•‘'V'‘ ,.,- t M r* JORN WThOLMKS, Editor* »^S. U. RYAN. A-od«t« Mhnr. -i-i -- --J “ r,T '“ W* aif not rmpoMlble for the ykwe Of onr rrf«doi»d«itik -J- I --~ Ou* contributors M>4 o»HniD\inksnie Ore r^qwntrd to pet their mftttsr in the office by ot before Ifotidny. Thle % Hi he ept to IneuTS Ite pubilo»tlon in the ■uovee * Perhaps no teat) cad claim a prouder dialicctiot for himreif the* thet of hevt Ing eerred in the deiaocntie nwb #f Bern well county, in the leet anumor* hleelec«idn.' It wee t fight in uhich honeaty end property, nsheoaUd it patience, had entered to drive the thievea Who had to long been foiated apoa them by * perrerron of the clecdre fmochie*, from pitot And pewefi end eateblieh, in the steed ef the imrtard ofapfini? i tatted gorernAwnt, under whioh we bed ■o long hopoteetly greened, • government •*ef the peiph, by the people aind for the people." And it vma a fight in which the people trtTftnpbed end the thieves w jre put tolight—rouM bhrse, feo*and dragoon*. Altuoufh the whole dsnoermcp, did he duty nobly and well, oe reflecting men will controvert the aeeertion that #ml- neflt skill In kmdershlp mi Ml and In vincible courage in the leader was abso lutely cseential to o«t tncoesa. We trend upon to certain founcUtieu in tbnt perilous time, nod • leader more fash tad lest courageous 'hto our ahoeeu county chalrmeu Would in nil probebil- hy, have entirely defeated the greet ob- j«t fhr •wMch we ♦ere contending Frbm its lirtsiptlon to the tdoai of fhet Immortal struggle Do man worked hard er or more cooaaientionalj than be, end no men baa a better right to bn beard^ end listened to end followed then 0cn. Johnston Hagood. la another part ef our paper will be fbnnd the circular ot General He» good, calling apon the various cleba ts ruorganfse; end in the eharactahtio style in which it is written on# can hear, h imagination, the Same cheerful and determined ring that wa> wont to sound IfeAe words t “BettsKon, Attenttoal" Gen. Hagood, we take it, has no tnis> givings in regard te tbeaaeu he led in 183«la the bottle of the balk*, as he hud do fears of them in the stormy liases between 'fll-’flfl. We believe that this confidence is not mi'plnoed, We believe that the first Monday in May next will witness a fall delegation from all the duba in attendance on the emu vent ion, and we further believe that it 4 *111 not be well fer any man In eur eoeoty to undertake the role of i die- organiser. far the camp—perhaps not consciously », Vtrt, nevertheletM, enemies—who wfij seek—perhaps with bonert otmric* tion—to weaken the democracy by (he introduction of the idea ef iudepeedenl candidates. With all auch men the is sue iae^isuely made, and hie no more ner less then this - r they mutt fbs may •r the democracy mmt fad l The in dividual must thrive te the detriment of the overwhelming majority of property •wnera and tax-payers, or rtoajpetpg* We beg our people to tbink of these things, and to organiae themeelvee com pletelyAad to ooute te the in May with the view ef taking together, not fer the benefit of My par ticular indhridunl or individuala, but fer the good of the whole democracy. 1 ■ efipa The taore we reflect epete the subject the more an we impressed with the dau- gurs thet threaten the democratic party in South Carolina. Them is a feeling of security among the marsea, growing cut of our brilliant victory tn the last Campaign, which we wing, ftuitfbl source of feMN- ,M woee bored'* to ottr gallant old State; end her best intoreets an in jeopardy, at this very Moment. The lesson that should be thoroughly instilled into the mind* (and hearts, - if poaaibie) of evurj democrat in South Carolina is that gpup lb* aupimnacy and iategrity of the shmoeratic party de pends every pwspart ahead of m fer material and poHtical prosperity. We apprshshd thet tm onu in hia moe mind will dispute fee aseertioo. This being so What is the dUBcu^rf We judge thet it Arlan