v. 1. tn writing to this office on business *1- yr%j! give yonr nnmc and I’ost Office address. • ii. Itusinesg letters aad communications to be pVtbiished should be written on separate aheets, and tho olycpt ef each el curly iu.ii* cAted by necessary note wben required. 8. Articles for publication should be writ-. tei! iu a clear, legible hand, and ou only owe side of-the page. 4. All changes in advertisements must reach us ou Friday. _ * tvelers’ Guide- South Carolina Kail road. CHANGE OF SCHEDCLE. Cn**L€STon, March 1, 1878. On and after Sunday, Ueat, the goulh Carolina Railroad will be run as foil', ws: you At ot sfA, (Sunday morning eicepted), Leave Charleaton . . 0 Wa. m. 7 ’.50 p. vn. Arrive Aitgosta . , 6 CO p. m. tt 6o a. tu. rou coixtinu, (Sunday morning excepted), f^ave Cliarleston . . /> OO a. m. 8 SO p tn, 45 a. tu. X Arrive at Columbia. 10 60 p. ui roa ch^klwton, (Sunday naming cxc^ded). Leave Augusta . . 8 SO a. m. 7 40 p m. Arrive nt (Imrlcst'ii 4 20 p. tit 7 45 a.m. Leave Columbia . . ft 00 p. tn. 8 00 p. m. Ar. Clisrleotoi^ 12 15 nightamlC W a. m. Summerville Train, •(Sundays excepted) Leave Sum tiler ville Arrive at Cliarleston Leave Charleston Arrive at Summerville 7 40 * m S 40 a m 8 15 p m 4 25 p m BARNWELL C. H.. S. C.. THURSDAY. JULY Oneintb, One Insertion. “ each sultsetpienT insertion.C Qtrarteriy, semt-antrttal or yfarly { made on liberal tarns, Contract vdvBrtisiog ig ^ t or first insertion tinloas otbwv No cornmu'ijoaiiab will be pdbUshed a loss accompanied by the nnute a*d addfeas < the writer, not neceasarily far Jhiblii bul um a guaranty of good faitli. Addrew, TUB P, Banaa ell C. H., B. €• THE / 0 It TV-ACRE FARM. I’m thinktn’, wife, of neighbor Jones, that. man with stalwart atm— Ho lives In peace and'plenty on a forty - aero farm; While men s re all around us, with hoarts, and hands a-sore. Who own twd hundrod acres, and still are • wanting more. His ts a pretty little farm^a pretty little house; ' Y b« has a loving wife within, as quiet as a mouse; %is children play around the door—their father’s life to charm, Looking as neat and tidy as the tidy liltlo farm. No weeds are in the corn-fields, no thistles in the oats, The horses show good keeping by their fine and glossy coats; In our people a renewed enthusiasm, wbieh will not only guarantee «8 the State—that is already a fixed fact— but wifi elfectually prevent dissension in our ranks.' 1 And while the Poet turned aalde a mthute to beg some low-taxed tobacco from a highly educated doorkeeping Judge of the “weed,’' the General slip ped away Inside the hall, and In a few moments was yelling, with a dofien others, "Mr. Speaker i” The oows within the meadow, resting ’neath the beechon shade. Loam all their gentle manners of a gentle tnilking-maid. Lreakfaat, DWnn r and .Supper at Bronckville Camden 7Y&in •Connects*t Kiagsyilledaily (Sundaysexcept ted / with day pa.isei.ger train to and from JCfcarleiton. I’nisengen from Camden to Co lumbia cau go through without detention on Monday*, Wednesdays aad Fridays, arid From Columbia to Camden on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Siturday* by eon nee t ion with day passenger Irina. psy and uight train* connect at Augusta 'withGeorgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Tliia ionic is • be quickest and most direct Wo Atlanta, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Klhicago, ,St Louts and other points iu the Northwest. Night train* for Augusta connect closely wvith the fast mail train via Macon and Au- . tgu-ta I’.ailroad fir Macon, CnlumblU, Mont yomery: Mobiie, New-ttrVeans and points in the Southwest. (-Thirty-atx^ 1 hours to Sew Orleans, i Day tisins for Colombia connect closely with Charlotte Railroad for all points North, making quick tiuie and no delays. (Forty hours to New York.) The trains en the Greenville and Columbia :and Spartanburg and Union Railroads con- •nect closely with the train which leaves Charleston at 5u0a m, and returningihey connect in aswie manner with the train wbieu leaves Coluoilaa for Charleston at 5 ?.