N'I\NSI3O 1tU, S. . Thursday, June 21. : : 1877 R. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, J1NO. S, REYNOLDS, Associatto Editor. The election for Judge of Probate or Richland county resulted in the triumnph of Mr..Andrew Crawford, tho DeYocratic nominee, by about six himriidrod majority. ' 1Thus anotl1 .or adVtVnco has been aiide by the soliil )enoeracy poll a Radicl strceighiol'd, and - a great victory won. The people of Georgia have decided by ia lajorit y of aibout ten " tltousand to call -1t colstitutiomdiIJ convention. The precint constitu.i' .tion Wils adopteCl by the uliock regime and is very faulty. Great care has boon exercised in the selection of delegates, and the Stat.: will be much benefited by the result of their deliberations. Tho colored cadet .Flipper, from S-Georgia,'whio graduated at West Point the other day is in a qlalda1ry. lio has drawn the c lelImint id does not know what to do withli it. The laws provide that even colored regiment-s sh1l1 have white oflicers. ]lipper's best course would he to volunteer in the Turkish army anl teach Mufedhtar .Pasha how to tire'sh Nepodojfstchy, or wIatever that. Russian clitp is named. We charge ,inothing for this alvice. '1'le Radical county convent ion in Charleston. nominat(e'id ten DIemuo -rats for members of the House Messrs. .obert, A l'd(r, 1. .1. let t. Jas. B3. Campbell, C. Tr Simonton, C. G. Memmlninger, Andrew Simonds, 'Edward 'Willis, Juo. F. Ficken, Henry 13ist mind M. W. Voenning. 'This was but a plan to split the Dem-orri:ty, but it failed. All ii ese gentlemen have declined, saving, tIhnt they can aneept .a candidacy fromn no sonrce but the J)enocratic nominating Onvention. What the Richland Democrats Gaiwal. Capt. H. W1. Dickson, who b ]d -propos ed running as an indeponenit Democratic candidato for Jiudge of P: o'late of iRchlanld cornty, ret ". the part Of wisdom alI patidriotismI in witlulrawving from the contest b efore the day of election, and in wvorking for tihe sucess of the regular Domen cratic nlomnno. Captaih Dickson is at highly respected citizen. i s friends~ pressed his claims biefore time Executive Cormnittee, but, 1h0 failed to receive thle nomninationi. Cap tain Dickson wais da9posed at first 'quietly to acquiesce in tile action o-f the constituted arithiorities Of the 'Democratic p)arty. Buit, funfo rt Aimltoly, h~e seemsI tohave had frienda, siuch friends as a main should someC dtimos bocg to be delivered from. By their advice 1h0 announced himself as an indZependen~ft canididatte, and~ for some1 (lays refused to abhido0 by tile nlomination. Had lhe persisted in his ill advised course, he wvould have wroughit destruction uipon himisel f and the Democracy. 'The Radicals of Richiland greatly oultniumber the D)emocrats, anid it is only by mlain. .inin~ling tihe stricteast discipline and proseonting thle boldest front to the -Onlemly thaft the latter catn ever hope to succeed. Anl indlependent can1 ,didne'y art thlis timoe inl Riclhlnd, or, as for thlat. mattem:, in any county of South Carolina, would be a public calamity. Wore the two parties equald inl honesty and jintelligenlce, so that no iiijury would result from .thlo .supremiacy of eithbor,nocessi5t~y would hot hte so~ great for the strict mnain., tenaneo0( (r paty3 disciphline. But the' brighit day of Denmoezratic ascend .Oency h11s onily 1sendol: 01 moreo.hidoous theo black night of tihe Radical res ginw. .And hiaving sonco escaped from the horrors of that! opoch, the peeplo -should1 exorc ise the( greatest 'eaution1.nlov~or aigain1 to subjeCt-them.. .solves to. the JRadicajl yoke. Thlo State ,is not yet said. We .have gained but Onio victory. The crushing onslaught of last, Novembe1r wa~is irresistil, and1( Radicatlismn, doC. naaizarl as it was bya its lo i~.us power, gave way before it. But lalicalism is not (load. It stil lives; and will lift its hydra hea< wVherever" the least opporttunit.y lau selts iven in (orgia, where Itadicalisim hs been considered de funet,) for several years, the I oilIeak were enallid itihe othe r daly through disse1nsion1s tmuong the Democratatii aluost to) defeat thmo e~onstitintjona: convention, at uift.t(t of the greatest ilportano to the public polity. So .lilicailisitn in this State i; powerless only as long is the )emocrats mainn tain1 a Solid phalanx. Let Ithem onc he caught ofr their guard, am:i the 1I4 adicals will deild them a blow "beneatlh th1 e hlI i1ft," nlo)( the less damllaging that it. is "foul." We are not not aemtptiitiied with 'Captain