ing aw) the hours at which tho -trains on the C. 0. and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro: RFEoULAR PASsENoER--NIow'r. For Charlotto, 1.25, A. 51. For Augusta, 11.07, 1. at. AccOMHODATION FREOlnT-DAY. For Coliunbia, 7.36, 1. At. For Charlotte, 10.45, A. -M Refroshi1ng showers fell on Mon day and Tuesday. A largo number of delegates to tho Methodist District Conference arrivod by tho trains yesterday morning and evoning. The second match game of base ball was played yesteaday afternoon between the Nameloss and Chicoras. The Nameless woro victorious by i a score of 29 to 8. The gamos now stand, Chicoras 1, Namelcss 1. The publishers of this paper have not the slightes objeotion to its being known that the "Citizens' Ticket" is puhilied as an adver tisemen/, at "ten dollars a month" the regular contract rates. Tho services at the Episcopal church opened on Tuesday morn ing, Rev. J. Obear conducting the servioe, and Rev. W. I. String. follow, of Columbia, delivering the somcrlon. At night the service was read by Rev. R. P. 3olmson, of Yorkville, the Bishop delivering the sermon. Timo services were throughout interomting .and in structive, and wore well attended. A very large spaeo8 has been taken up in Tin, NEws AND JULA.L)D by co1 nmnications on county polities, to the almost entire exclusion of current neows, miscellaneous matter and discussions upon the fence law and agrieniltral topies, both of great importance to the material interests of the county Wo shall hereafter publish commn nications on politics only pro-vided they bo briof, to the point, and over the namo of the real writer.oAnony mots communications carry little weight, and produce little effect. KINa'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL. -The session of this well known and justly celebrated institution op)ened last week. and we are pleasE ed to learn that its prospects are .good. Among thc rc'ent matricu lates are two sus of Governor Hamp~iton. This School now ofl'ors facilities for a fall collegiate conrse, wvhile due importance is attached to the preparatory feature of the institution. Colonel Coward, thec Principal, is a ripo scholar an cx cllent disciplinarian, a zealous and efficient instructor, andl a true Christian gentleman. He is ably assisted in the several departments. 'We bespeak for King's Mountain Military School a liberal share os patronage from Fairfield and om 'State at large. AN EXP'LANATION.-Some commneni and criticism have been made upom the refusal of the editors of Ti NEws AND HERALD to publish a comn nmunication from I. B. Smith, the wvell knowvn mulatto politician fron Rhode Island, in advocacy of th< "Citizons' Ticket." While we claim2 the right to rejet any or all comn mnunications sent to us, yet it ma3 satisfy some people's curiosity t< knowv our reasons for refusing ii this iistanco. They are these 1. Because I. B. Smith is, in n< possible sense, a responsible par'ty 2. Because the communication con tined statements, the truth o which we do not believe Smith cam substantiate. 3. Beccause the pub lication of the said communicatiom could serve no good purpose 4. Because I. B. Smith's peculia1 views on the political situation ar of no interest to the white popb of Fairfield, who constitute wvit1 very rare exceptions the readers and without any exception the rca supporters, of this p)aper. A Mr. B. J. Martin was shot and instantly killed by at Mr. T. T. Gil at Bruison's, Barnwell county, few dayvageo. True Brothorhood Lodge, No. 344, Knighto of Donor. T liR regular ietI ,ing: f thIs L.o 4 wIll ic FI WiI3 101 lnst., at 8, O'lock. -1reth.rn WIl Colae preparedl to pay assess macnt. No. 28.. mcM,No.28.E.H8. CHANDLERt, aug. 9--t tliorter. CONGRESS STREET N E w G 0 D S1 WINNS1ORO, S. C. NEW GOODS AT U. G, )ESPOlTES' AND TN DRY GOODS, CLOTH1ING, J-00TS AND SIIOES, WINES, L IUORS, Elte., Etc. feb 3 TCT]LIDTf S'OAJP JUST REICEIVED, NXE gross of the genuine Drowl Windsor Soap. ALSO, Twenty-five