(> p*m Laurrns fiailroad trnia connects at Newberry >on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*. Blue Kiuge Railroad train runs dai y. con* Herring * ith up an l ddwn trains otr Urcen- stjUcaNd Cuhimbia Untiluad. , S. S SOLOMONS, v Superintendent.. A. B. Pickkxs, tlcnerai Ticket Agent. ' Within tho Held—On Saturday—he loaves no cradled grain To bo gathered on the morrow for fear of coming rain; Ho keeps the Sabbath holy—his children learn his ways, , Ami plenty fills his barn and bin after the harvest days. He never has a lawsuit to take him to the town. For the'very simple reason, there are no fences down! The bar-room in the village does not have for him a charm, I can always find my neighbor on his forty- acre farm. The Inquiring f-llcven. s* _____ •*' WashiRoton, J'une 22.—The Potter committee met at iO:20 a. m. Gen. Butler stated that he would absent himself in case Matthews desired to tesitfy, he having seen published that the reason of Matthew’s hob-appear ance was the fear of being insulted by him, Butler. '■ . Mr. Jenks resumed the stand, dnd testified that he hvi not heard of the alleged Sherman letter until It was His acres arc so very few, ho plows them very deep;— r— ’Tis his own hands that turn the sod—’tls his own hands that reap; * He has a place for every thing, and things are in their place; The sunshine Mnlles upon his fields, con tentment in his face. \ Savanaab awl fharlcstun Railniac! Co. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ClURr.T.STOK, S. C., dan. '), 1878 ^Ou nnd after Munday. J immry 7, 1 S7«. *1 Ytraiu!! utt this ll‘»ad v ill leavV Northeastern Knilroa 1 as follows : Depot AIjiI Daih/. Leave Charleston - - - Arrive at Savannah - Leave Savannah Arrive Charleston - - 11 15 a. m. 00 a. m. 00 p. m. 00 p. m. Actvmm#(ldti(in Train, Surdai/t Excepted. 4 Leave Charleston Arrive at Augusta Arrive Fort Koval Arrive Savannah - Leave Savannah Leave August* Leave Fort Royal Arrive Charleston 8 00 a. m. 5 15p.m. 1 50 p. m. S'50 p. m. St 00 ft. m. - 7 80 a. m 10 20 a. m. 6 30p. m. May we not learn a lesson, wife, from pru dent neighbor Jones, And not—for what wo haven’t got—give vent to sighs and moans? The rich ain’t alwaj^ happy, nor free from life's alarm, But blest are they who live content, though small may be their farms KI.1»C liK.IUAN It( l.I.-IkOZFIlM How <«o-rernor LliniinerM I*ro- poscM to Ciiiertalu riak Cowls North Carolina I'ach Year. ast Sunday, in the presence Vance, and many members of the I>g- slatufcejthat according to the calcula tions of Major Robert Bingham, the Christian religion, in all its elaimA; cost eabh man, woman and child in the State just twenty-five cents j the cause of education costs each man. Woman and child one dollar, but tbut intoxi cating liquors cost every naan, womAn and child tn North Carolina eight dol- art a year. That Is, our people pay four times as much to the cause of education as they do for religion, ahd thirty-two times as much for whiskey and brandy as they do for the gospel. What people spend their money fot they certainly appreciate—It thus ap pears that they think thirty-two times as much of that which is the great curse of the land as they do of the gospel, the great blessing of the land. And yet tnan is a rational being.— Biblical Recorder. house Is closed ; and every place of! Bwails to employ, iu irritating and ex merchandise is Still; human fife has co ^ orft d retreated from its contests. Men should be devoted to preparations for keeping himself out of thepeniteuliary emerge from the doorway of homo only to visit the house of God, and then re r turn to commune with the invisible at the domestic altar, and tg rest. Here and now the heart gathers all its treas ures together, and estimates them by a standard of values that finds its defi nition in such words as God and holi ness, eternity nnd heaven. Thus home, and the Sabbath belong to each other. There can be no home, in the highest meaning of the word, without the Sab bath ; aud without the family and the home there could scarcely be a Sab- Sinking Fund. ftUccilaaeoa* tieauu Dr. Prichard stated in his sermon of Port Itoyul Kailroud. Nxw Yobk, June 25.—An adjourned meeting of the first mortgage bond holders of the Port Royal Railroad was held here yehterday. After a prolonged session the bondholders or ganized a new company, called the Port Royal and Augusta Railway Com pany. Under the Laws of South Car olina and Georgia the company was duly Incorporated, the Ubion Trust Company giving a deed for the proper ty which was bought tinder fofeclos- eure in its name. The disbursements to the amount of §l5,000 made by the Union TrustOompany when the prop erty was bid In, bad been originally advanced by the bondholders, so that there was no additional expenses to the new Corporation.