* : : ^ f ?-?? 44 IDEA IS A SHADOW TI vf ja utx-gt-^.^ -.-.- fr.i .-.a r r.n-VOL. 1. W. Ii. T. 1>R I BOB. J. R. Mri IUku* m puUll ti*ry Ti'M?ay, at %V Vi ymr. ?raK-ri.v is *nVA*C(. adv r.n tIlhbiw k ht* *.tf 6tn.-i itnv*. ->r !?*?, which l? a ?iu*rc. '*'11 l? I??tW ^ at oar tntirUoa; c."? njiw.-ronUnu'tt, ??y?raty-ft?# roiitr for tli? ftr?t. ?ml ftftj :mt* for r*U ub-??nicnt Inwrtiilt Itruewid or cli%n ->< twenty rcnto || i" yet ?j?iar?. , i |j Jtit'Wttinii.'nU Bii'i Jilj sr murl/fly. > w i jIm ^arwiusret tend Wfuthly, arrraky-An) Witt |H-r *)u?rr. *'* Th? ti|ln?lu<| ?J*-it! ') to fjrorw rrtir, tO (M) . T*i *|nurf. for tbrw oiontlir, 7 fMI ? ?lx do 13 OO HI do fu 'im'Trtr If HO Tbrw* ?qu?rvM. for three trout- ?, 3 1 OH <>] . do fir nix Ho IK OO i do for oop rir. 2ft OO Four wtnarr*. for I'.rc* month*. 14 OO i do f- mx do 22 OO 01 do f r tcwr, 3ft OO | rixt rnuprin. ftxp one roar, 40 OO Kriifiivlonol and bu?lnrt C?ol' K OO fr km.tin. *11 adx e*ti?caii?nU for ten than rimr? wiltn CASH. ' m ar txi r.un ron vosrnnr. If run st < ir.a of Into ti-.ii? i? net ar poraries should lutvc given expression to tu their di*?pj>oiiitment in the distribution of hi offices, by connecting the name of Col i Pickens and his merits, with the p.irt he t m acted in the lute convention movement. ' th We at- \Wu looks very nmch as if a or tfui'lpr-t > w %/vi. a O UJf JIM . C4> means tho first mun in the State, either on ch the score of his public mrvicee, or the so | ca peri, ritj, of U:s? intellectual attain men to, : in wo have always had ? high opinion cf hiia on in the latter respect, and a doe approcia- a tion of him for the manner in which he has v>\ discharged whatever public dutj has been wi imposed upon him. _ di We never knew before, that "one of the praotiaal results of the convention move- i sa meot" was intendou to be the pinning of | at Col. Pickens in the line of promotion, and i according to him the ''leadership of the ' T? State. And wr< feel quite certain that no W .such reasons as these, influenced the edh? ui duct of that gentleman, in |tarticipaiing in ? I Jjr the ceremonies at Colombia, which threw tr South Carolina out of tbo old track which t< she had pursued for so long a Time with distinguished honor, and inevitable mto.! 11 rietj. We opposed the convention movement 11 with all our night?humble as were our cl effort*?and yet we cuofew- \to should hove hoco delighted to have seen Co! 'ir Pickens in the PreeVteni'f Cabinet. Wo *' have no doubt such would Lave be on the hi general feeling throughout the State. The v< charge made against Antf-Cobvoalionist* jc seems to us to be entirely without farwda* *1 tion. Ilia atraogethafteottweoping.achnrge M should be miuk* by the Edsdfcjld AJver- ti tUerj a paper dutiogmshsd /or iu open and maul), but at tlie ourae time pradei. and cautious discussion of ever) subject el If Jntaee Bdohanan hat disappointed the jus expectation*- of his friends in this ?i State?who by the way wefttto Cincinnati T to oppose his oouHaatiuo, sad sepere th?\> si office. Pienoe?the ain t/dOukl b* visited U I on bin head, or hie heart, and uot on tho f< innocent Anti-Con ventionists, who surely, w according to the late reasoning of o?ir oo*?? n ventiou friortds, cun hate hud no iudut nop it with e President, with whom they' hsve It i had do petty wllieboe. K sny iiijuM 'rt?i tii fftt . k t 1 " ' ' ' ' " I. II HI I I AT DEPARTETII, SPEECH IS F c II i 1' ' ,i mi . " ''i"'iia IN LOVE OR NOT IN LOVE. ' 1 ' in t "The amount of U is,'1 Mr handsome est four/ Hnrvcy to his friond Tooi K??? J ; the end <>Fa long; and ooniidoiatial oon- oxp arsatiun, "the nmount of it is, I'm in a con- j *' inndcd scrape. I've ^onea litiiotoo far, > ojii' urhup?, in my attentions; tho^irl'a over i 1 cad and years in love with me, and I , core DiTt sec how I'm to get out or it with j tfu-i onor. 1 d.