Spwlal Requests. 1. In writing to this office on business *1. W»js give your name and Post Office address. • Rnameas leiiegs and coDiinunications to be published shotlld be written on separate sheets, and the object of each clearly in,Ii cated by necessary note when required. 8. Articles for publication should be writ ten in a clear, legible baud, and on only one side of the page. 4. ^111 changes in advertisements must reach us on Friday. yy-' '' ' v* wmmmmmmmS2523b\m * 9fi Travelers’ Guide. Sorith Carolina Railroad. 'n CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 1 •; . Chaklestps, March t, 1S78. On and ^cr Sunday, next, the South Carolina Itai.road wilt be run as folic ws: ron AUOVSTA, (Sunday mornin^'exeep'ed), ■ Leave Cnarlestcn ^Arrive Augusta 9 00 a. m. 5 CO p. m. 7 30 p. m. 0 55 a. m. fOR COLCMBIS, t . ’ . . . (Sunday morning excepted),- Leave Chaileston . . 5 00 a. m. 8 CO p =!. Arrive at Columbia. 10 60 p. m. 7 45 a. m. , roa ( U iRLBavo^, t 'Sunday morning excepted). -Leave Avgusta ., . 8 30 a. m. 7 40 p m. Arrive n M ha'leaf jn 4 20p.m 7 4.) a. m. Leave Columbia . . 6 00 p m. 8 0i> p. m. Ar. Chai leslotr,' - 12 15 night and 0 45 a. m. SuiPtrerville Train, (Sundays excepted) t , • Leave Summerville, ^Arrive at Cliarleston Leave Charleston -Arrive at Summerville 7 40 a m 8 40 a m 3 15pm 4 25 p m Breakfast, Dinner and Supper al Bronchville Cam Jen 75ain ,, 'Connect* at Kingsville daily (.Sundays excep- 'teil) with day passenger train t 80 p it. I^turena Railroad train eonncctsat Newberry Tuesdays.'fliiusdays and iNiuirdayt. , Blue Uiilge Railroad train rctus dat y, c.m- necting ivitl, up ant down trains on Greett- vilbs aud < otumbia Ra-.lio d. 8. > ItOLOHON.V ... ; .> • . SuperinlcHdr ut, ■ «•-. J VOL. I ■1 'Vi t i 1 i* *''n, BARNWELL C. H„ .8. C.. .TJflJMDAY, AUGUSTIB78. . NO. 51. THE FAITHFUL. They meet each other In the glow Of summer as the seasons How Amid the flowers upon the strand. Reside the river, bright and small, That winds about and purls through all Youth's sunny land. And there beneath the cloudless shies They gaze into each other’s eyes, And leaning o'ep the brimming tide Behold in depths of (Jreenay blue Their mirrowod forms to nature true, Thus aide by side. \ And vovf-ahd «tas and give of love And pledge themselves by stars above, And flowers that bloom down lu the t. -dale , - 1 -■—-- And all the world, so purely bright. Before them sm les in joy and light, When they set sail. *.“c* 1 Glide on ] glide on! thus side by side Ofaithful hearts! fo 4 • {SpeoWV)^Hat«* tmk 1teM,l A • «• JmIi fotfc* Cllrls. S D. Uu-xr el;cl;:c-l. Savannah anii niarlc-ltn Kailroat* I'o t;n ingka •• Citart.ev-o:' S. j ’, J;m. /). j H On »|R1 alter Mmnlxy. J*i.ua.ry ‘rain* on llii- I'acl i'i «.;• c Norlliesulu'u Kailroa 1 as iallows : Fast il-yl 7»-T/y. Leave Charleston - * - . 1878, •lie Depot cl 3 m. Arrive at ^avnunali - - - !•' 00 e. m. Leave Savannah \rriv* Charleston - - » 11 00 p. ut J Accommodation Tr 15 p. n. Arrhre Fort Uojal * « 1 50 p. ai. Arrive Savannah - - - -- - 3 50 p. ra. Lowe Savannah - q 00 a. tn. '.cave Aueweta - - 7 30 a. m. T.eave Fort Uojal 10 20 a. aj. Arrive Charleston - - . 5 30 p. m. Sight I'aetcnger, Sundays Exempted. Leave Charlcaton . - - 8 60p. m. Arrive Fort Itoyel - - - 5, 45 a. m. Arrive Savannah - v , - 7 25-s. m. Leave Savannah - ■ - 10 00 p. in. Leave August* “ .