JP v»-7 .r. r A X, AmrciAt* Kditot;. ^ w §r^ uo% riMpdt)8it>(« fojr Die vlwws Anf ^mwhnnd^nt*. Sg!;*- ' j| ‘ IOJ./r/CAL OUTLOOK. Mil i tho lafe war between tbe States ind.tbo iramenso armlwt of the Union w«re diebund^ ami retumwi to fwtH pursuiu, the exdualve control of ^.tb® republicq jiftrty very naturally fell into the bam)* of ubBao who iisd occupied ijromWf'nt positions in the Camp and oo the battie-fleld, With coiiaumnaate atragotic skill tbe U leader* introduced into theli | l'ar»y a diadp^DeaoattoDg that deserj rtpterTTrpsncjr nsns: , poaBiblp tOA#y ontept those posaesa IngU* ateoogeai moral courage. By ifaia meana tbe imrto«s dteoordaot ale- sots of which their party ia oom- aad were •olidiasd Into a molilliaed army, as obedient to the mandates of party as the Cossacks of tha Don to the Ukase of thali^iattCawr,.... 0 Qrsr a largefoliowlng that discipline remains unbroken in lofturace nod aw w ready to follow ths com mao ds of Conk- Uog sad Biaine • j they, once , were to obey the orders of Orabt and Morton. At the chwenttbe stiroggl* of the last yojir, da/xi afc thoir ovor „ throw in tbe States of Booth Carolina, Florida and Georgia, tbs republican leaders and iheir followers for months made no efforts to retrieve their disaa- . ttnr; but tbe partyeH not dead. With thq. energy ?f deepair it ia making tsady for a vigorous offcnsive eam- with a determination toconq a victory or bury Itself itrthe rotns wy government i for it fears not : the Joes of place and power so much be it does ths ewposuro of tbe count less villainies committed in the long years of Its unchecked despotism. It still has able, desperate, unserupolous leaders; the public treasury is still lU campaign fund ; the ninety th6ua and ofilor-bolden of tbe government iu recruiting sergeants ; Its party die Ciplioe Intact. aad the alternatives be fore It success er tbe unending efecra- Uon of all bonett foika tbe world over termination then tbe mere facts that the war renewed by Conk ling and bia coadjutors, nominally on Hayes, but [the South in reality, is renewed in Jr own State. In counties, where a m months ago their potty made no sign of life, they bftte rsorganlaeJ ‘ TWMwvea, placed candidates In the "_ „ f« dome Instances dieted iemocrocy. South Carolina is 1 but . mr q\jtpotU-yaLths.bebeets of Blaine, Butlor and Cock Hag are far mors In fluential wlto- the colored republican 'wte the new peace of our demo cratic State governments. The de mocracy must face this how move- tnvht, appreciate its importance and win a laetin^victory. or suffer a defeat tbst wm-bs«r J bU»vr fhilc fori Jong • > y'porti to ebtne. yfo rash action should losbfo tfc the vantage ground that we have won. The elbow-touch orgsnira- tlonbf'thh last campaign should be preserved, tthd. It poftjfble, made more perfect. Tbe various departmenu of the government stio'ujd by their pttlcm give Hying proofs to the people that they are Itflut oced by palrlptlsni and hot hy motives t»f pereohai £ain and preferment. Thofeaftcss and unsetash execution of the^awfl, theappplntmoot and cJecUoii of hone hut good anod, to tho foster ing pf every 1 tudable euterpri^e, to the protection of every individual right consistent with the gooeral welfare of tbe State, will unify all our'people fa *-.their ttuppok of a government that ban ■ec itself worthy of their esteem, oooQdenec. Thu hope oT'tEo re- ijl^tos is built upon the dUssatlsfae- of tbe democracy ; but in the un- ranip of our party the radical ^ Judependcht candidate will in plain English their ootaing n. , Sp^yatc^ ger to whuh the party 1 lt c: lending men countcnsDOWenyth ‘•independence” without the Jia party. Independent ‘ ‘demomu 1 that dees who would Arcc advuncc'tnent at tins «3tpr»# of t try's.beat interact, and we" hope if any are hold chough to *ry the ‘independent’* plan in old Barnwell the voters of the “hivnncr county” Will give thorn •uoh a rebuke as their 'audacious tcmttj'y dw serves. ■ 11 .i«> i— m a I,, w i^i ^ ^ : l a sfonr pm rwo ilonAr.s. jr .. V i ■ - . Kfw Xoflt aptj ih* reeUo) tb‘a tfijlred States have btes Interested In 4 secret tneyflsge -of Mr. TWotous I {nyer.ihe,evitk'uee. -rio fur as the . pwchase of liurds is .;OBCC#ued I leave my stateineet and what was rccif on tho-dayof ade by tlk tax payers to them? ;»• t * ' t Mr ,8, DEi 6*» 2R IN g*.