr. Jas.'A. Brice has returned. Mrs. J. 0. Bong has returned -ith a full line of supplies. The farmors of Township Twelve re to meet Saturday at Paul's pring to take into consideration te fence law. They have no idea f being fontedt out, or made a )imon pasturo ground for other ,wnships, through the stupidity malignity of non-taxpaying >ters. They are rigbt., Owing to the prevalence of the quinoctial storm the anniversary -lebration of the Hampton Rifle tiard, of Ridgeway, was postponed itil Thursday September 27. adios are particularly invited to .ke part in the pleadiies of the ceasion. Col. 0. C. Davis will ward the prizes. Why doesn't some enterprising idividual 6tr49, fev regy COtMAgfoo A townf i E6ry atih'u,Ali& th de demand for small dwellings which innot be satisfied. It would seem 'at a house costing from eight undred to a thousand dollars !ould be a payjiqg i*v@,9Pppnt. The Women's Auxiliary Associa on have turned over their funds i hand, amounting to over sixty ollars, to the Mount Zion Society >r the improvement of the school. 'his is a most liberal 41onation, and a well timed. There could not be ,more worthy object. The incomparable Mol Smith russell will visit Winmgsboro on iaturday night. .' His :impersona-. .ions at the entertaimniepit of the Berger family several , epors since, urnished food ,'for laughter for veeks. Sol is said to . be., better han ever, now, and ' everybody should come and heerim. DENTAL No-rrO.L-Dr. Isaiah Simp son, Surgeon Dentist, Charlotte, N. C., respectfully paopi the citizens and public generally that he will visit Winnsboro, S. C., profession., ally, on the 54th day of 'opteiriber, and remain teko* affi days. Call early and save confusiog at tl;e last. Teeth extracted without pain. Terms Cash. The article on German Millet has been kindly handed us by Mr. Dunn, of the firm'&of Doty & Co., who have had large experien~ce with the cultivation of infilet, and' have been very successful. 'Millet, ' has now been tried three'or four years, and it seems admirably adapted to o 2r wants. Good crops 'can be raised from land after wheat br bats are cut. Mr. Phillips' ew fni}ure 'st6re is avas imoyep on his old one. It is. sithianc 6A ther old Hilliard corner. The building is quite hadodinaNd . The lower story is tdevoted.,toifrnitute, and is well filled wit~h new. anmd tasty articles, at moderate prices. His stock in undertge' (6bel is kept mn the 0econcOsiory.i ~r persons of all ages,1.frondhAe c 2~o to the grave. OQrN AIR FESTIVAL.-WQ take great pleasure in announcing that a open air fo4tiva -will be opoed to-nighit in thy9~r(vg Q# Mr. ~S nolds' residence. Refreshments of different kinds will be served, and mUsic furn"fed by both the brass and ot-ing bands. L.The proceeds of the festival will bo donated to! Mount Zion Iistituto., We comn mol this enterprise tothe patron) goAi he whole co.rnunii. As previously announced, the Adjut4t and IlUpector I General 114i fi 4ht1sbo4b bn th'O 10th of Qct.9pe it ovi9g mu iiary Ooopaidp . p te t cp Thd olWtier con >Mfes Nil' 46 inApected 44,p. m.. . he following is an extract from tho order: 3YIiqvgr coimpanies are not uniformed, toy will appear in dark colored, clothcot ti black felt hats, and neatly arranged. Care should be ta ?n to present as much similarity ot color and style as possible. White gloves, and boots carefully polished, will add much to the general appearance of such commands. Not les than fifty men will pass intpection, and no excuse for arms or equipments out of order, or showing indications of neglect will be allowed. Commands which cannot pass inspection will be diskandod, and all gompanies which cannot lie prepared' haA as well surrender their arms and equipments. RELIGIOUs NoTF.