TRI--W EKLY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tri-Weokly Ono Year. - - - - $4.0C *e Six-months. - - - - 2.0( *4 " Three months. - - - 1.0( RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square ohe- insertion $1.00. Foi each subsoquent insertion 504. Obitna. rios and 'Tributes of Respect charged for as advertisements. Liberal discount mad< for contract advertisements. -- - JOB WORK. Bill Neads, Letter Heads, Envelopes Posters, Cards, Invitations, 'rickets, &c. neatly executed at this offilce,--CHEAL 3OR CAIIH. Fighting for Millions. Nxw Yonx, March 10.-All at tempts at compromise having failed, the objections to tho probate of the will of Conmodoro Vanderbilt were filed in the Surrogate's office this afternoon. The objections embrac ed the following points: The ob jectors aver that the writings offered for probate are not the last will and testament or codicil of the late Coi modoro Vanderbilt, nor did the tes tator sign the papers either in the presence of the attesting witnesses or at all, or declare them to be his last will or codicil thereto. Nor did he acknowledge subscrbing thereto in prescence of the witnesses; that the attesting witnesses did not sign - their names as witnesses at request of deceased, or in: his presenco, or in presenco of each other, that the deceased was not in sound mind when the paper purports to have been signed, or in any respect cap ble of making a will or codicil thereto. WHAT SIMON SAY.-Simon Camer on don't say much, but what he does say is acid. A friend asked him if he did not think it an extraordinary thing to refer the Caibinot slate to committees. The wiry politician bit his lip, and, with a twist of the head, said : "Yes, sir; yes, sir. A Y'ry extraordinary thing. But this promises to be quite an extraordina ry administration." "What do you think of the situation ?" queried a brother Senator. For a moment the Winnebago chief looked down. "Think," said he, "I think it's a hell of a time." This is very much the remark he made one time when, in going to the exuentivo department to transact some business, he found President Grant absent at Long Branch, and all the Secretaries and most of the bureau officers away on pleasure trips. 1SPR ING GUOJJS FOR I8 77. To-d ay the campaign's fairly closed, The lucky man is he ,it Who takes his seat on the 4th of March Our P'resident he'll be : And new the next best thing H Just suited to our mind, Ia where to got the cheapest goodea The beat of goods to find. My friends and I went out one day. Some Newv Spr'Ing Goods to buy; And we resolved,bofore we went, The different stores to try. We 'wandered Winnsboro all around Until our feet were sore, And found the very place, at last, T'was SOL WOLFE'S New Cash Store. Of Hats, Clothing and Boots and Shoes, The latest to our view The very boat styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and now. So then, my good friends, one and all, Now is your time to try What Bargains you can got, of me Or, you need not buy of SQL. feb 17 BEGS to call attention to his new .Stock of Beets and Shoes, all sizes and styles, at unprecedentedly low prices. ALSO,. An entirely new Stock of Groceries. Sugar of all grades, Coffee, Rice, Hlominy, Meal, Boap, Starch, Soda,Pepper, Tea,ete. Fine Seed Irish Potatoes. Chboicent Braud. of Flour. Beat Oorm.and Bye Whiskey irn town. Tobacco Olgtu, Molasses, Lard Dacon, llamn, &c. Lowest market p~rieoe TO OUR CUSTOMERS HO are indebted to us for PROVIS, IONS or PIHOSPHATES, we would respect fully call attention, that your bills are duo on or before the first of November. Wo are depending on you for payment AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligation made to assist you, and which are duo at that time. In order for us, as well as you, to.main tain our credit, it is necessary to meet our promios promptly. Beaty, Bro.d Son. act 12 lllr & (Jlaidler CALL ATTENTION Otheir large and elegant assortment of GLASSWARIE, Especially their Berry, Fruit an d Preservo Howls. -ALSO, T1o their variety of LAMPS, which, for beauty andl cheapness, excei, -ALSO,-. To their largo stoek of ClOCKE RY, which they offer at low prices,, to close out their GOODS in this line. mar 3 COLUMBIA REGISTER, PUBLISHED Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly TERMS, IN APVANCE: DarIY, six months -$ 3 50 TnI-WEENLY, six montha - - - - 2540 WVEEELY, six months - - 1 00 CHEAPEST Hook and Job Printing Ofne IN THE STATE. ePt Address all communications, of whatver oharao ter, to MANhoEE REGISTEn PUstranIko'0%WPANT May 13 Js' ~ SOLUBLE PA TILE above well known GUANO I PIHATE is now oflorod for sale at th Consumers of this guano will find it gave such 1 universal satisfaction. F< CUMMINGS & CO., -OR E. H. FROST & CO. fob 10-3m1 U S. AM erosAlL! All