from the greed fer Hoe, among eur people, who do not pnotetfifiMlMfi open the pfehahls awfel ooeeagneneM whieh will rueuH from di vision in our ranks. Let them look this danger «t|aarely in the face now whBe it k time to counteract the evil— later, perhaps, it may be too late, tfpoe the next campalge the very life of South Carolina depends. All men of reflec tion agree upon this point. The oaiy question, tberefere, is, ‘•fthali I pat my self ahead of the Stats P* It has become somewhat popular with a certain class, we an informed, to dis parage Governor Hampton, hoping there. >y to attract notice to itself by tbe bold novelty of lie ppeitiob. For ouMvae W« wish to be on record upon thk ques tion. Our poeiiaee is hnpKdt reha nee n Governor fllmpton a animpeacbeble »one«ty and SbMirily dignity, confidence a hie wkdean and eauaraaee that whit her Hampton lends it wilt he Safe to feRoW dw as when upon the red fleMa of mttlehe lead hi* legions If not always to victory, never to dishonorable defeat. abnegation which high training and the gufexy of newly-elected each one, as presented to ua, leave an impress SB favorable aA fudge Thomson, we alall rejoice la tbe eonvlctfoo that Oefollna la iUdecd for wmuredly and hfemlaiu again adorn.her Borne u> tbe Hume aeya that it ia re- thatthe PopqJMttdl *0. tbe Ton ■wise Quarda. He will probably reaido moatly at Oaetle. Goedeffe, a village fourteen miles southeast of Rome, in order to be away from the Italian Got- rt of tbe Uppoint- Oardlnat Bimeoat as Pontifi- te Is pfecoatuna ha* tb« following ftum Rome: The Italian Government has maafi eutlau Public iu THKIAfeXY «TATK *AXM. rW*w» and OwH-r J Coutwbia, March 3.—Tbe supply bin la now ready. It provides for tbe current expenses of tbe fiscal year, a general Bute tax of five and one-half mills, exclusive of the two mill school tax. County taxes will not'be over three rallls, In addition to which there will be In several counties a special tax, ranging from one and a half te two mills to pay peat lodebtednem. ' "he poll tax Is limited to persons from fl to nitty years of age. Gold and sil ver coin and national bank notes only are receivable In payment. The Ules are made due and payable In two equal Installments, from tbe first of May to tbe first of June, and from the first of But there are some enemies [October to the first of Novr*mber. It M n 11 I Chmpleiat has eomctUMs been made feat there ka geoemi disposition ia the State te ignored* skhaesad tpeckl in- teroets of Charieeton. If thk he so it k ■ted for. Her cotnpW- ofeaperiotity, whenever she k eonaidergd in iris tion. or in eom- - parkon with other parti ef the Bute, aataraRy begets reMetment and daokl. It aeems to he taken for granted, that these protentKMu ate ao weR feaadsd ea to require an proof dad admit of no question. They bars only to he ease*- fed ia order to be conceded. As ea ex- amplq we quota the following from aa editorial of the Charleston Journal of fifeomeroe of tbe 1st Inst. In noticing fee report ef tbe committee of the House of Representatives, oa Ceagraaaional JNetriets, it aaya: “Except ia fee important eelaeeu gen- etml subjects ef legislation, member* from fee uUerior dUtriete are not likely to be qfipeciml benefit f We Vesture to say, feat on review of the history ef this Stats the iaterier die- wkh Which parts of the State dkFCafeoua end McDufEo and Preston reprtMcdt? They were not sent from be ebatteoged te produce their superiors. If Charieeton r ^ _ seat or We fie net wish to hut Is left optional, however, to pay the Whole amount at the time of the second Installment, with a penalty of six per cent on the first Installment; and when the tax and penalty are not paid on or before the first of November, an additional penalty of fifteen per cent, ia added, and county treasurers shall collect by distress or otherwise. If eueh delinquent taxfe be not then paW by the fifteenth of November they shall