TRI-WEERLY EDITION. TERIMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ri- Wdy Ono Yoar. - - - $4.00 Mix-months. - - -- 2.00 " " Three months. -- -- - 1.00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square one insertion $1.00. For each subseque nt insertion 6W. Obitua ries and 'Tributes ot' tospoet chargod for as advertisement. Liboral disoout, mndo I or contract advertisements. ------ JOB WORK. Bill IeadlH, Letfter He0adH, Envelopos P'osters, Cards, Iuvitationas, Tioke'ts., &c. neatlv metiotod at this ollico, - CilRAP 'Olt CASil. 'TI 11E IWA ST AT BAY. ,11 /-'.%' niu .I s iu IrS I111 'VEI:'r How lo Thinks Ias Reg l1Oards im '1'h Ortt Spoon Manipulator's Ideas or trhe Now Whig' Party. A recent WVashingtoni telegram says: A party of citiz'ens of the District called ot B. F'. Butler last ovenIing, to secure his inflience with the administraf.ion in the appoint mont of a commissioner for the District. To their request Butler, with much bitterness, said: "I have no favors to asic of Mr. Hayes, an d consequently you have come to the wrong mwan. It is true I ant a property holder, tax..payor, and, at times a resident here, and am inter osted in the welfare of the District of Columbia, but my right to speak in your behalf as a citizen is swal lowed ulp in my being a member of Congross. Besides, gentlemen," laughingly, "you have seen in the pampers thiat I am fighiting the0 ad ministration, or that I am opposed to Mr. Hayes, or something of that that kind, and the papers never lie. The President knows what he is about, and is bringing about a state of affairs that was never droamed of beforo. He told us in his inaugural a ddress the great things he intended to do, and you know, gentlemen, thathe is doing them. Every day ho is pacifying the people. If, as you -comlplain, the gentlemen who have visited the White House in behalf of your candidate have not been able to secure an audience with the Presi. ,dent, why not refer his claims to W. W. Corcoran, or to General Gordon, or to men of that way of thinking ? They can got an audience. I hope Mr. {ayos' poliCy will succeed. He is a fair seeing, able statesmian, a man of great breadth of intelleet and wonderful scope of power. The11 Republican party woent into the State .of Ohio, and took therefrom its ;greatest staltosinan, and1( clovatetd him .to tiht Presidlency. He is revolu, .tionizing things in his wonder fully ,quiet way, and Mr. Corcoran an'd '(lenoral Gordon are helping him. T1hie people will be crowding ,each other at thet pools at the next Presi, -dontial election, in order to get a .chance to vote the Republican ticket. .80 great will be the rush that I fear .many of them will be tramlpledl to death. No more money will be used< in conducting camlpaigns. It will all be tdone withiont it. In my last canvass I subseribed for the muict~ tilt toirehois the( translparecies anti the uniiformis. I am glad to knowv flhat heea~ter' it isi44 to 'ost. 10 nohing'. It. isi a1 new way oif dIoihg thini~s. It's wondterul ! We see it inl4l. ihe papers I the~ 1 1Oputblean. partv is dStis is dead, and that the gr-eat Wh'i' partymi is 41) be revived. IN.ow, getl~te men, if you want your' frien ds to succ'ted, why niot. visit some gYraiv, yard, and get the names of a few old respetable Whiga from the grav'o stoneis, and put them onl your frienid's apphlication. That would pterhaps have great weight with the admimstration. I wvouldi