?fa >v " J-. .L. ! 1'-. J?.' L = ] . "IDEA tS A SHADOW T W- - - - S-- - - - 'isrt-asac.r- - ..-n. r:xx. -a VOL. 1. * " 1 1 1. ' Mr. It. T. i'UlNCK. J il MAU OY 8 k'RIICii A < E D1 T 0 11 A N L? 1'ltO 1' p. I E T O It t>. j Y r F. I< HSi t Vn* P** D*K ncnw toruMfirtiM cTor* TV^dm, ?i $>9 . bvir y*\r, ktucn.T I* *?? Auv i;iitinewi;xts i Of flfuwn llrt 01 I**, ?Mrh U * r^unr*. will !? Inwrtori j kt otn il >!Ur,l r .. oln-1 ln-wr'.l in; o?> ? jnnT??c> i tlr"?l kf*rnty-rtT? cool* ftir ttv- nn-1 tlfly rvntkfcn **?h ,nboctit UiKiUon. K.'uc? *1 ?>r chsu*r t? rnlv cvutn | U i ? P|I?| '. O AdT?rtls*m?uU naenUi'.yor inrt?rtjr, rntdolU* ( t?r nrml in. - thl;, wvm^j-lw i**i?U per unare. Tlir IW1 iriiiff inlaj ttoni will be in ado In flwevruf -Undinj WT?*il*>"oif?*U! I Ore ?quHie fieItitM ivi?nlb"% 44 SO J.i f?ir ?it inontl , 1 -W) 1 j.-> (ircn jroer. 10 ('<'? Twn luiunrw. for month*, * SO ile At ?l\ Jo i II (N) W> foi IS OO Tbrwe huhi*. fur tbtee man Li..* II OO a j.. ft* tlx Jo is 00 O. rte ftr one j?ii-. 9ft OO Your squMit' S'l H it montb>, I I .OO n do f 'rul* if'j II OO a v o jo f* oeo venr. OO I VJvo fur one > ir, m 40 00 ' Prifr ..v,0 J \ i?l?ml""* <'firv>*, ?4 OO per noma. ^ All olvertUeiiirtit? f. r i?<* U?*o Tiiert mourns CASH. oUi'tk *c?r be paid re? ?JTittr. If tiit .< of lowborn l> not tpocifioJ, ur wniTino 1 ltwIWmmila 'Oil be coNTi(nr*? till ..rU>iy.l t at, ?id ' ?:?. vim ?n icoou>i*aur. No .IvorUwnnwU*. uonivw *?al% -vlil be coufJtlerc I 1 ? ?\?i.rc. tnei tii.'W ..I - ? - - - 1 V"?? miscellaneous. n jr^;r:r: vor. - ,-rr^JiT. -- i .r^vr.r^i- -ji .-tsjx^an A ROMANCE IN RE A J LIFE. K I'KlAXOUIJtR TIHIUAK?TRUTH IS KTHAN. : GER X1IAN riCPTION. We have recently become acquainted ifith the fact# of one of the most extiaor- I dinary 'Iraruns in social life of which we a havg knowledge. The material, which j f v. i igradually unfold itself in the follow- v ingnarrative, combined with fho requisite z machinery, and intorwoTcn with ficticious i character# ii5<.*h< finished dagurrroiype "f facit union ie j cently transpired in one of the mo?t at- ; c tractive inland cities of the da k und Lko j dy ground,' situated not n hundred nii!e> r distant from L v5i>innw.v i I ami attracted zealous suitors from abroaJ. t1 8be was a belle of ruoet uorivnled charms, , ?nH r*A?iiutr aa we have sw;d, mutually uuawaro of their mutual success. The you OK nrinlaW was favored by the damsel's father, and was accepted by hits fbr the ftrtuife aoo-in-!aww? Acquainted with the mother's hostility to himself, and eonsektus of he* performance fbr bis rival, aa veil as conceiving the father's consent adequate fbr the accomplishment of his purposes, and trusting to the time and mrcamstauee to -mitigate her prejudice*, the yonng minister fcvobore application to her. His rival, meaatiwe, had been ?o> oeptad by tha mother?who; like himself, was ignorant of the young luiuieter's ance<>s?ful negotiations?fti?d dooming himself jastiflsd to proceed, abd appreciating ft--- fhtLmum9* AkiaetiAAa Li tflft /.m IUC awim 1 uvj?w?.r?. .....w, ... the other band, m hit rival hs?l reftuoed from sobmittfsgbis petition to the author . nogleetinu bis obhjffcMcu to the hither. The artful co*ip??K>f ?9m dsaghter ware ihts hr sitsaded with* tbe happiest "? s?oor w, m4 it is presMMbjk ' Us hi \j : eojoysd ' %(%,,, h f V 'l^-lk >J$s? "?