f A BOrSdPJtBC "* ***** ' '' - 4 *%* ?b<*ffcn>f W?lKI\it?r t *rwm v>?,wiK. jilll^ Ssnaol X. Milk, eUkM?, ?sd by S#a*U +.Am[khi.- u.txi sAl Ik* if Judg. Doagla ' , * aygioh, ik? bkuirrx .u snocaftced that t Hjlltfag would" adjOhm 'offtj** purpose CTthuuiln^ tb*. XVMi^Nit of tbo Unit Stat* ; Fended bj th* B^rio^ Hp Alb an?bo?s rvolHog at orsry ?t*p: t iAsm matting: r-wr fonnad into sections i . nsarohiag order- frooaadad both* prueid* V tlal apAOMoo: whgre th?y arrived about t '. J_ l. -V fck~?U - -- . V_. ^_i ? . _ _ _?. 9 ww?. minimi i?t? wvwee a pw toaemMaga afpcopfo than vara gather ' y about the Eracatira Manatee on thi? t??i orabto oooaaioa. ~>Tbe aefcaaioo, lb? pha tbapt^ianceofpa neanj meu dintiegaUh atfka for ibeir taJoott, their jmk!k? aenric and tbtlrdavotioa to tba democratic cap ' tba exulting about* of tha gatbqr?d a ' gathering thoavnd', and tbefltrainaef uta: " iOte mora innpirirg from the pftltiotioaMqi tioa, ooaebfaed to form a aeane wbieb a ba indelibly imprwved upon tint nae&ory , vbo witAvjaed it - Oonspictume a mo tba crowd op tba aortb portico ofths bo - dlpg wave Qua Caaa aatJJad gc Dough Their harming couotaoancea rboned ht truly tba> ajiapatbibad with their folio eiljseaa oa tbia opeaaiaa of goo oral }oy as - -tfcpftattoo. ' " ' Altar tba bpad bad played eeeeral ai ? , ja |t lead, anthaaiattfo, and prolonged call a T'*eridenlof the Unitad 8uu IWpUy.s -efuUy tba President $ Mmt. La ?Kv icnaa to tba eonplar *ni t , ,1 ' ^ * r-v." ^ ' *? ? ~ mi of.Mt j?tadow? aoerhmltfrtft t : : i ^ jki is ap, Jimfcce * u followed laUi^VcAk of popular eathvMkJMiu, |ad 1 rath add of popakr irifoatio w orbaoaasoelledka tfm or* part of *Ve t Cheer followed eh? 4ttU.?aatl*p? S a???a tk*> *Ve call wee wade ao4?ajUar hot to I kaard. The Uad atruck afMlajl to t! CW*,? With* ua?M ootj added tot] whawi w?iton:nt Ai tki ooaetasi< ? i- *M Lnwe"< j* " I ^ ... ^ ' ? . % . ^ '* "1^ "' ' ""I ,,, * MP Ljuwwawfay^y- . .m-i'f^jjtjuj.ijiu1. OJ hall icturn trtlbwi rejftst. May 1 not add, gcrntlvuin^tV ^ if lite be spared, I ?< 1 a sbnlF go bosfettcth* State1 of my birth n whh.n oblckdoee not, to night, h< ea comta* rid t h it h| rprohutitm of my judgment i 0f sad tay coweWii; ' in to Thfc odndwet of thbee older and hotter pi . soldi or a of whom I hate spoken, and of tbo hi younger- hot se*ertl$lett bettor eoldior, J* now standing by the i st B great, eMtated?aod goodwtan,[Gen. Case,] tc who, fir on marry has had not uiere! If wy hvnftdoapo ahireepeot but my afTeo- bi tinn will osjtsr ooaae to.bo' giwtsly remnm- at ^ 1 bored by ore. They were all in tht) Void, not merely to uhoeuroge and dnget, but *act?