This notorious man and ignoble Senator ' ?-rendered notorious and ignoble at oneo, by proatitutiog his high j' however, was a very slight ouo. Tim * 'Young Meu'a Republican Club" met * him at the ship and taw him ombark, but ^ the mosses could not be movod. Thoy were * Inexorable, and Mr. Sumner wr.nt to aea j ? with but few to witness his ?xit. It in I believed that thv day of his martyrdom in P past, the public mind having boon already. c too much excited to boar more. 11 Sl/MNF.u'8 career ought to tosch denin- vl gogucs an impressive lesson. Taking abo- * iitioniam in Massachusetts at its flood, he P was soon waftod into the T inted States Senate. A blind and reckless fanaticism b made all solicitude or inquiry as to his fit-1 noan or qualifications ns n statesman, iiopoe- j siblc. No one onquired, because no ouei cared. It is even believed that the same i vote that elected St'MNVit would, with equal n alacrity, have sent Tiibodorb Paiikkr, ,r Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Abdy Kelly, or ;Pl Lucy Stone to the Senate of the United ; ^ State. ! As an evidence of thi?, it ha9 ra been asserted that some of those who votcdtfor Sumnib have publicly declarod, w that so fur ns the great purposi of aending him to the Sonoty was couccrned, Abby and Lvov would have done the work much \ C mt t - "dually ! This purpose was avow- i ed ' . o agitation of the slavery ques- i > il J j .1.. I mm. -i iney aaaorreu me oooyicviou : thafc Artu" and Luc* would have ?Tio*n ! urc/re gallantry and lose of the e rave u-heart- ^ ed on a certain occasion in the Seriate J ^ Chamber, we w mid have agr* ?.d with them. ' f, Less courage, or more cowardice, they could j ^ not hare shown. { By the almost unanimous verdict of the 1 '* brave and the true, wherever found, the J ^ infamous speech in the Senate, for which j he was chastised, stands without a parallel ! in the history of all parliamentary debate. , ^ It was b deliberate, offensive, personal har-1 angue It alluded to Senators by name j who had never named him 1 it assaulted > 11 men, in.the roost violent terms, who had ^ never made any allusion to Mr. Sumxer. I ^ It even maligned sovereign Stutos, while ' ( he know that tbeir constitutional defenders were not in the Senate Chamber. It j was all done with malice aforethought. It ? was an assault deliberate, malicious, unpro-j voked, with a weapon more deadly than ' ^ i the bludjjeen Corn pa nj. ?Arrf$i of Nineteen of the Rob- F ber*~A$toutulin<) D'velrpmrntt.-Yor *omc ' tu time past, we have been in possession of F the far.t thai a aeries of exteoaifo robbc- 1 rica had beeu committed on the Pittsburg, C Fort Wayne and Chicago lull road, and fkbAt measures were on foot for the arrest n of tboee implicated ; but lor fe>r of inter ti faring with the ends of justice we bare ; kept mum upon the subject. However, as F tho scheme has now ripened into foil fra- n ition, we foci oo longer any .embargo upon our notion in the preiuiaos, wad, therefore, tl ska)! proceed to lay before our readers such N information in relation to the matter as we u are in noeaeuion of, 1 Within the past year the above ^opipar.f j< has hud to pay between W0,000 and 850,- n 000 fuT goods which hau been safety ship* tl pe?) IVom the c?ty, but n?w r?