WINNSBORO. S. C. Tuesday, April 3, : : 1e77, R. MRAN8 DAVIS, B.i ' . , The. telegkaph, lyrings the start ling rumor thatrMruLIHayes has.been served With a -writ' bf' qu warranto by whclh it isinth'i&Itolest his title ~o *Ihe grescht'.ln 'r~eceived from thei Returning Boars . at the of Judge . Bradloy. The discredited in "AdMniitra Alo th Governor Han tf on his errand to)Vplingto, there were, besides Qe.erals. Conner ald Butler, .a cominittee of merchants and capithtlists from Charleston. They put plainly before the Presi, dent the present deprossd state, of business aid thq evil results certain to followa ?cdfitinutincp of the pros ent unsettledi coidiion.of the State government. In his conferopce, with teio Presi dent, Governor Hanipton reiterated his intention 'to nnaintain inviolate the rigtl tq ot citigons' df p,1U casses, and to resort to none but legal remedies for the attainment of, the end he.has 4n Ni v/- the podkession. of the 'tat. reord an ho state buildings. in the purpose thus ex, pressed, . the, Governor bnly gave uttoran~etolhe feeling of the entire Dinocrhef pf So1th Carolina. And iow comes a co respond'etit of the Richrnbh1d 'Apatc4.oana says that th' beautiful atoiy about Grant's declining the sword of Leo at Apponitoi is all i nmyth: ' He says Lqd iver offered his p ird,the terms of suiiei99r letig Lh}t ,pfli cer s should ,retnia their side. arms. It seems teally a pity to deprive his tory of suh s :retty 'tale. Mueh worse is it, to - akof'pap Grant all the 1Cledit he has enjoyed for one! of the few manlyiaurysoljierly acts of wnich peoplq ever auspcted him. The improsion. macl. by Gover nor Hampton, duiing the 'past six cal partiet, ~Sncyhge~ette ,4ilu tra'ted thiayxi m the fo]liging artielb from a iecentdssue de the Washing4 ton Nationala1 eubieaa Trho rt6% Depiioerat~'daafdid~atefdr the P'residencf Sydll bs a "Southibri man, if tihat party thilk boat to rfnn any one is 88'0. His 'ain} i midabloeban diati'n& one1 Will doub~t. During -the lte cathbpaignis hI con duct won for liiti thp liespect and confiderike of all cmshgi N'orth nd South. He hias fot' 'fdir'f"ea' bitter rbbel, 'but that' is epu'nter balanced by. the fact"rta' heha bena gentleman for fifty ye~ark. T1hat wayardiheidekcil a/ . IJlser put by Captain . Y. 'iipb~Ar hepi, donit of Jthe.Iluefon-oChambl o'.Q Commeitee,.to Mr-fnes.- In the course of the hget i< be wh~ei the Chiarle6W 0um apd the Presde upper . askpeJ him if hApprehoeyded- ab'y difdub tics or dihoMdein theG StateJ The Pridh c e ed:'thr le a lad to say he did hiot. Ca]Ytai pp then aked if there was. an~y reason said, laughingly, tpt he eddi~d nobt .answ~er such pointe~1 'quesitioens.-A pointed questid~ teglyv,g tad At which Mr. Hayes will gnd-it diflegl* to answer to the BatAslaetion cf an .reasonablaidi" hoard both sies of thal queatow both: Governor -Hampten--and--ex-. sented r ma needed fr athggind lug of the situation hoee-have been plainly Mb'~$ddt -M*)'' Wort ~ fl 4 the gentlemen tat accomipanied kin, the solo object of the .Prei dlents igiqgdidos sonie tobtbao'scer tain thb probable results-of the with cIratal of the troops. The question bf arnptone right' to the oflico was not discussed. What passed in the Interview with Chamberlain has not yet transpired There-now -remains ~-nothing- for President h ay s to Ad - ontj 1.aia notbing for him to do-but to order the troops out of our State House and let the Hanpton Government take that peaceable possession which must be the. result of such -with drawal. , l hass4id all along that he wanted light. In all conscibnce, he ought now' to have all the light that cen possibly be thrown upon tpo, mattpr. He has claimed to be "iainaining the statue qu." But, as: v matter, of fact;, he has sustaiUQd the usirpation of : maberlin, and tiue aidad hii in -obstructing. the work of 'the lawful governmqnt of the SDte. . The hamberlain: officials and their pimps have had bxcltusive access to the State re cords, .and. all otberswho wanted to enter 1 publie ofibe in the State House have been kept out at the point of the federal bayonet. This is a strange sort" -f neutrality-it