- in ally tfe kwd" the ^WunMie. ^ Their ouetpiee si '* were' not to pwt forth because the rfcnndkVd ,? v *u in my bands, bet benods* Us bearer gi ? wesr i* their oatlmation, for the iltae W. m 7 - lag, the impersonation of then sound cw. ? ^ ; stiuftion*' principle# which thoy bellowed could aiootj givw " m M4* It 1* cheeking'to know thai she action ter ; of the lata nrataotjo* planes the statesmen ^ ' patriots Vhd'aret tt? lend us acw, upon n *? B plstfarm idmUcaiy ia soope sod spirit, with I'lM >a j thatw^ioh Ineteptedwitbtheoonvicuonof ^ . my iudginnal'. and with twit sentiment of P* "Lat^ ?r .. i'L | jny immvmj ir? vo OOOupy K p te' with the eflwvcUK! lowered never ?n ioah, as hi nwe etitnaice, nod-ooaee^aeutiy tordlie I n ion. . ill I a? mined to o8%fc -do thrifty ji?twtme?t, *? m m the only SMgrfcy' fcofti (ibwI wA, *? M? ?rtd thoe?fl][ eefuga fto# dMh. ij 11I ru?n ' *ho feet ?ad *?tifr fortiiiiyr, jmd J; they wiij 4??Wl it, if needW-pit jkMo ' eh ? Trior egtfeet ftU MMlta ftow with >^4 orifc * , ,T 1 ThiU ft ftignri triaM* rtrtita yon in ?o<}h it> ;;,. |d 41 If, m 1 fWJy beHerc, omr fctW ? " ^ ? uolxwfy ??* iknmtf* 'fc> " ?>?nj5iag :i( P ffi, i|^rfod*4kwW?|?#t*&*** ;i tb 4.*Bd?4vpt io' Power, *<|Hf rAwii ill. t liW4)l ftnf *?vU?s of ifefc 44 U~+* : R j W wf^cn Ri* r flnVf * "ur1>:-'" 'y^?m '? ? * f?aft^?"?3i^ . ,(. * ,*, t " * * MV. Decker ton, f am tlrod and sick see ; houee-keepiue in this oM barrack of tai bofeee. It's enough to wear one exit qui i keep this old wooddeeout- I've niado a my mind to go to boarding.' ' ^ 4 Mr. Beckerton WVed up flrbm his rU: ipcr with a stare of amazement, but 3 said nothing. His Wife continued : W* 4 < Here's our dining-room way down i the frpnt basement- and not another >nl lace in the heuse for a sitting-room; *>0 id ff you happdh to think of any thing t,n 3(t want, up you have to go two pair of airs^and then down again. I declare ? gracious, my back's almost broken-' tF< "I,think if it had been going to | peak, it would have broken before this,' B? Mwered Sfr Beckerton, dryly. <* "* 4 * That is the wajr with you men, you xre no sympathy. A woman may i(tf" are kcrseiiHo dentil in your service, . T^1 ad :t'? all tho same.to you i before 'the ' fa r??? it |*cen upon he* grata you are I arried again, and that's the v?*y the lts o-ld goes, y ~ ' *5 \ 4 flue "I wqtider that it should bo so easy : Mi ?fat ^*68, if rfey are so. abnaed ai d ?v< lappreeiatsd,' ansWerfd l|r. feeler !rh n, jn the sktuo dry tonp- . ? * j.0) 4*Wt|L I'm ?are Won't want t? qiiar- J ?h< i vmw morning; tmi i no Tranrto sryoy fie * httk-. end that the Bistros* oft hi* ^ " iist will never he able to d?. ? I sup*e I ought no* to efpect ?t. I sop- ws mo'I ought to be content, now that X i remised a lsrgc family.' The oMoet ' ? cupsble of taking care of the youog- < t, if t skoud betaken away sndiso 1 jv iduln't bo missed *ay. . Hut it does 0f *th herd, it does indeed- . There's tJto nc