be collected by sale. Bec- tfon IS levies two mills for the public schools. The committee estimate thet tfilfl, 8*4 84, urdoetve of tbe cash In tha treasury sad tbe probable receipts from the pbouphati royalty, will be required to meet the appropriations and Interest doe on tbe public debt. One mitt In 1876 TT yielded tllfl.llfi. five and one-half mills should, there fore, a little mors than tufee the above amount “Kappa” writing to the News and Courier says: “Judge Thomas Thom son baa been presiding for the last two weeks over oar circuit court at Barn wail He la to us the first fruits of the victory obtained by fee democratic party la its ooMtltutional battle for a pure and elevated Judiciary. The very atmosphere of the court room srsme purified by hie presence, and Justice pure and undcflled baa once more tak en up her abode emoogut us. If we had nothing vise to thank the Legislature for, wa would find ia tbe election of Judge Thomson alone a boon sufficiently great and valuable to oovar u multitude of offeaoee. In him we recognise s realissttoo of our con ceptions of whs* s Judge ought to he. Courteous, yet firm; cautious, yet de risive; genial, yet dignified ; learned, yet oot pedantic ; quick in his percep tions, patient in Me Investigation* and Impartial In hia derisions. His mind is ntonty balaaaad, had his whole de meanor manlflefea * life spent in eeif- diseipUae, charity sad uasatflahoeas. Hia style of reasoning ia Sot way- ward. Impulsive or difiuee, but dear, terse sad logical. Ia hfe flhargea to Jurias he advances to hia cbnouMoao with the predeton of a maUmaatMaa, dealing tbe thus fixing indelibly ou the salient points of a casein sequence so tomofeoam Shat, wife tha moat to ! on the contrary, s humiUty sad eelf- Tbe following bill wbtob baa finally panned both hotwes, sad only waits to be ratified and signed, k oT mush Im portance to U» people of fee State at larg*. .** ~ Am Act to scours Landlords abd Pert eons making Advaaose. Saonon 1. Be It enacted by the Sen ate sad House of ftoprveeetativfls of tbefitatauIVliiife Oawlau, aow awt and sitting la General Assembly and by tha authority of the earns, That an ■N riMRIfifi an Act to tfeead uaetioua B sad hi, chapter lofl of the Revised Statutes relative to Men* on crops, ap- Proved June 8th, 1877, be and the same febsnfcy rt* pealed, 8m 1 If any fterecu or persons shall make say advance or advances either In money r* supplies to any person or persona who are employed or about to engage in the uultifettoo of the soft, tha petuoa or thi persons so making eueh advaooe or advances ebalt be ea- titled to a Meo ou tbe crop which may he mads during tha year apon the land in the cultivatloB of which the ndvan- feade baVe been expended ia of all other Mens existing or otherwWeto tbe extent of auch ad vance or MtvaooM \ provided, ah agree moot in writing shall be entered into before such advance made to (bis ef fect In whioh shall be specified the amount to be advanced, or in which a limit shall be fined beyond wblch the advances If made from time to time during the year shall sot go, Bio. A If aay person making such advanoes shall make an affidavit be fore the clerk of the court of tbe coun ty in which eueh crop ia, that tbe per son to whom auch advances have been made is about to aell or dispose of his cfop, or in any other way is about to defeat the Han hereinbefore provided for, accompanied Mth a statement of the amount then due, itsball be lawful for him to Issue hie warrant, directed to any of the eheriflb of thle State, re quiring them to selxe the seid crop, and After due notice sell the same for cash, and pay over the net proceeds thereof, or so much thereof as may be neoepeary, in extinguishment of the amount then due ; provided, however that if the person to whom such ad vances have been made shall within thirty days after such sale has been made give notice In writing to tbe sheriff accompanied