might well be 'termed an "armed neutrality"-and it is high time that the Administration cease to play the part of partisan, under the guise of pretended impartiality. The peo pl of Sbit Carolina !re heartily sick of delay, and they demand, as a-simple act of justie, thiat Mr. Hayes, fin bie capabity of -com mandeor-in-hief of -the United States mI itary fiorces, shall otdor his soldiers to their proper camping ground, and leive tlhe te4h House far the ocdupanoy of thoe lawfully entitled to its posgession. SOU'i't OatOLINA NE WS. Aiken is oi anizing another mili tia con-pany. tirpfut, deputy collector, has been seizing -tobacco at Blaokville; Ofr kindr'v nigh' one of the h rd est raiis the "oldest inhabitant" e'er heard of fell in Chester. * Professor Greener, of the South Carolina University,'is trying to get it government position. . - Work 'on the Spartanburg and sltoville Railroad is being rapidly pushed forward. A militia company was organized. at Lowndesville on the 17th inst., unde the nkme of the "McGowan Rifle Guards." The d*,elling of Mrs. C. 3. Rlobert son, of Yorkville, took fire last week, bunt the flames wer'e soon discovered mnd promptly extinguished. Gen. WV. A. Walker, of Cheste'-, ias a rocly found on his premises which evidetly hears some symup tonas of. being, strongly tinctiured with gold. The , General will bpve the rdok investigated., .- .. Capt.' A. E. Bristo w, a prominent citizep i'n 'the Brow nstil section of Idaren co'unty, was seriously' stabbed by. one Jbhn Cox list week. .rho assisitant was-dilnk, avid. domnintted 'the'oeed in Capt. B3 e own store house. . Up) to llate Captain.Perrin, sjeoial agent for. Abeville county, has col looted altogether $11,16~4.90.. Qf~ this amogint $7L708P goes to' the Stat4 under 1ampton's e;per, cent.' call, an.d *$,45i.69 td~ the county -Thingg werp pretty liyely ab thb~a~ue; ol~c weeF. The rethmdifiw d the late en John A. Wagner, of Oharleston, *Favb en 'athoved to thit cit~y frpm Walhal d~. ~A cotnlrdlttee' or citizens 'wont up ttdc took tl e body fi chhrge. It was received in Chiarldeon with solemn 1iuti aXgIoipriAte cerefnoniQO. Joe Britt, the negro whose evie dece before the Congressional Committee was. so outrageous, was brought tutp to Abbevie uaa box ch last Sakuwday. Since the troeubles in Coluunda, heo hei bden on.e of Chamberilain't guardsat1 L8hett House. ' .fI ': 'r burglarier~ We onkiMti'e at~? Westi orh laet'Fridy bightb.'Thme gmnelry tre of Agnws & Bouiner was-'fore1ly 6kteiM ad ai6t $#t s~indw pipt utGrer' rbe'w s s 1' e ..J .. . . em'i G, Id. -p Three of the thieve who brok< into anJ1 robbed Mr. W. U. Young'f dwelling house, .n D. rlington coun, ty, afew Sundays ago, Were arrested and lodged in ;ail Tuesday last. The Newberry Herald says that the amoint of insurance recovered by thlifrerets by :'the late fire if 448,086.72.4f-he -proparty-. d stroyed was wp ti $1 0,QO1 ~as tiutatod, then 1h tint dse o berry by the fire is over $100,000 The fine dwelling house, furnitur< and a alhuable coIlletion of-books a1 Belle Reve plantation on the Peede River, in Georgetown county,belong jug to J. Hairlesgn-.Iead1, Esq., wat destroyed by fire on Thuiedify night, the 22d ultimo. The house was unoccupied andI~as been for mop ths The first discove-y of the re wa the bursting out at the roof, and in an instant the whole buildit g was euveloped, In flames, which made i1 impossible for anything to be saved bgr. James Carter, a young white Wuua' and residont- of Darlingtor county, was run over and is supposei to lave been crushed tQ death b3 the night express train on the Wil mnington, Columbia and;Augusta Railroad, 'near Lynchburg, lasi Friday night, When found, hi body was mutilated beyond recogni tion, and his identity was only ascer tamed by a gun found near th< mangled remains, which the dece ic had borrowed from his uncle r Mc1 lveen, on the evening bef e. One of the hardest rains eves known in that setion fell on Sunda before last in Abbeville county. 