llAII, norn SciiuLES.---The follow ing are the hours at which the trains on the C. C. and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro : REOULAR PAssENGEn--NIownr. For Charlotte, 1.25, A. St. For Augusta, 11.07, r. DI. AccoMMlODATIoN FnEIo-'r-DAY. For Columbia, 1.30, 1'. .r. For Charlotte. 10.45, A. M. White Oak Grange had a meeting Saturday, and installed now officers. A county official, having been :aked ,why ho had a box of yeast powders in his oflice, replied that he was trying to raise his salary. A .hand lhtwing on Dr. W. E. Aiken's place turned up a snake's nest containing ton perfect eggs .glued together. Two wore mashed, and the remaining .eight woro brought to Dr. Aiken's drug store ,on Monday. Gen. John Bratton has been re, quested to preparo an essay on -"Cattle," and Maj. T. W. Woodward another on "Fihh Culture," to be read ut the next annual meeting 'of ,the tate Grange, at Anderson. Mr. 'Richwe1 dson and Iisr Austin have opened a free school, which will be conducted on the object system of teaching. This method has the advantage of .interesting the .pupils [aid making them think for themselves. We hope it will be generally introduced. The.crop prospect in the county is not promising. The unpropitious weather in the spring and the long drought combined to make tho cot . ton very'backward, while the recent .rains have given a great impetus to grass. One of our'best farmers re ,ports that it took thirty two hands .one day last week to clean seven .acres. Favorable seasons from this time put may, how.over, improve the -prospoect. In this warm weather, the pies alto invlerable. It is said not to be uncomm on to soa a man with a fork tuggingat one end of a snap-bean, and thrao or.four flies with their hind legs lapped around the vinegar cruet, clinging like gim death to the other end. As for such small articles of furnitui: as sugar dishes, .jpqlasos pitchers, babies and fly *tip , they are frequently carried 00' bodily by these omniyorqus in-. sets. REsOLrTmoN oF THIANKs.--At a inoeting of the Gordon Light Infan . try, held July 7, 1877, the following reolution~s avere unanimously adopt ed: Resolved, That the thanks of this corps be andl are hereby tendered to the Histrionie Club and to the Musi cal Association of Winnsboro, for their genorqus donations to the treasury of the copilpany. Resov/ve((, That the for'egoing be punblished inl THlE NEW'S AND HERALD. By some giistake of the Liegisla ture, the poll tax, which it intended to apply to the school fund of this year, will have to be applied to claimp~ ptior to' Novenber', 1872. This blunder will be of serious con sequences to the schools, as the whole f~umd is $100,000, exclusive of p)oll tax. The Columbia Register suggests that each !$ch.ool Com mnissioner enjoin his county treasus rer from paying out the 1)ol1 tax on the old claims. We call the a,tten tioni of Comminissioner Richard son to this matter. A CoRREcTION.-ThO CJolumbia Beg iater' says:. We are informed that only a short time ago, wvhon the county treasurer of Fairfield wont into office under the appointment of Governor Hamp - ton, he found $7,000 worth of old sch ool claims uncancelled, which had been paid by his predlecossor. The Register is correct in regard to the fact that this amount of school I claims was uncancellod. It errs in saying they were paid by the late county treasurer, Mr'. W. M. Nelson.1 When Mr. Nelson camei into the office he found these' undancelled claims which had been paid'by Mr. H. A. Smith. He boxed them up, and kept them in his ofien. Al th 4m' ilaime :ho paid himsei were Prom.pt. ly cancelled. When Mr. Nelson burned over the office to Mr. Davis, [ho showed him those chims, and proposed that ho and Mr. Davis should together cancel them. By tho advice of Judge Mackey, this was done. No complaint has ben made of Treasurer Nelson. Ho kept his office in a business-liko