WINNSilORO() S. G Tuesday, April 17, 187, R. MEANS DAVIS, Idito'r, JNO. E. REYNOLDS, Asoolate Ekditor. Tho situation il Europe is un11 ehanged. Turkey still st.ands wvith a chip on her head, but no one has yet knocked it off. 'The Georgia penitentiary now , ontains twelve hundred convicts, a fact demnonstrating the benefits of .Democratic administration of jus tice. Presidtnt Haves is charged with meeting tho colored brethren but half way a2d appdinting only mulat toes to offico. Tho 8iinon puro blacks *aro boorhing indignant. The Gronsboro, .N. C., Patriot ,notioing -the faot that Judge Maky passed thiko'nigh that town' a iihort time since, -oloses the ,pariigraph ky saying : 'judge Mackey is the only man' in tho'Unitsd=States that Oenoi'al Leach surrenders to as a talker." Judge Maekoy has .talked to some Piuroso. Louisiana. Now that Hampton is firmly s. tablislhed in South Carolina, public attention is centred on Louisiana, a State that has three times repu diated Ralicatlis51 at the ballot box, and yet it not is free. The logic of events, however, and the detormninas tion of the people no longer to sub mit to iller-al authority admit of no doubt that right will in the end premail. The exact time for the colpleto recognition of the Nicholls government cannot be given, though itseoms not far off. The Conmmission that went to New Orleans is accompli ling noth ing. Nicholls refusos to .sabuiit to them the question of the legality of his government, but, claiming that he is governor de juro, is content to show the commission that he is also governor e fiacta. In this ho acts wisely. No Democrat will over again suifor a board composed of a majority of Ropublicans to pass upon his title. The commissioners are there fore at their low's end, and they have tdepiplied to 'Hayes for fur. thur instructions. They describe t 1o situlation in Louisiana as tol lows: If there is a de furc governor in' Louisiana, it is Packard. i'f the 4 .iRotumning Board has the right to scrutinmze the returns of election of mombers of the Legislature the whole Pacekardl governmient is legail. D~oubts exist, however, as5 to thme j uriIadiotion bifrthe Rletninig Board. That the Nicholls government exorcises de./tor Authoity throughm out the entiro State, anid in overy acm e of its soil exep~t the Packard State House which is protected by the troops. Packard's assortion that his authority is recognized in the negro counities is falso. *While ho~ blacks prefer himu, .they aire not iT pr(ared to enforco his claims by a resort to arms. That Nicholls' adminmist ration is T.lhat 'Pacikaris administration cannot be establisboal by a simnplo recognition on tho, part of the Pr~osi, n4mt, but only by the use of a large forc~jruf Federal tr'oops to crush out the acting goverranent an~d the main tonance of garriboils in the Stato during the wholo 6f Packard's TIgtjf tl~s cour wpro praj3tica b)14o ift would in~volve at conitinuaneo, of trial disturbances syd .bluniness de pressmons which clmractorized Kel logg's ad ministration. Sinco the commissioners testify that a stauiding army is neocessary to give Packard oven a semiblancoe of p~owe~r, and sincem the Presidomut,, lby ceasing military interference in So'uth Carolina, has established a precoedent, it follows that Nicholls nmast be, recoignized. Packard's fall will muark the iuncop tion of them oxistence of a "solid An Atlanta jewolor unamed Shmarpo absconded reotly, leaving $50,000 b of liabilities behind. H~e was traced i ar a oPildlphia, but nothing SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Darlington will soon be blessed with three newspapers-the News, the Southerner and the Pee Doe 3Vatchmawn.. The Abb'evillo Merlean b~uggosts that tho name of Gordon be given to the new county to bo formed from Beaufort. Th'ist is su+gestocld us a complimon t to- Senator Gordon. Father Folchi wont to : Abbevillo last week to pay a visit to the Lowndesville prisoners. Theose meon had already ombraced the 1Mfethod ist faith, and they refused to give the Roverend Father an audienco. Last wcek Jenny Smith, a. colored woman iii the Long Cano section of Abbeville, give birth to three clil dren-two girls and a boy. At, last accounts the woman and tho children were doing well. A Poiopa Grangy has, heen or ganized at Ro''k fill, by V or ill, Rook Hill, (:lay Hill all CLtaSl),, Gr" Lgcs. The following offieers worea uleetedea. Capt. 13. ,H. Masaoy Iaster (ap1t. Iredell Jones, .Oyp-. 