1 cano down. in perfect torrents foi Lou's. All the water-courem s wer very much swollen, a d feule3 and footlogs we. e swe ay all < ve the county. Tho the fairme.E who were eager to get in their bot torn 1.;nd will have at leas. s part of it to do over again. On la4,:.Saturday morning the body of an unknown white man, very mch mutilated, was found on the xailroa4, track, near Lynchburg in Sumter county A flint and and steel' gun, and a flask with the ini tials 1. M were found no r the body. 't ast accqunts no one had beenable to identify the body, and it is :supposed that the deceensed was a stranger'. Mr. L-minbeth, an old gentleman living in the I ,asant Hill section of Lancaster county, was called to hie door on the night of Sunday be'ori last, and was shot down withoui warf;1ng S.xorald buckwhoe en-e ei his person, but he is not considerei fatally wounded. Suspicion attach es to certain white nien as having been engaged in' fle outrage, anc warrants have been issued for thei arrest. Last Saturday alfternqoin whin th1 engiuer-on the' blanch road wai shifting the freight cars on the switch at Abbeville, Master yohr Raimpton Martin, son of Mr. R. A Martin, attempted to cross the track in front of a train which was l'eing backed, when he stumbled, falling with his head across the track. The train, was so near him he had not time to get away, and the wheels o: the cars passed over his neck, nearla severing his head from the body and killing him instantly. Sokne excitement was occasioned in Columbia last Friday by the ar i-ival of a farmer from the country having in charge an infant ' which he had found in a basket -two mie from the city, on the Camden road. Considerable -interest Was excited from the fact that the furniture o> tlic lsket and the child's clothing together with its aristocratie fea tmir, all betokene~d .gentle. origi The clothing wvas of fine linen, ani the foundling wore besides am quilte( cap and an old opera cloak. The oilly possible clue in the baskei 'was a copy of the Uion-1ferald. ot Sunday bre last. T'he little incog is of the femine gen&r, and tibout ten days old. 8,event hundred peo. le ecaled to see if 'the finder, Mr Mlidlin, has adopted ;t. A very aid Mbdil4e -occurred or Thursday at the river bank nea: Qolumbia. Mrs. Jlia Wehner left ?ier ),usband's house in that city it tlie afternoon, id mdakpeny wvith her father and her two lattle daughters T4hs party rode to the river bank, and .the children engsged in play of di'eerent -kinds-the 4hief source of tleir. amusement bein' an swing't4ha ka~,keen erected for tme use of visi .torsto the spot. A r. indulging ru ,opnme exercise in th swmg, the pyhtunate woman, or childret stanin near her at e moment, .rssfng to he river, row hiersell 4aothe water. -Before help could pegqh her, she had mu rise ne moz. , her children and her fathei a witnesses of he tetrible enflW. aNhe ase tind thi begsteher body ad eeuii. 4dRB d and'te un i lo1ry l edits glaa ap he bank T phthe fuis~miei (7oluabia SPRING GOODS -FOR I8'Zl7 To-dny the campaign's fairly closed, The incky man is he Who tad'es his spat on the 4th of March Our President he'll be And now the next bes.t thing Just suited to our mind. Is where to get the ch'capest goods-' The bestof goods to find. My friends and Iwent out one day, -o New Spriang Goods to buy And 'we resolved, before we went, 'rThe different stores to try. I We wandered Vinnboro all around Until our feet were sore, - And found the very )lae, atlast, T'was SOL WOLFE'S New Cash Store. Of Hats, Clothing and Boots and Shoes, The latest to our view The very best styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and now. So then, my good friends, one and all, Now is your time to try What Bargains you can get of me Or, you neel not buy of SOL. feb 17 Tat. Join W, 111n. WE CLAIM Lot. Hi4 MPmi1OVED WHITNEY SEWING MACHINES The following specific points of supe riority: I-Great limpliciIl is Col. t Iruclion. 