* » 0 00 p. m. Arrive Charleston - • - » 8 45 a. in. now returns a wiser though poorer man. Alexander gives a deplorable ac count of the treatment of tho colored emigrants from the time of their, arti- 1 va! at New York on their way out. | There were about three hundred who ; went, out at the same time he did, aQ d l an ofisesKUtent of ten dollars per head was levied u;itm them? to pay for, the veto* 1 the v were told, such as ! had money puj ingfor the'ropecufilous. j I hoy were also forc«Nl to duposlt c,bout ! rl.'oU as n Iran to buy prdviotuos,. al- . rewarded with office and pa l t:anage t which they nr* now enjoying at-the public expense. With that foundation laid, and the falsa certificates in the hands of a partisan, willing asd even anxious to follow the direction of a SnunartiLD, M*ss., Aagast 0^-Tbe ease of Hiram & Al^too. 99Utb Oar- olipa’s former finaaoM ag*ot» £** sumed an entirely tJWfssent phase to day fromuwbaLwas 'topeotsd. Instead of taking a trip t6 Boeton to-day, to have the Supreme Court decide wheth er hie arrest on thd pole authority of a telegraphic dispatch was legal, he la now In the city jail JQ default of 115,- 000 bail, and will remain there till the bonds are secured..; Tbs change In'the programme wan. tin - result of Mr. Klmptoo’s lawyers deoMlngnoAto take their client tq Boeto*, erven It the court should decld’n that hi* atfreAwaa Ille gal, for, they knew, -he would bb ar*H*r» ed on a regular wairraLhi|tad placed’In jail, inetes&of belpg allowed the plpa^ an ter captivity of beiag In chatge.qf a oourteena officer A, hodd. .‘All par ties Anally cpacltiderf to etartaoewto- day. mad tire prfroh**, wl*>ls ooun?. setchmc to-thin city* And the ogee was brought hefote the poUowcaurt. Sheriff Miller surrendered th# habeas corpus writ to the Court, leaving tire case In the same position that it was before the writ; was- Issued. - Kimpton was then 'arraigned gn the oqmplalgt pf Richard - IX- Tunatalk of .the New York firm of Qrlmball & TnnsUll, attorneys for the State of South Carolina,- on ar charge of attempting to bribe members of the South Carolina Jj^cglalaUir*. HJn oounsel were Meeers. Dunbardt-Bly, of Westfield, and 14- P. irewlto^ofi thin" city, District Attorney. Leonard ap pearing for the prosecution, and-hdd- ing _.frequeok consultations Wlth-jMr. Tubstall. Th*"warrant yan^aramHiad by Klmpton and hlolofRjfera, an da plea of not gailty entered. Arguments on the question of^vooneilracy followed, the defence urging that there should be . a speedy hpertog. tnd Ibe proeecu- tion desiring .plenty of time, as the caoe was an important one. Ths court said that g requisition might be served afcatry tlcns,, which would,, of course, take .precedence of any other action, and .continued the case to the X9ttv Mjr. JLeeopard na(d that in case no requh sltloa, arr’yed lm should wqot more iUAXyV» bii“ uirecuuji ui a t- , ~ . ”"7 • i ~ j the mode of counting the 1 timo t'O-ProcqT'o w.tpeRses fn rtjSoutn though i.-/formed bcforeliaud woui I be funiiahed with tix mouths’] ras. On tbc’t'M) they.werc allowed . . » one meat per dny, cotioisfiog of spoiled j bread aifl rottcu fish. Uponthcir ar-1 rival at. the capital—a small, iuCignifi- ] caul hamlet—those who had no j money wore put out U> work on coffee plantations, much harder work, Alex- i andor says, than cultivating cotton. | Hero they were forced to wenr with- , out j$ay, half clothed, half fed, and, as i caucus au to votes, the conspiracy had reached the point when it muai either fall by resolute; redstance or succeed by ar- raugemvut pr by positive force. < That the plot contemplated.Ilia con tingency of a serious ooilLdon-tfud its hazaioo is known by the manner and ] tbe time in which the troops were col lected nt Washington, some of them fron; a dff>tHriCo