*?bed their destination ; an J although the utmost care m has been taken to find where the aforesaid tc goo-la did go to, and into wboee hands they C foil, no light has been thrown upon the o! subjeot until within a few daye past. al A abort timo since, officer Finkerton, o\ of Chicago, was engaged to try and ferret ti out the mjatery. He lai i bis plana with j on ^ omaeli judognicnt, and tookevery *tep with ao mueh discretion, that fcha t?iiovea tl had no auapieioo of bia doingv, and were ill tamly oaoght in the trap which ho laid for b ft . At bit aaggeatioa, t lot of gooda W?re o parokaaed, a private aaark pal on the*, they weie packed is boxes, directed to C various ftftna in omr weater? citiea, and ?e abided to thai* destination. The decoy pi Wklf a von place In Ohio * portion of j ed ^S\- ,, .v the marked article* wore unloaded, a part m $&? of (ho gang took thorn ?.> ubarge, and the r. ; ? passed on. They ware traced to Bof- G hare they were given into | 0 Ms the care of an auetfoaoer, alto belonging \* it w .aid appear, baa j where the* hare been di m. ved Of at au< ii6o The phui having riported, overythin, ww now ready for ft descent upob th hi?ves.-? Accordingly, Mr Pinkerten cam ? I'itteburg last Thursday, informed May ?r Weaver of hit intention, and oar owi afioient High Constable, Mr. Kobo^i Ha ;ue; with seven eft fie Mayors police " '<** ed that evening in pursuit. Tho i, that they havo arrested uineteer on*, one woman among them, on > l,Oiu wore found stolen goods >e identified, and place the^ ile in the State of Ohio, at * es where they were enptureo '? Among them are employers of the Com. any, lawyers, doctors, constables and mer hams?men who have heretofore borne an nblemished character. Scmo aro rcsi ents of Spartanburg and' Alleghar.y, bu( re refrain publishing their uamc* for the reseat. There aro well founded euspioious fot olieving that tho bridges burned down on lie line of the road, were Gred by some ol lis band, for the purpose of delaying the aius, so as the more easily to carry ou' ieir schemes. Wo aro not aware how lany of the omployccs ara implicated; but, om what we can learn, there mult nccesirily bo a great many. For it is stated >al the trniiie, during the past year, have lade stoppages at points where there was i) warrant for ho doing, and there-unload1 goods marked for othur place*. i From the Chero* Quzette, HKKAW AND COAL FIELDS RAIT* ROAD Chf.Raw, S- C., March 20th, 1857. At a meeting of the citizens of Chernw nd its vicinity, held fit the Town Hal' tin day, on motion of Col W. I /. T. l^Bnee nines Powell, Esq., was rolled to thi Ihairj and on motion, J. T. Coit and W I. Inglis Esqs., were requested to act m ccrotarie#. The Chairman announced the object ol be meeting to be tho appointment of De gates to the Convention of the frionds ol 'hcrnw and Coal Fields Railroad, to bi eld in litis place on the liral day of Apri ext. On motion of Dr. C. Kolloek, a Corn littear of three, consisting of Messrs. Dr !. Kollook, Ool. W. Ia T. Prince and O V. Mclfcr, Esq., was appointed by th< Ihair, to draft rcsdntiona expressive oi ho sense of this meeting, upon the merit f the grsat enterprise under considers ion. n.,-i -l .1 *v:- rt u.-. 4'vt"^ vuu Itwov M-1V VI VII tn VAIIli UJ I MI1V laj. Alex. MeQaccn moved the appointtent of fifty Dolour to* to the Oonvoutior f tho let April next, which waa agreed to nd the Chairman annoonood tho fillo-ar rig named gentlemen of tho Town and v? inity, to aot as t*aid Delegation, via : Gen. James Gillespie, Maj. Thou. W lobesen, Dr. Thrw. E. Powa. Charles frbv. l?q., A. D. C'haptnan, Eaq., Dr. K. D. landore, A. Blue, Eaq., Capt. J. C. Por is, Goo. K B. c. Caeb, D. Mallnv, D IcN'air, J. C, Ecane, Jne. Lynch, W. God rey, Fiaqa., Col Allan Macfxrlan, 8. Keesr, Eaq., ltov. K. P. Hill, E. J. WaddiU, J*p, Dr. A. Malloy, J. C. Walworth, H04., Maj. r. S. Gillespin, Col. IL F. FeTIM. Maj. Alex Me'Jneen. J. A. Inglis, 