111, iN.IOlO, S. ('. Tutesday, July 24. : 8377. L. MItAW8 D)AVIS, Editor, I No. S, REY'N OLDSY, A ~couhito 1ikU~o". I)EMOCRAIC( 'IICKI'''. r'oll COfUNT V' ('0MM (M-.ION I ES, R.E LYSN RJOHN A. UIINNANT. -COIRNELIUS It. ME~ANS, Lj~T Ei.vlmY man, ais ho pays hit;1 taxes0, retnmmbr that for every (d01- 1 Jar nowv paid, tiro Democratic or- t ga.niz .tion lil.'i SIl 1 him Seventy 1 coni Ls. -i'' Iulu" out Iaan~llll 'Oaleaves, J Ityno. J)niui, Cairdozo, nd tile rcpt f' lol .1 Il ic~l cattI o 7 1 A solid 1)onuoertice 01t.r:ii1 1. ttioll. 1againl '? A divided J)onawcraey. iN 'Ill: days of inll .Ueindeii 1.IIovo menl Is, t11;: Li esi of .L6i .l It' ';re t I teal t.1i' I)oeI')citic (1ay". thley 1r ]'arty flivii.ai'l dot lii s, with it a.: p(.ct of? futhe rlot' 'Cd( i. Which t shal:il we choose '?r Th'Ie lawl of the1( A eiicli.ia c'iitireli l'oil)J( )i .WOin.'l1 tI) spea~k to her I'' vf 'r1oruc FPti ' r aftler mularrti e. l1i1 ti.iS ('11111. -v ;t f-l iler iw h r da (ltes ]uiisblmnd with1 a 111o0i )11 recl It ll in~ i~nll inIt mny d iys. .Bit LI[hell 'll'0 ('lt atllb 1)0ll) it~piyt once. I'llir'.VC a 1r1e only f i'ar iefi in the ITiijel L. anid only' two in ihl;: I S ('ito ; il the'' arie liftte'Iy h" r iii sIic. On)e or Iii e otlt e r its I ti-i- 1 niu1ph. Thlere is no t hird party. Aydecolfonon.111( teer relativ('lv Stronmger. 1.t i:, well A 10 ntimh a,,~) the I li'lO.LI1 Jai'fy in Fcairfield w Is a i ul'i 1 :u'; a (low. nail. iT:I, is now wvide awaik'. anid ac(ti velyv 1'O'i ii~.j ~..1 it sif' tlie fraLgra iii] smell of htav anO~ d fishles ill te )'1 e.e, and its mom il ,valt'~s for Ihiec cler' li; slhi ts in th1e I.Ois~IllI'i', andi Itoe:i ions e('lmlty ofles toc he tiled niext year. 'I hit. the Stole is Iemociratic is not ii ia'. to I la'mn. fle'ilil an be1~dcl ut t lclfoit, or (A4'orgetowvn, or i iiuiinsh)i'g or (Jhirclndoi i4! r Iid it L To the Good People of Fairfeld Mortho ihan a-week has passed mice the Dolocratic con vention not 0 ud muado nominations, iud vhile there hiss b)00n, as there alw ays S, s01 dIsatisfaction in conse Ilence of the course of the conven ,ion. still a sunficiet atio has )lapsod for heated blood to cool, and 'or calm reason to reassert its sway. riet us therefore cahly consider the iatter, both in its past events, an)d n its bearing on the future of the )arty. A call was mado for the Convenr. .ion. Mleibers of the )emocrttic )arty who had signed the conHt.itu ion, including the eighth article, omo long ago, some just now for ho first time, met in their respec ivo cubs, and l ctod dlegatoe 0 represent them. In sutme of hose clubs it was charged that there ind been "log rolling" and "wire mtlling" previous to tho meeting;, Lml that matters thoro were cut and hried. To this the answer was that he majonity had the right. to organ zo to carry its nC1si1res into efet, m(I that, heing a clear n1i11j1rity, tit( ninlority must yield. In every case lie m1inoic11y did yield, and no con - estait ts 1111)(';tred Iore the (n11 'itIionn. Be'foire the niclting of he Convent ion, some of the dele atis, ho favored ia particular >olicy, that, of (leet in it a meuber of [lie org~lanizatioll, hl ai ennus to m1il0 uponi (OnW mpan-j ust as in owniship j meetings consultations hiad Cn hitbl to sceuro the oloctioni if a certain class of delegates. The Onvelt0)m1 ion et. An eflort was made .O postpone )olmlilltti11 for lie time. After much diseussion, it vas agreed on all sides to go'oni with . hto nomiLnations. The coil n'veiion "dopted resolutions providing what iledges should be made for the can1 lidates, tie chief being that they hould abide the niOllilatiol, and efuse tonecept oflice if ele'cted by ie miblicanii votes. Under these th ih an liihitcs were nominated and pledged. I. free ballot was hold. The present )cmocratic llOnilee for clerk reeoiv .1 forty-ono out of seveity-five votes. [is nom1inatol was 11e(1n llanlolllulIs, 'ithouit a dissenting vote-the 0otion boig very generously lade by one of