TRI-WEEKLY E - - - -r--'"-,+ !4TION.l, WINNSBORO, S. C., TUCESDAY MORNING, SEPT .1b I'llXJ E4,T3' 2 - ~ A LAJ~AlI1 ~4. 1877"IV ~ i ~~f N EW ADVE HANSi d row OR n o a subass a-t''Od 12 .Lowe Rg 4 cost over test trial O fen 6n 16 days answer a ' R 'i I WnnpUt. IHattlo ie no by the idrr I F. artiul free. Jersey. 9 washington,Zew 25% ga 110ANORE LEGE, SALEK, A. Nextaseu9ion begIn legiate, elective end .r 5, 1871. Col surpa-.4ed Iecourses. Un conmunit)VM a. deoy expeonses: from $1(10 1o W. Mr cuding tuition, board, e ont, in fifteen ytntk%, Indian tudents *roin N ,~ Twenty HtudenMt ro 1,and Mexico. Catalogues, etc., address Virginia. For -ECR OF FACULTY. ADIE Elegant Tm, o d toa s?, reney or StA 0111to 0, w ork. ONLY FIVX i Du iRS FOR AN Of the best -a cind In A dl u& 6ier'the Great U nIon I'loi(Oc Wlallroad. A FA'H* FOR $200 rin easy payments with low rates of inteaet. SECURE IT V'O WI. .ull informia6t, nU fide, $71a ). F. DAVIS, Land Agent. U. P. U. R. -IOA4A, N11 BATO? ~e ward A GREAT I Vim thar mInle (11spose of I(W) I'M fit ans, new a d eond-hand of firstc a me a inncluding *VforEIS atsAA8tor k ,ieli(1401,'tol((Ulltil-patift,)t thwu .befor -ffered. WVATPERS, grn quare and up 1itlIanos and Organs (Including thpir neOw outventr and ooudoir) aro tUc best iade. 7 tave Pianos $150. 7 (16,Slo not usedayear. -1"StpOrgamr $50. .1 SA01$8 Sos ,8 i8top)s4$15. 101,A1 0 s 4 i l, 110t, iisvd a year iav1 ft1uanted. 1.ocal and avig kbt an .llttrte Catalogues Al alled. A liberal discount to T1e1Ah ers, ,iNnisters, Churches, etc. Sheet muste at hIft price. JI 9 8,~ turel .n a is911811' 8qua.e1N or fll'ra ol' ap oR. GRAND SPRING OPENING, -AT THE Diy GQ k ou"'Wan Millinery yzaar, O F a beautiful and full line of latest novelties in 8 ing and Sunimet iillinery and Fancy goods, consisting in ,art of:'adies', Misses' and Children's rimmed Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, gets, &o. A largo lot of Ladles' Collarettes,Fichus .nd other fancy articles. Inspection of ihe Ladies and public generally solicited. We will endeavor to please the most fav; tidious. All we ask is that you call, and see for yoursclfedv and give as a' triall'' New Sprijig yrI1ti$,Cqntqnniaj )~pf~ Dress Goods, hito ,6" 1 rk I rbR'1 rov ers, Corsets *Hsiery, Gloves, NatXona Clothing, lats, Shoes, &. Agent for B3uttorick's reliable p ape patterns. Ladcies', M issea' an4 Children' now patternd id dtdr61/t E Or d GROCERY DEPARTMENT, JTust filled up with frne-h Groceries, Con foctionarios and everything usually found n a first class ojeo~j A lot of Funli-n , Lsts, ifIllIs, &;o, Lumber low for Cash. J.0. SOAG. You can fink1 nilt yoit wai~ by 'callie on . S 'a b ) 1 april 14 eT. O. .E o g -YE would call the attention of the publie to the grei ?dQbtin N/e have made on LINEN LAWN$,e ..~.pd .nmi1a PACIFIC LAWNS, " ORGANDIE~S, .,pijub .u vid it OhS bt ibi BRILLIA!8,,, e and ether White Goods. PIU , to the fact that we sell. ... at 6 cntsper.ball, ('u,I.Si and hialf dNze1 it* ~ #W~ toVf And made o auM ugdmi YMaRSer 4%II july 14 TO OU1 CUSTOMERS' HO are indebtod to us for PROV18Z IONS Ar POSPHATES, we would respect fully.c" at,"ntion, yqur l ills arq duo on or before the first of 1govem>er. We re depending on you for payment AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligation made to assist you, and which are due at that in. In order fr a we , to main tain our er6dit it WUnefssry to-meet our promises prozptl Beaty, Drox Sons ot 12 lount Zion1 Vollegiate Institute. THE, fail sesRion of this well knovn histituto bogan on Monday, August 27th. -"The odurse of instruction embraces Mathematics, the 8assiq BAe eo-and the usual Englfdh bran t eea iItteutiof will be paid to eloc adl g, spelling and Writ iig. Pupils will receive that careful drill in the rudiments which is essential to scouring a thorough education, Black board exercises will enter largely ns a method of instruction. The college