:IVKYiin _ _ - t a lb __II1VEL EDTON]WINNSI3ORO, S. (., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1877.[O..N..g. NEW ADVER'ISEMEN'TS. I pack acquaintanee cards, I pack F N Iuldkerchiet illriationn, 1 packscroll. all sorts, for ol1y la ednts and stamnp. Ftn Card Co., Middleboro, glass. O Ladies' Favorito Cards, all styles, wi th name, lO. Post paid. J. B. Iis'm), Nassau, liens. Co., N. Y. New pieces sheet music, ret ails for $1.75, sent, for 10 cis. and stalnp. Cheap Music Co., blhddleboro, Mans. 1 r Free n Shot Revolver JAMs V4aBOWN S SON, 136 anid 1SS, W1ood Street, l'ittsburg, Pa. UN1 package conmic Envelopes, Ilk. comic (arils, pack scroll carets, 24 p. book of Fun; all for 10 ets. and stamp. Novelty Co., Middleboro, Mass. You will agree to distribute some of our circulars, we will send you it c(hromlo IN oILT FItAMR, and a 1( pago 1 col 111umn illustrated paper, free for 3 months Incloso It) cents to pay postage. Agerits wanted. KENDALL & CO., os ton, Mass. O'y $i60 this. Only $1.50 capital required to start, canvassing for .IARK TWIAIN'S NI 'E S(Al 1100K. Apply, East Street, N. Y. 1 copy curious love lettdr, 1.pk. tonie UN Icard pack popping questiois cardes; all for ts ets. and staunp. Fune Card Co., Milddleboro, Mast. TRIFLING With a Cola is Always Dangerous. USE , W ELLS' Car bolio Tablets, a aure remedy for Coughs, and all Dis eies of the 'Throat, Lungs, Cbest and Mucous Membrane. PUT UP ONLY IN IIL E 'OXES. Sold by all Druggists. C. N. CIIITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. H 1 comic oil chrono, 7x11, mounted, wo rthI 250., 1 pk. love cards, I Ilkcolnte Senvelopes, 1 pack. comic cards, I pack sCroll, 1 24 page book Fun, all st for only 5 3ct. stamps, Novelty Co., Middleboro Mass, The lip Tof Packcago Is (hcolargest and tA cao ingUut. RE D AND E SEE. 18SoosNteIsor, 1t7 En (e. Pch l'en huler rod o 1'1,Sot of Elcguu n it hlSt~,, Sleovo Bluttons.Oent Lak org Diamon nm. thyst Sitno Jun .Ili d with sold. Amethyst 8hSe heart In (lold-plated Vodding Ktn g,1ot Rtogbuit Ear 1)rns Y adIos'Flowored and Silvered h aPin. Ladles' Pancy o., Pin and Dro, Oold plats Collate tnn, O.h"' e t edWt u hin andt Sot f ThreoOnd1-plated Studs. TA entir Let autfrae ewI Ar Rrl. .IAORDI.%A 'A /NDJUCEMRNTSTOAch'NTS "- J. BRIDE, Clinton Plaoe, Now Yor; y fliyy yLRy for all. The Eureka jew.. elry casket contalbs 1 pair gold-plated e aig my ad sleeve buttons, 1 Set (3l) siitral shirt study (Cents' Im. coral pin, 1 lproved shapo collar stu, one Rents tine link watch chain, .and I Ladles' heavy wedding 'ring; pride of l casket colmplete, 51) cents; three for $1.25; six 'for $2 and 12 for $3.60, all seat postpaid by ntall. Six doyen and a solid silver watch Der $20. Agents can make Inoney selling these easkets. Send 60 ets. for sanple and Catalogue. We have all kinds of ,Jewelry at low prices. W. COLE. & CO., 715 Brotulway, N. Y. City. t1N We are the "OrigInals" in this buitness, ;and have no 'Milton (old" or "brass" Jewelry. "This Jewelry Casket is l emarkably attrae ,ive, and CL0 S & CO., ane reliable dealers." Juoson Globe. THE BALL STILL ROLLS ON --AT THE GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods"Establishment -OF COLUMBIA, S. C. rr HIE Suwccess attending the disposal of 1.our MAONIFICENT STocK, which we put1 up~on the market early this season at ituch low figures, con1vineos us that the publie app~reeiato our efforts to supply th emn with the newest and most stylish goods. liuyinlg as WO (10 fromt the first hatnds and for casn, enables us tooffor -We are now receiving a now and elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER 'D 'E . G- O O " S. BOOTS, SHOES, which wilbe sold at the same low ruling popular prieces. We expect to (d0 a LIvE PUSHIJING BUSINEss, and bargains will be ' offered daily. "A word to the *lse Is sufficient." fI"- Samples sent on applieation and expressago paid on bills ovor $10. Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment. T. A. Mcvlenrinn, 13B. B. Mecasiny. 13 A. IIAwas. Wtt. HOnKAN. feb 20 MiORRIS' HIQTE.. -o Ihave just finished painting, papering and thoroughly renovating my Hotel from to1) to bottom, and now have it in first class order and am prep~ared to en.. tertain my gunests with muche more eon vionce and cornfert than heretofore. Onfice on first floor and opeoning on minf stremet, with dinning room andl sample * room adjoining. Every effort will be made to make miy guests Comfortable. #e Hotel' located noit depr .to F. Elder's large grocery and dry good stores, and in the central and busin ss portion of town. Charges to silit thti'ioes, april--28-tf Proprietor. Iaw cW Or c3 THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TRIAL JUSTICE. JMbr All business entrusted to him in either capacity will receive prompt atten. tion Offico on Washington street, one door east of Winnsboro Hotel. II. A O.AILLAIW. Jxo. S. IIPYsOLs. GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW NO. 3 LA W RANGE. