ing are the hours at whicI the trains on the C. C. and A. R. R. lass Winnsboro: REOULAR PAsSENoE---NIrIT. For Charl6,tte, 1 1O, A. For Augdy x,33, A. Ar. ACCOMMODATION FIIoIQwr-'-DAY. For Augusta, 10.21, A. r. For Charlotte, 1133, A. r. New Advertisements. .'Notice-F. Elder. Just Recived-F. Elder. Spring -and Summer Goods McCreery & Brother. Dissolution of Copartnership Johnston & Petticrow. Guardians, &c.-Q. R. Thompson, Judge of Probate. A number of laborers are at woik :upon the streets, and there will soon be a great improvement. 'The Spartanburg and Union Railroad has -paid $144, ten per cent. of the itaxes levied last year on its property in Fairfield county. We hear nothing of the Chamber lain trial justices in Fairtield. They have the good sense to keep .quiet. It is much safer for them to do so. And they know it.. ~Upwards of one hundred thousand dollars has been paid by the tax payers to the .Hampton government. Good enough. .Havo Chamberlain's underlings lone as well ?" Mr. B. Shgenhejnrer has brought to our office a cabbage weighing" six pounds-one of the -fingst we have ever seen.. There are plenty more of the same sort at the store of B. Sugenl.eimer & Co. The lawful treasurer of York county-.--ovrnor Hampton's Spe cial Agent-has collected Inearly five thousand dollars. The Chamber. lain uain has.taken in just .twolve. Quito a diffeencQ, truly. Governor Hmuupton has issued commissions to the officers of the Garnan Fusiliers and t he Summ Guard, of Charleston, and to those of the Elisto Rifles,, of Orange burg. It is said that Messrs. Newcomer and Waiter 'have bought out the Southern Security Company, and now own the controlling in the Charlotte, C olumblia and Augusta Railroad. This is practically butL a change in name. Rev. Dr. Girardeau, of tho -Theo logical. Seminary -in Columbia, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. last. The altendance, both morning and evening, was un usually large and the.discourses wore most excellent. Spenial attention is directed to the advertisement of Messrs. Me Creery'& Bro., of Columbia. This house has just received a newv and full stock of goods, in p~reparation for their Grand Spring Opening. Purchasers will consult their inter est by examining the stock. As will be seen from the notices published in another column, the firm of Johnston & Pettiew has been dissolved, and its afiairs wvill be closed up by Mr. Robert Pettierew. The stock of'the concern has been purchased by 1Mr. l'. 'Elder, and the business Will be conmtin d by Mr. Petticrew as agent. DENTAL NOTJCE.-Dr. Isaiah Simp.. son, Surgeon Dentist, Charlotte. N. C. espectfully informs the citizens and publlc 'de~ally that he will visit Winnsb~oro professionally, on the 19th day of February, 187I7, and remain tern days or two weeks. Call early and sive time and confusion at thelIdt', as time is money. Teeth extracted without pain, Terms cash. .Satisfaction guaranteedl, February 14. ThM Aideson" ' hl49encer con2 plains that THmE NMW %>i Han&~ does not come to hand. The fault is in the pnst-office dejiai-tment trusted to a caretul and experieed person, and we are,.sPue ,..there is seldom .6 1%d g g that pat3 of our office. In that line we clOim to have of attained in fallib~ility a(1)1ws/. But there( is s one thing wrong somewwlioro in the post olice~.-jst where, we are unable to say. TE: Til-WEEKLuY EmTION.---The f tri-weekly edition of THIE NEWS AND HEUALD iS now sent to all persos whose names are on tho books of the old TI- WJrekly iV ws. Should any of these desire their nanes transferrod to the boolns of the weekly edition, and if any of thloso now receiving the latter wish to change for the trl-weqly, they will please notify us at onoe. Thoru ii arrears fer'eubscriptions must sottle at once, o expect their papers t be stopped forthwith. We are informed that the county .cOnllssioners have concluded- lot to attempt, the levy of a tax for county purposes. This action is quite senible..: It..was unwise and .Iunnecsary, in the first instance, to go through the form of doing an act for which it is very