arwells, and the Prices, all of tbem ^ ted to lire ip this same row, and now mt to of tb?m fcara house in sproce-steet, ' pit id tho othor.twb live olegantiy ^in da 'nlnut Htfset. I.am sure wo nre as a- ,,M c as they tojiavajliirgs handy and j * uvdbibn^ * * ! mi " Why don't ybri bs honest J&acheV, th< id speak your mind out pt once? You in tow? in *?e*r dictionary, 'handy' cowpient' mean Mylith ahd/**Wn?iK' f " Now, Mr- tJockerion ! T bafttb't | at< o (e?st wish to bo fashionable. That's Bi way yon ar$ always doing me iajos- no >e. I wenldaft have nothing to do* tb fashionable people ; no, I guess I mo jpldn't; I ildSpise them.; eu lUchoi, did yet ever rcsd jRsop's It bie* f fib m * | A. "No, m-xjpsst i what ^msde jew *r ink of that f V:r /'v ?<*! weve? ^ind? Hi'buy .yon a* py one of t5u-?d days, to re me mb or ?d 9 by dhon Cm dead apd gone, and ^ n't arfssedafcy, nod Tkr? looking ^ it for anoftwrr hjttdnufd, and?.? , do 44 )^r. Becker***, Jroa btght to be a- thi md ?( ? ?*? . Tm<4^ kV? rno^t rsapeot fbr my feeing than ^ talking way Aboth** husband My deo^ f' 1> hsHl lor,' he preferred avoiding datfgfrrt< ihiag into it. ' At supper-tfifli he found the toa-ta i temptingly arrayed with his fivordishes. He wfce delighted at And? his wife in such a good humor or man ! although recoiling ao dis oily in the rooming the fLble of the t and the grapes,' the equally inatruc e fecwi of-the spider and fly' entirely :apet! his rnetuory. 'The preserves were sweet, but Mrs ?fc?rton's honeyed speeches were eetcr. The broiled steak wn? dona t< ro, so Was Mr. jR? ckertan's hear **/cr before jthe evening was over i6 coffee escaped rich and odorom im the steaming urn; so did his t<>nd< rds from tfte depths oT his pent!* ded affecjiotkf. The hot ^s-kes were icious ; so were the fond kifii.es -fven rs. Br^eWdrew out the largo rocking air, and after helping her liege-lo^t an withhisdoublo gown $nd slipper" 3 sat upon one knee, and made liersei agreeable as all mfttriod ladies can U lir husbnnis when they choeee. 1 The next day the house in Arch at a rotated. yiutikiitekkd' by their FALSEHOOD. The Black Republicans are evident becoming nla/med by theipdicatrom the forthcoming reaction, wbicl rer fails to follow npoti the heels o: a representations such as hare been ide in rotation to the Bumner whip ig. The New York Times snuffs un nger afar off*, and in ita Wednesdayi ue attempts to retract some of ita un ithful statements. It a?j* ; uThe testimony takcilH>y the com tcev while establishing oonclnsivch pleading foatures of Che assault*tteY*t the single ii*ct Chafr Kir ooks chastised Mr. Bumner with a How gwteu parOuft wfiSuiSgck Again the Times says : 14But in another particular the testi my eorrpts statement* that hare been rreat -to the &uierefg)t Mr. "Brooks has. been Imparled jM#etaily that hit it blow pr? 9trate<*ttiU *11 mentlorf of m poftant foct stated by ewjry othei toed** and gcite aaaeaiial to the tmtl the cswui, namely : that a desk wai t w??