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No. 1, .LAw RANGE, Winnsboro, S. C. J Special attention paid to the speedy oollection of claims. Will practice in all of the courts of this Stato and the United States. J. CLENDINING, Boot and Shoe Manuficturcr, WINNSBORO, S. C. 'TlE undersigned re spectfully annoalnces to the ' citizens of Fairfield that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Manufactory to one door below Mr. C.Muller's. I am prepared to manufacture 11l styles of work in a substantial and orklunanliko mdnner, out of the very best materials, and at prices fully as low as the same goods can be manufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constantly on hand a good Stock of Sole and Upper Leather, Shoo Findings &c., which will be sold at reasonable prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Terms strictly Cash. :r: Dried Hides bought. ect 12 J. CLENDINING. Hurrlah for Hampioll! GRAND SPRING OPENING, -AT THE Dy Goods, Fancy Goods, and Millinery Bazaar, O) F a beautiful and full line of latest novelties iR Spring and Summer Millinery and Fancy Goods, consisting in part of ,adies', Misses' and Children's trimmed Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, Nets, &c. A Iprge lot of Ladies' Collarettes,Fichua and other fancy articles. Inspection of the Ladies and public generally solicited. We will endeavor to please the most fas tidious. All we ask is that you call, and see for yourselves, and give us a trial. Now Spring Prints. Centennial Stripes, Dress Goods, White Goods,1)ress Imlprov ors, Corsets :Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &c. Agent for Butterick's reliable paper patterns. Ladies', Misses' and Children's now patterns in store. GROCERY DEPARTMENT, ;ust filled up with fre hi Groceries, Con feetionaries and everything usually found in a first class house of the kind, A lot of Furniture, Laths) Shingles, &c. Lumber low for Cash. J. 0. BOAG. You can find all you want by calling on april 141 T. O.B o . U. R. Fleniliken KEEPS constantly on band a full sup ply of Choico FAMILY GROCERIES and PL ANTATION SUPPLIES. Is stock has recently been replenished, and ho is now readly to supply the wants of all. WNRAPPING PAPER. M ICHANTS are requested to com.. pat's our prices for Paper and Paper Bags,with those paid elsewhere. Jan a AMSTER DRCEm IMPORTANT -TO -AND AGRICULTURISTS! Emperor William Cabbage. r 11E best, largest, hardiest, and most proittable variety of wix-I.:a CAIIAOE known in Europe, and imported to this country exclusively by the utldersigned, awrcie, with little cultivation, it flour ishes astonishingly, attaining an enor mous size, and selling in tie muarket at pirices most gratifying to the producer. In transplanting, great care should be used to give siflicient space for growth. Skolid heads the size of the mouth of a flour barrel. is the average run of this choice variety. One package of the seed sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents, and one 3 cent postage stamp. 'Three packages to one address $1 00 and two 3 cent statmps. Twelve packages sent on receipt of $3 00. 4- Read what a well known Garrett Co. Marylander says of the EIsnuon W. LIAM Cabbage: ILOOMINOTON, GaiRET Co., MDd., Jan. 2, 1877. Mn. JMI:s CAMPELL, ;( Fulton St. N. Y. Dear Sir:--I bought soic seed I rmin you last spring, and it was good. Your Em peror William Cabbage suits this climate well. On a Iloulltain Ride the seed you scnt mo produced Cabbages weighing thirty potunds each. Very truly yours, JAMES BROWN. 0 pc" I amt Sole Agent in the U. S. for tho famous lMlaidstone Onion Seed. from Maidstone, Kent Co., England, pro, tlucing the most producing the iost prolific and finest flavored Onions known Rnd yielding on suitable soils from 800 to O) bushels per acre, sown in drills. Mr. Henry Colvin, a large m-trket. garden er at Syracuse, N. Y., writes, "Your English Onion Seed surpirised ine by its large yield, and the delicious flavor of tho fruit. I could hove sold ny quantity it. 4his marset at good price My wife says she will have no other on ans for the talle in future. Send me as z4uch as you can for the enclosed $5.00." One' package of seed Tent on receipt of 50 cens and one 3 cent postage stamp, three packages to one address $1 001' and two 3 cent. stamps. ''wntve packages sent on 'Tceipt of $3 00. My supply is limited. Parties desiring to secure either of the above rare seeds, 4hould not delay their orders All seed WvARnANTED FnESn AND TO OERM1INATE. Dash must accompany all orders. For ither of the above seeds, address JAMES CAMPBELL, mar 1-xt Gn 66 Fulton St., N. Y. Sawing- Machino. TRADE S~tc * MARk PAID. Jur.v !b, 1811. WE CLAIM FOR THE IMPROVED WHITNEY SE WING MACHINES .The following specific pointsq of supe r~iority: I--Grea t hanfplIcity In Coin t rulct lin. 2-DuraibIlity. 