be willing tto servo you gentlemon of the Dis, trict, but am afraid my advocacy of your friend would do more harm .than goodi. Besides, Mr. Hayes says when lie wants us memibeirs' of Congress he will call for us, and as lhe has not called me I presume heo ~doesn't want .me." Some time since, Butler wvrote a sarcastic letter to Pitkinm, marshal of Louisiana, advising hbim to offer 'himself as a sacrifice to Hayes' poli. cy, and indulging in severe strict., uires against Wayne MoVeagh, one of the ,commlissoneris to Louisiana. Moeoagh .wtotrted in a sharp letter nyhich emery one uxpectedito ,demol, ish the BeastL. Butt Butler -came inp smilin~g and slung a wvhole ean ,of mud .over his opponent. The (following as .a IqpeeIuen~ sentence. WVhen :it is Iiamembered that Mc Veagh is a son-in-law of the old mil lionairo Santator, Simon Cameron, ippreciatod. Hero it is "Every one has his own tastes in shoosing his way to acquire money, but if I wore obliged to choose one f two ways, either to 'appropriate it as a military cominand r,' or to marry into a family where I was riither wanted nor by which I should ho respected, to got 'money to spare,' I certainly sliouldl choose the former, stralngo as you may think it, because at least I shloull lave the money after having coin nitted a lisrepuftable act to got it, ind would not be liable to be (dis Ippointod, as I might be, after I lad waitod long for 'dead men's shoos,' by the other method." Even the Boston I/rall says that to American over went to Europo with such a reputation as Presidont ?rhant.-Liene//) (i'ouricr. WVhich is tomothing for Americita to be thank l for.- /ostoun I'o.. VEQETINE. H , SAY11 S IT IS 1RUE22' I'. W:121.3111 II~2221 Wl5i l x : ; I'. I,, IN EllIIS it'i..I lin. If. It. STlxv1: : I'ar Sir' --As 1 t111t iit 11 2'i Ii 'i :.t ras i n' mZil', tulm y out t o kuI iiw w t1 V IV ,12 ' [I 11:12'1 ( n111t' Or 1 n . n1111y t 111,'' who21 hatve bel n; Irin' leat h's loor kw 11 1212' ' vli litis of stit I I ..ost n'lli , I yr. hrI 11 a 13 l' eel 1124 yeatrs 1g i1 wis Iak 21 s2 ek 111t wh:gs 'ihe 41c1111:ga - 'tt Iotililt22 hli. I ' .r wieekl I was:i t'ii lix' I t i lit ' Is . I IttiI reI 1 Ir111 en' t 1 h.sI':iil , 32 1 il o tt tily h'111. 1 r v rdv2 no 'l10' : I Iast a rea. tuf'rer ; It Ely I E: n'll ot 1rely hIpleis. I''he 11,41 Iite to b12 t I h'er'e'l wa no -11.11 ; he1 .:11I t Ilnight. possht ibly av I te 1 b11 y Ili j t I lug 11 r.. 11tine In t ' driuls a1 ni legs. IhII 22fen uryg' nent, folr saying Iny' lIt( by having thils Hti' w:ts 2l 1malJ1 aol' htn1'. 1 lo l I' 111 no 1 ons 1 ,111 i tihe 'Isk. A bol)ut. I s im' my non rail your" allv'r lsmtnI t In (i at' pe I r, i t l 22 Int1 ny of a p 1 rson Viho ha l h1n v0('1e -i k wthI abut, te salne 'oitng'lnt, at111411ta etur l. Mly till wenIt rigl1ht 1twaly to Ih' it21 hE iry store''ii N i bol2 ght i 1111' le of V EG ETl: N E. );(for' I l(l tismit lhe lirst lt'l 11 111td grea . 1 lt0 1 ; 1123 14, in ve y1 l t'. n1 hl l. Aftetr titing I bnr hoilesI I was able1'to :I. i a'3tl niv ahout. mlly ro1n1. 1 4011110tte, ak~ling I he V'egt tit(, andi I was in n ftw weeks 'est orl"l t myforiner heatlt h. T1 he \t V NEtTI N E nveti m1y lift after I h' p1hystet:Ent salid Itere was to h'1'1 for uin. I hat' hWil Ito tletor sin'.e. f I fel unwel'tl I take it dos' of Vi' ET'IN E, Intl I re'omme'nt It to my13 frientist. Yomr eg et i i ough n t be in 'very f1un01y. ly clocoIr waIs strlt'i ls l 10 see me11 du Ill I teainh 11. says ' EV1 E I', N K Is a goo d t llein-. it'll I '114 Ii t'l1' He 1a1inol feel t oo 2 ha1nkfill. Velrys graotftilIy yours, NI Its. '.