>o't liko the idea of broken , ano earl a and :.il thftt s.irt of thing?but what j ed < a follow to do? I've no more thoughts had f marrying than turning a preacher. suel omy, give lis your adtioe old fellow !" | hist Totu eyed hie friend with a rr.u.ij ! mn; tinkle in his oye. A sagacious ami oo 5 isehievious a mile played round th? corner I A his mouth. ! won "Nothing easier Hi life than to got not j she r tho scrape,' r.s you call it, if you wont i vjer k" tion ' How? how?" asked Mnrvoy, eagerly. broi "Von say she's handsome, witty, nmin- adr e and accomplished?" ' ?\Vn*." froii "Well then." knocking the ashes fVoni 1 ty w is cigar, 'she's just the wife I want, and aog II take her of your hands." hop "Absurd /" cried Harvey, tv ing to sati; irn into a pleasant smile the frown vdjioh self iddcnly darkened his face. 'Itopusai- I vey! e, Tom," ho continued, amiably, "it J A r>old never do. In (he tirit phu.e, you was ould not suit each other in tlin least? , " iere would he no congeniality of di.spo.ii- i the u. intelloot, Ate." i tnV>( "Is she then so docidodly in;, inferior?" | youi kod 'loin. j you "Inferior?" cried llurtuv, iiring up : poin itli a sudden indignation. "I don't ! .\ iow tho man sho it inferior to She's u j Huf orious creature I toll you." ' " "Well, whore's your objection then?" [coin 'Well, I meant, pirhups l'i'? not r*ry j righ vil to say so. Tom, but the tuoc i*,, tho* kiio' iu arc tho beat follow in (lio world,you're 4? runtimes a little rough, and she's AO sen- i liar i*c- auu loHncd, that that besides, s? a gr to'd you, Tom?confound it?an I told [ iusu >u sho'fiin iuvrt with me, there's the rub'* j py. id lie rubbed bis hands together with re-I wan ruing spirit, ua-ifhn hud hit the idea ho I T id been vainly seeking, at lust. ! a? h "Thank you, Harvey, for your eompli- he c tntary hints,'" suid Tom, an bo watched | < ic nceliding .^utoke of his cigar; ''but a* ft i tlx; whole, notwithstanding my extreme witl rfidericc, 1 believe I don't take quite 00 -'ace w an estimate of toy ehsruc.cr as you Io. ; to si nd uA regards tho being ?o dcspotnlrly low: love, und sH that, I know how n.tjeh < lied it nisann.?Trust niefoi that. Nothing 1 and r curing a girl of a fancy tor one lover com it tho appearance: of auother. Why, if j ? odd? were oqco1 in other respects, the j ! ee ivolty given the last comer such alt in- ; ycat Iculable advantage, that there ut no'youi ...Unfl.:. -v:.l ?vv V* Mtr (|V4*JW*KI 1. Xfl till" 11 we, w? will l.ttTo the advantage of play- < g inf each other's bands. You tnv? quit ilv to bold off a Uttlo at firrt to give utc com chance. Yoti play eold, while I play ?' ?rn., and I will bet you a box of cigara I vox in the day riorit>at?n?( | Tl? wH9. ' >*4.^. ''j'y Wi. > Harvey, trhp hod never travelled, of i li? tormtv xiloot, aod tli row a qaito iwto the J '.'A ' M' ' ' V' ! Vo? Frwn this huty?* ho on"; Mtse North wood | tc^i era m ttfod otthw ju*uo ?ngtog, hunt- j k,o lirig &mXC/k0 admMojf,corner b ?vv?r* of mhrfto wilt.- , ?jj' >H UK% 1*; tfcU. lit!la air'" ukwd f?i V'?j ktI lajuw^l it tn V#oio?, an*1 it u, J tip! kink, p^wUm 1/ l*?iiii&i'. U ^ w** to tjie prryt?W? it* pcrAimt of lteh?itJkwii% wit * ' LEETLNG AS 'IW^WIJU >n ii i ? t m -? --p .? ? i" 3RA W, S. C., J"1 '-f111 ' . j ["hen folio Wed the air referred U>, wiing ho moat exquisite taslo, with too rio'hof manly fcdcci. !?m tforthwood tdniired it wnrnjlj, and reaaud what .??he felt. Coquette," sneered llarrey, in an not of concentrated tag?. i lot all unconscious of these uouttcrod i iroants, the uiuaiotans lingered o\et' r music. < >uo favorite air suggested tliar, and there ware acore? to be look- ^ IV IT Rflfl ililAHsi fr/t ha vi.nrr T-%m , ? ?