'eor. ' ' Ton negroes convictol of aflmbush ilg and killing a whito man . i ILowndedville;' Abbeville county, last fall, will b0 hanged on the 20th of this month. An effort is making to secure commutation of sentence for six of the murderers. The recent gale did considerable dameago hi Charleston. The streets tvore kneo-deep in water, basomot rooms wore flooded, trees and fencos w'frei 1)lown' down, and the shipping tossed about generally. The gale is said to have been the most severe that his: visited the city in very many years. The municipal eltction at Edge. field resulted in the election of all 'thc ')enoeratic candidates except one. 'The Radicals put out no regu tar ticket, and fho colored man elected-George Simkins-owed his triinmphli to the "scratching" done by his colored friends. On Monday before 'last, Nelson Butler, a very industrious and wor thy colored man, made lapplication to join a colored temperahce society in Aikon, and was refused admission (having roceived twenty-five blacks halls out of twenty-seven votes) on the ground that he was a Demo crat and would be apt to expose the scorets of the society. Mr. E. P. Lido, who lives a few miles from Darlington, had a horso stolen from him about a month ago. A search was insti tuted, but no trace of the missing animal discovered. Mr. Lido tin pmchased another horse, which, on last Saturday night wvas also stolen. A search for it was also mtade, but no clue to either thoc horse or thte thief has yet been A most disgraceful and high htanhedd ou tratge vas comniitted last woeok upon Mr. Juo. 'Johtnson and his family, who live in lCesterfield county, niear the Darlington line About eight o'clock onle of his sons was' passig th rough the yard, whten he was ik ced ulpoj, but11 not hit. 'When he got into( then htouse he wals shot at thtroiughl the window and severely wounided ini tile armlt and thigh. Antothter son, someR distance away at tthe o n hearing the firing came tthhouse, wvhen he was seized by~ the gang, gaigged an~d bona to a tree. The robbters thouen onored the hIouse and . lunidered it. Next they went to Mr. Johnson's groery antd took a qj~untity of goods. They then stolo a ninlo from the stablo Not ydt satisfied, thtey woent to the house of another of MIr. Johnson's Ronts and1 took liis horse. The rob. horts woro .* pursu~ed, and .The rmile and horso recovered. None of' the rogues have beon captured. Betholtl Tresbhytery adjournel 'at Chiester some days. ago, after-a ads.. sion of eight days. TFhig body was engaged almost the entire time in trying the ease against Rev. J. E. White, accused of appropriating to his own use propeorty in -opposltion to the wisheoh of: its owdrs. The property in diuprhf was the Presbys. towian parsonage at C~hetetr, which Mr. 'White had occupied since his resignation of the ministorial-charge of Purity Church tltree or four years ago. Five days were con sumoed in taking 'testimony, anfd ono0 day in hieariung the sargument Rev. Mr. Mack conducted tihe proscen' tioni, and Rev. Mr. White appe)ared in his own (defenice. Their speeches on the last (liy of te tiossion were longbhy and1( exhatustivo. When -they hiad finished, the Fresbytery elosod its dloor's against all but the mem, hers, withl the vioiv of deciding by vote the 'guilt or the innocence of the accusedl. The result oif their action wae twenty-ono votes against anid sevenl votes for Mr. W~hite. The sentence of Preslaytoury uvas his in.. definite suspension from the minis. try. lie ggvo potice of an ap)peal to Snd FAcETIE. The oldest 5hoem':r- "Tim, the groat heeler.'r - The favorite song in Charleston "Wade down upon the Suwaneo Rivor." A few minutes before being shot the Mormon Lee was requested by a photographer to "please asswue pleasant look." It is ploasant to shaoke hands with a girl whose fingers aro covered with diamonds, for you fuel that ypu havo a fortune within yoti' tory grasp. Oxford and Cambridge diund to gethor on the evening of the race, just as if there was no difference be tweon them. It:was a dead 'eat, you know. A Yorkshire woman is so cleanl' that she uses two rolling-pins-ob'o for the pastry and the other fok lipr hucbaud's lread. 