—News and Cou rier. Will it .Never Fad. bath at all upon the earth. The Wails of Kwaile. Time for Xluddiug Fruit Trees. "If we begin too early, the sap will flow and coagulate about the inserted bud and drown or smother it.” This Is not unfrequently the case with the cherry "And Jhe peach, and especially with the former; and if done too early, the after growth will often push out and destroy the bud. If too late, the bark cannot be raised by the knife without too great distur bance of ti c cambium or mucilage se creted between the Inner bark and tfie wood; avi the. Inner bark is In jured so that the union of the bud with the stock does not occur. - Although the best point of time may pass unobserved, or may be neg lected, yet a few days before or after will not materially affect success. Sometimes, Indeed, If the coditlons seemed favorable, and one attempt at Information has reached the Colum bia Register that S. A. Swaiis, ex-Sen- ator from 'Williamsburg county, who resigned last winter, is hard at work organizing the Republicans for the fail campaign, proclaiming himself a po litical martyr, asserting his Innocence and shouting "If I am guilty, let them convict me.” Swaiis was one of the last of the thieves Jo leave the Senate, and was Impudent and vainglorious to the last. Tho privilege of retiring Into private fife was accorded to him, but; as he is not satisfied and wants "four yeare mors stealing," the courts must be invited to give him their attention. There is no more doubt of the guilt of Swafis than there is of his wheezy audacity. The Joint CommitteQ on Frauds have the testimony In readi ness. Here is a specimen. Josephus Woodruff, on July 14, 1877, made affi davit as follows; “At the time of the passage of the Validating Act in 1872, Mr. Leslie In formed me that Kimpton had made a certificate of deposit in the Central National Bunk of Columbia in tnyname for $30,000, which was to be drawn as soon as the Act was approved, and asked me to dfaw It and bring It to the Railroad Committee room, and give It to him. He said it was to be divided between six Senators, namely, Leslie, Owens, Nash, Wbittemore, H. F. Hayne and Swafis. Kimpton told mo the same relative to the deposit, He was staying at the Columbia Hotel. I drew the money and handed It to Leslie In the Railroad Committee row wraarerffflteT^ were other Senator present to repeat the operation. If growth continues from ten to fifteen days af ter budding, the buds wifi be well estab lished and success secured. The ban dages should be loosened In ten or flf% teen days after the buds are set, and at the approach of winter they should be entirely removed, because ice Is apt to form about tho incision and injure the bud. In some experiments last year we Inserted a lot of buds on the eighth day of September; the buds not being sufficiently matured, the abundance and activity of tbe sap pushed them out. It Is always best, At the last meeting of the Lime Kiln Club the Rev. Penstock rose to a ques tion of privilege. He said : "Way off ou de las’ end of de Brush fahm an old man am dj in’. His old woman am run’d away, his chil’en am scattered, au’ he lies dar ill alone, wid no kind baud to pass him a fried cake or wet his parehlu’ brow wM camfur. He am pot one of us, aud we can’t give Jo him from our relief fund, but I axes de consent of Brndtier Gardner dat we may take up a colleckshun.” "Y6u kin—you kin !” was theprotopt reply of the President. "I puts dis dime In de hat,an’ I truly hopes dat de gemies wifi depreciate de Situashum,” said Penstock, as he start ed on his way. Passing from man to man, tbe good preacher at length re turned to his seat. Aa he looked to ward the President, there was a queer cloud op bis brow. ) "Well, what success?” queries the President. "Fo’ de Lawd, but Ize eben los de ten cents I started wld fc’ gasped Pen stock. The silence was so deep that ltdould have been cut up into coal shafts. Not a hair moved. "Dar ’pears to be a great moral lea- Bostok, June 25.