bpilding is commodious and conveniently located. The Principal hiopes, with the )Qlitical and material improvement of the ,41te, to secure a liberal -patronage, by means of which the Jn4titutemay be re stored to its former popularity and useful hess. TERMS: Olassical department, per session W of twenty weeks, $30.00 Intermediate, -25.00 Pfimary,------ --------20.00 Payment to be made quarterly in ad vance. -* i.1L. M, DAVIB, PrincipAl, aug 14-txtf Winnsboro, S. C. ~he Latest Novelties JUST ARRIVED. baiflselection of Lawns and autifu inal >tenow desirable Colors Sd Vattbrns. kbeautiful li of }mb rgEdgingA and Trimmings deal 'klnad d4ufcoes o latot est5 zd a ~ eaii,4ced prioesa ~large assor mn of ians, But tons, C mba~d ~andotins of all. kilids. iu rp agedwill be satIif e *11L' M 1t Id -l' . I a dODS a'fithi a'of " ' I Q,FE. june 28 YEGTTINE Ad EeOlleit Nedlclne. SPtINOFIELD, OlA 'Feb. 18. 1877. Is toa r e uw r%TNx,, or ltlieumItIs-l 4 gele -)rostrattoi of t1ho lervols system, with g0oa siCess. I recoin nend YSOTINF as I excelTK inUdicinle for mhi ConNplainMts. Ydt') very truly, G. W.I,VANDEOnIFT. Mr. Vandlegrift. of the IIrInI of Vandegrit,& Illiffan, Is a wtI! kDown WISIPl(I.s man in this Aaer., haviig wne of lhe I rgest, stores iI 4prihigliold, 0Ohio. Our Ministor's Wie. Mitit. Lisvip,.Kr.,Feb. 16, 1877. MN.-jt. U. S*rE-MNAs DeAr sii-r-hree years Ago T was sufforirg ,erribly witl hilliinmatory itheunatism. Our minister's wift :dvised )11e to take Vegetine. A fl qr taking one bottle I .was entirely rellevod. I'hisear, feeIlInQ a return of tie disease. I igalx Commenced taking It, uti am being renefitted greatly. It also greatly Ulnproves my digestion, liespectfully, Mis. A. BALLARD. 1011 West Jefferson Street. Safe aud'Sure . inm. H-. R. .-ravaas: In 1872 y0tir VgetinC was reconende( to ine; and yielding to the perstasin(ais of i friend, L consenWd dt tIy It. AtI the tIno I wau suf fering fIol ngenerttl debility and nervous pro. tratljon, sperindueod by ovorwork and irregu. lar habit Its wondertul strenglihening and aurnt.tve popertiCesacened to Offeot, Ily debill Lated system froi the ilrst ( 0; anid under its 1ieisttient use I rapidly recoVA.WI, fining incro tan usual health and gool feeling sin1ce [lien I have not hesitted to give VEffiRTINE lly IQSL ui(1ua11ea itillor-lmenllt as bel i a a iafe, surc, and lowerful agent In promotiig health and restoring. t.he wast4d systein to no w life and energy. VegeOlle is the only niedicine I use, and as long as I live I never expect. to llnd it bdtter. Yourstruly, V. 11.CIAItK, 120 Monterey Itreet., Allegiany, Penn. VeS4tine. The following let-ter from Ilev. 0. W. Mans ield, formerly pastor of tihe Methodist. Episco pa church, Hyde Park, gnd at present settled in Iwell, must convince every one who reads his letter of tle Wonlderftil -curative qualitivs of VYORTzNs ru a thoroilgh cleanser and purifier of the blood. 11Y]E PAn, MAss., 10eb. 15, 1877. M. R . rvTEENs: Dear Sir-About tell yCnt go Ily health failed through tihe depleting effe(ts of dys pepsin; nearly a year later I was attficked by t yphoId-fever Il its worst: form of a large doep ieaited , jibscess, which was IIften months In gathering. I had two sU ical- operations by the hest, skill In 11h0 SOf eI Sceived .no per ianeint cure. I suffertdgi 0t pain , at tImes, and %was constntly weakned by a profttso dis charge. I also lost small pieces of bone at difTeret times. Matters ran on thus about seven years, till May, 1874, when a friend recmmended me to go to .vour oi1c, auti talk with yon,of the virtue of Vegetine. I did so, and by your kindness passed through your manufactory, noting the grelients, &e., by whitc y.01r ren produced. o edy Is 1ly what I sa,w and heard I gained fsoie con fIdencO In VEOETIN E. I tikIng it soon after, but felt worse from its effects; Will I persevertd, anl soon felt, I ,wau.i baneliting fne Inl sole resipets. ' Yet 