the strongest of the 1pposition. One Cunlllty Coimlis-, iner was nominated by acclaina on, alother by fifty odd votes, the blrd by a majority. After the doption of resolntions looking to lie perfection of the~ orga~nization), lhe convention adjoiurned. It is in) consequlence of the acts of hi s convention, as narrated nabluve, hat the D)emocracy have beo'n at iaince ; t hio'gh we are pleasedi to ly a mnch het ier feeling now exists, nW we tink by (liigent effort armllony canu11 haltir'ely r'estored of ore the day of election. We muist say wo do not soo an~y anab)lo gr'oundi for refusing to supj) ort the regular ticket. We migh t Cr0 saiy that nal snch action is >rostalled b~y the sign ing of the ~ilith A rticle of the constitution 'hich binds the parts together. hut we put it onl a hlighoer ground. Ye inmst look to the future, and tot h)0 distraCted1 byl morer incidents if party. If those who arlO now Iilsapointed lhad been succe'ssful, hey would havO ins~isted1, and no i'ould wo miost stronuously, 111on1 he duty of thle party to suppo rt th1e iomninations without reoservation. If anything wvrong had been done >O fore tihe mocetig otf tihe con von ,ion it w~as the dutty of the0 delegates lmt to cuter tho convention. Ihult ill onterod1, and alnost all voted >gainust tho( postponomnont of nlomi tat ions. This action was$ final We cannlot expet-overybody to 1h0 )loalsed, hutL we d10 expect those 1-ho, having entered their friends Iipon equal11 footing, lost after a Kiar lll' igh't, to supjpor't the hnina.. ion, just, as they would havo d10 nianded it of the ethers. Again, what haive the coulnty' coml niisionlers to do wvith tie matter? Wa there any "wiro-pulling" or 'Oaucassinig" aibout their nomnina~ i-m, any irregulairi ty that would llibsove the voter from his (duty ? N4one whatever. Then wvhy are they tacimd ? The and, . ... wola tho candidat for Mlork, in the or gnization, and theo fight atgainst them 1is the fight I: inst the orgali zation. Now, we hcar it reported on good authority that the -Radicals propose to endorse privately tlt wholo ''itizouIn' tickLe." If this bo so, thon he who votes this ticket is adding one voto to those brought by Iho ltadicals purposely to destroy the Democratt.ic party. 'lctlier the 'citizeins intend it or not. such will bo the (1'het. 'Then the lRadicals. Imiv I ng diviled the 1)emlocrats ati roodtinled power, wiil rule the roo :t ts in days of yore, ill hdnjiest meun, "Citizenis" and Il11 will be ground inl the dust. Friends, .Demuocral s, peoplO of Fairfield, ato yoV prepared for this ? OUR COUNTY POLITICS. A Lettorifrom Major Woodward on ,ho Sit atinI. .ld/o N .wS .NI) 1 f 1i1.\1.) : As manzlIy in the couttry do n)t understand the "Citizens' Ticket" lovelmient, antd unduly miagnify its ilportianeo il town wLhere it origi ntod, I ask the inisertiol of the following, in oder thit the de.r pico.le wholuso rights havlio bieenl st) grossly ilfilged, and w 1ho..o( voice wa":1s ;o complctely V tilled inl the re Ceni 'oie1) it Chibl), hi0 yV have at proper co~ncept ion of the wrongs: donle 11hem1. It is :tllegtd Ihat dlissatsfLactinii exists foi 1.1ir t cases:: F' irst. IeC caus~e Of imlproper" l'.roportional rop resnIlotitn h' I1n IIim ' TV1oIsihip (ljuls ; secoid. 1be:msl~e of what is lelieved to have beeo'1 unll faii iess te C ipttini (ilow'ne'y in1 il he straigLt ,ut (:1 tleus; and third, )e111(t th op positicn, as they t o0s to terli those who dill'red fron them, was1. i mnovemnlit u1pon the part of (aristo 'r(1/, wVhose att h lplllt(, 1. ii scitationi was an evil to b-e avoideed. T.hat t ICer is hiisllroportional and1(1 iunfair rCpresel l It in, is not denied. It is a dlliculty ill Vhich the la nioeratic party found itself in-. volved ill its contest last year and one which it haol no timeo to rep~air -for 5 Vol all kitow \ wero then engaged ill i lilt -an1d-de:tlh strlug gle. Lilt h:ts it b'een of real lis advaultage to the iiterests of the "Ciizens' 'Tieet" party ? If