TRI-WEERLY EDITION. TERMS OFSUBSCRIP1.ON. 'fri. 'oly One Year. - - - - $4.00 s 4 Six-months. - - - - 2.00 4 of Three anQnths. - - - 1.00 RATES 'OF ADVERTISING. One square one insertion $1.00. For -ea~h suibsequent insertion 500. Obitua ries and Tributes of Respect charged for as advertisements. Liberal discount nado if er oontradt advertisements. -0 JOB WORK. Bill Heads, Lotter Heads, Envelopes 'Posters, Cards, Invitations, 'rickets, &c. neatly execnted at this ofllee,-CHEAP TORt CASH. DEATH OF PIERCE M. BUTLER. -o 1H0W A GALLANT .MOLDIER MIET iIIS END. A Remintacendo of the Mexlean War The Palmetto on the Blood Field of Cherubusco. The following sketch appeared in the d aglestos Roetij'.Net anuny year .,g ; ieed "REMINIsORNoEs oF TUS PALMETTO REGIMENT." It was written by a survivor. We believe Its reproduction in TE NEWs AND HERALD' this time will be accoptan blo to all otir readers: The.speecli made by our distin guish6d represntative, in Congress, the Hon. Lawrence M. Keitt, at tho banquet recently given by the City Council of Columbia, to the surviv ors of the Palmetto Regiment, in which he related several incidents which occurred on the bloody field of Churubusco, unknown before, save to those who now survive, has created an intelest, aid caused a fooling among our citizens to hear and know more of the history of that Regiment. The following sketch, is as we be, heve, a full and true account of th death of O9gl Pierce M. Butler, and what occurred thereafter : Early in the action, Col. Butler's horse was shot through the nostrils, the ball cutting the head stall of the bridle, causing the bit to drop out of his horse's mouth. The Colonel immediately dismounted, when his horse plunged most furiously, be came wild from pain, and ran into the ranks of the enemy. Soon after this, Col. Butler recoiged a severe wound in the knee, the ball passing under the joint, and through the flesh, causing him intense pain, and almost rendering it impossible for him to walk, and in a sliort time disabled him from keeping the con maud.- He retired, turning the command over to Liout. Col. Dick inson. The fire of the enemy was now terrific-the very air was thick with the leaden messengers of death, and the continual order of "close ranks" told how truly they did their dutly. Gteral Shields then ordered the regimnent to' retire behind a large hacienda, (whore Col. Butler and the other wounded'.of the regiment were lying) for the purpose of forming a new line. A new line was formed, and the regiment marched on under' a most murderous fire towards the enemy, which were strongly posted in the road, Col. Dickinson in comn mnand and bearing the Palmetto Flag, Sergt. Beggs, the color bearer, having previdusly been sliot down. When the regiment arrived iln a line parallel to the road. and facing the enemy, wh'ich was several hun. (lied yarda fromn the hacienda, Col. Butler was soeon advancing towards the regiment, using his sword as a means of support, to enable him to walk. As he moved uip into ranks, Major Gladden approached, and spoke to him. The Colonel half faced to the rear, and while he and Maj. Gladden were in conversation, the fatal ball struck him in rear of the left ear. He turned on his left beel and fell straight backwards in the arms of Maj. Gladden, who gent ly laid 1im on the field, and ordered * detail of men from the ranks to carry his body to the rear. During this tIhne, the regiment had advanced several paces, and, as Major Gladden approached it, Col. Dickinson was seen to fall. Major Gladden wont immediately to him, when Col. Dickinson said to hihi, "Here, Major, take these colors and this sword, and defend and maintain the honor of Soutl.i Carolina." The gallant Major took the Palmetto flag, hiandedl it to .Patrick Leonard, * (a private in Company H., who bore *it safely thro~ugh the charge,)'ad after ordering a file of men to take CoL. Dickinson to the roar', assumed command of the Regiment. General' Shields then rode up, when Major Gladden asked his per mission to charge. "Thatt is what I wish you to do." -'The charge was then ordered, and soon the bayonets of the Palmottaes forced back the serried ranks of the foe, scattoring them in all directions. Thus ended the battle of C(hurubusco. Tiruo and space forb'd ime to speak of many other incidents which trans. pired on that bloody fiold, but, per haps we will relato them horoafter. VEGETINE Y EGETINE l'as never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease. SHE RESTS WELL BouTn POLAND, ME., Oct., 11, 187C. Ma. I. Rt. S-T:VEN:ss Dear Sir--I have been sick two years with the liver complaint., and during that time have taken a great many difTercnt medicinOe but none of them did me any good. I was restless at iights and had no appetite. 