of moie than 2,000 miles, ali.picked, and. under change of offic-rp cirt'sen tL's special service; with Gen. Sherman on the spot to au- peiiutond the whni& movement. They were put on a war footing, telegraphs were erected conftecting the A-reeval, the Capitol, tlie War Department'and the White iloueo together, so that with sharp agents at each point the lie tzpreewB It, In t. Mndltlon ,.r woree 5 „ mmun(MUon „, s ta.j.ntoneoo., .laYMyttankeeaver j. M»el..! I , veryoffllw WM 8e need ; and pr , parstIoM „ er0 made tor llur . unep&ilc|;ly, and ipuny ure compelled | oatila . 3 that Dou|0 mak8 American blood boil with indignation If fully FaM mail train xlil ftvly stop at Adams linn, Yemassce, Graha nville and Monteiih. Acvoiiimodation train will stop at all sva- lions on Inis s»a*l and makes dose connection for Aupusta and Port Royal anL’nll stations off the Port Royal Railroad. ■ Fast mail makes, cMfffcction for points in Florida and Georgia. - . • ^ C. 8. GADSDEN, Engr- and Supt.. Si C. UovtsfoR, G. F. andT. AgenU a X. -1—L WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. • Gknkral I'-tssKROiyi Dkpabtwxxt^^ CoLVkdic, S. C„ AugustG, 1877. 'ths follo». inf Schedule will be operated on and after this date? Sight Kxprtu Train—Daily. GOINO NORTH. Leave folcwirif Leave Florence .' Arrive at W}ln.itigto» 11 is p. «r, 2 40 a. rt. . 6 32 a, it. GOING EOCTH. fi 00 p. m. 10 02 p. m. 1 25 a. m Leave Vilmngton • • Leave F ore ice - ’ a Arrive at Columbia ' This Train is Fast Express, making through Connections, all rail. North aid South, and water line eontjrction vi* Portsmouth. Stop only at F.asiover, Sumter, Thmnonsvillo, Florence. Marion. Fair Bluff, Whitjvfilennd Flemington. » Through Tickets sold and baggage clfeoi- cd to all principal points. Pullman Bleepers on nifeht traina, Freight Trains-Daily, except Sun ■ day).} to subsist ou mushrooms and bugs to escape starvation. Alexander, how ever, saving his money, was able to fare better. A'ter remaining six months he asked permission of the President to return to America, which was refused. He then tried to hire a boat from the Caotaia of the Azot to transport.bia family to tha ship, but the Captain would not let him have it at any pfice, saying he could not leave. A committee of natives’; as they are called, hearing of his efforts to escape waited on him and threatened him with death if bs did not desist. . Fi nally, through the efforts of Gaorgo Morrow, a very black negro, and who ooked Ifkea native, a boat was pro cured and Alexander’s party" transfer red secretly to the ship, much to tbo surprise of the Captain. He,'however, seeing that Alexander had outwitted him. and knowing that the authorities were ignorant of Alexander’s escape concluded to bring them to the United Jtates, charging thirty dollars per head, whloh Alexander paid. On the Tetarn;trip they fared very well, but when In eight of land the Captain de manded $155 more which Alexander waa forced to pay. Alexander de nounces the Llbet iun sen sms os a swindle from beginning to end, and I could fill columns with detallslio nar rates of the horrible sufieriugs theiml- grants are compelled to undergo, did space permit. He has always, at this place, been regarded, as a reliable ne gro, far abpvo tha average. Through going north. Leave Columbia . . . * Leave Flfrence. . • • Arrive at WilmingtoH. , > GOING SOOTH. 