'veii if a boy is alwsiye z'hislling "I Want to be an Angel," itLis just as well to keep the preserved peam 'on the top shelf of the pantry. "I was fairly elected, I know m$g biz, rnd I'm, going to be oonstt4bl biupsot the State of Iowa l" was what he- .said, -and the othor mali vacated. An Iowa jailor didn't believe that a female could crawl through ia hole two foot squre. Slho proforroO lib orty to bustle and loft the latter c. the floor as a :ad memento. When a man thinks he is govern or, and everybody else thinks ho isn't, somebody's feelings are sure to be hurt. "Order'is heaven's first law," as the fellow said when Ie marefully de posited his pantaloons in bed, and folded himself neatly over the back of a chair. Call a lady "a chickon," and .teg o one she is angry. Tell her 'she' 'is "no chicken," and twenty to orto she is angrier. Call a man a "clever dog," and he is complimented. Call ,him a "puppy," and there will be a smart chance for a light. A lecturor on optics, explaining the .mechanism of the organ. of vision, .romarked.: "Lot a man gaze closely into his wifo's eyes, and he will see himself looking exceedingly s nail." Fanny fester is the name of a Brooklyn woman who caught a burg lar and lumg to him till a policeman came. le loosened all her teeth, but she wanted theme out anyhow. A young man whose sweetheart has pretty, pouting lips, .says that a kiss of hors always reminds him of the menu of the best res taurant in town, it's such a delicious bill afltir. The r'easonl why a Detroit w.omn got off a street car without r'inging' the b(,ll was5 bcauso15 she sZaw her husband walking with a good-lookinmg widow, and she hadn't time for cert -- fbinlos. One does not desiro to'bc person - al, -but if the young mnn wh'o sat in tho chiri wuhere a lady had left a dish of,maple -sugaf te. ,IQd it thei festiv4l the othiel oveing, will 're turn 1,hio svier- hewill .wav6 hitnself' furtler troubihle. Robe(rt Collyer thinks peOople bet ter' miarry young.--Graph ic. That is what Brigham, of Utahm, thinks too. And a groeat many peoplo of, that Torritory--ospeeially women do mnar'ry Young. -Nourriltown lier ald. A Kansas far'mor pulrchased a .ro volver .for his wife andl~ insiisted on target prlactice, so that she could defend her .house in caso' of his abs sence. After the bullet hiad beon0h dug out df his leg anud the cow been buried, lie said he guessed that she'd better shoot -with an ake. A Wtlhtpfe to'egiulian 'tA VEr mnont was disturbed the.. oil~ior: Sun day, duing the momentar'y stillness following- thoraponIngipra~yor,r lgi f voice f'omn tho adl~joining d welling ex claiming, "Mary, wvhoro's thio nails ?" Soon the answer camne, "In the coffee-pot, youi fool 1" A depity marshal recently dihot at a negro, whom he was trying to arrost, and slightl-y woumnded a Miss Hoarmun. The negro happened to be near the young lady, and of course the mar'shmd thought the form he was shooting at was bis'n instead of The Indianapolis &SNine~ll says sonme of the Repulblicanf paper1s are0 imad wvithi iHampton for his "indis cretioni." it adds: "His trip to Washington wa.s as unlooked for as th' ocontic nmovemnents of a comet. Thuy were looking for a "vassal" and the first they knew, a "peer" walked along. If he would ,only have consented to a "Commission" and kept perfeotly quiet while they swindled him out of his election, then he wvould have been once moro the "bravo and piatriotic Hamp GEFTjilAL GOSSIP. David Dudley Field has published n, pamphh:.t entitled "The Vote that Made the President." It is deelared 'T itively that General Hawley, one of tho Louisi.. ana'Commission, will not ."fight-snit Packard." -Hon-Ar H .Stephem-49-now -able to Hit up, and; his hndwriting is firoi- than over. 'T'le great nomr moner has concluded not to die yet. There is an absoluto in poli tics at the National,, apital. Th wire pullers have tb-i' dens lso where than in WVhing.on now. Very exthive frauds in the manuf uro of tobacco in North CArolina have recently been discov eie'o, and the Trgneury epoartnent proposes takmig vigdrous measures to bring tho parties concerned in them to speedy punislunont Garfioldgppi, up most promi n1o) tly as the Republican candidate for Speaker of tl1o ouse. Randall is the most prominent among the . Iof g aro pressing their claims. Black burn of KeIintuky is the candidate of the fillibustotb/ N. P. Banks is pr)opcsed as a compromise. The DeMr , n n~sg prM o a masorty o ten im the p1'1ima'y organization, and will doubtless elect all the oflices. The Virginia L0-iejatur hats levied on liquor a 7 Eho rate of two and a half cents drink. ) Each barkeeper is compolled to keep a registry box on-his counter and to turn a crank round once for each drink sold. 