doubtful that there is any legal sanction. It is the opinion of sotp)o of the ablest jurists in South Carolina that the county comlmissionere have no goner al authority to levy tamc3;, hu tn .t s derive such authority through a positive enactment of the Legis lature. There is now pending in the Supreme Court a case involving this right, and it is expected that there will be gi early settlement of the matter. .Until such sottlenent it is certainly the pat of wisdom for the county conlimssioners tp aftenupt no levy pf taxes whatever. FREloIT P111U'.uD oy 0ENTS. Wwcox, G1ns & Co.'s Manipulated Guano has. -stood the test of ten years' use, by the leading plantors of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida, cons stantly gaining in popularity,.and is now the -best. and most favorably known fertilizer in uso in these States. It has been their aim'I to furnish a fertilizer that cannot be surpassed, and they havo succeeded in doing so, as is ovilo1c3o by its hLih repatation. It -i offored on very favorable terms ; deliverel at dO)ots in the interior ; payable in cotton, .on the basis of fifteen cents for middling, delivered at planters' depot next fall. Call and see their agents. A CoNvicTEl) FuSLoN ATTE!ffTs Sueicul-On Saturday morning, Bob Spry, ex-Sonator Y. J. P. Owens' formor va!et, was tried and -convict ed in the circuit court of Richland for having robbedl his master of a large sum of ioney. Thiejudge had Spry brought up pices, ete.,, etc. )rangp, Apples, Candies, &c., all fres p and cheap, I'OR CAII ONLY. J. E. CATHCART, Opposite J. 1. ,Calhkart's old Stand. feb17 -tf THIOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TRIAL JUSTICE. S? All business epitrustod to him in ither capacity will receive prompt atten ,ion Ofice an Wn'hington street; one door aist of Wiilnsborg Hotel. iB. A G Aii.aip. Jac,, is l~rIYNDj.1. GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, AT'T'OI:NEIYS AT LA W', NO. 3 LA V RA NGI. A. M. MACKEY, Attorney and Counsel or at Law, No. 1, [,- IWR vGE Winnsboro, S. 0. .7' Special attention paid to the speedy collection of clains. Will practice in all of the courts of this State and the United States. EI NAL IS(II A R(OE. NOTICE is hereby given to all and fin. gular the creditors of 'T'houisns Stitt, lcenasqd, that application wi'l b)0 iade to. tei Judge of Probate for Fairlield County, in W\innsboro at 10 o'elock in he forenoon oi the 7th of 'iinrehi iext for i fnal dlischargo and lett(rs disuun:esory, 1ll pc.ons concernedl miust shew cause, ii mtay, on or before that day. JAMES L. .MARTIN, J. T. W. STITT, feb 3-pt lin Executors. JUST I C ElY ED 2 -- .A..4-. a~ full stock of Plain..and Fanny Gro eries, w~hiich will be sold at los it price or the Cash. ALSO, I ize stook of liquors, Such as VYHISKEY,. BRANDY, WI~VNES in groat variety, ALE, BEER, etc., etc. Tlho patronage of the public ed.' fb B. ROSEP9HEIM. fe10-tf - T~IAT'E OF OU'Ii.C~tO N4% COUNTY OF FAIRFiIEID. In the Court of Probate. Lo Judy Ford, Reuhen For'1, Jesso Ford. Dennis Ford, Prestoni Ford, Caroline Eggleston, Elizabeth liichamrson, .Ithina 'Onson, Rthody Ford and Pheny Ford, legal heirs of Sanders *Ford, wvho dlied1 Intestate: OU01 Are hereby reqnired to appearnat - . the ('ourt of Probate to be holden at "airfield Court Ihouse att.eleven o'clock ,im., on the tuvelfth day of April, A. D. 877, to shoew cause, if any you can, wvhy the cal estate of Sandelrs Ford deceased, de cribod ini the petition of ionlisa Dennis, led in mny ofiioo, shonid not be divided r aold, allotting to tihe Raid Judy Ford Ino-third thereof, an~d to the said Rouben r~on, Rhuina I aaoni, Rhody Ford, Phony ord and Louisa -Denia: each one-. teenthi thuereoT; and also why theo sAj udy Fa6d, Reuben 'Fof-d,' Je Foi-~ laroline Eggleston, Elizabeth Rlichardso, thina Cason, Rhody F'ord and 'Phen, 'rdnish9 ~ ge out for the rents ~n lay of Augusut, A.DP. 1 810, arid provision .eanade for the paynlonito the othet' pdr. les of thei, respective shards of such oats ana prof~t5, 'Miven under my hand~n se aalle thia the wlfth day'of Fahnay,w r n. ',877.'