dozen assorted Soaps,at th( Drug Store of april 24 DR. W. E. ATKEN. MORRIS' HOTEL, ---o ~ have just finisAhed painting, pwrpeirin' . and thoroughly renovating my Hot fromt topi to b ottnom, anid now have it ii first class -.ide and am1( . prejihiIrd to en tertai lil y guests with1 much more O con v'iee and1 c*omafert than er1etofoirc Office Onl lirst floor aud opening on mai street, wit.h dlinin g reoom and sampt11 room1 aidjomoiig. Every effort, will bl mad touli make my guests comfortable. T HIo tel tonted .next door to F Elder's large gro cery and dry good stores iand ini the cenitrailand0I busineCss piortion ( own. Charges to suit the times. A. A. MORRTTS, april--2(-ti Pr opr1iior. Established 1859, CHARLES MULLER Has removed to the store next to Franei G erig's. TATCHlES, Clocks and Jewelry, r pairedl, and sat,isfaction gualranteec to e'rybody. Those indebted' to mo for work o: .jeoery wifl please pay at once, for Hampton is Elected. CHARLES MULLER. feb 3-tf Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &c. ]'INE Pale Sherry Wino, fine N. ( LSouppornong W~me, line old1 Port Port Winoe, fino .imported Claret Wim, For table usBO . AL1SO, Fi;uo art.ilo dry Scuppernonig WVina Otard's & Co. genuiine Cognao'Uiranida putreN. C. Apple BUrandy, chi ieo Stoti Mountai (Georgia) Corn WVhi skey, pm N. C. Sweet Mash Cornt Whiskey, A Cabinet Ryo--the best whliskey in towi and a full stock of all other good Lirjiuor Also, the celebrated Iadian Pale All fresh Lager and Sw~neet Spaurkling Cider a draught. The largest anri best seleete stock of Hav'ana Cigars andl Cigarettesi town, iilackweIll's genliue Smuoking Ti baeeo, Messina Oranges and Lomons P salo lowi for cash by julno i2 F. W. IrAilNIcllT. HOR?SE ANDOCATTLE POWDERS 'v to or prevont.olI,oa.o. ', Ihrby forewarn all persons, wit .black, Deatch, Irish or munlatto, frot hunitin g dloor, fox, opossumfl orY any oth< ,gae, fishing, or Ircispassing on may Itan in any way -whether fenced or rnot feo< SThe lawv will be strictly enforned. July 24--t- xl N THOMAS I4 DnA VIm SPECIAL NOTICES. Do ven. 11ant fHe:l1it ? Wily AVYII , T- Iil":: ?-- Death, or wilt is worse, is the inevitablo rvult of contin Aled slspoensi( n of the menstrual flow. it is ia coidition whicli hould not he trifled witi. imedinto relief' is I bo only Hafe gurd against, vonst it utional ruin. Tn il elases of .iipession, sipeision or ther irreguMlarity of "cournes,' Dr. J. Wrad lield's le-'enile ilegulator is Lilt ony stir rvineedy. It.acts by giviig toneo to th n1"rvols cnitresK, improving all the bl1(od and deterraining d irectly to t le orgnis of ImIeNist IIation. It is at legitiinto pro sCriptitn, aInd the(- most intelligeitDoe tors Itse it. Prepared %by J. .ra1d1field. Atianti, ga., si.-i) per )bottle, andot for' sdeby in. W. E. Au..N. july 31 - 2w Fence Law Elections, U O11 tie piur-pose of submiitling to tte! tinal1ified electors of ithle 1,41llowii g nam,i1)ed townships inl FaiJ-iield unco ty, S. C.. A PiOPOSITO ,N TO ALTEI' TLE IFFINCE LAW, in aceordiance with the prm isiolns of the Act of the Logislature ofthis State, pliproved June 7t, 1877, it is hereby orderod that an eleetion whe hl in the several towsilHips, cit the places dcsignated blow, oiI WEDNESDAY, TIE IH D.\Y OF AUrUST next, tld that the polls he kept open From G o'clock, a. II.. unittil 1 o'clock, p. Im., tihe- forik of tle ballot to be ats, follows, viz: Those ilk favor of alting (Ie Feice Law will use a ballot, either. written or printedn--ll fiavor of altering the Funco Law." Tho0sk) opposkd will use a ballot Pither written or prinled.- --A-inhst altering thle J.'tncet AW." 'l'he vo'ti ing prcinets in idalunagers I. lusigimiedl c-11 as f ollows TmwN:i No. 1 - Voting precinct, Fau etU's Su>e; l Iagers, 1). ,P. Crosiy, V. P. C1hula toin aot Peter Feaster. '.'o\wxs,\m- No. 2--Voting precinv,,Wood wacD's DI)pt Mlanngers, W. W. Ket"hllin, 1t. W. liumpkin and J. Y. Brice. TiwN1,11-1 No.:1 -- Voting precinct., revi I& wvue of .1. A. .