jj- a i ..h^JPVvw the Cjt* l?Au.j 5 Nkw Yobk, 18th Mareh, 1867. ? itfitort Dttily You harts shown youreelf by writing Wpnnst Mr Aiekn, our of the t/' < > pentU men you havo aont fioin South Carolina to Wash, iogton You may (Vet and wbioc and ecotd u much iw you ploaaa., Yree Soil if maintop ground aH.over the country and although, a few years ago, we should havp been patiaficd to bate let Slavery alone in "the old States, we now moan to bare it abolished throughout ifu Union. Remember this and put it in your pipe Had yo^ not have touched the Missouri Con(rotnifte, we should bavo let you alone, but you have net U1 at dotiance, and you must now take the consequences. We aro the stronfcuat both in mourV HCidrutemj Why, we have troops enough in this onooity of New York to lay w*fte tho entire State of South Carolina if needs be. Cotuo end toe us and atisfy toraelf on that point. Yo? are all mrde up of frotb aud foam, which will out avail you when it come* to ttecl. Frkk Hoii. Foukvkh. Come and sea u? on that point,?P. D. Htro/'i. ThkMrn or tuk Kank KxpvMrioK.? Wo have already stated that eight of the survivors of the expedition to the Arctic zono under the command of Dr. Kane, wc.ro R, in I'hiUdelphinat llr. Kane; ??IIenry Brriokf1, first officer, now boatswain TJ. S. N., Now York ; Win. Morton, steward, tiow niojistttnt U.S. Mar? ahnl, Philadelphia; William Godfrey, seaman, nuw driving omnibus, Philadelphia ; Thomas Hiokncy, cnbiti hoy, now in Qtihrle* Smith's foundry, Philadelphia j tj. v,;;vi mwron, interpreter, i.ow at the UppVniuYi't; and Hang, .banter, now with the KeqwiaMUx 01 SUlltVfl iMUIIU. J 111; <1 Jau mq V, T. Baker, diet on ship: l*iorre Seliopert, diedonahip Ciiriatien OViftn, firotn injury received on iec ia lifting tho bow of one ol tho boot*, on rhe 'otnru; Jr.'K. 0, Kane, died at Havana, Ptdnwry iO, 18 "?7. I .1 I.L - A JUt OORfUCCl'ttl WRttKLY BY J. M. Mll* AIK)fl.U C0TT02$-~ Ueee>"od tliii week 169 ftoceirtri previously - 16,614 Total - . 16,812 Prii-ea to-day ran^e from 11J to 13 \-4 IWon.porlb ....11} 14 liarnrinsr. por yd (jt 2 V CcSfec, Rio p?*lb, 18 (a. 14 Jar*,.-.. , 18 (A 20 Corn, jH?r bu> Lei 100 0)t TOO \2\ Me*l, per bu?b?l./:<...:J.;..i.M) ($ 1.00 12* Feathers, per lb 40 eta. Flcur, por bbl 726(3700 Fodder, |i?r cwt...:, .'. 10b ('$ 1 16 Hide*, per lb. ? 10 (<$12} Iron, per lb...., 3 (?} 1 ' Lard, per lb i,.,.. 1.1 (rj, 1.1 Tjeef, per, fb 5 (J* 7 Ifc' dwftx, per lb T8 (4.- 20, Rattor p*r lb....* J,.... 20(3. tt , i Candles Tallow per ft 18 (eg 20 ! do Adaineutine . ;j,'> (,jt .*>7 | do #p"d aisortmem r/ ftlioCfc, (mOCKiftY, TTAMRS **d CELLARS wh?ck belag oat offo Uon.wb will fell lower tW ??ey <** be br?gb? ^leewbve. Wfaee giee u* u ?* fasr *snsr .? " *'V? * JT? . * WjjM^ * * agrar PBillfe ? M & ? ' ? Cliermw Nk>. 