With an affidavit to this eifect that tbe amount claimed Is not justly due, that then It shall be the dnty oftbe paid sheriff to hold the proceeds of such sale subject to tbe de cision of the .court, upon an lasue which shall be made up and set down for trial, at the next succeeding term of the court of common pleas for tbe county In which the person to whom such advances have been made resides, and In w hick the person who makes such advances shall be the actor. Baa 4. That tbe above sections shall be subjected to tb« provisions of the following sections of feta act f Baa §. That auch landlord leasing lands for agricultural purposes shall have a prior find preferred Ken for rant to tha extent of one-third of all crops raised on bln lands, and enford- ble la the same manwer as Hern for ad vances, Which said Hen for rent shall be valid without recording or filing. Baa 6. That every lien for edVances sod for rent where tha agreement ia for more than ooe third ef the crop shall be Hied in the ofBoe of the regis trar of meMe conveyance for the coon ty la whieh the lienor resides within thirty days from tha date of the Hen, and said lien for rent over one-third of fee crop shall thentoy be made valid, sad ha shall keep aa index of all each fieosao filed, for eaehof which heeball receive fifteen cento from tbe party filing the same, and this shall be a suf ficient record of tbe same. Baa 7. That tbe first and third sec tions of this ant ahaM be and remain of force for ooe year from the ratifiestloa thereof. ed by the county oonvaotlon, and such other members aa tha nooVaatloa may tha Vatican aciborltlea, through (fin Inspector of ppjicfe th*» K could lake no measure to prevent a possible disturbance at fee ooronation of fee Pope, ts be did not recogntte tbe Ring of Italy. Tbe Valloan U ia, digtoatrt, and It ban been derided that the coronation shall be strictly private. Aa understanding bet week the Papacy and Italy b as far eff aa stofc mfLnn Kill. Rows. March 3.—Pops Leo XIII crowned ia tbe Sixties Chapel to-day. The oemaony commenced at 9:80 a.-m. and terminated at 1:80 p. m The car dinals, prelates and diplotnaeto ac credited to the Vatican and a few other person were present. The Pope was afterward carried to bis apart menu, blessing spectator* oa tha way. A few illuminated to-night The Opinions reports that tbs Council of Bute, tn response to a question of Sig nor Crlspl, president of tha Chamber ot Deputies, a* to whether the Italian Go vernmeet had a right to Modify the Papal guarantees, rendered a dedeton that the la# of Papal guarantees poe- a ooosUtutlonal organic nhimsfer When Oardlnal Stmeoni was about to tary of State, tha OathoUc powers tmd Tha New Orleans Picayune, In the course of a lengthy eulogy of Its late asahtabt editor, tha lamented Oaro- Hnian whose name heads this article, eayet * “After tbe waf be wfis admitted to the bar of South Oaboltaa; thence he came to this city and distinguished himself as a writer and perfect master of the Snglieh tongue. During the late troublous times for the redem ption of Loustaoa from radical mis rule, he once more ehouidefed % mus ket as a member of company G, older Capt. D. M. Kilpatric, and talthfolly served the State of hie adoption. The keen Ittterrot with wbleh he studied the politics of Louisiana made him fa miliar wife ail parties, and fitted Mm to wield a trenchant pen in tbe cause of the genuine conservative democ racy. He was as free froth the alloy of the world as was ever mortal. Love, t-iltb, bravery, devotion, were always with him. The ateptMsm that Byron admitted whew he Wondered why Shelly should stand forward to receive the blow intended fer another, fiarilen knew oot.** . m « ■ -i ■ Circwlar. B' otts of tbs Daw Ex. Co*. 1 Babnwki.l Cooatv. Feb. *1, 1X78. J 1, In pureuaaee oftnptrnetiooafrom tbe State Democratic Bteouttve Com. mittee herewith tre mmitted, local duba of fee last campaign with their affiliated colored clubs wilt at once re organise by electing officers to nerve for tbe nett two years. 