\leCrorey, Sr. ; Malnligers, ,J. A. McCrorey, Sr., iStrother Ford and11 J-E. M (Culllough. 'I'oVxsN-II No. 4-Yoting precitl Winnsboro; 'Managers, Or.1i. \MeMaster, 1. W. \, cC(reight lld Ienjini Tidwel . Tmvw,,inii No. 5--Yoting previnut, ILt mar's iitvclm Cree'-: (uarters; Manm gvvs, A. F. Peay, J ohik Io His and Nitlian 1larrison To-wxsm iNo. 7. -Voting preciel, resi deucle Of T. M. Illbit.; \Inatlgers, T. M. llbert, Pr-estoli Rioln and W. 11. Joncs. TIowiNsi I No. 1) --- Yoting pricinet, l'r le's Shol lu louse; Miaat1gs, TI'. W. Woodwl\ard, J1. R. Delaley and Grachus jlarrber, Towxcun> No. 12 -Voting ptre(ciIet, PaIl's A lMnagers, 1. WV. Boliek, J's. JI. Kenned(Ay and Alex.lopkinls. Towxsmve Nii. 13 Voting precinct, riesih.nie f Jmles MCGill; aNIaIIIIgers, James McGill. Thomas Blair and 1saac Mille-r. iw \Manager- above designaed to hold' the sait t--cetion at the Foveral precinets ied , shall, immediately uiponl t1he close of the (ehlill, econcut, the vot.s ad malk retilun of tihe rosiult and the aillots, to tih uiirsigned, County Cominissioners ol Firit-field counity. Il l"N'' .JAC03 County J It. I IARVEY, CARTIEAt T 1.1ATY, Commissioners. Juitly 1- IxIlmu6W The iState of South Carolina, COUNTY 'OF CIESTEt. C'ou't of' Comi 11ln Pleas, Daniel Hal I.Plainti), against Wi . linan . lall, Lei StIi nd Samuel Iloidelberger, Copartnrs under thc tirmi camie if' Steoin A' tC., Be?njain WhV1ite'ly, Cal vini WitIely, Loin ucl P, TIownisenud andu Johnii I''. li'lrandi, lo. lct notrs undei'.th firmit name1 oif Whitely I i'. &. Co., 'J'ihn L.. Siekl, Andrew~ J nor1s, undcer lthe firmll name of1 Siekel, Copy Suimmonus. Foru relic'f. Comiplaini not secrvedl. Tfo the D)efendlants abhovi nauwcd: \TOU AIIE ilEliE13Y .'.MliONED~ and .L reiu ired to aniswer' te c'ompklain int this iactiont, which is ftledh in the coflcec of the Clerk of' Comn P11il'cs, for the said cotunty, and1 to serve ac coptjy of youl answ ei' to flhe sa id ccomiplatinit onk thec sub. 5(criiber af t heikr elu, No. B, Lawv Range, WAinnlsbiorO, 80outhI Caroliimn, withtin twen. 9 ly dlays af:e'r tile setrvioc hereof', exclusiv'i of'thlie dayk3 of such 4orv iice; n'ndl ify~ou fail to anskwerk the 'omphddiin t within te timit caforcsacid, thie plainit fill ini this acotiont w;ih appilly toi the( Courtit fori th rliefido demanIthde( iln t.he(01 comlainIt. - Datted 10~Iithtly, A. D). 18u77. 1 ~MeOA NTS cii l)OUGLAS9S, .Plainitifh's Attok'neys T 1o the Defencdcnis, c'cimpotsinkg the firn'u of Stein & Co., WV hitely, lUro. & Oo. ani Hickel, Sungleto'n & Co. Take notice thact theo comiplint referrec to in theo sulmmlons ill this aictiont (o 'ich smumonsl11011 the f'oregoing is ai copy was 11lled1 in the eflice of' lth) Clerk of tb . Court of' Commlonl leai at Chester, ink th Count. of01 Checste'r in the Stato of Soutl Catrolinac, ont the~ 1th dlay of' Juliy. McCAN'' & DOUGIJLASS*, July 17-t h x(6w Platiuitiff's Attornops. TAX RETURINS. lFEnCOUNTY A1l1IOi5Ore, 0 QN and afteri thtis date, 11Ith inst antl ttuntil the 31st of August proxinmo, thi Y (oflice iyilIlibe openedo( for returns of al 4i axcable propert.y, as requiiredl by law, fo 4. tb heisecal year 1877. ' All per'sonus between thce ages of twent~ ii1) on an sixIty years aret liabilo to a ron. T 'Ax, antd nmust maicke ref.urnls atccordingly nk After the 31st of Augus.ct proximlo, penaclty of lifly perk ent. will be addelcd I r the taxale l'cproperty of' all personls failin to mnako retuirnsc within theo presccribo, timo1). Blnki retuirns~ can be hacd on applicatio1 at, this office. I. N. WITHERSH, july 12-txta County Auditor. PROE. N, SCHMITT, P aolodeon and Organ Tuner, 238 Maitn Street, Columbia, S. C ]3{AVING* an exiperiec of thirty-fiv . . yersink Luning and repaIirin ', Piainosm, Meledeonsc, Organs andoh a Musical' Instr'umenut, bc4th in Europe an 'r Ameiricca, is enacbled to guarklato sattifa ii tiont, or moak~e no charge. He has thc l. highest recommlend(ations from school and colleges in thte