13. A. .18 Mij :13 n*xt A ro/tittttplcntJor , uf fui# 1* uoM or uw; ttigfe< "of Aptil *??;** " D, M. M*ARN, &?Vr. * , * Feb ifl, 36?*, ?^ar ,n 4y7?r':'-frt?J^- - - m J*UJ _- * > < MOLASSES. . |A HHOA CROR. W. r. MO >'R*y l.AStfES. #?id W !** T( M'iw> %?do. on nonniyrnment. nu?l F??r sal* br I>AK f. V HORN. M?rcV?l J4\?2t TIffiRE IS NO USE ISMPAI4KING." IMOlt i>s?l?TiW?in bove a fctOCK OF GOODS THIS SPUING, tb?t wA ??I>cnfc tbr lloeir. The "North Extern Rood will noon be com plelvU, but be w?t? t 3$. u> ?: i^peto .?ith Char leaton in iho . MALLOY. I March 31 11? if llerchRuls Bank S. Jli') On craw, March 30ib, lb.">7. ) THE annual Election for Scvoa Directors Of th'H Dank, will be held at the LiankMds Hduw, Churn ir, on MONDAY the -ill' Mar next, between the hour.t ol Id o'clock. A. 1 11, and i E. M. i .V/rt-t?Col. T. P. W ilson, Major A. i McQueeu and Dr. A. .Mailor. W, GODFREY, C'a.V. j March 3l 41?4t Have you seen the Unrivalled ! CLOTHING now boiuc Manufacture.! by j D. Ueviiu & Co., of New i'ork, ai.d lor I aale onlv bt V.'. J. VLltKEN A Co. j 4&"1Planters Desiring I Jlrejwn llomcfpao*. Farmiatenit by callinir on j W. J. VKBKEH A Co. ! March 31 * 4l-tf A very Large Stock | ofSAUDU'*, BUIDLICS, MARTINGALES. I TRLfNfOs Ac , for i-ate low W W. J. VEHEkN A Co. March M 4l-4f | * ' J Gents and Ladies. UOOTP,SSOBfi, 0AITEB3. Pt'MP WALKrsc, {mora, outfit shoes,' wot, .11 u SLtPPKBS) Ac,, frr a*l? low bt W. J. VEilEEN A Co March 31 41-4f JFvii, Funutmi, I LEGHORN, CHINA PEAUL and PALM j LEAFHATS, Co be opeuei ihia week tod for Rata )ow by W J. VKRBEN ft C? If arch 31 ?4W ffe are Mow gelling OUR LAW WRING DARBOKS at much Iru ttiM NaV totk Oo*t W. J. VKUKF.N ft Co. 01 V i .*'/ 41-44 Oar Stock of ; MANTILLAS. WILL BK FOITND UHUfr i UALLY AnHACmYJVtbw ffeutk.* : -*%r * kli m ri 1 ir r?i w, j. f btuiatti a uv lartli 31 Mf .... .. ' V- ?* i... . ? *> ?- ? x? I / To //ire, I ; lW tU? mouth At f'n tb# baUnoa of th" fear, Ouc Prime Negro Fellow, One plain Cook and excellent washer. A negro gtrT aged 12 yeara, a Ant tat*Nuraa. x.j{ , I Apply at tbi* Office. 'JarA 81 , It?If .? ... - y, Town Election. A N Elector. wiu ha bald in the Town Hall I i an Monday, to- ton of A nrii nc xt, tot mtaitar* oftltt TOWN <*pSC& of Aa town ttfCluyavr, |q Otta lateudat.t a>4 lanr Watdaaa. ^rva for tlia lata of o?a S53hSL~^ J * My? ? n< ' ? ? ?? !?? *? . ?-. ???? ? ?? >m *UM ^ c,T,rrrrpn* fti.-Ki. of 1 n?i," .ro ? 1 nufet Sr. * *4 * * ' f ' r:? S$ ? I.inwi' IBM ndin I '."...J. LI . Ji/i'lil. l [{Wrf** ANNOl V( ?Wm 1 fM!r fhori-wd aD'l red?u;? Till GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY, i OAUME DE VIE, OA lialsum of Life. lV value of tho Ildume. d? Vw f* now irW? Ijj Jtnutro, A-K.1 ?