* Brooks.and Sunpftr at the w f* n?m* ??y M M0 M*. B?*ob aft* SutflMY; 0*4 W**' ?fca? fcflttfc ^or. BjfrJpi?, wWrl WM' fkt Eftjr nod mftnim of M rtyrfepMtar?v Tho feaflTtft.of th ? hflm l??5?d '"ttBlf iL OF TttK StKAMST ! A ?. EElCSOy. \ Nit* Yu&s, Juno 1$, The ?te?io?r Criowu hm arrived, wil datoe of tbc. ?#th ?lt. j C>#eo vu'^ill, ?fcd pHe* b*d decline J-l# ? ti!p of tftr** dnja 14,60 bak-vn'rluduif? 2,000 fcrerport n>d spaci Uiion. Middling GrUaoa OH.; nmldKn r apUuci 6 LI6d. Prfo??sa4 Mpnobceti werelowf*, < Wbcct hai .dipped 2< Qorn unchanged. . Flow BhjrbttjrlcwerCanal &2 84*.; Ohio 3S a 37au Couaole unchanged. * /. ' . 1 i Napoleoh warfoohiddcriiijr a feberarf i ' J found A torritoriqd nobilitj in Alport*. ^ j Ita the House of Lords, Lord Kl^In mo , J ? ?-? ,"OW '" 'I 1 > | averting war. * ^ >f from Kansas I & toots, Jane 1 >. The towns of Aatatrotoinie and Palmyn ' j ia Kansas, h?v? b??n melted fcy a party < t OsorpsM under Whitfield. Tit* fn k Slats tofn who had disbanded nndar aqg ; nar'S mokdSos wars again reorgaorilnf 1 RE^tJRN . OV THIS KANSAS COB r * MJTTEE. . ,.wa*?ujmjtoh, jine is. ? fcba Congressional Investigating Cos f. mitito# have rsluroad, and it ia said th* . 'have proof that oat of 500,000 votes m [at the Lesiakttve alaotioaof 1855. onl J - ? V. iw. " ^ ~ "' * 1,100 ?Mt legal VM|N. t - * \ , * tftJRTILER^IUJM KAtfSAS^. ) Chicago, Juna 11 .-^?I*tvr ad vi??* fro ; KavsM^ XifirDi isbteoof of WVil wa II Twenty-wne Southerners bare beoa kilU r' m differed engagement, ??d aawaral ib j, lnia*Uubadbw?njwcmn I ' gjtll . . bATKBFBOM KA?8AA*v. iteJesir*? L A WttM ftomUwr.mMof . *A? ' - C_ jl |l" v^ainanu, WV ? *? nwr r n . ? ****** hj 8a. * ?KT* i * ^ ? * ? , '^F -^f\? v f ; . 4 * * > 1 * * ,? * ?" R ' *:' *',' ' n -v. *?? * <1 ..* .. 'v * * ? ,'# iVft? ifi^Tfif" '1 ed for the desputobee regarding the eeo< * fog'of troop; to Canada. A dw-artic ensued,in wfciek Lord O5*r??don ?. ires ed friettdly teatimente towards tW Uoiu ' Shl??, bat declined to reoall Qrampto 1 A new Ruagtfcn loan was apofon of. r | The Italian question waft blill unsettle Tt was rumored that tho Pope had propo ' b(I | CoDirran nf B/iMt-aSrrn* ail tljro FleoipjUutiaiieiiof Franoe %nd Apetrii ^ Denmark was putting her fleet Hi a * effective plate. 