United States. .Jniy 1ti. Da Ra FLENNIKEN EEPS constantly on haud a full mup ply of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES and PLAPNTATION SUPPLIES. His stock ias recently been replenislied, and ho is now ready to sipply the wants of all. oct.)2 TO OUR 0USTOItERS HO are iu101tel'to uR for PIROVS IONS or PIIOSPHATES, we would respect fully call attention, that your bills aro due on or before the first of November. Wo itre depending on you for payment AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligation made to ai.t you, and which are due at that time. In order for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is necessary to meet our promises prompitly. Beaty, Bx%o.& Son. oot 12 * ARk '''' PATD). JULYM M. 31u. wE CLAIM FoRl THKE IMPROVED WHITNEY SEWING MA CHIN ES The followig specific~ points of supe. riority: truictioni. 2l-DUamarability. 3- Exceedliagly Idigla Wmun stin1g. 4-Sill Itunnlmag. Noise ess, 5--Peirfoans all Varleties o1 Work. . -Ienasty of FInIsit nl 5 WorIkamnslal3p. i */--GRtEAT REDUICTION II~ Singlo Machines sent on orders direo ~from the Factory, written guarantee witi each Miaohine. a WHlY PAY OLD PRICES! to'Send for circulars and partionlars. LI Add ross, Time W la itney M f'g. Co., fob 17 Paterson, N. J Merchant Tailorinq. THEj undersigned informs the citizen' of Winnsboro and the county genorally, Sthatthelhas opened a Tailoring Etbih mentin te sore ext o M. J. Clendin, Sing's. lie is prepared to do all kinds os *rwork in his line at short notice andl or reasonable terms. 'A full line of "'e pli Skept constatly on hand, from whici oustmersmay akeselections, iSpecia: attention given to CUTTING. fob 24.+iam Wtv. ROOnEvn IIirrah for iamplou! GRAND SPRING OPENING, -AT THA DIy Goods, Fancy Goods, and Miillinery Bamr, O a beautifAl and full line of lategt novelies in S'pring and Hummor Millitery and rancy Goods, COnsisting in part 6f:hadics', Msses' and Children's trimmed Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, Nets, &c. A largo lot of tadies' Collarettes,Fiehus and other fancy articles. Inspection of the Ladies and piiMlic generafly solicited. We will endeavor to uleaso the most fas tidious. All we ask is that you call, and see.for yourselves, and give us a trial. Now Spring Prints. Centennial Ktrip, Dress Goods,Whlite Goods,Dmess laiptov ers, Cormets :HoRiory, -Gloves, Notions, Clothing, at, Shoes, &c. Agent for Buttorick's reliable paper patterns. Ladies', Misses' and ChJldren's new patterns in store. GROCERY DEPARTMENT, Justfilled up with fromh Grocories, Con. foctionaries t,id everything usually found in a first class house of the kind. A lot of Furniture, Laths, Shingles, &c. Lumber low for Cash. J. 0. BOAG. You can find all you want by calling on april 14 QT. 0. 331g. OMETHING NEW. -0 I havejust received some very fine old Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Bran dy, 'from Stone Mountiain, Georgia, and Lincoln county, Virginia, and various other grades of ffestern Rye Whiskeys, North Carolina Corn and Rye Whiskoys, ,Domestic .(nd Inported Wines and Brandies. ---ALSO A large stock of bottled goods, consist ing of Climpagne, La er Beer, for family so, Ales, Portars, Moda Water &o. Ono barrel fresh Newat-kUlor on (iraught. -Cool drinks oWall descriptions. Tobacco, Cigars, &c. -AT Oun HoUBE. J. D. McCAR LEY, may 8 Tro.prietor. NOTICE W E intend to graduafly oham o -on Stock to Groceries, Heavy Dry Gods, Iloot.s, Shoes, and all goods needed on plantations. We therefore offer all fa'noy goodAs, such as Edgings, Veilings, Jacondt and Swiss, Alp)acea, Lace Handkerchief, Casalmoreos, F'ine Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, na all other geoodsl of this character at and& B3ELOW COST, If yon want any kind of Fany Notions, give us a call, The price shal suit yoa for the ~-CASH. LADD BROS. juno 19 FLOUI! FLOURtI JU8T' Ol1VMn, A lokot Flour to sell on~ comlmission, whiob'we 'are Ae4rma 'very low, July 23-4 1 J: MoMA8TER 9if.