manner, .ad was an oflicient officer. PowxaneI' CL un MEETINos.,-Almost stll the township and precinct clubs have had meetings to sond delegates to the County Convention. The following are the delegates elected so far as heard .: No. 2-W. W. Kotchinr, T. W. Brico, John A. Stewart, John S. Douglass, W. B. Woodward, Sr. No. 3-Jas. A. Mcroroy, Sr., Charles Douglass, E. D. Mobley, James Higgins, Henry Stevenson. No. 4-J. H. Rion, G. .11. McMas ter, Dr. T. T. Robertson, J. H. Cun mings, R. M. Huey. Nos. 7 and 8-R. S. Desportes, J. A. Kennedy, J. F. Kennedy, P. ion, T. M. Rembert. No. 9-T. W. Woodward, N. C. Robertson, W. H. Padgott, J. W. McCants, J. M. Stewart. No 10-J. W. Robinson, A. P. Irby, D. G. Ruff, W. N. Mason, D. M. Mann. No. 12--R. E. Ellison, Jr., P. Hastings, Samuel Cathcart, J. A. Robertson, J. H. Kennedy. No 13-J. W. Lyles, A. E. Davis, Jonathan H. Rabb, C. w. .Blair, J. AM. Kirkland. Longtown-N. P. Myers, Jos. Jenkins, D. W. Tidwell, Wiley Paul, J. Douglas; Harrison. Noi.paper Changes. The Kingstree btar has got a new head and is otherwise improved in appearance. The Walteirboro Hamp ton 11cr ald has adoptud a patent outside and changed its name to the Colloton J)emocrat. The Aiken Courier. Journal has changed from an eight to a four page paper. An improvement. The Union Times has recently been rediteed in size. It is now five instead of six columns .to the page. The Blackvillo .Vews has sus pended publication for the want of patronage. The Camden Journal and the Kershaw Gazette have consolidated, and the new wveekly will be known as the Journal and Gazette. It will be under the control of Messrs. Tranthamn and Beardl. Both these paper-s have done good service for the people, and in their consolidated capacity, while having their power dloubled. we trust -that their .pros perity will be quadrupled, or, indeed cicased ad libituan. Weo wish the mosh abundant success to .our neigh bor. JSTOTIO.E.. OFFICE OF SCHOOL COMMIsstONER, WVINxsnoRO, S. C., July 7, 1877. ALL1 persons holding teachers' pay Acertiricatos issued prior to October 1st, 1873, are requested to preosent the same to the undersigned for registration, within twenty dlays from the dlate of this notice, WILLARD RICHARDSON, J'.mo 9-t x3w 8. (3. F. O. NOTICE TO TAX PAYER~S. COUNTY TREAsURER's OFFioe, WINNSIIOIO, S. C., Jleo 30, 1877, NOTIOE is bereby given that the tax LNbooks of this oflice will be open from the second to the thirty-first of July, 1877, inclusive, for the collection of tho Stato and county taxes for- the fiscal year 1876. Th'le amount levied is as follows: For Stato purposes - .. - 7 mills. For County purposes - - - 3 mills. Total --- -- --- - 10 mills. Poll tax,req sired of all able-bodied males between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years---- - --- -- $1.0 Trho aboto-stated taxes ar-e payable inl Lwo equal inlstahnuentsone-alf1 dluring tho month of .July and one-half dluring iheo .ounth of Otober. Persons failing to piay the first instalment when due are reguired by lawv to pay interest on the amo at the rate of one per .cent, per uounth until paid. '['he treasurer is authiorjzed to receive n payment of the above-stated tae, only he followings G~old and silver coin, Jnited 8.tates currency, and nlationial )mryk notes, T~heo receipts of the Special Agent will >0 taken as cash, JAMES Q. DAVIS, Juno 80-f xl aw4w County Treasurer. 1 ET your Job Printing done at the Nxws H~i~AnnI Ou'ms SPECIAL NOTICES. Cns bYoUtnsewVFs.