-J- . . L I1 11 . HAT DEPARTETH, SPEECH IS c fl . . > - . - -[ 'i" olicitud the speedy coiiautiwniitiou of the i onlcmplatcd alliance. Their betrothed, lowever; capriciously vexed and tantalised I hem to her heart's content, deluding i Uciii with nltcrntuo hopes and promises, ike 'aside# #o his two sweethearts,' but, inally concurred with their ardent peti. ions, and uppoiniod tho same day, houi nd plnco for the solomnixatiou of the tri- , mguler bridal. Arrangements were sub- j oquontly made which added richer spies r. ilirt ? a? v ? JV vuitwiaiuiiii^; umum. me en11:1 itfl iO'i uis betrothed agreed to eelebroto thoir '.uptinis d. The a?.V?noe of the minister, mean-! imr, fhciliatod operations, and co-sipping ' uuior. stratine to say, faded for once to car thecxicutiou of a brilliant design. ( [low tbc parents remained in ignorance in lie midi't of active preparation hat rot Jordoped, but those familiar with tho invenive wit of sprightly woman will readily : 'nag-r.e the keen diplomucy of our hi rone, w ho successful y managed the double orrigue into tbe crisis of communication, iullk-v it; that at tho denouncement the larcmsworc the most completely cotifoun ' i..i.,r?n ' ' HVJ VI ? I ? The nuptial ere rolled round, t ViieM.* j sannLled in gliucriug concourse exubt -1 ant in joynua anticipations, and splendid I y decorated. The uiost brilliant vivacity nd gayest confusion prevailed. The oficiating iniuiau-r appeared, and thoro rerobright indication* i f the fullest reali- > ation* of nil happy antieip itiont. Mo- ! nonts wcro frittered in pica ant inter- i, thange of couipli acuta. Beautiful women dvacloutfly responded to ltnppydevoir* of tallnnt gen tic me a, i.nd tho buzz nod mulical hum' of pleasant voice* agreeably oufutcd ibe sense* liii the iniuuio iiand 1 if the parlor cinch (feiutcd the hour. Kx- j .cc'atiou now coaimiinded aik-nec. Cuicsity a tip-toe sn^pi-nded merriment, and iuly suppressed murmurs woro board in inorvals of anticipation. The sonorous bell sounded the hour,and i ixpccUtion become intense. Suareelv had he !a=t cell a of the clang; .at? chick dic-d j .way iu silence when every cheek paled, < :vcry pulsation of heart* suspended. A I mnvy round, aa of a Culling human body, I uukcu with a fearful suddenness to the | loor, and nccompanicd by wild shriek* of 1 error, resounded from an adjoining room. i V rush, 9s of hurraing feet, and mingled ' mh?> of fearful exglmsmicc, terrified ovary : iC'iuri, a iooiDKhl bt'iurc no joy onn. There vnsau instinctive rush forward; the flimsy >arri?r iutevcet>ting the progress of the listening through grave wny, and apecaolc was prevented beggaring descrip ion. A. frightened group ol' beautiful wotm r?, i polo at iliu snowy robes of the bride, cowered in dismay over the fallon ibrtu of a I rt rick en man, urosecd as for a nuptial! tight, deathly and p.illid utid lying 'nppa i rautly lifclct* in the centra of the floor |t Several gentlemen wore chafing the tou>pics of the fallen man, while a fair woman agitated but aelf'prjateascd, kneeling by hie itido with his ben I in bur. lap, adoiiifiv | tering powerful rea>orailve?. The bridej arrayed in all hor rranseondaut loveliness,! *tood on one side, tho lu*trc of hor brib ' liaart countenance alternately deepening | tho camatiou and nalimr tt, fliww wl