\'I'l :\ INI E 1 '(IO NS. Sen ecn Falls, Snt ^' a(11t11y, N. Y. Vegetine. All diseases of the blood, it Vog:in. will 'as- resI t.1 lh patint io 1r t he1a111th tter' ryingel t11'|Tr 't phtys2n' o t s, a1'ny 111' l's, s 1iTer(ng for years, I s II, no1 'onc u,2tv troof, If "ou1 are at sill.f1,r you 'alm het cure' ? 'lhy Is tis me'licine ln'rfornting such great ures 71I 1.Works n 11t 1)the , b lotlin the 3rCullatm luk. Ilt. 'ln truly b I 2nlled the'(r1a1 lit.2i " rrifer. T'he great source tof fhuor, ndstores the 11201nti'ysen 1.0 a lealth condtinlon ll~d roi~h1l ItolingVeno t'riInG , fob B.-tXC ST EV ENSI, M aercha fn~t1 Tiltngor 'ing. 1.E ndersligI.;e Vinforms2 the 1c3 ites rrf tWinntboom the~ count va'. itne 'ly aug's.128 Herir21 21 prepared to n-o vork in his' lliett sht notlich andi' (on '1eaonblet ers Ad oulein on samlesjf teft contath lin hand,2 from wich oeb 24-txnm Ev.r eG.r ROCHl e m~aO RRISkomu' g Hst omTL. havjusltrg fronished aritigoo papein et cIs torera and bmsireprtion of. owtan myarguestosuwith much. tmecu Dftooilrt flr and openingotmai . T.TST I E A FULL ST( SUM MER WHICH WE ARE S BE1'ST PRINTS, 12 YARDS FC WHITE PIQUES, 12, CENTS A.N]T]~ A LI 0'] VERY t -AL FRESH PRUNES, 10 CET FItES1I TOMATOES, 20 t NICE FRESH PICKLES, AN) ALL OTHER ]3ROMA, CIIOCOLATE, SEA GA RDEN -VERY ShOES A iN AI.LL J PLEASE CALL AND S may 14 Best is Cheapest AUTOIWATIC Silent Sewing Machine, Lates.t Inv enit ion). Pr 41 lucing~ Marvelous statuilitax tihe~I la r'' lliiiteeients olt'ire l by I lba4, -'',4 n .ii gi rtiees.u ,I Only 3lachine in the~ 1 WorI will Automiat ic F~eatures, and w~tih no0 lTnlsion to Mlanage. Write by Postxal Card for Price List, List of O~ieesx, &c. W ILIA'0X & G IBBS 8. M. (C0., (Cor. Rlond St.) 058 .nO1rowa, N. Y. may1 15--ly F U1RNIT UREa T IND)OW Shadels,. Picture 1^rames, V Chiildren's Carriages, LurtL ber and Shingles. Use eononty by :buinig the best, and1( buy wvhere you can get the chealmst. april 26 R. W. PHILLIPS. JUST REC ElVED) Afull stock of Plamn and Taney G ro eeries, whichx will be sold at lot) st p)rieo for the LCash. A LSO, A fino stockc of liquors, auch as WHISKEY, BIRAND)Y, WVINES in great variety, ALE, BEER, etc., .etc. The patronage of the public s solici tea. B. ROSEPIHEIM. fob 10h lll &COi. CEIVD, )CK OF NICE GOODS, ELLING VERY LOW. OR A DOLLAR. A YARD. ~E ;J2 G-OO DS 3HEAPI ISO [TS A POUND. nd 25 CENTS A CAN. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. 00DS VERY CHEAP. FOA M, FLA VOJRING EXTRACTS, ETC. SEEI)S, (JIEAP.-. 1) B3OOTS 0 -= PUN~S OF-. TrRADE ng X okillcVF MAkINaI>I PMID. JUz.r 15, 11%. WE CLAIM FOR TUE& JMPRO0VED WHIITNEY SEWING MYA CHINW E!S .f The dJowing speccific points of anpe. rIority: I--farcat sianPilCity inn Con I rict lin. E ~Ixceed Iigly LIa un ninig. h-Pe'onais all Varieties of Workt. 4J-eauty of Finnish and W Eirkaunnishp. ' GREA'T REDURCTJON IN Il 4LE. Single Ma.chines *&ent ou~ orders dlirect fromi the Factory, written guairantoe wvith WI[Y PAY OL4D PRICES! WSmdfor circulars4 IUnd parienjam~. Thue Wlitsney Mf'og. Co., feb 17 Paterson, N. J. WATERIS'OIRCIESTRION cime. ORGA1I~ in the-anost beauiflalin style and perfect in to. * ~ no ever inndte. litlas the celebrated Coner. to atop, which iflue hIntt~on. Aheluman half Oetave. qf belle - tuned in -perfect harm nny with the reeds, andther~efbe i sung. * enl and electrifin 1.