T * i, AH Is •dfcrtianeata aoit ractnu c» FrUdr. VOL. VII. NO. 19. BARNWELL, C. H., S. 0... THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 1884. S2 a Year. ga. aa ^ PICTURE. {•ee Ur now—Ulfc falroH thing Inuurapi TU» mm mocked man'* picturFng, I pictnroUr a» on« who drew Arid* fife'* oar tain and looked through The mist* of all 1(1#’* myitery A* from a wood to open sea. The *oft, wide ryaa of wonderment That tmsting looked yon through and The iwtti, arched month, a bow pew bent, That *ent k>T»’* arrow «wift and traa. TUt sweet arched me nth! The Orient Hath not mch peat]* in ail her store*; Not all her storied spiee-aet shores Hare fragrance snob as it hath spent, Ypictare her as one who knew How rare is troth to be antroe- As one wh^jumw the awful sign* OfdaattwaTiife, of the divine Sweat pity, of all loves, all hates,.... Bensstfa the iron-footed fates. ~ : 7* I ptotnre her as seeking peace, And olive leaves and vine-set land ; While strife stood by on either hand, And wrong her tears like rosaries I picture her in passing rbyms As of, yet not a part of, these A woman born above her time; A woman waiting in her place, With patient pity on her face. Her face, her earnest, baby face ; Her young face, so uncommon wise— The tender love-light in her eyes— ’fwo stars of Heaven out'of place. ~ Two stars that sang as stsrs^of old Thtlr silent eloquence of song, ' From aides of glory and Of gold. Where Ood in pnrple paaaed along— That patient, baby face of hers That wOn a thousand worshiper s! That silent, pleading face ; among Ten thoesend faces jnst the one I still shall love when all is done, And life lies by, s harp unstrung. That face, like shining sheaves among That face half hid, ’mid sheaves of gold That face that never can grow old ; And yet has never been quite yonng. Josquro Miller. ROMANCE OF LOS ANGELES S “Of all Don Antonio’s graphic narra tive* of the olden times, none is more in teresting than those which describe his adventures daring the days of this con test. On one of the first approaches made bj the Americana to Los Angeles, he went out with his little haphazard company of men and boys to meet them. He had bat one cannon, a small ooe, tied by ropes on a cart axle. He 'had bat one small keg of powder which was good for anything; all the rest was bad; would merely go off ‘poof, pouf,’ fii time quite a respeetable yawn aet, ‘That’s true,” remarked Owe De- Smith, rather impokhrety. “Birr exeirimed Bfrdie, “you are Bareu Stoabeu’s Anecdote. accustomed On some occasions he to dine with Washington, guests were present, and among them Robert Morris, who had oomeup to con sult with Washington about the state of the fineness. During the dinner he •poke very bitterly of the bankrupt con dition of the treasury, and hk utter in ability to replenish it, when Steuben •aid: “Why, are you not financier ? Why do you not create funds?” “I have done all I con,” replied Mor ris, “and it k impossible for me to do “But that you yeumelf just stupid.” 1 only said so without arid Birdie, petulently. “Yes, and up to the time you q»k* I bed only thought so without saying it” Hang crape ou the door of Mbs BMk. Another lover seratefaed off th* Ikt of ooe of the Austin bellae.—Thcue Atyi- hnge. - s ana am “What k this?” It ns cuhcaixlt no nan thing to be a “chef.” Leading men eooka in New York dty receive very satisfactory emo lument. One large hotel pays $8,800 a to the heed of the kitchen, and leading house $8,000, end theee re in addition to board, lodging wine, while one large hotel not oply pays $3,000 yearly to the “ehet,” but •Iso provides hk clothes, made by a first- rat* tailor. Two thousand dollars k the least ram ever accepted by s recognised ‘.‘chef," sad assistant eoefcs, wbo, peer fellows, do moat ef flm work, reei $85 to $125 per mouth without “What!” said the baron; “you remain financier without financea? Then I do not think yon as honest a man mi my cook. He earn* to maoue day at Talley TUrge, and Mid: ’ Baron, I am your eook, and you have nothing to eook but a piece of thin beef, which k hong up by |„a string before the fire Tour wagoner Mum the string and do m well m I You have promised me $10 a month; but, as jn have nothing to eook, I wtoh to be dkeharged and not longer be chargeable to you.’ That k an bnunri fellow, Morris.” Morris did not join vary heartily fa the laugh that followed. _ “Thk, my deer, k a sta “Why does ha throw hk i rir, and then slap Ms hips with M* hmA Mifl *fty, ’Me heart to brokMi’r* “Oh, that k merely the phty.” ’ “Thee hk heart k not bsohan ?" "Not quite.” “Why dose he soy ‘me heart’teslead of ‘my heart’ ?” eMM- tive and “Shall I my ‘see (loves’r ' ^ “If yon oo, my dear, I shall tern* to ftogyou.'* ThkkaH ri$ht, win mA to b* to loTtM* Ecffoodarf IN order that your husband may not to bring in coal, place ths hod the door wham he eannot fad to fall osar tt. the ehsnres are,by all] hods, that he’ll mA toy to scuttle out | r»T' -''ir* ^ - w - < • ’ V\•