5. IJtowno, J. M. Tbreadgiii, H.' Mo Ivor, f. T. Moore, Esqa., Col. J. W Harringin, Col. W. L. T. Prince, G. W. Molver, I. A. Kendall, Esqa., Maj. J. T. Coil, J. I. Alclror-F. Lynch, F. Turner, D. B. feAro, O. W. Div?alt, C. T>. Wsdhtc-e, J. \ Ma t boson, W. tj. J. Re id, D. Matlioin, Esq*., Gen. I> 8. Crenshaw, Dr. C. Lollock, Dr. J. J. Wjlwn, Ool. H. W. larringtoo, O. H- Kollook, Esq., Dr. J. I. Craig, Rev. A. Cregg. On motion of Dr. T. E. Poire, the Chairum of the meeting wan added to and lado Chairman of the Delegation. Upon the retnrn of the Committee on 'molutionb, the following report wan read nd unariimoualy adopted : lUtolvtxf, That we regard with pleasure, la enthusiasm of our falioweitiaeiM of forth Carolina, manifested in the several teetinga which have boon held at Troy, arth.igo and Rookinghatn, open tho sublet of tho Ch**aw and Coal Fields Hail Mid, and hail it ax an omen of auocera to le grcatenterpriee before ?a. Rtioived, That In the opinion of this icetiog, the contraction of a Road, eo u > connect the rich Coal Fields of North arolina with the City of Charleston, is an >jeet worthy of the energetic exertions o? ] those who hare at heart the interest of jr chief commercial city, or the welfare of i?t u.tlUn nf aanntmi Ikn.imlk vWiaI. IL. ?rvv V?* VVHWMjr VM?VW|^t? ?T ?>V ? VMU utfempiated Hoad will pa*. J?o?okvdj That we hall with pleasure, i6 proep'Hrt of uoiting" tho twin Carolina* a bond of amity, not sooo to Wbroken, r moans of ft road- -tb<> benefit of wbicb, ill b* enjoyed ift oonmon bj the eithwae " both Abates. Oa mot fan of J. H, Mallop, Keq., a ntnnuUee of Arraagementa, ooncistiag of ran, war* appoiuted bj the Chair, to orMe a suitable flail for the /"oaaioo* ot ie Coarctation. Tba Chairman ?nno>mr. I the follow rag gentlemen aa said Com. ittee, vht: M?j, Ale*. McQnOen, Col Bi J. Pagaea, >1. J. W. IJarvtetQa, Br. C. Kdlock, >1. W. L. T. Jfriao^, J. B. Malloy, and i>i'mS'or >Uj, i. r. Ooil, (Wctwd, hafcW Director* of the Ohcraw aad Bar. Ia * vr 41 1 ? 3?M* ?- berojiu^d e wm ordered thattho prat' meeting be paldUhoS-* u Ungieo, WillUtr'* & tevTlle and * . ' Ea-un de Vie." W? cannot opeak from experience as to the t merits ofthi* medicine, which has met with such favorable notice from those who have f tried it, but we do know some of the Ocntlo | men, ccrtilicates'of commendation are in F, the possess-on of its proprietor, and have no ' hesitation In endorsing whatever tbej have I said about it. Beiidcs .hie, we have hoard of i its magical effect* in its application to many i of "the ills whic h 'ieah is heir to," and Would > enggest the propriety of giving k a lair tri . a). f Railroad Meeting. -On Friday Inst, a I large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the . Town Hallj in order to appoint delegate* to the Convention of the Cheruwif? Coalfields , P.ailrcr. l, to be holdsu is this place, on the . first of April. Many interesting and eloquent i apcarhes were made, and the utmost harmony ( prevailed, (*?c minutes.) Another meeting . waa was held at Rook high am, N. C-, (see tnin. ntes.) We also learn from Kingstre* Star, a meeting is called there. It is very gratifying to sec so much interest taken in the enter- I . , prise. It will succeed beyond a dcubt. Lyceum Lecture.?Dr. S. H. Dickson, of Charleston, will deliver the neat Lecture for th*> Lyceum, on the evening of Wedmwday, , the 1st of April next. This being (ho day on which tho Railroad Convention sits, we pre nme lb? l?r. will have a large audience, and j , wg are sure his '.