-'lhe 61th Woudor of the World has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long ex perience, extensive observation and pro found judgment, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to w.QI1aj, that it 1s already known throughout the country as "Woman's Best Friend." With remark ablo quickness and oortanlfy it cures all cases of suppressed mnonstrupation, acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradibeld's Femalo Regulator supp'ies a remedy long needed in t11o treatment of diac ses peculiarto wonian. This the Modical Faculty knows and admits, .whilo many of the best physicians are using it in daily practico. The medicine is preparou with great care by J)r. J. Bradfleld, Atlanta, Ga , and sold at $1.50 per bottle by Dn. W. E. AIKEN. jn ' e 30-- x2w T 'E WEEKLY EDTION, -A 1 Un'I.sJJIWD EERY WEDNESDAY AT WJNNSBORtO, S. 0. 13Y THn WINNSBORO PUj1IISIiING ,O. IT CON'T'AI.NS , S.UVJAtY OF T.UE LEADING EVWlNU OF 'HE DAY. State News, .County N(ws, ERolitical News, Etc. THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT RECEIVES SPECIAL AT'VENTION. THE LOCAL COLUMN Is well filled with town and county lowe, The aim of the Publishers is to issue a FIRST-GL ASS FA MILY NEWSPAPEI. TCrms of Subscription, payable ivaria bly in at~vanhce: One copy, ono year, - - - - . .$3.00. One copy, six mlonthis, - -- - - $1O.0 Ono copy, three months, - .- - SLO0. Five copies, one year, at - - - - $2.75. Ten copies, one year, at - - - - $2.6(0. Twenty copies, one year, at - - $2.60. To overy person mnaking up a club of ten or more subscribers, a copy will be sent free for one year. The'namnes conjmti tuiting a club .need not all be at the same p)ost-office. JOB PR INTJNG JN ALL ITS DEPARTUf ENTS DONE ;IN T H E IBEST STYLE AN.D 4T THE LOWEST PRlICES. We a~ro prepared to furnish, on shor-t notice, BANK CHIECES, BILL HEADS, NOTES ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS INVITATIONS, CARDS, LAW BLANKS, POSTERS, POSTAL CARDS, ETC., ETC Termas for Job Work-Cash on Deliyery. Al) businss commiunications should adldressedl to tho Winnaboro Publishing Company wXnnSeOan . C. I cISrT 'R -+ A FULL STOC :SUMMER WHICH 'WE ARE SL BEST PRINTS, 12 YARDS FOli 'WHITE PIQUES, 121 CENTS A VflERY C -ALS RESH PRUNES, 10 CEN'. FIRESH TOMA.TOES, 20 an )UCE FRESH 1 ICKLES, S AND ALL OTHER G .41J COLATE, SEA GARDEN --VERY C SHOES AN PLEASE CALL AND SI may 14 NOTICE ! WE intend to gradually chan go our Stock to Grocories, Heavy Dry Socods, Boot~s. Shoes, and all goods nieedod on We thereforo offer all fancy goods, guch as Edgings, 'Voilings, Ribbons, Jaconet and Swiss, Alpacca, Cassimorres, Fine Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Sca rfs, and al~l other gooda of This charaoter at and J3ELOW COST. If you want any kind of Fancy Notions, gve us a call. The prico shall suit yon --CASH. LADD BROS. juno 19 A'new Pinmade by one of the berA ing manufacturers of the United States. The instrument has a compass of soeven and one-third octaves, and is finished with all the latest improvemcepts. It can be boughit omL a great reduction from retail price. Apply at the office of Tu. NZwa AND H!RRArD. june 23-tfr ET yorJeb Printing done at l X iENEWB ANDHAD om. MER& CO. 3EJI~V~BB, 1 OF NICE GOODS, LAING VERYLOW. A DOJLAI. YARD. HJBAP. 0 'S A POUND. 125 CENTS A CAN. )ID BY THE DOZEN. DOTS VERY CHEAP. DAM, FJ4VORING EXTRAOTS, ETQ. SEEDS, L 1.X C WI HEAP. D BOOT:S. F -E FOR YOURSELF. NEJW GOODs I NEW GOODS 1 W\T wov jas rocoived , stea , SPRING ANJ) SUMMEIR prints of thei best brands at 8j ceogts. 4-4 Caipbrics at 10) cents. Centonnial Stripes at 12A cents. .A.LSO, A. full Stock of Shirtings, Shootings and Drilling at low figures. CIhQTHING ! OL4OTHING i f Woe have just reoiyed a large aqId oem pltt stockc of spring cand Summor Cleth thing which we will sell as cheap as any one. UATS! HATS!! HATS!! Gents' and Youths'Fo'lt and Straw Hlats of all kinds and at any price. CASSIMERiaES ! CASSI]NERES : We have just received a fullstock of Oassi, mners from the Charlottenvije~ Millsa,4 -ALSO,~ Tweeds, Cottonades, Jeans, eta. J. F. McMaster & Co. D.R. Fleiien - *. *. . KEEPS3 constantly on band a full sup., ily of ()hoice FAI%1LY GROOEBIES arid 'LANTA TION SUPPLIEB. iastook ha. eontly'been replenished, pini hog &4ow eady to supply the want. of sti~ eaM12