-The Rev. W. W. Mills - chB. ged pulpits on Sunday with the Rev. C. E. Chiches ter. The latter having tendered his resignation as pastor of Scion Presbytorian -.hurch,, at cngrega. tifonal hnecting was held to 'consider it and decided not to accept it. Mr. Chichostor is a zealous laborer, and we should be sri-y to lose him unless his sphere of usefulness could be enlarged. Th Rv. W. H. Campbell is now rector of St. Pauls' church, Charles.. ton. - This is a larger geld than that offered by St. Luke's to which lie was first called. Mr. Campbell is very: populali'jn Qharlestom Shie tihne gince the Presbyterian church in Columbia called the Rev. Mr. Brackett from Charleston. His congregation refused to give him up. We have not heard what his 4etermination will be. The sun entered the Sign Libra on Saturday, thus marking the beginning of autumn. The moon also instead of rising as it usually does, later on one day than on the preceding one, has' risen on three or four successive evenings just as the sun sinks out of eigm in the evening. This phenomenon is owing to the fact that the moon is in Aries when the- part of the ecliptic below the horizon makes the least s,ngle with.it. The farmer, busy with his harvest, an oppor tunit is given hiim tfor several eveningA with ligiit sufficient to continue miB operations after sunset. In former times husbandmen, not doubting that it was so ordered on purpose to give them an increased supply of moonlight for their greater convenienes in reaping the fruits of the earth gav'e the name of "Harvest" moon to this particular full moon. The platiets Mars and Saturn were in conjunction with lyodies shone with unusual brilliancy. THESPIM& HALL -ONE EVERNG ONLY. - BA' D~AX, 8eptembor - 29. OHA8. it. PflATT, Matiager. ,The ioat Finishod, Entertainment of - Amne'iea The Marvellous Livigg,Wokider in Comedy, SQL SMITH RUSSEIdL, And . chis Great OoneerL Company. 3tmdn G. LI6tDAnnD Mifalcaf'iItb'tor, Comprising the following iartists: Miss 9oravWiley, sophiano, iMiss AnnL Ho).. brook, Contralto, Miss Annie L'Estelle, Pia~mi s l9OIazJI,Eo) . O ?r. L. M. Packard, Tonor, Mr. Walter Pond, .Baritone. And the inimitable 80L SMfH~iRU8B&tLL. 411 the Late Musical Novelties of theo day will be Presented. Poaoen' at W;KnIZeitebihiMetideWa 8/ AD *SWN (hEN Aent FU RN AW Save high bills by purchasing A NEW SU. RUST0 WrDOW SiAEs, Low in Pri will never get out of order, and will I MATTI Spring Beds, Picture Frames, Pici Carriagem. LUlV And Shingles at Pri REP Neatly done at modorate Pri< UNDERTAKER I kcop on hand a full supply of M and Coffins of the finest'finish. Alse September 22 NEW GOO NEV DANNEI If you want a nice suit of Genta' CLI ~oto .. If you want aptetty suit df OLOTI] Go to If you Want niat, anpt ALI ( do to If you want R1OM~ESPUNS, ~EANS, SEA IELANDS, LINSEYS, BL~EACH] DIl GO TO If you want nobby DRESS GOODS ..Go to . If you want Ladies' and Gepts lM'Q RANTSD,., go to Go to If you want LOW WI1UCES and1 GO( GO to sept2 2 , I..WE'S TI ALADO)IN .b&80 N8' (SECURITY OIL4 Warranted 150' DegMed PfM-Test. Cent0nn.i Exposltion F~or Excellence 6f mfnutoture H~* 1 iPit)t, T|ST. 2niorsoa by tho inuurance 0o~~1~ -F~ ~ -?IM eriv G usd. i oy 3In - a fiev REsN Prsid hi *' wiy *~~I i st eelIi -byWu.