3-Exceeingly Light Rtun-. ni lng. 4-Still Ruununimng. Noiseleasft. n-Perfor',nas all Varieties of 6-Ieauuty of Flinish and 1W orkmaunshnay. '2'--iREATA REDUCTION IN PRElICE. Single Machines sent on orders direct from the F'actory, written gualran tee with each Machine. WHlY PAY OLD PRICES! prSend for circulars and panrticulars. Address, The Whitney Mf'g. Co., feb) 17 Patorson, N. J. It. 3. cCarley EGS to call attentioni to his niew L1Stock of Boots and Slhoes, all sizes mai styles, at unlprecedeistedly low prices. ALSO, Atn entirely new Stock of Groceries lugar of all grades, Coffee, Rice, Hlominy H4eal, Soap, Starch, Sod a,Pepper, Teai,ete. Fine Seed Irish Potatoes. Choicest Birands of Flour. Best Corn andi lty6 Whiskey in town. bacco and Cigars, Molasses, Lard, COn, llams, &o Lowest market p~rIesu h. ar S n. J. meAn@A .v WHAT TilE COUNTRY LOST. -o A SK TI( OF T'IIi .1A N W1H0 SILOULD h A VA' BEEN 1'RESIDEST. True Attributes of Royalty--The Tri umphs of Tilden--What he Would Have Been in the White House. Correspoledncce FormouV Argus. He is a little dried up old man ; ho will weigh perhaps 115 pounds ; he has a littlo round head, a little round face with no board thereon ; a little round nose, but entirely largo enough for tho face ; a little round bald spot on the back of his head. His hair is brown, and has a way of dropping down over the little round faco ; his eyes aro blue and rather soft than otherwise ; the lid of the loft eye drops at times, caused by a a nervous affection, but the expres sion is to give one the impression of cunning. Ho stoops a little, as little dried up old mon will do, and his walk is something of a creep as though stepping on eggs. He has no distinguished look ; one would 1 never select him from a crowd as a man born to command ; oh no, he looks more like a hard working coun try shoemaker with his good clothes on than a king, and yet in some respects no king, nor emperor, nor priest, nor other man of any ago, or country, has been his equal. He has no friends ; lie never had blood enough in his veins either to feel the warmth of friendship or to inspire it. As the few ounces of blood which ho is supposed to have are much too cold to be quickened by the presence of lovely women, he is unmarried. He never made a great speech, ne or wrote a great book, in short, never did anything to call out the admiration of mankind. He is not magnetic ; a wooden Indian in front of a tobacco shop will cre ate as much enthusiasm as he. At the American Institute Fair, when open, is to be seen a great number of curious and most admira ble machines of all kinds, doing all kinds of work. One may spend days examining and admiring these various machines. Away off at one side, unseen, unnoticed, unthought of, is the engine that moves them all. Nobody sees it, nobody thinks of it. All notice and admire the effect, none notice nor admire the cause. This little old man is like that engine, unseen, unknown, unthought of, but the cause of great events. True, for the last few months his name has been upon every tongue, but this was but an episode in his life, and although his power will be greater than over, his name will no more be heard. He is an honest and an exact man ; if he owes a penny it will be paid, and if a penny is due him lie wants it. He was once made a chief magistrate of a great State, and after election the evont was celebrated by a supper. When the bill caime in, lhe dis covered an error of 38 cents, and sent it back for correction. This wvas called meanness by the free and easy politicians, and added to his unpopularity, for these political gentry like only "whole.-souled" fellows-a wvhole -souled followv be ing oneo whoorobs the public crib and scatters a good share of the plunder among his friends. No, this little old man wvas not a wholo souled fellow, and was hated by all politicians. In the year 1874 the Republicans had entire control of this State. General Dix had madj wonderfully popular governor, and as he was a candidate for rc-election, it was deemed impossible for the Demo crats to carry the State. They made great efforts to induce one of their popular men like Judge Church to accept the nomination for governor in opposition to Dix, but the case was so hopeless that all declined. In this emergency for the Demo. I crats, my little dried up old man offered himself, and as defeat wvas] considered certain, lie was accept ed. Judge of the blank as - tonishment of the politicians when they found