-verv dar the fcM of if* useful J ncs* if extended. "It It* r.pisvved and bighll ; recommended bjr fiUHlfiil l'hyticiMWt, antl scf mjtl J on ;?M hands to He the mQtt potrertil and seutthiuv prupavatim. that ha< erer betr einploved in medical practice. Its operation ^xt imls fi? tho remote*! part* of the system and consist* -in removing diseased actior in I the absorbing iwid Micretng organs. Its uni I form success in curing ai d r the vari' ous diseases frf wb'ch it it focomineuw it established by a "multitude Of witnesses." It is saying n good deh> whon wc assert tb?; where it h?? l??on Icmwrn and used longest, thorp its jocularity-is ft tmost. Lung w? my | t as inc ac-maud existed "or tbU remedy and J the proprietor regret* that circumstances ol an uncontrollable nature pir vented his supply ir*jif trillV thi< demand for nomo months pest, ami is happy to state, to its nuntf roiia friends Mid pa.'rons that he is unw oxtonsivoly engaged in its txinnufactnro. and hopos that vorv soon neb and every order will bo promptly tilled. Among soma of tho comnlaint* which have bocn Speedily ennrd by the Usunio do Via, we mention Dyspepsia, a disease of the stomach, Ami it is well known umt a diseased stomach is the great door war to Wont, ol the other diseased to which the human ''Heidi is heir."?t Keep that organ in s iiur'Miful condition nnd the others will certainly act in harmony, and if it is not kept in a healthful condition, it will cctttinly pro iuoe bil)iou3uesn, hoiid ach?,(?ftinfc in the side and loins, fevers, both nervous, billio.is, sml intermittent,jnniniicc, languor, loss of appetite, 1 iallc-asuass, irritabil'ty midancbo lf, Ac, The Bnutne do Vie is compoun led with parI titular reference to these diseases. A tew ' dos-'ti never fail to stimulate the stomach to a i prn|M?r and healthful action, and by its eonlinuj ed use to remove nil di*e:if<:. Hence too, one Hose will relieve at < t?e?; oppressive weight mid nneosiucss experienced atter eating a hearty meal. It is also tonic in its operation?hence for a debilitated state of the system tho Bamnc do Vie has no equal, which every days expeci* ence previa Iioyond "the shadow of donhb"-? Jt is also highly recommended in nil femaU i\>i.ipl/rints W ords i.rn inadequate to express It. ? .1 . ? * i . . ,r r I in ^;ir?s tiiuiv tu uurno ?am txw^. uu uui wua ui !fc n a'uw whe hare suffered equal to the tort tiro of tho racknre now ready and willing to t\>stny to thftso ftu-u. Ai *n external application to bums, scalds, biui-*?*, (t nin?, thilthluioN, old and foot, and indolent id born, Ac., H ?tan *'4 kvlw r?x attry wend, acani f>r vwr) W.* Fc.- ?4towlxdoanh^Ar,*} retail by -the snbacri| bcr we il?v?r South it C. T. Mason's Jewel lory Sioto, Sorntcr, A. 0.'