1 (11 not see the re.suts I desired till I had taken It faithfufly tor a lIt,l moro than a year, When tie diffleulty In the back vas cured; ant lor1 nine months I have enjoy,d the best of health. i11 h,v6 in tilt. I time gained twenty-flve pounds of Ileh, being heaviet than ever before I iny lifo, and I was never-moro able to perform Iabor tlitu now. llaI thO 44t fewiWeeks I had a scrofulous swellng as large as my 11at gather on another part. of my body. I took Vegdftl'ie faithfully, and It removed it level with the surface i a month. I think I should have been cutred of mny main trouble sooner it I had iakon larger doses, after having beeqipe -accustq)nci to Its efects. . your pariron4 ttouble(l with scrofula or kIdnoyjdItseas p.nderstand that it tkes time to cure chrone diseases; and, If they will patlent - ly take Vegettine, it wiit, In my judgment, Ure them. 0111 very I rill v G. WY. MANsPIELID, Pastor oi the Methodist Episcopal Uhurch. TLyG4 ETI NE. -n-PlE'ARPD BY .Hm R.1STEVENS, Vegetble. isSold, by all IDruggi its sep 4--4y PROSP1ECTUS. IST'IORY of -$ouh Ci 4arolina, REV. RI. LIATHAN. S osoon da a sufficient, number of sub s0ribers 'trlemued in 'waurant the enterpr'ise, I prolposo publishing a The work will e;nbraco A, pomplete hlistofy gr',tIe State from the fi rst 'discov.. ery' of the soil; the aettlemdft of the tomtj. tdry it' diff4erent 'perioas; the biat.ory. of the,Statoj:under tilo Pxg >Iiot4ry' Governl tho'Mobf eve ltlihary Wa~r.rort Th d inovemien of the soveral ' Whig nlilliitary ohiefs are , eccurtely i.raeed, and the voyalig battlea. foughts during the h1evoAion are iminutely;desceribed. Th&4Whole 4,ill makbe a bdk' of moth than ' 700i ' pa-gew of' 'thme size of .S'epUens' 11ptory qf the Unuai~L &vUs. It will beopritted qu31good lfpape,witiclear type, andi Y2QuaId in spbstan~tial cloth. To subh seribata-t'te' booli will bo deliveredl for FfiySOJi8 tidesiring 40 onva04 Efor. - he *orkkrille, S O, AbgtIti4 1877. 1tBG814 dallb.6ttention ttfo' bi no and1p1 atd o pig OlloO Anvi %Jon mr4ty Iewstyl Whil9 S ries 0Baooi k 1-tideOf, Fant mfIr.Ct t fm a Rhj..J. MoCARLE1Y. 0 VIRGINIA TO,PERS PA YING TIlE S'PATE DEBT., Operations of the Moffe tr "Slates" Demolished and the Cas System Established .DisguVt:of the SmokAng Element-Publio..Sentiment and the Views of the Liquor Sellers. R11rO'ND, VA., Sept. 14, 1877. The'Moffot rokister, bl' thb ("MofL fet boll punch," as tliq peoplo ,still insist upon calling it, has ni?19, bogn in operation threo days, an4 as a most valuable and . oxtror(jinary. source of revenue regarded as a decided success. The average Vir ginian is. now engaged in the patriot ic duty of liquidating the State dobt to the tintinnabulary music of the little gong in the register. The usual salutation, to-day, instead of the ordinary "Lot's take a drink," is "Let's contribute to the payment of the State debt by registering." Tho repudiators or readjusters, who are opposed to the paynent of the debt, carry their opposition so far as to refuse to imbibe any beverage of a stimulating nature requiring the payment of a tax, and they are no cessarily obliged to have reco-arso to soda.or cold water. This,. however, is only the case in a few extreme instances. EXCITEMENT AMONG THE DRINKERS. On Tuesday, the first day of the registers, there was quite an exoite inent among the portion of the com Inunity. that usually patronizes the drinking saloons. As the little black boxes wore placed in each bari fastened by screws to the. counter, Prowds flocked in and called for drinks just for the vety novelty of listening to the tinkling sound of the gong, produced by the revolutipn of the crank as the barkeeper regis tered each dink. It was curions to notice how eagerly the patron, after swallowing his "straight," "toddy,i' boep or "julop," would bend for yar4 and intently watch the opera1on Qf the crank and take in the "tink" that gave notice that