Persons at a distance treated by Mail with Perfect Success by do scribing their Symptoms. ~ :r Dr. Townsend showing manner of Inhaling, (Sand for our large and boautifully illustrated papr, sent free to any address.) CATARRH ! Why? ese ma. iand Catuarrh is ai (11 easeof tea Al rl'absa WE MAKE A SPEC- gasoftl.elMend. Use IAITY of treating pa- isTreattnentaswe tients by Mall. Please direct, which Is easy write and describe yuur and plensant,and we symt~omts. guaanatee a perfect cu a of Catarrh. Bronchitis! hove. Tiihronlyi. air to the LAIns, A LI, PERSONS THAT h e I a ilation rend this are invited to mnust godlrect to tho send for oar large and scat of the disease, beautifully Illustrated ad If you will fo PaIor, sent free to tany low our directions, addross. we guarantee to curF . ronchitIs. a! Tub s a ora atmply tair tof the aLungs, AV GUAPRAONSTIE T hiteatlnaat lo Inhaaion roadtisCo a Cnvotds tonusgodrec tote send for our la a se Oxfethe AIsr oberuiul se ustratack d we y will fornt wPae~t al eotonlor rdirde aio eectiods faile. cwos guarantyoato easesosonc ofutoeat othfeotsereschoolscof DY S PR PS ma W a cnractice onsta tualy eaced ay xy-Tue cause ar can-e byammatoand Wei genaod ir.gato f temcui youembr atlinngeh sloncha ubs BLOOD oyOx enatedwAir asw drect t0Land Sc asses f20trs L e stanig.san ctss womtit themo -: ND a s./3%., bing Ive fore ito _______________ d__ evey four physicias if ther hoos of CUlRE. Lve r~n K nal onrceds frnt sa ocodraintsaroelgc veart totird nso tually reachedite mor Oxy..h csaar ca verylitte ornopin.youtoa wihlem intoea An~prsotroable ileson stemr ypirifth blood. tlmonals c.,fo onp-t ir ttboit timo ranta prfet cur remlodyi carnizesy _______________ nihurnbcaus inex ygonated A it woms .a - a A.R M. - eved r y to t Lung IAN E tRtSandas tog ate f the one is dreolticons MCCTELLA U. . A.tartih theyblood l'a.,itohasiaeaas as it Uit fored sicko Mea t ltU r i 't o t h un s b t e r c -r t~aiotofterhanpriAl Engaza lt te ureoftheoodinceincl Ciancerand Tumrors Vgarnetp. wi res ll leae rtofrtesa eeooe 'E F. PA WN, EN,.M ,, Lah ofiun tihin o loteismetw tisithal, addrssinga, ao Taher r iashonsod- nsinTse cnesewlhre tht Nrow tiga pI~U ElQIandtry t topro to y.~TET Cancer an Temor,adcainn to tahke chare. one his le nlsstho. "D11. TOWNS over fourNTE miute AUR DLWN INDOTf AND bloodIII lgod anLfrcd roLt. CIFIC GUANO. LND COMPOUND ACID P1OS s following places in this county. fully up to last year's quality, which r circulars and prices apply to Winnsboro, S. C. To Charleston, S. .. JllSTRECEIYElI, One car load seed Potatoes, One " " " Oath. --ALSO, A full line of Plantation Hard ware consisting of Lay Iron, Plow Steel, Steel Plows, Plow Moulds, Spades, Shovels, Traces, Ha mes, Clevices, Heel Screws, &c., &c. which will be sold low for -CASH.-. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of PLANTATION and FAMILY I have on hand several brands of first clasa FERTILIZEUS which I rm prepared to sell for Cash or on time with well approved securities on a money basis, or with, a cotton option if parties desire, I All parties in want of Fertilizers will do wecll to call on mne before purchasing, feb 20 B ' CONGRESS STREET N E] w GD WINNSBORO, S. C. I NEW GOODS AT U. G. I)ESPORTES'I AND BARGAINS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOEB, WINES, LIQUORS, Etc., Eto, TEllS Mil IXAL WEEKLY E.DTION, la VLiJsEX4 E3EE 1WDNE#94% AT WINNSBOR .. 0 MT T55 WINNSBORO PUBLISBING CO. T CONTAINS A SUMMARY OF TE LEADING EVEN' OF THE DAY. State News, County News, Political News, Ete, CHH EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTINT QN, THE LOCAL COLUMN :s well filled with town and Qounty new, Cho aim of the Publishers is to issue A ?IRST-CLASS FAMILY NEW8FAPEE, Tornia of Subsoriptiop, payable invaria >ly in advance: )ne copy, one year, -,. .,$8.00, )ne copy, six months, - - ...g- e )ne copy, three nionths, . - $1.00. 'ive copiesi, one year, at e- -,$2.75, L'en copies, one year, at - - --$2.60, ['wenty copieS, 0op0 year, at - - $2.50. To every person manking up a club ofI en or more suibscribers, a coPy will be ent free for onie year. Thenames consti, uting a club need not all be at the sam ost~offlce, JOB PRINTING N ALL ITS DEPAithlENTS DONE PI TIlE BEST STYLE AND AT TRE LOWEST PRIICES, We are prepared to f'irijah, en shorb Lotice, JANK CHECKS, JILL HE~ADS, NOTES, ENVELOPES, RETE MADS, NVITATIONB, CARDS, AW BLANKS, flOSTERS, . POSTAL, CARpS, ETC., ETO, [erfls for Job Werk.-Cash en~ Dlivery, All business conmuntiosao ni)o~d i% Idressed to tba Winnsboro Publishaing Oompnay, muwwmoso, s, . FINAL DISCHiARGE~, NL CTIOE is hereby given that thae Un, Ldlyaigned will make appLation to he Judge of Probate for hjpgeldJ county >n Tuesday, April 10, 1877, for a final lisonargo. as Guardia. 4( Aws, MinunLanW.