- tod by IIALLOY4 COI r Che****, H. C. Price ^1,00 pot bWe, or six bivMe* for f.?,00. six. Chaei.' j DtLonvs,?t)?i* fcBr i?Yon ask my opinion ot yonr Itatuuc do Vic. A* you ar? unaiv that I hnve h< cn ojiug it aOC-s. siotmlly far cvorn) yenrv past. I unhoritatiuiriy pjKWtouncc it the best eophatfc, or remedy ft* be.uUJ-v, that 1 U>'? ovat w#A 2 K3"s uid m uiiwibor ihatinr bo?n r, ;bjsc: to violent atutksof thutaui.rf-flni.ir autl ?iy fro.tr my c:.rliost rucolh'rtinn. I hsvw firixjuentlr htird of its ofticosy in other oilmen to, Imt only fool jnatified in sneaking of my own txperia'aco. To t' ose who are similarly affected with myself, I rtcoc 'uMkv-ai;mK?i:ar-or r rpPB regular woeklu meeUng of this D?v5f? * vou will be he?d a the IHvitfoii Bcom on neat Fttd^r at T oWoek, V 'J* ' J AUKS ) ' J f . new gooM. UmvyRtripHfind Pitta (Where*. TA aril v. A. jbjs mmmJ .'Iff. ' ' " ; \j .1 1 !j ^ 2k ^^XsptyB^. ? ? Vf I // \ v / V? ^Vf / VOflf' coach man - FTTHfK Ondfrsigiied nr? tertying oh (hqCoicl r JL ' S hen.' the ftonthclra toriuiuun gf Kerftb - l\>n*3rj\ an.] ntc pr?j*or*'l, with GOOD WORKMEh to fill all ordori sent thoiA to It- entire Mttisfi ' Tltry, also, keep on I4nd CARRIAGES, , be latc-tt styles, which .hey will oeU at roasoon re pa: , Cone neatly and promptly, ami all their wort ' freight upon atiy Job of llleifs, the rulac ?>f at ,vty station on tlio Cberaw and Dnrlingu Mtih For all work done, the Cash will he ru Cheraw, 8. O., June 9'.h, 1356. new s A? FRESH ? c JUST RECEIVED n? tho Honw reeuutl; R foil assortment of GROCERIES AM l by the Stcniner Marion, consisting, in part, o Adamantine and i'nllow Candlou, .Java, Rio ? olognes, Extracts for Flavoring. Salad Oil, Sai ardinos, Mackerel by 1-4, J or w hole Bar-el tu CAN ofall descriptions (made to order.) Sn ofced and l'nnovr. So tee*. Ginircr, Nutmegs, Mace, Clare ndigo ; Shot and Powder. CHOICE RllAND Extra-Fir. '.'hewirj: Tobacco and Sir >IF, 1 Fruit Ornaments ; Raisins. Currants. Nats of Apple Cheese, Knchsh Dairy Chec-'O, , ut.d j j scmo ?00 acre* cleared, vw win) ted for pUnt-' r? * I It'trill bo :onl on reasonable term*. t j, FtrRorts wifhiag to purabaas WB ?ti a better i fk'tcrij tiorftof the laad by app'yiWt to Mr. 1 Joseph II, LVflc Who is n/ ag;nt Cor the tale i of thesaww. > I vm. l. camprfll. I October 20, IC^O. ',-C?-3m oc tf. I /Anu ?tf. n nA tin* l j Firm ofl^Or, DEPTOVT ,V Co., are I re >;>ent'?Uj roanwtod Co ?k)l wnltoUlo imtpndittoly, M the buiintMU of th%< old Firm ;pu*t bo dcwitfMif. , ". >, / ARA HAl bh ' Jai?* ; , f..J'/:' ... .* : tf . r s&ww FAiicf \mfk-r goods. THH imbtaribar baa < ?'Wod bit FALL WPfPLT Of '' ; . V V--.' STAVUtf ANI> FANCY A)RY GOOP3. tad vdti l.ehtp|>y to exhibit theiutoh!* frieadd and custocmc*. HI* fcU^k, th'n tuotuo, U. M "duti. Itrge ; f | j?v U tad trfiT? n*d ch^p* : r j ; October 13d?, Hjffi''-' ftjpr ^lSKSi ;. D RJ., WTGUL 1 fcX. " m*KTpv???