5 00 p. m. 4 80 k- m. 12 00u. 2 30 p. m 2 86 a. m 10 10 •• n» known. .. , , • • , A It hasibeen said that the fores gath ered at Washington was too small to excite the fears which were entertained at the time. It was not too small for the Immediate object. It was large enough to have inaugurated civil strife, and to have held the Capitol in tbs ab sence of any organl4ed opposition. Grant coqld have qrercbed into the House of Representatives, as Crom well and Napoleon did undef other dr-, cumstances. aml tljathe wfp prepared for eons decisive otep In case the House pursued a certain course is no longer doObt/ul. , : _ . , Rut It mustuoVbo supposed these consplratorq went as far as they did without befng provided witi»; other re sources. ' Beyond the regular troops under Gen. Bbermsn, which held all the r|>prqachea to Congress, &pd bad. artillery trained on the House of Rep resentatives, they had outside support ready at a signal to be transported to Washington to back up the poospira- oy. It will be established at tbs proper time that 70,000 enrolled tpen of tbe Grand Army of tbe Republic ;were In rererye, officered for this service and tendered for duty, if the statement of a leading Republican who was con spicuous In all parts of tbe fraud Is to be credited. Other astounding facts not less important mu^t soon dome to light. tiftvf. Wilmington. . * Leave Florence . ’ - A/m* si Columbia ,, Local freight Traia leaves Columbia Tue»- Aay. fhtiraday red Ssturtay only, *t 6 a ». Arriveaat Floreuc* ar. 8 80 p. m- ' A jFOPK, G. F. At. A. •' - ■ —— - ^ .1 —.L j Caroline^ If sccevsxy > ; to ehow'-lritil the prisoner oliqujd'be held.. Tben tbe question of v b«41 aaare.u^thS defence arguing is Savor, ot light boads»*s Ure i.ffence.charged'Wre simply otmaidered a misdemeasor In aoutii.tCarollea, And the penaHy>-would culjtbe it'Wla•(ydard , imprisonment, 'pb*. district.attorney thought, however, baUshauld d)e fixed at a reasonable amount, without regard to South Carolina, *pd It was Axed at $15,000. People are stll! much excited.Oiver the case. DemocrSti tblnln tirer*^ carpet-bagger” should proscauted to tbe full extent of tbe law, but pub lic opinion Is divided to tbe legality or illegality of the arrest and the byin- 0 us ness of Klmpton’a South Coro line transactions.^ Tbe prisoner stopped at tbe Central House la Westfield last aight, two officers keeping' A close watch ewe/'him. ,E*-Gov. Chamber- lain arrived there from ibis city about midnight, and had an interview < .with bis former associate, >4n which he said tb have expressed considerable doubt as>to KlmpW’s ehancae for es cape,from theiclatehes of South Caro lina !aw. t & B. Tunstall also'Came In late, and laid plans with the'SLake dev teatUe to prevent Kimptoo's < eacapp. A dispatch fromColumbla, S. C., says a St^te conatablo left there last night with requisition pn Governor Rloe for Kiropton,,.. ^ ,.|. it' > 1 Up to a (ate hour this e.vening^lmp- ton has ^aen ujnable to, (Obtain bonds men, and i/is probable h* will hare fo remain in jail llU tiia tria) taks* iplaoe or be la taken to South .Carolina., He baa few relatives in this,' part .of,the country, and nobs who.aw^atys-or Wil ling to risk* fl,5000 for 'hloi. Ex-jQov. Chamberlain and Sheriff ,RuSb, of Westfield, visited Boston tord^y to consult Qcv. Blqe In bis behaiC, but found that £he Massachusetts {xsou- live waq nt Saratoga. CUxmberlaln then returned and went to -flew York on aq evqafpg train. \ ' J. F. Tieutlsn. a South Carolina offi cer, arrived op did 11 o’clock trstn , to night with a requisition, whloh h*. Uff tends lip present as soon as podslbls to, Gov, Rlce^ The Utter has telegraphed that be will be in reach within a" isw days* and It is probaMs that Klmpton will soon hawwwrgo Bonth. ^ * V HDstr girls are yos In; search ot a hwMNMddf* ... . I- jthat lim'bttopsr.and you hreTegt. requested to sajr 'firsa” out k>nd,but are e$pept«fctsw throw yuweyesdown onto |he earth aelfco jo* wws lookln fur a piC(-*od teply <5p the Interroga- tdtyarlth akindiofa d/auHnnigh.... 