not, their complltint is not only unfound ed and improper, but puerile. There are two sides to every question It is said tLtL a Clii), n't whicll )ily hi.e membiriujers were pres ellt, eltete l /ie'e Clowiiey tleleg rtes and that lit another point lit which there was prob)ahly the next small est ciub, there was no election nt aill, Lc thait five dlologaites wo~ro ap p)ointed by the chair, for the avowed lun'pose of voting for Captain Clowney. Again, it iS claimied that projoeLtS asliscovered in) timeif to p~osition" delegates were lugged in. At intiihier einb), one (If the largest ml the coutly, it was opouly boa*sted bothi in thlis towin and ill 110 'ounl try, that onie of thle oblest andit hardest working "straight-outs" was heafoni, as 1)er pro'grannno11) arranged im the Jior)ot, bjeenuiso lho was sus peeLld of a w~ant of symlpathly. At imother' club! that 1 waot ofI, worId came that Cap11taini Clowney desired that Mr.--- and M~r. --- shoul Comlo to thio noinai~ting Clubi. They cameio but with inistrucitions to advance the caiusO of strighltoultji. In fact, from all tho clubs colmes the unlcotrtadicted statemfenlt that eifforts were madleo inl bohaldf of tile difloront favorites, whlilst it is a notorious fact thait the Winnhsboro( clubi masdo ai sqjuare fight in favor of Captain Clownley, anid elected, ias mons11 delegation for hlimi. In1 my~ tll lOp llo, .1ieefore, al1l parties had ai fir sho(wing. Ini anly (eent, it is well knowni t hat the( anhti-stra'*ighit, outs were ql(t 01n y "(di satis/idc \vith thio fir flid tha ihaI Vd b~eenl af for'ded tihew, buit lready', illn1 olance of 11heli meeting of the noml inatin jg Cluib, wase Conispicuoueisly dlisplaye a list oft thle names ofS the foti y six adhlernt ti Ihat they hlad se(edred( , and loudt mou~ithed~ were'( Lhirl brlazeln triuts solii unig Lthe pe0:mis ofI Itproaebling victory. The sa' nies haivinig shliflted', we h ear mhil of un - fairnetss anld "juigglig,'' fr'oi menu who hadt no0 right to comfplin and1( who had ini tile mlost solves t) aidot tihe wilhl of the mfajority. bIdood does it miake a dliflore(neO whose ox is gored. .But you were badly treaited in tli(I canoCu-donied admuission, askedl to -vacato your sonts, &c. &c. From0ll time immuiemnorial Jils existed, and1( to 11h0 endt of time wvill go (down, the right, and( esltabllishod usage, of a eleti1, of a party, anid (If at factjin of a nart.1 to nwec ini cuwn .rivat., I if they choose, and discuss the advantages or disadvantltges of ! a par'tic~ular schemne--atyo, ands if they prefer, to canvass the personal and political claims or dis qualifications of any aspi'iant for public favor. Having had the honor to occupy the chair on this occasion, I aver most solemnly that thoro was no departure from established usage. And whilst upon this sub-' joet lot me say that it is also my Opinion that haid the anti-straight sih-'outs, snppo(sed1 for at moment that tiheir couitet was oven in remote danger of defeat, we would have witnessed the not Unusual s pecta ele of two opposing faetions arrayed ll catcus in their respective in torests. I can state farther, and I know whereof I speak, that your defeat was not co1S(mmauhted in this dreadful caellus, i)it wV'as aln accon, plishod fact from its inception. and you woro only enabled to make the exceedingly creditable light which you did, by using to the best advantage the strong; perso11a1 popularity of you1' canhdi edat. 