RAILRoAD SCIIEDULES.-Tho follow ing are the hours at which the trains on the C. C. and A. R. R. pass Winnsboro: REULARt PASsENGEn--NIGHT. for Charlotte, 1.10, A. M. For Augusta, 2.33, A. M. AccoMMODAiJow FSEIQUT--I. For Augusta, 102, A. M. For Charlotte, 11.88, A. M. New Advertisements. Onion Sets--McMastor & Brice. Agrioulturaliens of all forms are kept constantly on hand at the office of Tiu NEWS AND HERALD, or sup 1l'ed at short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed in this line of wc rk. Prices as low as the lowest. governor Hampton has removed Mr. W. M. Nelson from the office of treasurer of this county, and Dr. W. B. 1eake from the auditorhip. No appointments to fill these vacan cies have. yet been announced. Judge aekey filed, on Saturday afternoon last, his decision in the case involving the pardon granted by Governor Hampton to Amzi Uosborough, recently :onvicted at the Chester court. The opinion covers thirty-two pages of legal cap. The Judge holds that Hampton was duly elected and installed as gover nor, but suspends the order dis charging the prisoner, recognizing " the right of the sheriff to appeal on the ground that if the Supreme Court 'sustain this decision, the prisoner may bring an action for larages'against the sheriff for de tinining him after a pardon was grante d, A NAnnow EsOAPE.-The Columbia .Register of Sunday last describes a narrow escape on the C. C. and A. 1. R., as follows: "The down freight train on the Charlotte, Co hmabia and Augusta Railroad yes. terday iogning. nade a narrow escape fro4 e disaporou accident, at Lewis' Turnout. We learn that. a large pile of wood had been placed on th .trackin ceut near the station eitnt oned, but Cpnductor King and the engineer discovered the obstruc tion in tide' to reiverse the engine and down byaks and the train came to a halt within ten feet of the wood pile,. ,The .scpoundrelp who pldced the obstruction on the track evidently intended to wreck the train anid plunder the freight, but the vigilanceoof the train employees fortunately frustrated thtr designe. Lynch law is goode jupfice for such villains whn anght." ,. It. is bpped that the taxpayers o y Fairfield will respond promptly to G overnor Hampton's call for a con *tribution for the maintenance of his government. Other counties are rin tkne 4,he t'x *3rs are exceeding the demands made upon themn. It will be remembered that Judge Mackey announced at court that he would catuse indict inenile toe lie against any one asstdm% ing to .Ievy. on property for taxes pndr.,the Ohptaberlan et, so'called, He distinctly declared, however, that he would not becbk' A shioldl to pr ottho taxpayemx~fromi paying his be a governmentp and, evpry citizen * ust' xditz one or the other.; The ceitizen'wha fails to respond to Qovernor Ham~ptopn's call virtually refuses to recognize his goverriment, * and tacitly recogniaes Chamberlaini. }{ penqa ipreqpujmw 1tbrefor'e, to seek protection in thejcourts against can produce a receipt from Gayernor Hampton's tax receiver, shiowing tht~ igll fji1on to thie constitutinalgovernnient, 4 Sumt oer $1,777 89, and has yet togo into the A colored womwo said to be one o be K'aseblan54 re. The Sumter Fire Engine Compa ny, assisted by the ladies of the town, have been holding a fair. Not results, $600. Jenny Gapnbroll, an aged and re spotablo colored woman, about 105 yeaW old, died on Friday last near Williamston. ONION SETS. ' HITI! and Rod Onion Sots, alto, fresh Garden Seed in great variety, aspo Herb and Flower Seeds. Also, a lotof Liens and other Blanks. For sale by fed 0 MteMASTER & BRICE. Notice to Taxpayers. I will visit the following-nameal places, I at the times speoiliod, to peceivo the Iamuton Contribution: Winnsboro, u il February 6. Feastervillo, " 7. Mocticello, 8 Jenkinsville, P p. Horeb, ' 10. Durham's (Boulware's Store,) " 12. Gladden's Grove, " 13. Woodward's - 14. White Oak, " 15. Doko, 16. Ridgeway, " 17-19. Winnsboro, till February, 21, JAMES Q. DAVIS, jan 31-x2f2 Special Agent. JUS'I RECEIVED. A Comk of the Celebrated PILSENER BEE; bottied at the liaiser Brewery at Bremen. For sale at $2.75 per dozen. ALSO, A cask of fine Pale Sherry Wine, for table use, of $3.10 per gallon, -AT CENTENNIAL BAR, F. W. llaben[cbt, Proprietor. jan $1 CONGRESS STREET, N E G 0 0 0 D S I WINNSBORO, S. C. NEW GOODS AT U. G. DESPORTES' AND BARGAIN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, W INES, LIQUOntS, Etc., Etc. feb 8. Established 1868. CHARLES MULLER Haes removed to fjbe store niext to Francis Gerig's. WATCH28, Clocks and Jewelry re paired, and satisfaetion guaranteed to everybody. gThiose indebted to me for work on Jqwe~r' Wvgllplease pay atgnqp, for Hampton Is Elected. O* ERJIAL~S IiiLLER. Ettenger & Edmond, ANFO 45 of Portable and Al ""r ne alld lioiy ci Mil ) G~orng i hafting, Pulleys &o. AMEIAN TUnDfINE WATERI WhEELa. Ca'merdfJAJpelaI Steant Sumps a Sa for Catelegu. -.OTIOE Ia hereby glvun t all and-sin. to the Judge of 1%Mbate for Fairfield 06uhtyi;1n' WtwenboroMt 10 eoeok In 4110' forenoon on the 7th'of Match tisi 4r 4 fal disehsarge