-c-tnrtj s?ill l>? instructive aud | entertaining. His s abject is "Memory." K*v. X- B Grier's Lecture. "Ooothe?the German Poet"'was the theme of the arj interesting lecture delivered by M B.Qrier. of Wilmington, N. on last Thurvday night, before a large and attentive audi" enve. We do not mean to institute a compar| i*n?t between the many able and instructive i . . -i. lec-tues vim wmcn our community line been ' so highly favored of late; nor could we, if we were ao disposed, on neeouat of the dissimilarity of the sobj'cH disonaaedjbut we will say ' that for the production of good practical results, nouo of them here, been more jndioiously planned, o? morn skillfully executed, than this The eloquent lecturer disclaimed a 07 intention of attempting a biographical sketch of the great German, or criticising hia poetry, yo?; we presume hia audience &re, uO jr, much hotter acquainted with the mati^utd better filed to judgo of his powers than they ever woe id have become without the aid of Mr, Grler'a 1 (undid and impartial exposition of the merits ' nnd deraarita of both. High as Goethe may hare ranked among hia own countrymen, I 1 bright as hia genius may tare shone lit tha 1 literary galaxy of Germany, when he comas 1 to be compared?as he was by the lecturer? 1 with glorious Old Jobs Milton, he takee isthcr '* ' no hambl* position, and the fires of Ma g?*ius pale to obscurity. Both were students, fond ' aud ardent etudesta oi nature, but the one was ( delighted and mUujhd with the jaatruction da- ' rived from aatnre ?6w, while the other fob > lowed its teachings up to tha vary eouiee and ; ceatra of all knowledge. Both wrote and la- i bond to km behind them, eoraeth'iug that ??ouM endure for a time and make 5t* huprea* 1 upon the worM, bat th e one labored and wrote fo* hU own glory, while the other toiled for the good ?f h amanity, and the vindication of 1 great and iauoutable truth*. Goethe'* great 4 fkqftt wa* a* exdeeeive ogotiatn. or * egoism ' m Pa Quiac/ ha* it, and hi* fetal error?Pee- 1 tbei*ut; while Milton'* grand characteristic 1 v?rt.te wan an unlvarw^ohliaothropy, and hi* 1 crowning glory?C!w*4*?a it/. J The prime object* of thi* excellent leOtore wore to leette a i^rl?bati*y teete fat read* I iog, tegvurd agaimt leteet bet dn gercn; er "1 rere, and to a entente a lovw tot troth, the .1 troc rtimnln* to the etady of nataro. . t In all reelect*, it waa an admipMo prodao- | f > JMI? |I ,! ' l,:.iO?-M?"U|! the ,ba*e b*e? d*d iretv t in on friiited a Kijfb order of i?t4 .*1 power* of critical anal jai of tbo author. v The Editorial Conventi bO long characterized tho Press ot'&njih Car ol:na. In lew than a y?ar, no lers than Join separate attacks have been made upon tht freedom of the Press, and If editors are tr fight their buttles single-handed, tliey will soon fall ono by one. Hut, let the Press unite, and all the combine i power*, of Money Threats and Office will avail nothing, u<. long as we act with ono voice and one right arm. Vindication of the PfW?The ca?e ol Dr. Gibbx, of tho Carolinian, vs E. J. Arthur, the Mayor of Columbia, which has just beer decided, is important inasmuch m it involved tho question of the right of a Corporator, noi only to be present at pc blio meetings of Ooun cil, hut to report its proceedings. The ehargr of his Honor, Judge Withers, was precisely tc the point, end announces in the plainest terun the opinion that, "To exclude a Oorpofntoi froffi such public meetings, or to expel bim from it at mere pleasure, or for no reason coil nccted with the frtA full and unditfutbcd em re' of ( J~vnetioni, ot 1he dwlarge oj thiir rfutirt, is not a lawful exercise of power,' and