8inco taking the Vegotine I rest well and relish my food. Can recomn mentd the Vegetino for what it bus (on0 for me. Yours respect fully, Mns. ALrnin'r BICKER. Witness of the above, Mr. (ice. M. Vaughan. Medfjrd, Mass. VEGI TINE: Thousands will bear testiinon (rand do it voluntarily) that Ve'etino is/tho best medical compound yet placed beforo the public for renovating and purifying the blood, eradicating all huniors, impurities or poisonous secretions from the syste im, invigorating and strengthening the system debilitated by disease; in fact, it is, :as many have called it, "Tho .Greati Health Restorer." SAFE ANI) SURE, Mn. H. It. STEvENs ; In 1872 your Ve"etino was recommend ed to 1110, and, yielding to the persuasions of a friend, I consented to try it. At the tinie, I was suffering from general debili ty and nervous prostrations, stperin Xuced by ovorwoyk and irregular haiets. Its wonderful strengthening anid 'urative properties seemed to allect muy debilitated system from the first dose, aid unier its persistent use I rapidly recovered, gain ing more than usual healti and good feeling. Since then I hmve not hesitated to give Vegetiie moy most unqiualitied in dorsement as being a safe, sure anld pow orful agent in promoting health aml res toring the waste d system to new life antd energy. Vegetine is the only medicine I use, and as long as I livo I never expect to find a better. Yours truly, W. 1I. C'TA11K, 120 Monterey Street, Alloghany, Pa. VEGETINE. Vegetin1o thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire systei to a hea11lthY condiflton. The following litter from Rev. G. W. Mainstild, formerly pastor of the Metho (list Episcopal Church, I lyde Park, and at prtsenut settied in Lowell, imust colvinec every one who reads this letter of the wonderful curative djualities of Veg'tine ats i thorou Ii cleanser and puriier of the blood: IHvmE PAmW, Mass., Fob. 15, 187. MA. HI. R. Krav:ss: Dear Sir--About ten years ago my health failed through the depleting effects of dyspepsia; nearly a year later I was at. taoked by typhoid fever in its worst forum, it settled in my back and took the t ,rm of a large deep-se': "1 albscess, which was fifteen months . ' iering. [ had two surgical operati " .'.v the best. :.kill in the State but re .- no periimanent cure. I suffered great pain at times and was constantly weakened by a profuse discharge. I also lost small pieces of hone at different times. Matters ran on thus about seven years, till May, 18i71, when a friend recomn 'mended mao to go to your oflice and talk with ym of.the virtue of Veget in. ITid so, amid by your h:intdness p~assed thirouegh yourmnanuf'actorv, nioting t he ingredienits, etc. , by whlmich your reined v is prod uced. By wvhat. I saw~ aind hearti I gauied some confidenic ini Vegetine. I connukenlced takinig it soion after, but1 felt wvorse froml its effemcts; still I per severed and son felt it wams benetvitting mut in other resplects. Yet I did nmml see the results I dlesired, till I had takeni it faitht fully for a little more than a year. wu'men the dlitliculty in the hack was eured, andl for nine months I have enjoyed the best er, 'iy. 'nE 2 NSoN IluRv Pn'i:n Cuonran is by Par tho best machine( which can be ob wained for a less price than one hundr. 1 lollars. It is of great strength. Tah.m.e mtachines have always taket the highest tland. It is the only machaine to whricli is applied the Patent Movablo Cutting Board. This device'lis a reputation of tself: by it, the cutting board can be in stantly and aceurately moved, so that a perfect cut is insurel, This is a very in porttnt. point in the match ine, and one hat is possese. I by no other. It. greatly reduces the labor of preparation in work ng the paper backward and forward. We cannot too strongly recommend the ulvantages of this patent iovablo board. It is worth the price of thii.s machine, and urehasers shouhl fully inderstand how iighly it is to be value l."-- (,eo. 1', Holell C I'.'s N'nsjteju'r hejnrle'r uat Printer's Alzelle. 'iF l.:-:s-r IM l-oE\n Ianole CARn CUTr crn is protnoutncel the most desirable .'arl ('utter inii i market, for tho general Ises of a printing oflico. ''ho well known RvJttoTosiaO CAnn Crrn, with lily latest i:mprovomOcnts, is still pre erred by many printers, ind holds its averitism oer other ialiines. None genuine but those having my full aidross lettered inl the easting. *-A NOW Apr pers in want of advortising rotm first parties should send for my ircular.. F. A.U1ARiDY, A 1bi'lda1e, Mass. I will buy of those that buy of me. Lee 14 AYE YOUR fJONEY! -(GO TO D ANN E NB ER G'S. JUST REUEIVEI) A beautiful line of I adios' land Gents Notions. Iiamburg Edgings and Insertions, at 7cts,. 