the tax war paid, and that lie had performed his whole duty as a Virginian: ond rk patriot. ' AN ADVANCE IN PRIOEs. . As predicted in the Herald several days ago by telegraph an advance in the charge for malt and alcoholic drinks took place all along the entire line of saloons. Ieretoforo the charge for ale6holic drinks was ten cents, and five cents for malt drinks. TMe Moffet 1}egis ter law liposes a tax of two and a haggpiuts on alcoholie and hW-P cent on each mal drink. In orXA2 to meo.t this tax the saloon keepers at once raised the price of alcoholib beverages to fifteeni cents, and they overcame~ tile difficulty"Sn the -tf of lager beer by stilistlttiting klasses holding a tenth less than those usisa previously to the introdnotion-'ofi the register and leaving the~ pricest Av cents, uWhen two or i more wyskips are called for a reductiQn is, allowed at the rate of two, drinlks for qa ter, four for fifty gents, uand .80 on1 bunt the tippjler who drinks y hjn self is victimized to the extent , .tw-o iind a half c9nts.' whichi is i el~M parkeeper. ADOLITION OF T/E. s,A., One of the immediate- effects of the register 'was the abolition of the igredit system. by the barkeepr. HeIwever willing they wvere $o' Mpk the loss of their liqqors. by, "qag ing," they were decidedly unwi1lipg to pay the state. a tax upon..dIls for whiop they eventuall" ~'geit "old hdbro" nad thu doddr "~te" arc no longer institutions in tlI whiskeyishops of JIihmVnJ .Wyci'y wnan has how to.paysas heoio/ audi the bter4tdder taltes good careamott to ;touoh the crank for the purpose oft pay in 6t~ 609 . pWQ11Y q Thie'el re' hidids ofosuAsI@ ~nidets' ebnsoquert upyon the 'Wab voWtEYI'thio newi'sybtu oif Mid -owfitn.~O,n iewort~hy foiridht&bal - tro ad UM>th I oiedig thi first day of th sN ' . bt d .Ms of " guished 'old gb't16' ea ' dsti ter, g466*ly '6mV6 tivo tv! tht# efidpe h616ii4 i W 4 da d' ll i I 1 1. er ; Sip ,bt'it' a in "'Wd 4 ti barman still more intently. P 3own his ldah'rm \ c !ffYOti,haven'bipnohod.,"iid)-id ,"..npy!hivgp't*0 . M-t -P #n9F laid the siing ipens o liquids. "Haven't you gdt'the Moffet rog ister " inquired- tfib ttosman. "Oh, yes, sir," with a touch of "I thoughtI di4n t hoar . / '1uerulously remark . u breasurer. -1 0* "Oh, no, Mr. Hunter) yoA did not,'? very emlphiically. . " Why I' 'l,esitl ingjly. "Bocauso you havout paid m ri Eunter.", This produced a laugh!at, the e:k pense plthe distinguishe4,-ta i.-. Dr and financier, wh?, Ote t4o ling in his pocktt prodttcCA. dou our raind planka: litip. "Whe' upon the barkodyerj with, , lookisid Drable flouriah, tur4ed .4j, cr Ao1 ido th o Mf g ald ioncep ti debt of "Virgih1a.' Mk3 t boat a hasty retreat. . Polut,A1hEAININT' It is fair say that PiWic srti ment to' dA i la0l13' in " "f the'MoNet iqor la. 'n of one' or ,two of the! saloon*Ihas slightly decreased witi i day or. two, but no to qu* a Ox1tentis toWrSald"da ' the rbgistii i'tl1e 3e4 Ith itill advance inA-?the.prioes:does no6 4iA terfore, Ny@ 4;;gulggogU irregulaf,.dph .oy topers of the'loweat fyp m., ble, and to these &A'bbd thildA who'do'not filiy hqV4Ir4Adyrosh in their poqketq mA4 Wbp! Wva2 Uvn in. a.h,abiA Pf lmygg g charged. 'Fr tiesp the re1i or is . ind6iW'eniMrit;' 6nd'1606 tb 'Id doin it ; but-thegreatuaj6 itywof the, patrons of ,salopus) are-, btily in favor of ,it*v. y 'I 1 lug i~. oppor ent, p~oe tat aft a souhce 6f r6ee i'is -h616q best lever diVisedi knd it iWJ!pi-o. orlyiWuoreed-tilerainmo d.04hOt it willOvoit-allys P q 9 p th, os ,GRA'I' mv t 4E fh fdiRapp6int mont !of, A ,atrioto O-,twVpn4( ball ' figiyg y (g p ggg y s It3jo ntt I qa Tis is to be emd4Oied b a -'106l" engideery who, beinae hurg44 -dpo, divi na.dquirg haf,s i. aMight-theh.balli' foib60d yft~r 'ua .phlu P O h N4QM ~e. wil ob 3"%ihud' ndmofp.M wderethibi4fofs~ akfeniidgthia voy,wa____i____s__ypy__ged 9s robeU at,uthe e*Mir.lkwlwhticr th i. ghm itqra%e , -~ ~a I the.froe