2. A county convention to cnnelbt of delegates from the local clubs will as semble In Barnwell on tbe first Mon day in May, at 10*4 a. m. for the pur pose of electing a couuty chairman and other officers to serve for the □ext two years, as well as to take such other action as may be daetned prop er for Ibe pood of the party. Repre sentation to the convention will be one delegate for each club and otto ad ditional delegate for every twenty- five members. Fractions over twenty- five members will not be entitled to representation. 1. The nomination of party candi dates will take place later ia the cam- l-aign. ‘A As soon s* each dab is reorgan ised the pr< aident will forward to the secretary at Barnwell, a list of officers with tlwir poet < ffices and the number of members enrolled. He will also supervise and forward a similar report from his affiliated col ored club. JnMveoK Haoood, County Chairman. Jamus M. Ryad, Secretary. N. B.—All oiuba that have organised since (he last cars palp* will report tha fact, with names of officer* and metn- berebip promptly to the Secretory. Tbe following bithk circular issued by the State Executive Committee i ’ HtAbQCAfcTVtM of Tflu ) Btatx DmIocratIc Ex. Oil. V 12 1878. OoLtnmu, a CL, February At a meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee of South Caroli na, held in this city on the 8th Instant; 1 the following resolution was adopted f Resolved, That the State Executive Committee of fee Democratic party of South Carolina recommends an imme diate reorganisation of tha tame to ▼lew of the campaign of 1878, and that county conventions be called as soon aa practicable ia fee several counties to elect offloere to serve for tha next two year*. In pumas nee of the foregoing ream lutioa, the executive committee directs attention to ao much of tha constitu tion of the party, adopted by fee State egnventloa la August, 1877, aa refers to tha county organisations, as follows: Article i. There shall be ooe or mors democratic dubs organised la each eiecUoa precinct, each of which dubs shall bates distinct title, “The-—- Democratic dab,** nod abaft elect president, ooe or more vioe-prestdeata, iwf^’piriooal propmy" a recording and corresponding aaore- tary and a treasurer, sad shall have the following working committees, of oot leas feM three members eaefe.vM: A eommktee oa ragiatralloe, aa aweed- tlva cojnmfttee, sad sock other com mittees «• bo each eiab pedleat. -J Art. 2. Tha aimflags of should ba frequent,{after tha opening of tbe canvass, nod some mfimher of f mittee shall be until tbe next general campaign, aolesa sooner removed or suspended by fee bounty convention. The present County executive com mittee shall continue in office until fee firet meeting of Urn county conven tions under this organttarica. ‘ i , Art & County demeoratie t»oVeo« tfafcs shall bo composed of delegates riected by the several local clubs—oae dcNfate for wary dab, and aa addi tional dafegofia fer every twenty-five enrolled membecs—wtth fee right to each county ooaventioo to enlarge or dlmtnfte tha representation according to Wresmmaajte. Thin convention shall be called together by fee chair- sum of tha exaetttlve sofetalltee, un- dar auafa rules an each bounty may adopt, and whoa aaaembled shall be called to erderby the chairman of tbe executive committee, and shaN pro ceed to eleot from among Its members a president, oae or more vtoe-preel- dsnta, a secretary sod treasurer. The convection shall proceed to bariaea* and when tbe same is traaasMed It shall adjourn aloe die. Art. fi. The mode and manner of aotetandng candidates for county offi ces or for delegatee to the State, Judi cial sad Oocgrsaeloaal conventions shall be regulated la each bounty by the respective county ooeveattons. In this connection tbe Stole exsoa- tlve committee makes fee following recommendation*: * • — Under article 1, where toed dubs of fee last campaign are th ettsfence, that they be reorganised by the deotton of officers to serve tbe ensuing two years. Sod as many additions!