inda lettera "dismtsor. All perkoneconoerneda'ahkereaube, If 'any, on or beforetha~t d~%d'lt JAMESL. aiARTI1N, b i itl o/ -/ ./.' W S THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TINAL JUSTICE. a All business entrusted to him in either capacity will receive prompt atten tion Office on Washington street, one door east of Winnsboro Hotel. I. A O.AIr.L.A p. Jro. S. li:Yro,.rs. GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, NO. 3 ,A W RANGE. A. M. MACK EY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 1 No. 1, LAW w R LVG E, Winnsboro, S. C. 1f0' Special attention paid to the speedy collection of claims. Will practice in all of the courts of this State and the United States. READ THE ADVERTISEMENT OF B. Suenheimer &Co. Fresh Soused Tripe, Fresh Soused Pigs' Feet, Fresh Codfish, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Cocoanuts, Apples, Cheese, Hams and all other articles usually kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Conio and see, whether you wvant to buy or not, We want everyb~ody to exammie our Stoel(. B.Suenheier & Co. COLUMBIA REGISTER, PUnILIsHED Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly TERMS, IN APVANCE: DAILY, six months--,-- -- ----3 5'0 Tar-WNEcLY, six mo(1ths - ,. . 250 WVMijW 'six niopths - - - ' 00 Book aand .lob erlasting Qgnee JjN THiE ST4AE Att- A4C1dress all cormmncations, of whatver ebarac ter, to MANAGED REGSTr 'PDmIsyrxNG COMPANY A~ty -13CoLWrar, b. C GOOD ADVER TISING 2 0orth26 spae In ,aridna newpaers disertij od~. through tbry ~ ~t~l. A;list of. he ~6t1'n~f 8 dehchlt bf k'tes, Sent Ue a Ulo~to t EO:RW1&L LYIIYIASTER & BRIDE lost respecti'ully request the inspection of Ihei' cheap and well selected stock of goods, which they offer as low as an11 house in the u1p COI NTIY, THEIR LADIES' Pepartment is full and complete in ,very line. RUFF'S, SILK TIES, Handkerchiefs. Col.ars, Cuffs Ac., in ;reat variety and at extreuIely lvw prices. AMERICAN DELANES, Nice Dress Goods, colored and blank alpacas, at prices that defy competition. DOMESTIC GOODS, Consisting of Brown Homespun, Check Cd Homespun, Dcnirus, 'T'ickings, Shirt ngs, Ac., at prices to suit the prico of otton. THEY HAVE A splendid lot of Jans and Cassimores, ents' and Boys Suits which they offer at reat bargains. OPERA, GRAY, White and Red Flannels at selling p)rices. A FULL STOCK OF Gents', Youith,' Boys' and Ohildrens clothing of every description, THEIR LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods is complete in overy particular, GENTS', LADIES', Youths', Boys' and Children's Shoes in great variety, and at u ideniably low pricer, THEIR HARDWARE Depat tment is full and complete, eon iisting of everything generally found in a hardware store. A NEW LOT OF Good and cheap carpets just recoived. Call and examine before buying your goods elsewhere McMASTEI & BRICE. et 5, THlE PIfENIX, P'UBLIsnED IN cOLUMB3IA, Is The Cheapest Daily Paper IN SOUTH cAnIOLINA. POLITICS DEMOCRATIC ALL THRE NEWS Of the Day Condensed. Subscription, $250O-6 Months. pf Pronounced the best Democratic Daily at the Capital. Address JULI AN A SELBY, Manager. THE OAMVPA1GN FAIRLY OPENED! H AS returned and will now display for the benefit of his .Patrons, the citizens of Fairfield, M ATS, the Nobbiest, Tilden, IHnmpton, Custer and all other stylcs, ' CLOTINO: The most'stylish Suits, of the latest and pnost approved snake and style, DRY OOODS of the latest and most hocoing styles, to suit the most fastidious, AlU I ask of my friends is do themselves the juistice, and SOL the favor, to look at his Stock before mnaking pureliases, My Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is complete. Hosiery, Underwear, Shawls, and Blankets. I can comnpete with any one in this market, or elsewhere. All I ask, Is a call, to *Opvince ny frieuds tilat I moan. business, SOL, WOLrE. oct 19. Subseribe for Tnx NEWS n A B3' Ha LYrA and ba sure to iav the r*n.y LADD BROS, WE have now conrploted ono of the bout Stocks qf DRY GOQDS, J300TH and SHOES, JIATS and CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, V OC1lERY, &c, IN THE COUNTY, We will not be undersold, Let It say, aowevor, that our best ()alicoes are 1Q cents a yard. Wo cannot sell then lower and have a unifoim profit on all (oods, GIVE US A CALI. TO OJR COLONIED FRIENDS As you have always put confi dence ia us, we will stale that you may depend on getting goods at a regular oven price. No baits held out to any one, nov30, TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT -OVER-" THE UNPREOEDENTEDY LOW PRICE~S OF~ Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Mats, Trunks, &c. -AT R.F. Leetch.& Co's. BE3S~T line of N otions in the County, Gents' Furnishing Goods of best gqaality., Blankets, Shawls and Bloulovard Skirts, at the lowest prices. Speciatiattention called to the laigest and bost selcted 8took of Kontuoley Jeans over before offerog to the Fairieold public, Laadis' trimmed Wa~ts in~ great variety The above goods will be sol4 eldtkr at Wholesale or Retail. All goods offered low for 'OASI! CALL. ANt) SEE US~ WE DEFY COMPFTIr1.