'horeo is, then, no I just cause of complaint hero. The gravest crimio whib lncn be impted, w ilh proper r(gard for truth, is that yoIt have ien beaten at your own gatIe ; and ordinary propriety 1ei111pires that, you slhould hold your tongues, submiit like men, learn w\isdoni, and hope for better luck anothel.r tion l uch is said cf the mac'hiillations of or ix./oera/.2', of their el'oi ts to es t:ablist the sIupr1ncey of the rich Over tie poor, anid of the great and po1we1fl over the humble. Not Slciving w'2 W -iessed iho ('h1ots alladfled to, nor klnowingil2 ('.me(//y/ to whomi rorece n(s had. I emmot.0 meot the altteinlpted aspeilsion. nilay IhoW('ver, tailli if to (1esire to be' a hligh- mindet,l, hon:ralie muan, :.nid to) ha:t\ te uo eg:ird for p ledg(s--not 1) utoig one's self inpont anl)y ad.Il\l tag;"e of birth, nor yet mnortilie( that you the are slon of a gentlemuan who was himself descended from a gen - leinan1--constit uto th1e requliro ments, thOlen am I an1 ia.ristocrat aIind 1I cheelrfltlly necept and plrouldly hear my portion of t1ho onus. It was this sa1 Coullnlillists' C y of " )owi with Aristocracy." time sold Rome to the highest biddetr, de stroyed the splendid colum Von domo1, muirdorcd the noblest bishop of France, and has (isgr'aeCd civi, lization in every era of the world's history. Steer clear of it,. my couni trymen ! It hies you on to hlli ! What are you doing, heads of the "citizens' " moveimelt ? Are you not urging the ('hlims of one of the rich ('st and most, pow1'er'fil meon. atgaiist one of the poorest, most unassuliini attd worthiest (tisabled citizons in the county ? Stop, I pray you, and iake a retrospect. Smart ing under these w'ron gs-whc'h I. I; priioen do not (xist.-. "Cti!i. zenis." uinder the lead of Major .fault. and Mr. R. J. McCarhey, open com ni'lication with tho hostile 1tdi cal convention which assembled on the next Mondaiy after 0111 nonma. tLion, aind no0w it is openly bioasted that anl allianice, ofleonsivo and dlefenisivo ha~s boonl formed wtith it for the piur poses of the ensulinig campaign, and tihroughthis negro maort it is p~roposed to defont the regular D~emo e'ratic nominees. In other wvords, the "Citizens' Ticket" party have con spired thriough these, their head men, with the assistance of the re mlainis of the old Radical corpse, to defeat the will of tile whito maijor'ity~ Witness, if y'ou leaise, the largo gathiering of tihe 01hl Radical negr'oes iln towvn on last, Saturday. Liko viultur'es, which they are, they are alrecady nosing ar'oulnd for thme mfonley, whiskoy and tobacco of whito men in the miovemeni,, andl now that Gov'ernor' Hamplton is in ail i-n N~ew, York, as is currently reported and generally beiehived by thomn, they at10 alr'eady flapping their sable wm'igs in happ~ly welcome at the ox-. potedct r'eturn'1 of Chamberlain. iMessrs. Faint anid McCar'ley are bo0th most estimlablo menC~, aind I amii pr1olud--for atughit I know to the contray-to ('ounlt themi 1vmong st myl p(ersonalI friumnds. But I do niot regard either01 of them its posseCssed of that matituro~ wisdom an ~ld pro~founid stat esmnanshiip whlich are alon11o ac thoer times lhe wears a soft felt, wvhich looks well on him. Ho is' very prin in his enitiro dress. secretary Thlompson makes a specialty in dress, and of course lhe V:roar a beaver to suit. Hie has of aute left off is blue coat and1( gold >ulttons, wvhich lio had wvorn f >r the )mst forty years, atnd now wears a niore modern covering, though not ;o showy. He takes great painis in mvmng his lint look nice, anid aul way ucceeds. at Coblenz the .Bon/lor family iolebrated the two huunredthl anni rersary of the founding of the Hirsch i.pothekok, an apothecary establish.. inent whinch has b)oon iln the family rom1 tihe 15th of June, 1677. MansuiIAn S iA~N ummno, of Colen ado, wrho carried that State for the oplublicanR, and thiereb~y helped >loct Mri. Hayes, has been'convicted mdlt sent to the ponlitentiary for areony after trust. JLOUR i FLOUlI ! A lo, of Flour , to sell onl connai)issijoi whlitlh we o 0otlEoring v'ery low. Jully 23 -ixl J. F. McMAS i'ER, CO. NO)TICE S'gnwor (hon MfIIaon 5's Oi? C, W1-Nilnono, S. V., Jnly13 20, e877, A ) pesons holing tenehiers' pany LL crti lleaites issue0( ini flis cottra111y pior~l to October I t., I 87C, are id reiuested 0 Ipres mnt. I th sat rin to (~ho iud-ersied ItayOhel t wtil b1 mail on40 registeredt WI LLARID RICIA Iii )ON, july 21 Ixlw u-. C. F. c. HORSE AND CATTL.E POWDERS, ii eurs~ orrvent DIs.aan. *,