—Henry A. Parr, who arrived in this city from St. John, N. B., yesterday, has been arrested by United Stdtes officers on a warrant for murder committed onboard tho steam er Ohesapeak, while on her passage from New York to Portland, December 5th, 1863. Parr was one of tho seven teen passengers who took possession of the vessel in the name of the Con federate States of America, shooting the second engineer and throwing his body overboard. It is expected that Parr will be brought before Judge— to-morrow ou a writ of habeas corpus and have the anlouot of his ball fixed. —News and Courier. son aroun’ heah somewLar,” said Brother Gardner.—Detroit Free Press. Wiut Maxes tuk Man.—Many peo ple seem to. lorget that character grows; that. It is not sometblg to put ob; ready made with womanhood or manhoodj but, day by day, here a little- and there a little, grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength, until, good or bad, It be comes almost a coat of mail. Look at a than of business—prompt, reliable, conscientious, yet clear-headed and energetic. When do you suppose he developed all these admirable qual ities? Wben he was a boy. Let us see the way In which a boy of ten years gets up In the morning, works, plays, studies, and we will tell what kind of man he wifi make. The boy that is late at-t>reakfast, and late at school stabds a poor chance to be a prompt man. The boy who neglects his studies, be they eVer so small, and then excuse himself by saying-, ‘T for got i I didn’t think !’* wifi never be i reliable man. And tbe boy who finds pleasure In the suffering of weaker things, will neVer be a noble, generous, klnd'y man—a gentleman. L. L. Smith, who was arrested hi Wilmington because It was supposed that he was Miles Smith, who taut* dered Henry Johnston, In Darfipgton, S. C., two years ago, turbs otit not to be the man, and has been released. One thousand three hundred add seventy-eight pieces of skin, tsken from tbe arms of friends, have b«en engrafted on tbe head of Mrs. Jonas Hay, of Jamestown, who lost hersodp by her hair catching in tbe nrilt noa- chcnery in which she was working, Mrs. Hay is tepidly recovering, and in now able to ride out, • - Governor Hampton has returned rom Abbeville, whither he has gone rom Ninety- Six, to Investigate in per son the case of Jeff Davis* now under sentence for the murdor of the Frank- fins, ahd about which gtaVe doubts are expressed as to his guilt. T!l« Governor has hot yet indicated his probable action In the premises. Tba prisoner’s reprieve extends to ftrlp the 12tb. » Now that the Keely motor humbug has collapsed, it comes out that $150,* 000 of the money of the stockholders has been subscribed and paid oat for useless machinery, and over d million and a half has changed bands In. tho rise and fall of its stocks. Thero were 20,000 shares of a par value of. $100 each Issued which sold at first for $60 per share, but (tie sclMrtM Was so skillfully manipulated lhatthsy fre quently changed hands at $S00 per share. Now they are without valBSi aud could not be sold for a cent, ev«n If offered in lot* to suit eustomers of small means. An Intelligent farmer of Des Moines County has Invented a benepbooe, modelled on the principle of tho teio- phone, by which one reliable old hen yecupying the central office In the heh* ety sits 00 all the nests kbout the es* tablishment, leaving other fowls free to lay eggs, scratch and cackle. As soon as a new nest contains the Rill complement of eggs, It is connected with the central office by IK wire, then the business is settled, only trouble with the machine it seta so hard it batches out Ute por celain nest eggs with the others, eo that one chick in eveHr* nhst lirfcfDttl with glass eyes, aud foe. farmer has to buy aud train a dog to lead ll around. This makes U expensive-. The question whether poe$!d offldak have a right Under any circumstances* except by duq process of law, to, letters or sealed packages in has again been answered In the tlve by the Supreme Court of the Uuited Status. "Sealed mailed mat* ter,” says the decision) **le as tailf guarded from examination and In spection, txcept as to their outward form aud weight, as it they were re* tained by the parties fowardiog them In their own domiciles. Tbe Gel mt tioual guarantee of the right of t people to besecute against unreason* able