1 Now-tew -press as tender a them# oh- t|l I the hums*.'them In the fieeh, we preerme (to |vqld argument) that yoir ■are pn the lookouh. for sorasthlog iu ths male line.. Ired me give yon some email chunks of advise, bow to spot you/ future hnsbandff - X, The man who is, j«Ilus ov every Utile ausnshun. which you git from some other feller, yotr •will find altar you are mani.ed tQ him he loves, him self more thah ha does you and what ftyp mistook for eolicltade, you will discover has changed to Indifference. x SL A mustashit Dot Indispensable; tJt only % litiU- more hair, and Ir fnuch like mas -and other excreseeooee —often does best oh', silo tired wyn!u raise ipothln’ elad . Don’t fbtget that those thlngw- Whichf you. admire In a feller before marriage yoa wUl proba- >ly condemn In a husband aftetyfcod ar mastMh fill glt to i>e a weak, disc af ter al Wng-Mili:,^ vvvi '-W , 3. If husbands oquld be took on trial WS^risfeooohB are, two-thirds of them wouldppobojriy be returtted ; but there dhp-’ti seem, |R> 1)0' enny law for this. Tbarelora,girls, yog will Sfe that after jjpu get a Ijmo you havs > got to keep him, erhn it yahrifos*. on bkn. Conse quent] y if you have enny kold Wtltlee in ths house, try him on them once In W whtkMtoriog oosting season,-and |f he ■ wallers them well-and eays he wiU take sum more, he Is a man who. when blu Mundayt'semes,-will;wlasb well A 4 Don’t marry a felltr who Is alwaye tsHlnf howdhajnother ,duz things It iz hard to wsew a yoosg one. k» &. If a mao kao-beat you playla on WpihmwwvAad kabtihea* a fish horn playin on ths street without uimtn a' aummeroet, on account of the mualok that lx in him,.! say W you 1/ave him; hexalght'Criewsr to tend baby’s^ and ef you see him to holn out in. the gariAen, you will find -‘youi bave got to do It jpeureeltk d man. whose wholes baft licein muslek (and net te- heft that) ain’t ire better tired* «eeliete»n. whfle you sing sum geatiO*bftllad,. yo u: will find him tfieilei, and not.aoft But don’t inarry eaoyhody for one vlrtew enny quicker than you Would flvp a man for jlst one {aulk ..... fi '• :• m 1. 6. It Is one ov the most tallest things (ar afemoU toibe am ole maUsucoess- feully. A grate meony has tried It aud made a bad job ov It, and bad a bad time. JCveryboddy seems to look upon olamafds>]lstae they do .upon dried herbs in tb*.i garret—handy for bloh* ness—and therefore, girls. It alnt no mistake, audtyou abeeld ,be willing-tc swop livee oph with sum- tn> harted feller, for ahusbandl The swop te a good one; but don’t swop ifor enny- one who is respectable Jhb because hie father iyi'* Better batla die maid 4,000 years, arid then jlne the Shakers than tew buy repentanoetattbts. prio* ’-'No wummun ewer made this trade who didn’t git either a pbsol. a mean cuae or a down fora hssband. jUL his readiness to dd ao. He wDl be al lowed to eefaflt such assistance as he may db*ir% and tbe probability la that, other prominent lawyers Will be asked 1 to takwpart la tbs cases. It is knoVn here ibal theftfiate authorities of South Carolina wfil contest to their uttndst ability the 'position taken by the Fed eral GevermnenVwad maintain that the States Alode have hudodicti’on of such oosee as the present onso. Eml- oent sounsel will ibe smpicked tq att ihs attorney-geoatol of the State, and ths owss ard regarded byrieadtng law- ysra sa of 1 -ths j most 'important that havo arisen for yearo. It Is expected thaf the oases will be carried apAodhe Supreme Court of thw United Statee for final decisidri. bo matter how they may be dedded In tbe droult court. Bates sf; OaehMh.see Inertfm. . 