ikson, but. from wlt w( '!ear, w"e have no doubt that had he run and been elected lie would have prove(:1 coml etent to fill the office he sought. But his success would have Como through Radicals votes--not tho 1 otcs of ex-Radicals who have seenI the error of their ways and now support the )emocrat ic ticket from patri->ie mfoiives, I. but of simolln-pure, dyed in-the woo l liadicals, who would ? have suip)ordl I an .1n depend ent onh% ats the best mevans of ins fuliting imiortal injury 1pon the )en ocratie organization of Riehlm;(d On11IV. MofreoVCr. (Vely ian in these days of stricte st party line, must he wore or hos hitle1.tod bo tlae party that eleets him ; so that his su (ccess3 uimst iIIilre to its bewnefil. (.:qiain) D~ieksonl couild never have b een com1fort hle, even in Ithe 1n I i011 lie sought ; for the spc"trce of a hetraved party wnI11d over have risel befure him, re)fu sih.g to I:. e(xorcised. The fact tlat (Ipfaii n Pit kson who, acting is t il t under:bad advice, aut first tlough/lut (If tnning" counter to tie best. interests of his party, o promptly retrace(l the false step lie lad taken. speaks well for him, and putts hiim in the right V.ti io receive futuiire recognition at tell: haids of his party, a recognitiinl to which lhe woild never have been en tilkld had he pursued 1a so-called independent (Sourse. An independent ca1ldidate i:1 the party's (emergency is ia wvolf in sheep'clot hiiri, a devil in disguise. A nan's vorst ene.u des are thoese of his own hous.3ehold. 'Lie p(o plA are sovereui. They hne the ridiht to select, either theta selves or through represenit ifives choseni by' themselves, whuomsoever they wish to net als their pulic sor. vants. Thle 1nom iniation of Horace Gireeley was juist as binding as5 that of Andrew Jaclikson or Samuuel J. Tildein. Thme right of' a par'ity to so. leet whomnoever ift pleasesS ait~~Is of slhll be, is aL ques1tionf of pl)Oicy, to ho decided by the party or its legal rep~resentartives inl caneuls or conven tion. Once noinmated, he is the choico of the party-of the miinority as well ne of the mahjiority-and he is entitilod to claim the hearty supphort of the entire organizationi,.unless lie Theovictory or the defeat of the Dec miocracy inl Riihland at the recenlt election is but at smaiill matter in comiparison w'ith the nlecessity of preserving strict party (discipli)uc. Richlaind has long been the head conitre of Radicalism, and the cor.. rupt Nashes and Minorts ainid other lights of the party can be crushed out only by untiring z.eal aind strict unity of purp11oso and action on the part of the Demiocr:Is. That the p arty hazd thie moral Rtrengl and discipline to preven t "independ. cnt action" iauguirs well for its future. This first victory b~eing gainmed others will speedily follow, and( RHichi land will ce long enjoy thle fullest fruits of redemption. All honor tt the .Ricland Democoracy. Torpodoes in War. The suiccess of the Ruissianis witi the use oif torp)edoeshs iete5t tention to this spcies of warfare 1t is claimed that .the 'honor .of th< inlventionl of the present systemr ii due to General Rains, of Nortl Caolina, who first used thern in thalp. ALSO, Twenty-fixe dozen assotica Soaps,atsthe Drug 4iore of april 24 DR. W. E. AIKEN. MDRRIS' HOTEL. T have jnst. finished painting. ilo'ing' -L and thoroughly renovating my '14110 frOiL top to Jottomi, and .now have' it in furst class order and a11 prepared t., eon. te'rtain my,) guests With .mouch moor.' (n., vience andti comfert !tban ertet'fr,. Ofice on first floor and opening on mai 'a street, with dinning room and snujt,. room adjoining. Every effort will 'bm norde to nake m'ly guests comfortablh. 1f' UIote! loced ,nle~xt door to~ F. Elder's large groce.ry aind dry good sto res, and( in thiescentrala01( nd uiness portioni of town. .Charges to suit the tiimes. A. A. MIORRIS, april -206-f Proprietor. Merchant Tailorin.. alimidersigned in~formsi thio .c~I itions of'.Winunsbo.ro aund theo counity generally, lth he sopend ai Tailoring Es5tabLlish imient in the storo neoxt sto Mr. ., Clendlin. inig's. Hie is preparedito (do all kinds of 'twork ini his lino at short notico andi on areasonablhe termsi. A full line of samples kept constantly on hand, from which customers may makco selections. Special at4.ention givenI to C!Uf TING. .feb.24--ts0im WV. G. ROCIIE. SO1YETHING~ NEW. The Atutomatic Fly Brush.. AN ORNAME~NT. A COMJP1ORT. A NECESSITX. T~OUND AT'.LA$T. 1e'ymbody ShjttI~l Have it. (COMEt AND 6I1,T IONEi P'E1.QM CONNOR &e CHANDLER, jinn0 19