- -*?- ?v? , so many anecdotes to tell of .iuch and h loosii'tnns; and moo delightful little O'ies of how such and such pieces of ;ic caiue to be written, that timo flow wift and noiseless pinions. Iiks Northwood'a eyes occasionally it in search of Harvey, hut whenever 1 sdnres*cd a remark to him, with a v of drawing him into the oonveraa , he replied with svleh unoomtcoOH ritjr that sho was repelled froai further a n ccs. WoM/' onod Tom, os thoy emerged a the hou-eduto in tho evening, 'i ll for a beginning, Her vey. So far) nod. I consider the ailair iu a most ' cfal train. Miss North wood i lore than ?fles my expectations, and J flatter my that I made au luiprcssioo. lie), ffnr j r .n unintelligible growl froru Harvey ! the only tepfy. I say, Darvty," continued Tom, in highest spirits, ??I don't soo those unakiblo Symptoms of being in love, in r fair lady, which I expected. Mo" not be deceived youinelf on thi- j ?t ?" not her growl, otninous this lime, iVotn j vey. Tom proceeded. ' Von did very well to night, Harvi y. I mond you. Keep your distune: that's t; no poaching on my grounds, you w." Your grounds, vou rascal 1" buist forth . vey in a fit of ungovenablo rag*. , l'vo ' eat iniud io fconrk \on down for vour ! ffenible assurance, you?you?you pup- J And there, sir, is my card; if yen ! t the ratiafuction of t; gentleman!" oiu n?r gvl something pleasant j ty to you?Wish nie joy^oiy flue ft-1- I ' Tall settled. We are to be mar. j this day three months. It's oil Lxri I I'm the luckiest dog. Why don'tyon i rntiihld mo Al?t ln? ?" -? ? "~J Ifc'caufte )0i take my breath away. ,n't holiAvn vft'i Whv vou told me 'J * V I erdiy you wanted tne to take bor off r hand* " Nimmense!" Audti at you conaidercd yourself in ea fix, from v hich I good hunioradly 1 -on ted to help you."' bFudg?!" criod Harvey, a blush oc| .tioo uud shame coming into his i \nd that Mias Kufthwood* poor tbiug, | likely to die of a broken heart " : Ooui<-, uomo, Torn, bo more of that, if i kwc.st iu< ! The fact ii, Tom, and 11 f aa well own it?u man doe$ not know J rthcr he is in love or not. aoiFotiniee. i ? little jealousy, or eouurtbing fine, J n ho eyes for hiui. But it's all right] ,99 Ohaye," aaid Tom, with aff ected rtty, you may think it ia all right, lmt -e'saomeihiuc yet to bo nettled which ataod ft* the way of your true lore oiug ?o vury aroooth " As he took*, gravely drew forth Rarvoy'a card ftvto jHK-kct '1 have ordered coffee and pistole for torow tuorniog, and who know*?! may id a chance tor Mia* Northwyod'a hand " forvey matched tbacard and went it ming iu the air, aa he burat into a xy faugh. Tout joined him heartily, j dr hand* met is a obrdud grtp , ?? they Limed?the aoa, *?ba. nmy, for teaching yon yoer awn mind'' i?d thr other, ?d ttuderatend y^o; Tom t'rt the >V-Xt friand I had, Heolf cm t prow my gratitude, **?? of those ? Ihi n'.tk *?.. \--i~ V?h7'"'"* -TfiT II Ytrn'm' wttfluttje," gv? U ht ibi Uw?, toltt 1 tb Jawi?a ni*ri?4 m*u, and uo j 5w4ttnjjoi.ni* }j-.. | rn? r?>MKr.?? fr.RM, K^Waarv 2fl?To ! U4 <|?rtf ' irto?i*r w? *Ujtjr io j ria. CI* aveot hsu'Moied |.?feiia aitcn j I to he thug# tmtirnly ftbaurlwu Vit'n , *** w**i l iMJ5*jU otf frfob* oAc from about three o'clock ib the u* tocunftel. Three nu0$ appeals hebvoiif, placed io tbe'? name cf swcred lyrics '''he alone contain ft poetry thut mootethe spi ituol nature in nil its woods and nil i wants, which strengthens villa* with gl rious exhortations, gives angelic uleouetn to prayer, and almost rises to the tempi: joy lu praise. In distress ami Tear, tin hrcatho the low