that he was not merely elected, but elected by a tremendous majority. That little old man's hand was felt in every county and town and school district in the Stato, as the result showed, and he became "the governor." In this State are many rings, 3 among the worst of which was thie Canal Ring. The gover-nor was hardly installed when he began awar against this gang of robbers. This but made them laugh, for they doeenied themselves invincible. Soon, however, thingn began to asnanme a' serious aspect for themi and they sent. the governor a messago- some thing in this strain, to-wit :: "DruR GovEiNoiR-,-You know how strong we are ; you knok that. we hold the balance- of power in, this State- between the two parties,. and can elect whom: we will and defeat whom we will ; you know that neither party,. and no governor,, not oven Dix, strong as he, was,. dared' touch us. You want to, be- presi dent, and your know that. this State holds the balance of power in the nation ; that whoever gets Now York will be president ;: now if you will, let us alone, as, Dix. and provi ous governors have done,. we will guarantee this State- to you;. but should you decline, and make war upon us, we will cause your political death, at all hazards. Yours truly,. TnE IRhe" To this the governor returned an answer something as follows: "Sum-You are an organized band of publie robbers, preying upon the commercial interests of the State ; it is my duty to destroy you, and I will do it or perish in tho attempt. Yours, TIM GOvERNoR. That showed the character of the man. He had but to keep quiet, as other governors had done, and the vote of the !ronpire State was bis ; if he made war upon the thieves. be was sure to lose it, so far as hu. mnan eye could see. It also shows the marvelous power of the man that he both whipped the ring and. saved the State. It soo- began to be seen that the governor would be a candidato for the presidential nomination. The rings became alarmed I Big rings, little rings, canal rings, Tweed rings, city rings, whiskey rings, tobacco rings, rail road rings, all, all exerted them selves to the utmost of their capaci ty to defeat the nomination of the governor at St. Louis, for they too well know that his election to the presidenoy would be their death knell. In addition to the rings and thieves of all kinds, a large part of the leading men of his party were earnestly opposed toim. This arose from two causes ; they knew that if elected he alone would be president, and would require no kitchen cabinet ; that the power be bind the throne would be abolished. They had also been offended by his coldness, and disliked him. No candidate before a convention over had a stronger opposition per baps, but what was the result ? He swept thorn all aside by a wave of the hand and was nominated almost without a contest. And he was elected, too ! Elected by thapeople; elected by the electors. It is all over now, and the govern Dr's name will be heard no more forvever. He will never be other than a privato citizen, and there is no possible object in praising or blaming him. We can sum up his so now as fairly and with as little passion as the case of Julius Caesar. I am not his friend, and in the amnpaign wvas inactive ; but. now that all is forevor settled, I may say that he would have made the best chief magistrate America ever had, or is likely ever to have. He wvas doubtless botter fitted for the place than any man whose name was river mentioned for that high posi tion. Could he have been allowed to fill the place to which he was elected, his name would have gone :lown to future generations as the grecat presaident. What William of Drange wvas to England, he would bave been to America, in the estab. lishment of good government. [ndeed, the two were much alike ; both small, feeble men, both co2ld md repellant, and unpopular on that account ; both exact and pains-. taking ; both possessed of executive ibility of tho very highest order. Bamuel Jo~nes Tilden is not simply in able man, but a marvelous man. Not simply a king among men, .but i, king among kings. He has been .ied about as few men have ; he has een swindled as no man ever was nyindled out of the presidency. But uis loss is small in comparison to vhat the nation has lost in losing usa administration. IL. W. S. The Newborry Herald had an espe dily level head when it penned the 'ollowing : "The only bad feature hbout Governor Hampton's success, mnd the redemption of the State, is he huge amount of poetic bosh that uas been inflicted upon the publio. ivery poetastor who can make a ingle must celebrate the grand ivent in rhyme." Rlock Hill was unhappy until she >rocured a town elockc; and now ihe is ubhappy because it will not moint to thme dinner hor pronerly.