2-Dearsbl3lily. 3-Exceediangly Light Rtan ning. 4-itill Ruisning NoiseleUx, fi-Iberfores ali Varieties el Work. 6 -Beesuuy of Fins im anel W orkmanulaip. - "-GatEAT' IEUUCTION I3 PEII0E'. Single Machines sent on orders diree ,from the l'actory, written guarantee witi oach Machine. WHY PAY OLD PICES! paiSend for circulars and particulars. Address, Time WhIitney f'g. Co., feb 17 Paterson, N. J Pubiishers and Printers Can buy direct of tho Manufacturer or favorable terms. "THE ANSON hARDY CuTIzo MACHINEI are the best and cheapest low priced machine made, and have a national renn tation for utility and durability"- The .bHecrolyper, Chicayo. Tum ANsoN HAnDY PAPER CUTTER is by far the best machine which can be ob tained for a less price than one hundred dollars. It is of great strengt~h. Thes4 I nachinies have always taken the highest stand. It is the only macohine to wvhich is applied the Patent Movable 'hutting DeJ1ard. This device has a reputation of itself: by it, the cutting board can be in. atantly and accuratlyv moved, so thatn perfect cut is Insured This is a very im portant point in the machine, and one( that is possessed by no other. I9 grgatly reduces the labor of preparablon In workt ing the paper backward'~ and f orwai-d. We cannot too strongly reconl mend the advantages of this patent mo'vable 'boatd. It I. worth the price of this machine, andi purobasers should fully understand lhow highly it Is to be valued."- (eo. P, JRowell & L.'. Newspaper Reporter and Prinet' Glazelle. TUE LATEST IstPROvnD HAmpY. CAuD Oury. Tan is pronorthee thit most desirable Card Cutter iisthe martkEt, for'the general uses of a printu ifqef,. The well known flad.n&tWMi. with my latest Imrovergents -Isp~ pe ferred by tnany* 1rinterA, *lAl ho ts favoritsm over other machines. None genuine but those havjpg payul) addressi ettered L:f4i6 easel n I jai' Newspe.pers I want dyertisig I will buy 1 alyof me. ~A 4 dge o at~ qW B 9 ofer for salo at pulie outcry or 1 E90Md eny, Termtasah. lstqf 3. DA WKINS, I inw Msitii, THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at '. aw AND TRIAL JUSTICE. KW All business entrusted to him in either capacity will recoiv.d proin. attein. tion -Office-on Washitgtb i street, ono door cast of Winnsboro hotel. 11. A G. A .A I.LA 1I J O. S 1i TNOt.nS. GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, ATTO RNI 1YS AT LAW, NO. 3 1,AW 1' RAN(R. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, KoP. f, li..r-.t NG E, L Winnsboro, S. 0. ANT. Special attention nid to th ospoed y obllection of elhinis. 'Will Piractice in all of tho eour.s of this State anti the United States. Ii. H Fenien: I EEPS constantly or. hand a full sup. ply of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES anrd PLANTATION SUPPLIES. His stock has recently been replenished, and lhe is now ready to supply the wants of all. oct12 SPRING AND SU1MER GOone I , E invite the attention of the public to ons n~w and assorted-stbck of spring and summer -GOODS. Spring Calicos of the best brands and prettiest styles Pi'reales anl Cambrics at 12. cents. 'hitc Piques from 11. C per yard up. Linen Lawns, and brown dress Linens, very cheap. Nainiooks, Irish Linens, Towels, Pique Trimmings, Edgings. Inseriiings, Laces. Cotton 'Trinuings, Sheet. ings, Bleached anl Brown Hornespuns, 'Tickis, Cottonades, li.. siery', Noti'ons, &o., &., &c. at prices to suit the har-I times. t Our stock of Gents' Goods is full up, We ask special attention to ou- hine of Cassiers, wihieh-catmof.'bo Aulrpassed ini p~ricO, style and( quality, anlywhe(re. . KEEP'8 celcli ited. partly miade shirts on huand at,$:500 per dozen. SHOES I SHOES ! SHOES 1 A full and coinpletQ assortancht of Sioes alway on lfiand, W.- have a ulplenldid lot of Lac1es' and Gents' Fine Shoes which we will sell low, and whli~l, we take pleasure i gn. , HARD WARE I HARDWARE ! A full line always on hanid. mar 22 O0 arie at the Dry Goods, Fitthsy IGoods and blillinery flZAAR., NewS Sring Prints anil other.Gpods ox of the L..dles and ptib(Ij .eraniy so lioitspd, , pfr goddai *'il' to6hbate' fa oraldly with any is the. a t, - AGENT Mises' a ltrcs iltcri n Stoe 9ALL WINTER GOODS I arke down In rices~t no j:~;.. AJAVYS ROECVING. -* aand %hboe Go6ds in tde (oer Department. I ~ THE P'UJ3IIOA ral hierethandise .3 Ither eseiey1o bp~ time and space to itemize. Suffleep " 4sy, youocn find alyownta eIs low as the lowest, b6 e.