'This operates a piece of rechanism which works on a dial the number of times the crank is tluriled. Any one turning the crank maliciously is subject, on .dete the finding of the grand jury. wlli}st after the defendant has plead to the merits, it would be hold good in sbihstancc. yet being bad in form, it will be so held if exception be taken to it by special demurrer, in writing before tlu trial. DERNTIST~L?. I DlR A. M. HILL, 114AVINGu pormanently lo-' - cated in Winnsh~oro, oll'er8 his, - P' ro!sional ser~vices to thec pubI1lic. Saitisfactioni gu~nranteell in al iC1ental work. psr Onlico over D)r. Aike's, brug Store. api J2-4t im A. M. Lee, Trus.twe, aginstL J. A. C'aid 13 : v'irtue (of an1 orlEr of 1be District - ourt of the Unilitedi Staites for thew I)istrict of South.~ Car olina, ntaude the 2911h lty of1 Mawh*1, A. ii. 1 877, all persons~ Iuimling to) hol iensi upon thi es.tate of 1.'A. Caldwell, at Banikrupt1, are' enlle upon01 to tcoine9 inl and1 ma19ke Jproof of their flim~is biefore 91 me~ :sfly ~oflie, No. 35 Ilroad Stiret, Charlesaton, 8o. Ca., on Or *cforo the irst day1 of' May, A. Di. 1877. A. M. IfUGElt, .api 12- tx Iaw3 iteooee. ifIlYASTER & BREE UIA)O LDali the( specialtitj'46 1h 3fd Figulred Lawvi%9 IIaues, llamburg Edgings, Nejc RuPling, Silk Ties .and Ioatfs, .JMosier,y, GlovesM &c. vill find a full Htock of fur ishuir Gouds osiQLsting (M1ail1y.Olr4 Clothlinmg, . Miats; ..l i .hosiory, Gloves, * hSltts, -ALSO (asmsimler'sm, Twoods, LinenflDrllj, &c. We are daily roceiving aiddit~ions to onr Stock of Goeods, and( pufrobasersIin iletreh bf batrgains will fid It to their intorosto riva nut I ,1.n Isagw Cdar cs THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TRIAL JUSTICE. ,t? All business entrusted to him in -ither capacity will receive prompt atten. tion Office on Whshington street, one door -at of Winnsboro Hotel. 11. A 0.AILLA~Ip. Jio. S. REYXOLnI. GAILLARD & REYNOLDB, ATTORNEYS- AT LAW NO. 3 LA W RANGE. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney ahd Counsellor at Law, No. 1, LA W It ANGHr, Winnsboro, S. C. p1 Special attention paid to the speedy collection of claims. Will practice in aU of tbo couxts of this State and the Unitad States. llr IforIlailon! . GRAND BERIXG OPENING, -AT TIE Dly Goods, Fancy Good., and Millimwa'y Bazaar, t.J I? a beautiful Rad full line of 'lates novelties in Spring and Sunme..r Millinery and Fancy Goods, consisting in part of,adies', Misses' and Children's trimnied Hats, Flowcrsi, Ribbons, Silks, Nets, &o. A liege lot ot1ldiea' Cdilareltes,i<'irus and other fancy articles. Inspection of the Ladie. and public generally solicited. We will endoavor-to pleaso the imost fas.. tidio us. All we ask is call, and sec for yoursel ves, and give us a trial. Ne't Spring Prints. Centennial Stripes, Dress Goodis, Whit Goo is,Dres's Tnpro. ors, Corsets :llosiery, Gloves, Notians, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &c. Agent for lutterick's reliable paper patterns. Ladies', 1lisscs' and Childrena now patterns in store. GROOERY DE3 ARTMENT, Jitst illod up with fro h Groceries, Con foetionaries and every thing usually foun' iL it aIrst class house of'thofkinti, A.lot of 'urniture, Laths Sliingles, .&e. Lumber low for Cash. J. 0. BOA. Youi'can ilnd-all you .vant .by calling on april 14 .,. , g Cassimeres ! Cassimeors iT JUSTr IN.! JUST IN!I .~~. lot of new Cassimjeroas from-the~r'cle 'bratod, Charlottesyillo Woohen ilills, JUST RECEIVEB --ny J. F. McIVaste~r & Co. SHOES I SHOE~S!!! SKaoES ill -0 \E haveojust.received a 11ot ot Gns hand1 and machine sowedl Shoes. --ALSO Iadies' and Children's Shoes of all kinds. 'We have on hand a full stock of Pr'pts, Bleached andi Unbleaocd Home spuns11, ]Drilings,Osnbre, An l thpr 'good4s Uliually found in We can mitk' It'to your advantage, to -give us a ,call before P'urchasing ols. where, april 7 -0-- -. DEGS leave to inform his friends and .Dcustomners generally that his stock of impjortedi and( Domestic Iq1lIorn and WVino ii full, and tho purity of lW goods war ranted. ALSO, full supply of Oihewing and genuin Durham mioking 'Tobacco, Cjgars and Cigaxotteg, Seegers' Pure Double Stronig Brown LagoK ]Boor, alway a fresh on draught AT CENTECNNIAL JIAR. Shirts I Shirts I Shirts ! WAMflPTTA uiA ad 2200 Linen, er alo andl Calico at$6.00 and $9,00 por