10cts. and 121 cts, per yard. IiANI)SOME ASSORTMENT OF White and Striped Hosiery, at all prices. L'ARASOLS, SILK and COTTON. aents' Unlaunidried Shirts, Wamisutte Mills, $12 per dbozen. Perale Shiirls, $12 per dozeni. BEA UTIFUL DRESS GOODS, Only 12} cents per yard, CALICOES atnd BLEACHING'S, Always in great variety, l'RY OUR B3ALTIORE MADE EACH PAIR WARRANTED. D~on't fail to Call on the Leader of Low PRIICES, DlANN~ENBERG. april 17 F. W. HABENICHT -0- -- ECSleave to inform his friends ani cu mstomliers generally that his stock of [imported and Domiestic Liquors and Wine is full, and the purity of his goods war. ranted. ALSO, A full supply of Chewing and genuine D~urhama Smioking T[obacco, Cigars andi Ligarettes. ALsO4 Seegers' Pure D)ouble Strong Brown Lager .Ucer, alwa WsS fresh en draught AT CEN'TENNIAL BAR. mar29 SHAVING SALOON. rFORE undersignled takes this method of .1. informiing the public that he has apened a Shaving aud Hair-,outting Saloon in the reoom two doors west of th< post,-ofilco, where he will, takio'le'asure in (erving all thouso wito -may,- favor hiD with a call. Everythinein 'his line don4 in the latest and most faah nable ati10. jan 15LM NrE t vTrn. TO OUR OUTOERS M10 are indobted to ne fA,: PI;VIS IONS or PIiOSPIIATES, we would respect fully call attention, that your bills are duo on or before the tirat of November. W are dopending on you for payment AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligatious made to assist you, and which are duo at that time. In order for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is necessary to meet our promises prouuptly. Bcaty, Bron c Son. oat 12 CONGRESS STREET N E "I G 0 D WINNSBORO, S. C. NEW GOODS U, G. DESPORTES' AND) BARGAINS IN D)RY GOOD)S, CLOTHIrNG, BOOTS AND) SHOES, WINES, LIQUORS, fdib 3Ec.,E. JUST RECEIV \ED, full of Piamn and Fanvy G ro ceriesu, which will be sold at lowdt pi'ico for the Cash. A LSO, A flue stock of liquors, such as WHISKEY, BRANDY, WVINE~S in great variety, *ALE, ot'E, oto. 'The patronage of the publio a asolici ted. B..ROSEN HEIM.U MAIL! All Persons at a distance treated b by 1l1rnil with Perfect Success by do scribing their Symptoms. Dr. Townsond showing manner of Inhaling, Omf"L1l AIl! (Send for our largo and beautifrully Illustrated paper, sent free to any address.) C~u~nn ~ ation is the onlyway CATARRHIthat the Air P'as:a ges can be reached, and Catarrh is a dis easeoftho Air Passa WE MAKE A SPEC- gesof thoead. Use IA I'Y of treating pa- thisTreatnentaswo tints by Mall. 1'leaso direct, which is easy writo and describe your and pleasant, tnd wo symptoms, guaranteo a perfect cona of Catarrh. Bronchitis ! T at 'iTubes a simply NW conductors to carry air to the Lungs, A ,L PEIISONS THAT len CO nintion read this aro invited to ftistgoulirect.totho snd0ui for our Ilrto and scat of the disease, lesutifully illustrated and if you will fol P1''er, sent free to any Iw our directions, itddress. we. guiarante00 to cU~trE" Bronchitis. W ahy? cor Asth Sr eas a cotraction ovf the lironchi-l alTubes carsed sby coinutors tod carry tation of the Lunus WE* GITAItANrEE ''o nioinbranellinigthe CU' oughsColds, hroncIhal Tubes. Uilptieria, Piinuuun It Use Oxyg'Jenatedl Air Ncuratlgntutid early Lull ats weo "ill direct and outer sOeO attack~s we wvill warrant it whenall other remedies Cure. We have cured lset of t years standing. Can bocured. chy? C ONSUMPTION curedhuddso eases, some1 of theni being givnt over to (110 13, ail phiysicianis of otr schools of DY PSIA practice. Consump Dih iras a d1e8 of E ver t te Air passages and lieycoitlintsrreffec- over two-thi rds of tnally reached by Oxy the cases are crueme genatod.fir. y (Catarrh. W1' larit a cure if you will cone In sea BLOOtion, andAir tationfy te mucus I onil iTubties. Use Oxyenated Air tre as wo4 0wile iretund we wll wa5tiranthi -AN- aure I e i av forced l' f l cases of 20 earsl CURE.____L__vr__and_ K vid..rloaue neycomp~laitsttaefuree- e fomth tuary reached by il paO. 1(yh-mreOy AIIP05OI I" ~i~it hcud hm oreo willlihse i'rie fr as es, psomye of1 them b ygen over tos tii'tl~ cued.~0Owar Impunte i schooso ranta prfet cue. prac1 ticarConump tin d a isnasiof the Aloo toa1)0geatd overy two-td of Wu M PAR, M.D~,the casys aroitcaus ate o h Air. iraat r e cure if n~esfn I lioucior INe yoru wll omorin purl sotlci, enrrid DISEASEOWSENM . or cdtawingt~ buned, canth efrihdwt terlty lni or ilusatei aerno.avr timoiatlesn&c., byo illpa- lg sabv. tiens credcWewar rant antrfect, tuophatca f E Ws~, M. Ar M.gnae,,lil tt h aIk toue onegieuls thewrhl MLELAr NU...A CMnerhaTuorlrin, takes chag fti dor b et~n tht o as(ll~le a'irtloygne IsAir wil mon lt tlOstre iet onethr the tmen leg's lieIs Pe~eeioolins of reaonle erm. Afylgned of sraitpes kept onstatly o hd omsse andc enttetie aymak sltho ns.b the ac-. attentiononifenhtheart.All fob 4txlui evr fou minutos