*duba formed aa may be deemed eeeeotfai to fee suc cess of the party. Also, feat fee onm- mittee* oe registration forthwith make a complete registration of all Vote!*, olaselfying them as white and Meek, democrat and republican. Under article 4, that the county ex ecutive committee consist cf fee county chairman sod fee presidents of fee lood duba. Under article B, feat the county chairman be ex-officio chairman of the county executive committee and of dl county conventions. Uedtr article 8, that tbe system of primary dection* by ballot be adopted as fee mode of nominating candidates for county officers and members of tbe General Assembly. While the princi ple of primary election* should be at onoe announced, it is the decided Judg ment of the State executive committee that fee nominetlone by primary elec tions should not take place until A later period in tbe campaign, and in regard to which further recommenda tion* will be made hereafter ae to the detail* for conducting tbe said elec tion*. When the County convention* have elected officer*, the new county chair man will at once report to the secre tary of the State executive committee, giving tbe names and post office ad dress of tbe offloere chosen, together with the names and poet offices of the presidents of the local dabs, and tbe number and membership of the aeV eral clubs. Jobs D. Kaxinctnr, Chairman. Jambs A. HoYt, Secretary. AD VERTl&EMKtITB. ivo-ncrte. The undersigned gives notice that he wIM apply to tbe Judge of Frobate for Baruweil County, on Monday, the 8th day ef April, 1878, at 11 o'clock a. m., for a final discharge as admlaiatra tor 6f James E Harloy. • mirf-tt) Isaac A. BlaMfom. , rt , - JfOXICK* The undersigned given notice that he will apply to tha Judge of Probate for Barnwell county on the 10th dny of April, 1878, at 10 o’clock a. m. for a final discharge as administrator of R. W. Furman, deceased. a>ar7-id * a mvr icxc. The undersigned give notice they will epply to the Judge of Pi for Barnwell county on tbe fife < April, 1878, at Iti o’clock final C discharge as e: tm obaiT Courtney. Id m for a xecutoN of J. F. J. P. CottBtXtt. I. B. Ootrttnxt. SHERIFF’S SALK. Crane, Boylston A Oo. va W. P. Hair. By virtue of an order of sale made in this ease by Judge Thomas Thom son, I will aell at Elko, B. O., on the 18th day of Marsh, 1878, to tbe highest bidden, for cash, the following de- 1 property: One lot of merehaodtee. Levied apoa aa the property of W. P. Hair under a war rant of attoaMnaet te the above stated cam. Sheriff's office, Barnwell 8. CL, March 4th, 18711 J. W. Labcasms, 8. B. G & M. LANIER, lot MARKET ST-, HEAR KING, CflABWlRToN, A C. AfcMB t WIlfMB* Alt* etjBAMft/ Lunch From Eleven to Cue O’clockt * * Oysters Served in Every Style; Cal! find Bee Me. - * ■Am AMim m mj± Attention Farmers S —HUY** ■dm s'* Mr.;. Berry’s Ocean Bone Fertilizer. a ■ v,-4 ..’ s. ■ . r - - V • ,1 ■■ Rich In ArnmoaU^ Potash and Phosphoric Arid, the peat elements of Mant feed. We an noW offering this eelrtrated FmiHser under our ewt brand and name, And have greatly improved upon its cosamsrcial Value by giving it two sad oae ha If per cstlt nddiUonaf Potafe. Circmkr* giving prife* Mod lufl particular* promptly forwarded to all Who want them. i. M. BERRY, Owtoeffit Agent, Augiiitfi, da. R. P, Coletnan, ITtoltolhig Agent jan32-3m w.. ■■■*■** ■ I mi— ■im |W.« m ■ —tom—mrt— am a The anderatgaed si Van notice tbit he will apply to the Judge of Probate for Bafowefi county oa tbe l8tb day of March, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for dmlnlstrator of a final dtsctiarge at ado AloaAo R. MtihoUa. febl4-td H. D BrtMMX. 