- NA, 'ORCHESTRAI.L CONCERTO..'ES. ER,CENTENNIA'L CH IMES, CIJAPEIL, and COTTAGE.ORGANS, in Unique i~rnch Ca. sea conino PURiT Y ciVOICING iofth great volnune qf tonef suitableo P~arlor.or.Church. Vorkmnsnhip, and Durnbiiy Unmurpaseed. Pt R E CES E XTIR RMELY L.Olfor cah.Mone thaly Installment, received. Inutrunientseto AGENTS WA NTED. Speeletilndsaenente to the trade.lilnstrated CjatalogueslAInited. Hecondelhand Instramente at G REA T BAR. GAINS.. JIORACE WVATIERS de .80NS, Manufnetrere and Dlealers.~ WRAPPING PAPER. MJV RCHANTS are regnested to com-. preour prioes for Papeor and Paper Bags, with those .pidelewhere. hn 8 MaeTFve .flnB tE. SPRING GOODS -FOR I 8 7 7. To-day the campaign's fairly closed, The lucky man is he Who takes his seat on the 4th of March Our President he'll be : And now the next best thing Just suited to our mind, Is whero to got the cheapest goods The best of goods to find. My friends and I wont out one day. Some New Spring Goods to buy And we resolved,beforo we went, The different stores to try. We wandered Winnsboro all around Until our feet wore sore, And found the very plnee, at last, T'was SOL WOIFE'S Now Cash Store. Of Hats, Clothing and Boots and Shoes, The latest to our view The very best styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and now. So then, my good friends, one and all, Now is your time to try What Bargains you can get of mo. Or, you ued not buy of SOL. feb 17 L 0 0 KEi LOOKOOS isrnW a-oorsi NEW GOODS!! E have just received a atook of SPRING AND SUMMER prints of the best brands at 81 cents. 4.4 Camibrics at 1i) cents. Centennial Stripes at 12) cents. AI S0. A full Stock of Shirtings, Shootings and Drilling at low ligues, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! I We have just received a large and com plete stock of Spring and Summer C!oth thing which we will sell as cheap as any one. HATS HATS!! HATS!! Gents' and Youths' Felt and Straw flats of all kinds and at any price, CASSIMERES ! CASSIMERES ! I We have just received a full stock of Cassi. merss from the Charlottesville'Mjlls. -ALSO-. Tweeds. Cottonadcs, Jenaji, eta. .1 F. MclMaster & Co, TT.LT soAP.. .dUST RECEIV~ED, oNE gross of :the ,genuino ;B3xows WVi~daor Soap. ALSO, Tw~venty-five demoen assoited -Sonps,at the Drug Store of apsil 24 DR. W. E. A3LEN. J. OLENDINING, Bloot. and 81l0o Manufacturere WINN8.BORO, 8. C. THlE undersigxied re. speot-fully uthhe m Wucitizens ca nniuned (toathe hsremoved his iloot and Shoe Manufactory to one door below Mr. C.Mullor's. I am prepared to muanufacture 'dl1 styles of work zu a substa~ntial and orkmanliko manner, ont of -the very best, materials, and at prices fully as .low as the same goods can be -manufactosred for at the North or 4isewhere. I keep constaintly on hand (a -good Stock of Sole and Upper Leather, shoe Fin~tngs &c., which -will be sold at reasonable prieaon. Repairing promptly ttended ito. Terms 8tuietly Cash.. oct 12 J. CLI.RNDINING. Truie Brotherhood~~Lodge,'-No 844 Knights of Honor. TIHE regular meetin5 af this Lodge wil-b 8th Ist. at 8 1 occk, al4rida eeiLngLK,th june 7,-It Reporter. Shirts!i Shirtsli Shirts!I WkMBSUTTA Muslin and 2200 LInen, Xvat $8.00 par half dozen. -Pereale and Calico at$6.00 and $9,00 per half dozen. mar 22 J. F. McMASTER & Co, Fans ! Fans I Fans ! A 'iarge stock of Fans juset in. ?1. ~ J. F,' MocMSTER & CO,