8path was taking energetic meaaon against Mexioo> . ARUTTAL OF TH2 ARABIA. I$rw Yoek. Juno 13. The steam or Arabia baa arrived, wit 9 Liverpool dates of th| Slat, i Cotton ha? recovered from the previov f (Wine, and cloned Arm. Bales of tk i week 40,000 bales. Fair Orleans 7d . middling Aid*; fair upland OH-, middlin i 0 1.16d. 8took 090,000 bales, includin 1 540:00Ob*lea Anaerioaa. I Breadstuff* dull and declining .! Consols otlsw The Bank ha r advanced the rate ef interest to five p< I ecnt. 5 ^ Much anxiety prevailed regarding Am< r rlego affairs, sad tU% nows gf Vila's ? ; caption foltciwing so oloaely. upon Clarei . cloti"< frtoudly despatches had increase t, the excitement. ,! Lord Elgin would be aent ar ricnip< I ttnlinrv tn W ?1." nrrfA0 #l*x? Ka? I?"wa - 'v V/*" . m . v *< ***?, *' >.> ?? :' 4 'rm ^cMforVa rflMw at^ " iflpp** bercd 800, ami iTCTe ^ on'J *? 16 Pro*Slar?ry men; itff^ishinaker and ^ two other* ore retried & Tb# men who m?clo this r v"< to Capi. . Fleming'* twin pan j of *6:ob _ they uay, tf?* A boll lion lata 10 1 for an hour, bat /rata umbered* fled, In this plaec, cm jir'ldthThurtanl, J1***, the youngest cii.klUP-J. C> (tad t?eUl,'tA>.2o to 6.;<0 per' bbl; at r.tail 6-5P L | ij> h | BACON?Scarce, aarfest thinly iupplied, B | worth 121 fro in *agou?, retails at 14 centsi LARD?None coming to market, retails et < 16 2-3 cant*. SALT?flfctafl* at 1.56 p** fle-.-k- r*?ri.el l* well sapplied. ' SUGAR AND COFfrfE-IUtatt* at 12o. Coffeo at 12 to 14a. . CORN?Plenty, worth 52^c. FODDER?Sella at from P5o- to fll-OO. h i POULTRY AND BOO^floafea and }n I demand. ? jf ! The Rieer haa risen ?iee4 left report ion.* *. c 6 feoL but has since receded to tbe. ,-J \ t Richmond Man lfsrti.ring Co , P. Richardson, Wells A Brother, hfefior A 0?it. Wp; ??; sr Race, D*pc?r A Co. Noah flHbeeu, Well*- A " Bro.. Thrvudgtl. A Kendall J-Q,^Uviar'^ii jjT. Moore. . ' A-w -*i " > ? - >. . All VBUTI6ivMKNTS, ' ?.?? ? ?? -. ??< * '* . " J. A. & W. C. Iri':lit,> ATTORNEYS At LAW M - " amk&tb't, P?ctio# *P ChotterfioW sod ihf idJfitaMK'il,, 1 HAlffiAijCT*' ? lCJf.\^tyQ detw?iBdd to rmlwrk tii il? - * * . . Il JLJWU>V?lGtf THAUJfc *>) *?, . order to of Up promnBVxJt, tb?* 5. ?tk Hry Mil i?Jvano?>on first cont, for r*db. I IV. BtnxL lUv.ai.l M.J1 - * tt 1. ! Jte wx*aiiD*tlon of fko?tobkna * 'T* I? O# ?? ? <1. r... ? ,! PROPOSALS #t TjT OB *A? eon?na*jo? of ? Ctdwt m*?c3 * ipfldfTeation* ofIh9 flee anJ co? Stah* v?h ?U material)*. ?*- jii >, X tl*. * >! ? ? ?> ?!.. ? ?.?. i n??aay^.*4 ?R HftUT, ^ r?*ntr stork House on **>? ! JL occupied by John nk IIIRE A DO ILL ft EBITDA IX, - - *f3t. fa > sAHfiraa- coraoN owsi v..*' WlB ww a?n?M? at ft*f* ftlaf*. lot thn ufi et Gins mud# br Tfcoma* O. Attjdor'a of WmIc*- "1 kJ- < bMsnfh Jf. U/ 'Au order* 1*6 rdth nandftW fbrwnrded and promptly nfcntdod - Ml W? . l " feT2sSK J ** w ** w *"* J? THRSADGIIL * KENDALL. * l^*uylAM. ^ v '*?** ,1. tfENA^ T. XORGAI?, so&WAftanra m wmxjmh* %: i?SaOH4*T - ^ rf SODt^ .CAHGLIVA/' *1j?S!??CT?r^rJiY tMd.rn iirff nc^t* !f MVtbaiil* to kin 0ym4?naA?%Mt **> toe J ) ib? !?>sr?! tfiMJWVf* bo has fw^irri in tba > tec SKH?B iE