4i ■ads oat Ur first i ire# *4 the Vrinr, not n< but m a guaranty of good I Address, THE Darawsll (J. V., 8. C.. neoMsorily Aw ' of good With. cola Is tested. er of touch has been petfeot*$ only by the practice of many ypars^ Si The Chlemror Times says that GhraaA has eaten his way through his freer lunch route in Scandinavia, and Is now on tbe move fbv Bassia, where he sale peote great delight from a wrestle with tbe native brandy, which is sold todts- esuat Kentucky applejack or Oarotin* "pine-top” in tire vigor of Its efbet* on the gullet. The Governor has commuted tha sentence of the five Georgetown mar ils rert, Who were to be hang on the 88d Instant, *9 jhefollowlng terms of Imprisonment ! Betjemln Rodgers tea yearn and W. R Lambeth five yean In the penitentiary; John M. Lambeth, Fbillp Lambeth and Canaan Want each five months In tbe county from the 5th of July alt , > The Anniversary of the Red Sbirti is ^ to bs-celebrated at Pendleton on the, 23d Inst., and promises to be a grand eaeofiee. Speeches are exf from Governor Hampton, General Go wan, Colonel Keith and E. R ray, Eeq. General Humphreys has 1 dered the Hth Cavalry Brigade to bs present, and a number of other mllfttt tary on^nlxetions wfll be laattsade ance. t r fhn i>. -i:- jU'> 1' Ths rain storm, 1 which visited Lsn# caster county on the 28th ultimo, wan very destructive ip ths eastern Mo tion. The destcootibn to mill property on the several streams la that section waA'hnmenae. iSeTen mills belonging to Ransom Gardner, Captain James | Gardner, Thotnatf Btal, John Hinson, ud and To Wash Quusi Wool,—Dissolve A large ksbleApSonfvif of borax in a pint ot boiling wafer. . Mix one quarter it In t^s water^in which * tire .wool is to tte wabhed. Put IB one piece of goods ata time, using eoap, If aeedid, and If aeoeessry add more of' the * borax wa ter. WAe hi well And rinse fh oetfi'wa ter,^ or in water oplf 1 slight ly warmed. . Shake well, and hang where tbe foods will dry quickly 'For twenty-six years I have used, for Washing my, white flannels, water aboqL As P«™^ ^U *Me«dto»«to» ollowlog'ooteo’lo poocUt. | motur, o^, M doylo plMbyW “Went down In front of boose; saw * P °** l *^*f tetisasg ag old woman with dub ; saw ** ^ wrung fwm ths too ow for us; saw red-headed gitl' ready"I people, to ring cow-bell and gtve alarm saw d The Great J^naAxaialnes that havs man Inside breathing hard aod Aoblol played so »trileiog a part in reoedtChl- to.klU a hoy 4 Boil family looked ms In ifornian history the 1 eye; ptweeure. too- heavy,MandT ted and about to vKhthli’ from recked off; nlos appuls them, but un- soene, der tire droumficaneee. 1 guess we'd slth which their leading owners try bettir ksep on chewin’ ole lemons.” <>.: keep up the bsMefHhat tther*. Is •V Ji TritMcniemrjt 8. Q.,i Augaat 14.