1 that Iff It) ID, The undersigned gives notice he Will apply to the Judge of Probate for Barnwell oountv oa Saturday, 9th day of March, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m. for a final discharge as •xeeator of Michael Seaae. T. G AYML M Stonge, 25c. woxitrte. The undersigned giver notice that be wilt apply to fee J odwe of Probate for Barnwell county oa Friday, flih of Mah-h, IflTB, at lO o'clock a. m. for a final discharge as guardian of W. A Dicks. Calms KlLunuswoXTU. febf-td KoTlcM. Thu UfideNlgned ertvee notice that e will apply to the Judge of Probate jtottUty on the 6th day for Barnwell County oo the of March/J876, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a final discharge as executor of estate of Henry Boylf**, febf-td HXtrnV BdrtJm PUBII A I1L4S* ATTORNEYSAl LAW, Barnljei^ Rtiri Blackville, S. C. Aftnntw C. DibbI.k, Bamhcra. LaukIX T, IzLAR, BUckville, - Wpfi-fioi I L. TOBIN. ATTOI’.MEY AT LAW, ALLENDALE SOUTH CAROLINA j»»10 ly frn SHHfig, floe. ;IL'— OOTTfllf VAOTOS A MW - »• COMMlrttelOfr MtCttCttAlV'l' At E. P. GUytoh's Fire-Proof Warobouoe, Owner QMepbeH ami fetyneMs fiu. Axgiatx, Oeorgia- IHCMMOtfAL ATTKVTtOk QftX.VtO WtiaH* ttta A ftp axulNa. nevl-flm Central Hotel Broad Street, x t • t» tt hT A. et KO k o I V* Mts* M* W- Thomasi Ccatrally Located—OnTcDiaat to Builnnw. -'•j*. X —WIT*— ^ ^ lilt Art. fi The president ahaU have rer to call BP extra meeting of fee sad — member* of fee riah Ms atoft.AoneUiute a quorum for Art.4. .The slabs te „ shall be held together sad epetete aa- der tbe ooatrol of a saw committee, whldk Atott 1M0 yk'AMI'SSI i GLA86WARE, CROCK ERT, 1878< 1878* THE PEOPLE For 1878' In order to bring Tmb PmdPU Within the reach of ait #e have made fee fol lowing dob rates, which wit] be opea until fee firet of March aeXt t To dabs of three subscribers for one year..i,i,.i,,...,,..MOB To dobs of six subscribers for one J«*r 9 M To dubs of tea subeoribeto for one year U 60 To cluha of fifteen subscribers for one >aar,,.,,,,.16 00 ▲iso. One copy of TKx PaoWLaafid one copy of cither the Weekly News and Courier of Augusta Chronicle for one year,,,,, ,| One copy of Tlx PboFlx and one copy of tbe Tri-Weekly Jour nal of Commerce for ooe year Or one copy of T*X PhoPLM and oae copy of elfeer The South- era Cultivator or LoUtfevit!* Courier-Journal ?... .* 9 to 9 00 "I Sto o. w. M W ATTOBNET AT LAW. MIDWAY, SOUTH CAROLINA, Practices hi aH the eowrt*. J. A. BOaOCMtiU DEALER IN [ Groceries, Dry Good*, Soots, Shoe*, Motion*. ■2*0. Id ■ ■- Lis/ Good* ioid low tot cash or in oot- nmgto ror uviiHtrj rrMtMb JOHN W. HOLMBS, ATTCRirer AY LAW, ^ WZLLffvan, 8. c, PncUM, in ,11 the Court, rf IN. Sl.» Pianos! Pianos I If you want a fljsi class Piano Forte st A reasonable price, go to OATM BROS. Atm SiA, OEOhOIA, sttd you can get one tli.,t will do nen i' S in every re-pert, and for durability #ni Sweetness of tone cannot be excelled if eqeailed. Picture Framed- Persons bflving ebronnw* or any kind of pictoros that they want framed would do well to take them to OATES BROS., AtdtSTA, OKOKU1A, who will do them in Varioaa styles at reasonable price*. Try them and yod Will find it toi dccl3-(itn WK.M.BAtE Sttppiig tad ( wnifissloti Mefehnt . WhoLesalb DXAUR IM .t Fniits and Produce,Ay 110 East CHiruLssYeic, s. c. Jour orders. , Boliciting join truly, I am, J. R. TOMLINSON, r, WM. M. HALS. , •epl^-dmo em- 1-.t m. 0. J. BOND. Surgeon Dentist' Will Visit BlsekrBle on the Ifife lost, and would be pleised to serve the public profeasieually.. jaa&4» O. C. JOHOAN. A-XTOlMCBir A.X JUAW< -'k- % • AIKEN, S. C. mff ■ Will practice in all of the Cowfti of this fkate. ocll-ly E< J. FREDERICK^ M. D., AT J. Pi. WALAURR’S, " 4 si OHAHAMU&aR.R. R0LIN HUTSON MubsUt Wltlleton, 19 ots th CaVoIiwA. ^ Ah etperiaoce of forty yrntra joatifles him In promleiog to give entire to hia patrone. and edrapefs of the msdn to oritor #i at h.rd Mill and gin work Ate bin specialties. i* T Btwwies. oartof t SHI . ^ weammAm