searches and Seizures extend 14 their papers, thus closed against Uk- epection, Wherever they inay he. No law of Congress can place In the hands of officials connected with the postal service any authority to invade the secracy of scaled packages in the malt” +4 DatmeaL—In Great Britain children are frequently raised on oatmeal diet alone, because It causes them to grow strong and healthy, and no better food can possibly be found for them. It is also quite as desirable for the students as for the laborer, and for the delicate lady as for the hard-working sister t indeed, all classes Would be greatly benefltted by its use, and dyspepsia, with all its manlfbld annoyances, can be kept at a distance. Oatmeal is more substantial food, it Is said, than veal, pork or lamb, and qylte equal to beef and million, giving as inucq or more mental vigor, while Its great de sideratum consists in one's not becom log weary of It, Tot It Is a.s welcome fot breakfast or tea as is wheat or gra b rHr’' ham breft4 jt CRn be eawn -yrop tlQ ^ Specimen' Revenue Raider.—Wn? Durham, one of the Revenue party who killed Amos Ladd, In this county, killed a man by the name of Bajlon In Greenville county, at a shooting match, and was sentenced to the peni tentiary tor ten years. He was par doned by Scott or Moses, Scott we be- Ijeve. The killing of Ballou is said to have been a bad case, This Durham’s brother was with another man,, one Johnston, In the same county who shot at one Jack Ward, who had a child upon his bactc, and missing Ward killed the child. Johnston broke jail afterwards and made his escape. This occurred a year or so ago. We get these facts from a responsible gentleman of Greenville.—Pickens Sen- A Waksinu to Registrars in Burk- ruptct.—A communication was receiv* ed by Judge George S. Bryan, on Tues day, from Attorney General Devenii calling his attention to the fact that all registrars and assignees la baak* tuptcy would be required to file theif annual reports in the office pf clerk of the United States Uoutt before or dfi^ng tbe July next, ubder pa'n of summary prosecution. Upon the receipt of tha oommaniea* j \ tion Judge Bryan yesterday signed jgj the following order: On reading the communication Hon. Charles Devens, attorney- cral of the United States, of 18th of June, 1878, "It is hereby or ed that the clerk of thla oonir notice to the registrars and of tfils judicial district to make annual reports, as required byl 6,127 of the Revised Statute* s United States* and also to 1 of the penalties Incurred by. the lation of said section. of t U. S. Judge DisttkA j June 21,187a Small Grain —If si was only ajar u hen I handed In the money to Mr. Leslie. There was a deaf mute present In the room named William Dowd. He came out Just af ter the dlstrlbcMon, making most ex pressive sign-, indicating fllliag of pockets, etc. That was my first expe rience of the high prlee of Senators in voting for a bill.” Woodruff is not the only witness. Nash, who was Senator from Richland,, and who resigned ss SwaiL did, gave his testimony in October last. He swears as follows: "Certain of tha friends In the Senate and butter as hasty padding, or with cream and sugar like lice. It is es pecially good for young mothers, upon whose nervous forces too great de mand has been made, and they lose equilibrium of tho system and become depressed aud dispirited. Oatmeal re quires to be cooked slowly, and the water should be boiling bot when it is stirred lu. On Thursday a white man named Ferry, living on Beech Island, chop ped a woman with whom he was living in tbe head and shot her, and after wards shot and killed himselL — ■ **. \ ’ 1 . 'i' * Aogobta CotnrKDERATE Movement.—A part of tbe mairble for this tribute to tbe Southern dead-has arrived in Sa vannah and has been admitted duty free. It was to have been received in Augusta yesterday, and work begun at ohce. That which has arrived in cludes the greater part of the monu ment and three to five statues. The remainder of the marble—a very heavy block, weighing 15,000 pounds —e nd tbe other two statutes will come by the next steamer. that small strain this climate, let him log from the As *0 e better J. D. Thursday three and up 875 adto variety. Also i, we state. Th* Southern Qhrlstian has been removed to i ' ■ . . .‘-v :