-'A. E. Woodham ahot and killed bis unde, Embsrry Woodham, shoot fifteen miles f/onfi this place yeste/dait The dlffl- oultygrew out of a family > di^Tersnce, Which. Implloapea * targe j number of th^pame^ and much fear is. egpre- that has Just enormous expenss/sftn yesrt of labor, looks ttkd'te-'*!" . Shares in Ihe QalifoTaWmiAe tbtf one time were worth• la the: beArly a thoushdd dolidre each, fltat M--;: 1 market! our burdene,” sighed the first, and they loafed : oo*—Free Frees. r—h .. y.Brvet is predicted ln aJta .weeks* It is. .Mid 1 that Moody and Softkey will not Jsbor together next if in ter. Ssvcinteen sculptors and; eighteen I fallen to ntae doltais aod aa painters are now residing in Rome., ^ and Oonsolidated Virginia, that Wheh ^you walk' pray ones; wbSnlhtefrlyas waltaab)^ 1 he you get- to < sesi twice; when yon go I and a jiquartar. .. Ma^gi; have grqwn to he married, three times—says a J through these mtaee, but thOos- Russlan proverb,,. *, K ^ ^ , andiltaM hssa Iregbured by The Democratic State ticket In Ala-1 T ^® ir h ? ur *® * a ^ ao ^' banm recstved About 80,080 vote* In. t0 the late eleotloti. There, was no oppo-1 > F. R Sanbofri/has been sitloqi • The, ’ Jtagiatatoie - Is almost facta regardlngcriine and unanimously Domoorati^, n .| tbe United State* The number of i A peaceful and undtoturbAd RepObt I vtdtaik now twioerea great as In lioon ooa ventlon in Bonth Carolina has *kA *Wative figures Mag- 81,000 resolved, it will bs obssrvsdl- that it to * W.WBh'** The greatest. Impossible to ofgaalze- # Bepubiiead j Oaot^U* TeanoMqe end several campaign "without great psraohal tarfl States, ThS^Qumber of pi danger.” s • u-. WH i* b 1 ** 0 ® •• v°tifVtet**)wf Havana leaden tiy a Uredihg breed J ta *»**:'<"* er of yellow fever. ThSte who over] ^ the hundred deaths firom that -causeJ n*»ber a^j4a thto there tost’ itobath^ Ths>trlp •of-" ths eooirge to New Orleans was ’it j and dhasteroua one.to. thaAeitv. ^ I ^ an ** ^ *Bw „} " ji ■ ' ).• —r-- ••.WAmnwTom,4Ug. • 1A—Tbe gAvwn- rheat has nearly, pomylebed the Deces* eazjartaotsmshfsior the trial of ths revanuA esses jfttSoati) Carolina, at* deep in the mire, as be. Kimpta¥,,Otey beplaosdte.th$, ejF wfitliont on the Republican ticket he wlU run » an Independent tractive resorts eotoparsd with South ern pr leone, jury or pain ti^l^ai dallqBte orgaft. and shortly thfy wffl begin ttv-hwall. and form a gictigotte aul^tfsce tfta$. opvers tbe half ,9t the eje^MTeloplng •V forelgn.eflWahOptl^ $p^y (i be % lt^ The UritiMoto.dr owttipg: mea^rane to', thus preveoted, aad tha annoyance may sooa bs washed out A doaen of Umm grataa Wowed away In the Vest pocket awky pitTre, la's* to emergeney, LAariy iaBsptsmhteiBt Jostiga Claris end Judjps Boad wtffbceupy tk* beooh .tagstiiAr.' lhA ldl hl> B** 6 ^***" ; h ^ ,m P% Federal authorities bete Are lapresasd with tha knportanftsot tltaMhSsre abd tbs tosusi ^yeiUjld wfll havp un* sqaliy, strong jqoftnsel to conduct: the ; caeM* aUkto matotala the right sf the taUfteFa thdintec- aaywhere in the i the eontraeter pays nothing,! “« ^Wfa.on. totua.dtjr,. «o«th. |l» M ■■■■ H bat God hao made her for, replied are hendad tbat the reeuto wiU-be fatal to -Toweara red- fedder to my hat” ' oth*P pf the family- Wood ham and Many older persons of her sex' has, to hie accessories have fled. Warraptstfor ^ appsaraaoeswpretty much the same their arrest bavw*bsfiO ' issued, based ooaoepttou. of Heavsnto designs. •on the Terdtet orthe odrener’s jury. - order to a ddale/ ef 'Why ‘ ‘ Mrtmd am ttltodrfAn act write “Esqff after your asBos when^ hexepllss that yonrbrder will b» |$to*d«i U*.; The* butotosss area tbfhfcs that ha down into, hiimao naturA, and pqatibly, he doe* >h i ; a. ! ; When thi tarrible Gen. Banka, hOe- m manta into a blood rstihAet;ha cries: Ha l.tebsl f traitor M Mvathss mm r The* he smites tha mtosrabls vea bta. sad over ita blysdtng oorpas ha a PMsage Iran hto to ... ill! • .4* «• . . jpittfaMV' if fe# fnlrltasl traotor* ,|Cr, iowat. bor of oonviou in tire thlrtyresven Btatea no central prieq^t of. the nernhins avsrage of! i«»«i