to eject him, "merely because it is stispcc ted. or flrnrti by Aim, that lie means to pub list) a rc)>ort ofits proceeding*, i* not lawful." Tlieje view* were -:us.nin?'il by the verdict oi the jury. Any other view of the subject would he dungcrons to representative government, and dwjtractico to the freedom of the Pre**. Eclipse-?There will be a total eclipse ol the Sun, on to-morrow (Wednesday.) As wc are 3? west of Washington, we will hare a slight rlew of it here. Old Sol will go to roosi With a black eye. We learned this from Jay ne'a Alnanac, a valnuhle- work, which wai kindly presented to fishy a most polite and entertaining young nan, in one of onr Drug Store*. (He will accept our thunks.) JJL" J .-^1 fhr tk( Pre I)ce fit raid. RAILROAD .MLKT1NG. A largenumber of the ciiixeus of Richmond county. North Carolina, assembled at the Court House in Kockiuglmn, on the 17th daj of March, 18.*>7, for tho purpose ot appointing delegates to tho Ckeraw A Coalfields Railroad Convention, to be held at Cheraw. South f>r. eRna, cr. tho first Jar of Aoril next. Tbe inflating ra organized by the appoint ment of Col- II. W. Harrington, Chairman, and Wtr. W. Grnham. Secretory. The objoct of tbe mooting having boon explained by the Chairman-, in a fiiw rcinnj-lu il InHtrati,-e of the groat importance of the pro poaed Railroad, to the prosperity of North and Sou*h Carolina, and of the country generally] eloquent addresses vera made by A. Fi McPonatd, and Waiter F. Ijcek, Esquires, tc sAtrta effect. The following Resolution! were unanimously adopted, vis. On motion of N. T. Rowdon; let. L'rjulod, Tbet tlie Chairman of this meeting, appoint twenty-five delegates to rapresent Richmond county in the Cherew & Coalholds Railroad Convention, to assemble at Chetaw, Booth Carolina, on tho first day of April next. On motion of W. F. Cenlc, Sod. lUaolmdi That tbo Chairman addft-a* a oo.nmisiosUon to the Mayor of the Oily Charles too, Boeth Carolina, inviting, through him, the cithern of that City to appoint dele* gates to meet thoie appniated by this meeting and other similar meetings held in this State sad Soeth Carolina, at Cberaw, on the first day of April next, toeo-oprmte with them In soch measures as mar be deemed most adei. table, to j&coompiuh an object to important to iha interacts of the two Htatca, a? the eon ?tract ion r>tn Railroad. from Cbera*, Booth Carolina, to the Coalfields on. Danp River, ia North Carolina. Under the first carol nt ion, tha 0>11 owing |erO*tnen war* appointed, to wH: Allan VcCukiH, Jamaa Mclr-ioeb, Nathaniel P. At* ion, Randolph MoDonald, Ja*?L- Yataa. Col. Iohn W. CoHngtoa, John Wataon, Samuel ratty, Raj. Qaorga Nortbam, Maj. W?a. R Btnith, James P. Leak, "Waltar P. IjWd Mm Dortick, Daniel B. Nicho!a*oy Jf. T Bondon, Willia a W. Graham, R. I,. McDoa. ?Mt John dbortridga. Martin R McDonald,. P1I m Ll ? ? ? a ? ? mi? *tirry, w*?. 'S'ftwuaenti, W*. B. Colo, lUddlek Bowdon, Dnrtd A. Boyd, Dr. Ontn tfadley. V % jg i vi I Tho Chnirmati +M *M*<\ to the liM of del pUnt, on motion of Afar, MeC>M kill. On Motion o! N. T. 3rd. TWthn f*(*CR ptsbTwdwU itCiiomw ?d4 fiytU^eJho r*(Q<'4tttto ? . j On Motion of W. P- Leak, the meeting ad. t Jonrntd ina die. I- H. VP. HARRIHGTON, Cha'm a W. <*f. Secretary. . ? ? ?? ? j roii the rxn dee hi rald. 1 Anti License Ticket. , For Intendaut^?E. J. WADDILL. W ardena?J. M. THRKA I>G 1LL, , J. W. STUBH, D. B. McARN, ' S. KEELKR. j Mfjmha. Editors?