~ aopes I?IiiiIIyeUIdi 8 4 tlh ourle, J-TURE, Arrived and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut Chambor Suites, Painted Cottage Suites, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safes, BooklCases, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs, Desks, Towel-racks, Wash, 8tandR, Lounges, Sofas, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, Coat Hooks, Corner Stands-for Design and Workmanship Un equaled. AT HOME, 'PLY OF ce, Durable and Convenient. They ast longer than any other Shade. (ESSES, lures, Brackets, Mirrors, Children's [BER ces to Suit the Times. AIRING 3s. Furniture made to order. .'S DEPARTMENT. etalic and Rosewood Burial Cases , a cheap stock of Coffins. W. Phillips. DS! T PRICES ! BEIRG'S. )THING, DANNENBERG'S. [NG for your Boys, DANNENBEAG'S. )ES, DANNENBE RG'S. ING, JILLINGS, BED TICK AND FLANNELS, DANNENBERG'S... at LOW PRICES, DANNENB3ER'S. fEMENTAL SHOES, ALL WAR DANNENBERG'S. TIONS, IA.TS and CAPS, TRUNKS DANNENBERG'S. )D GOODS, DANNENBERG'S. A Lpersons are hereby:re agamust entering or in any way tres passing on the lands, whether enoeosed .,r un9nolosed, now ocoupied 'v' pg. Persons disregarding this notice w'tl b dealt with according to law. aug~ li1aw3 J.A.AL EI6KIE EOLLk.ss S DUE WEST, S. C. remarkably hecalihy. Faoulty cojulete, Hesior opens Oetober 1st, oloaes July fid. mnluding board and Li ti i. tGCA 8al4, Iotash, Candles, 8~~ ..lj0aps, Fine Tes Ooncentraeay, MaLh J)rick, Shot, las of . t Drug atoroof gas*0 Ath sept 20MoMaAu[un n& m DO. THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorhey at ltw '. AND TRIAL JUSTICE. . All business entrusted to him in either capacity will receive prowRt atten. tion Offle on WahIngt straot, ono door east of Winnsboro AOte1. - A. -0-LA D.. - iToo n. GAJLA3D A REYgora3s ATrroRNEY8 'At. LAW, NO. 3 LA W RANG.R A. M. MACKEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No. 1, Lw RAN1.8p Winnsb6ro, A. 0. rilorpecial attention aid to ti 0olle0tion of laims. Will praotimI nS the courts of this State and the United Sates. W. G.'ROOHE MERCHANT TAXL90'1 H AS removed to the storo next to ,le post-offloo. where be will be glad to!ro. ceivo his friends and customers. A full line of Sanplos will be kept oil, hand, from whioh oustombra may zdake, seleotions. He now has the finci I Ine of French and English goods ever broug)4 to this market. Ho is also prepared to out or 'to m6ic, up goods for those who dquire. Garments of all kindis relaired and cleaned. .&- Oleaning a speoWi Thankful to the publio for pasi patton age, he solteite a continuanq99 pf el same, and guarantees satisfaction. sept18 is 0LEN D11,o" Bot -and shoo K g I WINNSBORO, 8. Q. THE iide g setfially anotrale Ahe, hasemv Shoo anufatory one doo - u '. C. Muller's. I am prepared to 4:n 'd il1'ityles of worka in at substantial. &:n orkmanliko manner, out of $he vybeg . materials, and at prices fully as low a same gooda ean be manufacturedlifor at tli6 North or elsewhere. I ko~ cozpat -l9wja hand a gpd Stoek of ,ole pUnt Loather, hoe Findings &o, wid 3afl ' sold at reasonIsble dose." 'ij&iri 'i .%&-ried Hides bou a 00NGRSST1 N N Id hd . nt Jeo l o) ei '*(o n ad- 1 .1LT)u ruurrir ott athan 1nd ##hIk" P4r gt,mn () no ' d!1 jh.b5mom,. WINN~O1r, f} oli Il nhI)I' th) no dmd unn thJIidy ,01uhd li~I)t* W #soE V~ X I01qili uILnuxya hI 'I,ep.~jF) ~ t(Ti.t uni t 1. *J faLL&1f