and sad murmur of eon plaint; mi ponittoncox M?ry groan with tl agony of the troubled soul. They hove politic music for the peaco of faith; in a oration, they ascend to theglory of ore tion pod ihci majesty of Clod. For assail hliea or for solitude, for all that gladdci and nil that ifiiovca, fur our hca\iues3 ui despair, for our remorse and our rcdein tion, we hud in theso divino bsrmonii the loud or tho low expression. Gnv hat been thoif power in the world. Th< resounded amidst tho courts of the lobe uncle, thoy floated through tiio lofty ar solotnu npaefts-of the toiople. They wot snug with glory in the halls fZion; tin were .ph< hut oniaj turcd its devutiuufc, and onnohlcd its rati kU And that it haa been, nut alone, in tL Btfjurmi cathedral or the initio chape Ohoruscd ty the winds oi' Heuven. tty hnva swelled (Hteofth 'Orel's own temp oft.be uky and atar?; they have rolled ovi the brond duscrtof Atia, in the uotLmuu vespers if trn thumand hermit*. The U*v? run thiongh the d^ip valley* of tl Al|boild be o: <-retard, will not bo disputed, 'Jfhat liytl disposition of property ana mutteroftfto the creditor should feel pn interest in tl means and lluVilitict of tho.-o who propoi to become his debtor, is nattirul tunny 01 who knows the duty he otrott himself, tr hit credit-?<* iu tura. Wat fliis has not1 ing to du.wul. the present article .; it ncccMarv th?L spies sh aid be .cm ploy < in times of war, atut they bare been b looted from toon itt whom grert ta placed?but wh. q uken, they Ntttfcr tl punishment of the fli. lef.icto*; without tl bpnpathy of jbetr vivru ^asooiute*. But, peace, \rheu nu indithdc.nl, for hire, ui Uert*jr<-s to rcprm-nt the tmaisdw tnattei ai>i responsibilities of tbfwo with whom 1 ilnily isbo^iote^ as * friend under tbo cO crol'accwey, he ftho'iUr least te mw to kmiW; at he tunn feel, liow thereout bl? is the occupntior. , ' * We are uwuru thjt this syMcui of c%\ oeage is practiced if overy community iuiporiance, and that Merchants in On Wton *al . cfibo *36 a mm a Vr to keep i a ltM .rchaiitilo Agewej;" this may I right, if they c&n ?n?l thoee who will ? tliei* dirty work ?but caw amjh bo mute May not paeturial nurert, Or private puji bo brought lu injure the wrpdit of *oy ,wkv We heorjj of an tt*tanto of thw kind, Wi a t'rifod of ourr, a mas of bodnass?ai riwh.ua cnu fronted with ?no of tbo i'ai fcert to wborv l?o w? reported-ba * itsta [(bail u Kpm out opinion, tbsila S<*i tv. Mordant# ibi* i* ^*J i? SpwOUlsUotl, ST, I it. H?wk bu*r.#*?s *fe?r? tt&nuMtf-U>n? u earriad wi pstiiui wbb bo!?a \v*l ^ aAtottfi flhiurtrM VifflfML* **> - :HED p?rdf' inj? the winter ui thel**ty ofXoti >ua. Uor c> ! he9 consisted of boauUfli Telnet bat 3fJ 1 Aa *en as the tints was -liscovemd. tjio r ( police wore con suited, and every thing done ts 116 remove the mystery^ bus ull to no put*. o.' {*>*? ee But as murder will out, so will laroenj, t' sometimes, audi litis wits not ior.? to remain ;y I h' secret 0".1 Aa Mra. lY. was v. q 1 kinpr Washin^ton, . ' street on? of tho nluttnt ilax.* In** ?#?. !. j? , r V" , h (,iuiagin^ b hcighi of fnhliioo witn lioopJ nirl cri iiu. Hue, end having ..pen lie- head the very 1S y ider.v*cal velvet hat wtfitl: "he tad lout. |(j Wliat was tj be done'!1 What v.?u!d bo p_ done? Every slop was raking the bontiev p. further froui its owner vrbo ?rft? el >ne and lt a slrar.gi r in the city. It did not take ,y her long to decide. She started in the same direction, and ,j soon was alonp eidc of the velvet hat. ro "When? do you reaido, viadniee?'' "In jV Court." v as the reply. 'y then enie 1tored. j l After going up two flights of stairs, * chcjr reached a rdotn, 111 which they found l'( five wonon. They entered the mowi. and ,r , here our heroine mads her business known j ! ?Posting herself by the door, with a oalm y but defiant look, she Icmund-.