-.. 3.AMw?i,uiVA 8ior> V MBD1CINBH, CHKK?CAt?? n #f Whjghk i?4?t*rrrifaM4 to ?J1 m db?*j. ?'U/jHEKB v ]L^gJ|j# |A .' 1 bRtJ*? OBBBjj^BPer^W^W^Bp^BKgBy^SL..* ?|dfa if.fi -> V PA C T 0 R Y. i *Jnc| Cirtrfti^s maVmphmmcvi in all itj Si inchr\* atrcot, ?vnd mljaornl to Mr. W. T M?oiV? I AND MATERIALS, ICtidM r>f their pf?'ii>n?. U0CKAWAY5, BIWGTK8 and &ULKH3S Df bid. prices. I I RING r wnrmntcd for one year. They will pny the ?tiicli :.4 over fifty ilo'htra, if to be delivered >n Railroad. iuir?d hen called for HACK k DUI?U3Y. 24...tl. | > T 0 R E sl> g\ ,/tk f \ rt isu t }SS.. i y occupied by W. IT. TOMLINPON, ) FANCY GOODS J > f Tl neon, Lurd, Suj'iri, of all kinds, Sperm 1 mil Lag aim Coifno, liar and Funcv Soaps | noes, Ccusu Pnvurvea, Jollies. flolatino id Kite, No- 1, 2 and 3. DIES I Pickled Toreuefly Pickles assorted, Flerrinf > , and Tumeric; Soda, Yonst Po^rdortf nnd J I S OF CIGARS, J r. ?o amtmont of CAKB ORNAMES 'ft ; * nil kimli 5 Goshen liotter. Cia<:.frv*, Pine (.'fiensrt ; Herm tic i'!y 3"sUn Fr.'ib, Lib'Ws, I in ft Farpily (inK-vrv Store, sold for CASH UftAKli'S CA8H FTOR.fi." 20?tf ???? * OIIKUIW A Caiidy MamifactoW* I " i ^ Till] U'tJm^Jgocl ontlnrMa'to Manoiae- 1 li ture jft STEAM JtEPlFFJ? CA NDY} of ihe vjij hot ma;Rri*io, vrhlcii bo >r?Br* for ^ sale tu.cheap ai uu bt> purchased in any p 8 mil.'.''it. lo.arkou iio, also, rfoopf, constantly jj on L?nd n U.yo ?upp'y <*/ fits or Alt. i) BJBOWUwroxs, a 'enuo i ally 8?&l?d itaiita, Jellied, Pic kios, 8 htiurc*, 1ov>, nud ail r.rticiies tuaalij kepi at BiicJb pWoa. 8 Ob Dictionary tuftnufisutured to otdor at the F thortort S. GHAFFT. Cb?nw> JtUi. U'J, 1 t>Vr. a I?if o I SCHEDULE. MSSnja III [ Omo? C. Jt T>. R* R. Ooffcfotr, 1 C?/?reiPv Oc/,,23, V & jiN and */W Monday the* 27ik, hw.t tke VMAIL ft FAf?WOKft lYairs on thU road, will nm * *! 8o?i?Mr Hill* 6 40 '? ? i " 6 26 " * * " tsnrffafctOh 6 66 " u t Arrlro at I'lonsnftc 1M " ? * / V RBTURKmOi 9 Loav? Ho/enco ?t 0 o'clock 1* If. 2 " Uarkurtoa 9 46 M " ? DovV* M15 " V " docictynm 1045 * ? ? (We U H d ? , Airita .it Ch?r?r/ 11 .15 u M J ! A IPBJSKlHTAiol FAfiSKNGpn Train will * I %i*a i?KV? C*?n.w or\ evirr Monday, Thw? I IVvmiI flftL.nl>. Aft* n>;.blb A M i : nhnfcnsivo, .. ' jS o T>**vt Flor*i%4* on U?? the mm omj* , Mft?r a the arrijel of U o iQ o'clock A. T*?iu fro? ' : . t (''] /j ?. fh ' ' , H fV < > ' ^ ' . THR Pnwf Hlftbn jirtrte **' A. U, "* < ?Ujr dt)??*Yv t l>y r?tt'loi#;43.