-Please annanrice tho 1 j above mentioned jrenUonuin as candidates at u tlio ensuing Town Election. I 1 , ,f Fvhttifji srakrn fom Sir John Frank- i . lin hf.flsfd by tub Gnvkrnmi nt? Sir ' t . j Charles Wood had at lant taken a firm j r stand with roferenoo to this question, and i I has definitely announced that, as far na I s . the "British Government ia concerned tho I oyola of voyages In search of Franklin is t 5 cloacd. This is tho true policy and the n true meroy. This determination will re- i [ ceive the hoarty aisaent of ninety-nine men t t out of a hundred who nro capable of for a , luing an opinion upon such u subject at g . ! all. Without making any pompous allu- j \ . ! sions to the sarcificcs which tho country ! . { has nli end j made in ord^r to carry relief to , j her miesing children, wo may surely be I , permitted to ?sy that thero is a reason- I ( able earo for the living na well an a revnr* I n , once fur the dead. ''rsnklia and his gab j d r lant followers have long since Veen where I * human aid cannot avail thcui; dare wo : ? take it upon ourselves recommence so * f fatal an undertaking as that in which they ? , perished? "We will not venture to predict i what may bo the case when acicnoe and [ navigation have made even more gigantic r i strides than they have done in our own tl . time , but for the present let the Polar Sen remain sealed water to ait but the advens <1 i turous whalo# who may bo pleased to tempt n ! fortune on their own account at the odge 1 : of danger. Leave these inhospitable re " i gions to the Esquimaux, to the walrus, to ? . their sunless winter j they are not fit quar- * teni tor civilised man. We accept Sir ? f Charles Wood's declaration of Tuesday as * ' an earnest of a vriso decision : "lfrr Ma- " y-'/y a (lorernmeMt trill not gire avy erieour- h . uyement to the to tend out another * ' Are.tic Expedition,"?London Timet, Feb. n ! 2i) J , A Camp op Runaways ?Several gentlemen residing in tbo neighborhood ot Columbia, having suffered losses recently p from uight thie /oe, concluded there most f" ; exist a band whose object it was to pillage, _ k and determined to uso aii diiligence t> dc- c t tect the party. p On Thorsday night last information was , obtained that a regular camp under Mill- 1 I Kiry government, was located in the thick* p . ct. about two miles from Columbia, on the p margin of Uroed River, and a party of' j: gentlemen sallied Forth early yesterday I c morning to break up the camp, and arrest the negroes. C On approaching, the sentinols were found j I pasted, but by a rapid descent upon the J i camp, throe of the gang were captured, F ' and although four succeeded in making ] [ their escape, it ia to be hoped that they I 1 will he shortly captured.? Carolina Timet I '! _ ?? 1 j bowuth or Maroii?Why Selected: ' ?Do our render* generally know tho rca' sun why the Fourth of Mereh ru chosen as the day for the inauguration of the Pro. sident of the United States? It was a alec - ted because the fourth of Mareh in every * year commencing from the first inaugnra N i tion, cannot coma on a Sunday for at least I three hundred or move years. v * This fact show* the regard which the 8 > framer* of our gov oru moot bad for the w > Sabbath. They arranged the matter so ;N wisely that the day fur the performance of * the ceremonies of inauguration, will not f) 1 fall on a Sunday for three hundred * years. PnitAXDKNar or rtia N. E. Hail Roap. ?It will be socu from the notioe of C Williman, jr., Ksq., Secretsiy of the ? North Eastern Railroad Company, that the ' election for President and six Directors > will take place at the Ilall of the Rank of Charleston, oo Wednesday the first of April next. We understand Col. flugor, the present ^ efficient