-d to kuov o? c the woman wlicrc shy obtained the vdlvet n t hat, also the shni.l and -'the ,bn.< bcr trust. At length the doctor, with ie foor police men, arrived, when our heroine v. trantt'ovrnd die cpstwjjr ofWh yc-sowi find lr property to tUp office# of : ho law. The a. remainder of the stolen property wns soon found, u?Un Iryitar m| was iq New York tbd other day, fleshy, U uncouth, and iunoernt orfeugh If appearS ance, but lib reality, with ?l#, oy*-$?w?4h (jo cut. Peeei og tip t'Uathem fyc* tth rough ^ the clotboa h?eeep bin*. >>ou, aitorsf every ^tot% *w*ono rtiehid -?Hs Ulio hi- the ittta&'lid V J# V-i, JLL .... ." 1 ..UPjil' -'C... .* '* G IS ETL'RNAL." Tcmbf. NO. 41. 'J. 1-! ,iJH . - Jl- HJ. -J - Jl ' aqjnoo meet u> ookl raio.' ) *5. Bachelor'Bhrrstcrr-?Whenever they go to ?cOort' with en 'attachment ant:.' tIcns *1- AAotbor Hume tor tl.'e baiter. 11 The C.'ritic s Pee?It'u widest field ; \Vot?iH 12.. YTqpinu's Rights?'Ai a'arming ' fh?tu?v of the day, nod vfc frown opon the : uiovonient. ' 14. Women's Helplessness?We demur to the loadingf. I 10. The Pr?*f?The true con -hrvator of ! our free institutions, the only bind of "press" tolerate .1 (or bachelors. The following tonnes were tbeu volun1 tOCred ; 1. The lleo-peoied Ilnsband ?"Yt who have tcert to shed prepare to shod them now/' . H. "Mntcheeare tnado in Ilcaveit"?-Wo adtr.it the adage; hot deny the sathori!* I. The Married Man?-'The victim of ! false pr tcnceJ." ? i> notwcnvrrr i \ HUV * t if A frieoilh&.s placed in out hands a copy ! of the Ingersoll Ckr^"vJc. Canada West, ' of Friday Dlarch 6th, IFoT?-fn n whvib l wc take the following stiirtfiogvummentr: | Tiik Homicipk IN rilE L'. S. .SaftATE. ' -?Another of those dinadful wcocs by whioh the FoJorul naliou Unagaiaed ilealf .'r ! ;i b-d reputation, bos occurred. A person al attack beiri ; made i;p<>0 a member of the Senate, lie JoOnKlcd .himielf with a j deadly weapon, nod cent the t-rsailant at : orted r'to bin aec >unt." Atrocious as tho | act may yfein at Qrst, and repreheof'bte i as done in defiancj of tho law, we are of i-piniod thatH look place under strongly ' c;3 eertaiuly his own person. We are fur from drawing the eoucHwoir b; nee that be is at liberty, in ail eiuuiu-tiaoes, to take tho life of one who uctcttni wily and aforethought invades ' that person. Tlie law is open for redrew, i although, io our opinion, it ouch -, to be ; made far n:<>ro stringent than it isin referntice to such oas;.a. But it this instance, I wo presume that tho homicide ai.nod aimI ply at the pre*c? ration af his own life, J which, alter the wife oi Mr. Soaioer, Ue might expect to be endangered w she bnv J tillty at* tbo .-hiilant, to the k*t dagfc*. | If so, \fc think he ohm stand - . ' ?.itt-?I in ! the court of bis owr cotieoietice, ?ftd uoglit . % j to bo and u ill be iu rhat of Lis country. It if lime three bullying* were put dawn, i and inoperative ns fb in the United > State*, ;to "im hardly woiufrr or regret, 1 tbatoqc offta eminent pract it-oners nliould thus have been prostrated in his utteno pt, , even thi'uab tbo iatennwer was toft m aVJ n i lots to oxobii: even the p?e?<-. ibr this V l Wftiicioua uiifreprosctitatieD, wo BUJ statu '$$'1 1 that ft see <44 to refjtp to the case of)>a>;d ifuwe aoil jd. Q. Uq.-+OixirfctltH .Gwt'n. 2*r \: w*v>* PPi )/fM$ That *a*. ft pretty Mr jokst we l??td 4vwlh?3?,ittU'urdtn?nM0f t^JRrtrn C?u?- ^ J ! it? *?#?*<* to dpjfs followlsj rwgreoft. La? 119bmt *> ?a%iyuoo o??.;Mi>^Cral jifui Mg?4 lh?t rr^:. :.e h*?i i"?nu 1-;-. la. *.:(2 Witil4|#.' I ; ~ . t^HWP?Mm**"^ *iy