|K?w ,1 .J.h.iX^KNKK/-; M?mh 11, 'H37. .. I " A GAUD '~f- r TMR u?dctti?uvK tt'Jry' fqewrd .a- ' , . Copartnership, for tho |>ur?">>? t.y?j?rr? pOACTT MAKING" = 'BUSINESS. Ir. nil its vnriovs bruichw-. sk Ivi. "'? roertt in ( other column A.UAfW. : j as i?ui>r.r.v I Muruli 11, 18 Ji. *-' ?r'^v + *' COMMISSION ' A ;\ i J & POT? W A rtlHALC nitirvwutf w*"j? n ivt/ IH'VJl1! oon TllK vSUI^CUfliKH W?K nltoml in if,0 COMMISSION mid FORWAUIHMl BUSINESS a* usual, t?t his OLD S T I X O. All Cim.VfrrmcnH marto (o him will n t wi'.li |M)dipt ittoatibA. K. T. MORGAN. Chcraw, March 12th, l8.iV. . J: 9~ It. JMllliOTYL'ES. ItIflS' i? lh Ust tim? this sc" .?>, that Jv. Vl M&^ii will hft\;o the pleasure of *ai nt? }n \ii? foetid* ami patroniot tlii) place. Tlnflo who havo QOt.acc.trcd a Lil?J-iiJ.r ,.!c ,ure ofthenifolvt* ot ftkjtxln oq njy f.nncr islltO t!li? place, nhonM net let this Op;?or,unity |> ;as uuioiprove7, 139? U. , Walker & HcnniD^. y v?; RKOEI VI NO, Forwarilino- mid WMMI.SSIOX Ali:i;< I.ANTx Ob'LTCl. ON THE WHARF. ORMKR. T OOCCl'T?I>nV S|(A?'KRtVOKUi rHAFJtft" oar fiieml* in - ^ ^ ,??rw Y?M:K A vn tUAK iM>X?K: Hr RatRUi'tf.? I). C. MoKay, prc'i" ent of Pconli*'* Punk. f;ki?r1r??u?n -T ff. * leaning lVnidcat of Rank ol < onrgttown ; V. \V. ShRckulforri, formerly of Shr.ckolford. tk 'raeer. Fab. 10, IWr. 34?6m. PEE DEE iTuTEL' DA TILING TON, C. //., & C% t. mm. K jvirt ann the ?; ?*Hitig public that^jafty or will fceop open- the abovn naa?eT tetnhahmart, tbr the accommodation ?vf regular od truuriont Hoarders, ou the following FJiJtMS 1 k)R vl end ?pdgiag, cxcluhri! Of light* nnd fuel; per month, .'.'...fcli.OO !owd without jk-r month,...... 12,00 leard and Lodging, exchuiro of fhel, per dtum..... 2,00 iogleMoale, 60 tailing, fbt4mg, Ac. single horsni. per moiitn, .....' ....11,00 Ingie meal* Kw horse, ."8 'codingsingle hone p>>r diora............ -. 1,00 Jk?*?crtmiiU and cl?i'.dr< n, under 12 year* f ago, will bo cluirpcd half price. MflrTravefers without ba^age must pay in dvmcco. g&HtUgnW boarder* will ho required to V<*Ak 1* J.' ?j r ? J ?MV-. uj/uu, Vt UiniAJUUUUt) J^^JAjpoblie day* Aetata will I* %M n( te o!Hc? for dinner, and no hue **v0 he admit* id to the dining roc.n without n -ii ticket. Islington C H-, Jau. 1, 1867. fan*) 31 ?3mo?- , Coopering. Illrtl HBS dMDFiifcSKJNKf) < proper ed v, .$J 1 make Pail J, Ttth^BnckoU* A'c., tuai all y .rork iq this line with 6X|*xlitKn? and to bo natiiUkction of Ma ro*tmm;ra His work riU cotncart /awebly with that from any of be North** atatufactiirit*. end has the ad nntag'? cnbeiqu X WK Fori not for la only- ' :V frfr* Orders left, at tb* *tow of Mr. G- W-, Icirw, will meet -with prompt attentionTenus readable. Til OS. H WJTT., > . r.v:t.iM7, 5t?5$_ Attention 28th Regiment. */<)*! *nlTi??oy oiJbwTto ?ppn-ur *t V tfiMftrirfo!* c. Ita or. Tu.Mf -, fct r.-tie* C o ^ii>n?4 *>n tbo -Uy twriw*, M the ?* boar *?* for drill nrl nv!trirU<\?,. lUrk? nr <*??} will attend }* Jy ntyl be book* of BdW Oompen vui nimn}t*4Uv o?io*^f ^ ^ L ^ pbij^:K.