President, decline* re-election, A I and that Col. Allan Maofarlan, of Chare w, a ia the only candidate, but wa rennet vouch for its truthfulness.?Kingire* Star 8ANDFORDB INVIGOBATOB, ] Aft A I. Y V 1 U 'flerntv* ? ? aw t 1 a I 'TWERE hue 1ougcxi?t?4 aderaanii for such ft remedy that could he re'iad on ft* ??fc and effectual. Tbi* remedy he* been prepftr- I v>\ CO meet that demand ; Mid e * tenetva trial of it* fht? ha* ekpwft bow enirereftfly It Ha* accomplished the putpofto dwrftfnod. Among the complftinte which bate been speedily cor- t ad by ?bo use of tbr lavimefttor we mtatWn i JJmmr (hmplamt, which 1s the eftoee of ?m; other dvww/ira?atooftf which ere. lfllkm'.nae*, Headache, Fftln the Side and 1/MOft lidtooe I f ewer, Feter nud Agoe, Jaundice, lodiw-Mlhio, Languor and load of AppetHa, Tietfaywnei %?d irritability?all ef wbieh *re oftuaed by ft itiswqd action of the Liter. The lariterator I_ L - ..i : -a . * ^ M appetite nnd vigor. One dose will relieve the oppressive uneasiness exjierienced l?y eating a hearty dinner, as it excites the digestive or gnus to vigorous action. For n debilitated state of tire fystem the In vigors tor has no equal which experience proves, as it restores the I) stein and removes the yellowness from the kin, which is the result of a diseased Liver. Prepared and sold by ftandford k Co., 188 Front 8b, New York. Trice $1 00 per bottle, containing forty doses. Also sold by MALLOY &.C0IT, Cheraw. S- C. And by A. N. BRISTOW, BeunettsvilU Oct. 27, 1H6C, 20?ly. 8h?M I leavo off eating meat or drinking cofreel is frequently asked by those troubled with iter complaints and indigestion. 1 will answer them by saying, fat anything that is good ytul nourishing, aud drink your regular drinks, md il the stomach is not sutlkientl) active to ligest the?e it needs sonic Jiinp to quicken its ictiou and make it do its work better. Dr. Band ford's Invigurator nets directly on he stomach and liver?giving them a healthy .ction causing food to digest well, aud if taken imocdiately uftci enting it will prevent tlie ood from rising, or soaring on the stomach, ?id for an overloaded stomach the Invigorator tves instant lief by stimulating the digesire or.'nus to more rapid notion. ANOTHKIl LETTER FROM INDIAMessrs. Perry Davis k Son ;?I am happy t<> ie ul le to add that yonr medicine is gettin;yore and more into note, and consequently the eroiir.u lor It is increasing, The sales ai njy 'K?5gfPf ariou? Sub-Agencies wre very satisfactory, ^ specially in Mnulniain and Dinnaporo; in fact rhercver European Regiments are located the ale* are extensive. A party in Agin who sent #4- a supply for his personal nse and that of lis friends, says the demand for it is grpat,nnore, writes under ate of 20th October :?"TTiis will certify that ny son, 19 years of age, was taken suddenly II in the night, with a severe pain in the stoinich, followed by Cholera. He found no relief intil I gavo him a tea-spoonful of the I'ain liller, diluted with warm water ; but after the xpiration of a few moments he brought it uy. rbcti 1 repented the dose, which partially re leved him I followod it with ft third doso, when io fell nalecp. and on waking next morning lot ras quite lre>h. 1 consider it a most valnnbln ?idicino to he always at hand.'' I reuain ours, Ac., J. L. CARRAU, Ca'c-tta. Sold By Dr. GULKiK, Choraw, 8. C. ??>1 "I HI I IT" -Sfzesummm?mmmmfmmt ~ JPJB38B3 ORRECTRU WKKKLY BY J. M. THRKAOOII.L. U)TTON?Heceired this week 528 Leccived previously - - 15,672 'otal - - 16,155 Yi(-wto making, linnoo, Lard , ' As., Ac, As- ' ... And many c?*ar a*t?olc? tea nnmermas to ,