‘£JiLSZ£i ** v Will evfer,' as bmlofto, be suppbod ^ witbttvcry luxutrythe iiarketiafforda. of «” ,irfth « r Ewrytliipf- has been marked down at priose to suit tho times. Give «ma oall wb*n vou come to shall not, fanve dis- fd^Ootfob Ac. w e highest Market price , Corn, P< m faUr, Poult ^..4. SVMJMtm, THE wc5¥tt,r) ►R wwc ■ me •’ r 7 yV* 1 *" " r i ;• Lil ^i-.Yrak k .vV ' • 7 ■yjgi Vf 4 tRtoce thick U ^Contemplating a change of bdiined* our-entire cuoi Must and will be sold inside of aprictft B)the W J. l , scholarly and populah journal in tit* me tropolis, It is enterlainyie, interesting, brigU, decent; fair and tmtlvTlit. 'll daot, h»rfl*ig wittingly to no man) no crood, no in-- terest and no party. It treats fclbsulyccts of importance •orneatly and with respect. It seeks tfa malyc itself an agreeable companion, as wtiH ss a fithhfnl guide and teacher. The tVW regards the recent vie^iieii'of dtc party with, which it bp preforfiiceact* not is mere partisan triumphs gsined by partisan ContHVsttCTr, but as the unmi-takahls ex- pressiop Of ft deep and genuine poptilar * ( wo , ra J‘M of'jauVarv7'l8fMt 10 m- borH.bclt^ea the bswocvat.opai y 9 exist for a flDa i ^ 6c h arge aS adminfstratoi for the good Of the RtthUc sem0-^' does not beflieeH the public service to exist for the good of tho Democratic party. DEALER IN - . BLACKVILLE, S.G. • . r ' »—*4- -r , trVf - T Ur.. Tbluti clhirgos me with being a defaulter to tli^ county to a largo extent.. To this clurgq I reply jjtat Mr. Tobiu ii# ttnrvrtdpW^ftUji tjm jWtciafJt ipA xaaq not .pats k ttfah«K oup Sciftqr, Edllur. Our ^JatcktriWtt^^ofrcajtt •«> please read and ponder. Coneapopdent will P S, •^hife them hr iife tbjro Tr ymr* ^ - .....1 „ 1.1 ...i- hope. Mlantwof ♦h»‘ , l ! 'fri>tMBMhi?oMhe Firsl D iris inn uf Ike barn well baptist , .h*. ?♦***!;.•>»» AwaaisUen- val» •>/< T ■ • . nihr - Tty? JJ n lon rajoatuy? pf the first dl- vision of the Bttruwell A^soclatiou wns held, with the Sewn Pines cluuch <*n Friday before the^ lift h Lord’s day in December* l$ft. -. Tty roll of tty churches was called and the following delegates tfuec ered to tbelr names: Barnwell—No delegates. ~ JoyjpTs Branch—No delegat e^. _ TrcAdawftj’-TNo delegates. ! . r Elko—No delegates. I’leAeant Mountain--Rev, P. J. Iliers. Lon".Brunch—Rev. X. Buisl. ■Wllllston -Rev. G. W. Hicks, Brotber P. Bates.,. Cypress Chapi !-Brother*. C, K3* liocswortli ami R. Anderson. Jtoaemat|y—Brothers W. T. Blanton, J.jG. Arinstrpn^ and W T, Ogden. ’ t " Seven Pines—Brothers Phillip Bfdfc- ley,^. Bnclllnff, y?j.7\^ocb, John Gnra- eron and W. H. Dupcajux Rev. G. W. Hicks iraa elected Mode- rat^ and V^.JI.;Dupcnp-Jilei-lhv ■ 'fb« introdpetorys>fmem pc ed by the Rev, T. J, Ulers. judgment upon ijij- arrears; hut thoy will be pjfo-e l upon by u juty of his coun try (in wdtom I Imve luiplioit cronfidence 1 If'Huelt can be shown. The interest (seeming) that fe displayed by the deputy treasurer scenis tt>'me, tuleast, tn be in “III as ’Mr'. J. A. Tohia was my eSd W/.ntt waa rempvcii’fnnn of< BccMr.ToLtn sought to be tbe elerk of Groceries, Bjy Goods, foots, Shoes, ffotions. , m iliv r . rt •-W'la.ytlS 7 Goods sold low for cash- or In ex chqnge for Country Brodaicc. . . s-pO-rf' -— iL i-, I'ifa-. Mi > ■. ... - — Mantotte & Co., Propriitbrsof the Charles ton Branch r '* JJfMS , , IIAIiSL -ffifiAE: FACTORY, “ La Vfftetmtt ” ‘ t> Fine HaVanS Tobacco Jlanufac- ttiri'd oxcInsiWy^bj Cuban work- rtieii will, with sltiB, produce Segars 6(|da1 in qiitflity, Atylenrtd fVtt£r*;uce to the best brands Icrfoh-n * ’110 EASt. BAY STREET, Charleston, C- scp2-6mo - Majitoue & Go . WEEKL'Y WOltt-D, Contains Ml th* new* of the week, presented in ft concucandftttraetive nunnor ; tho best ^of the many eioellentdetiei* seuyby able correspondents frein all parfs of the WSH'ld ; bright and «w¥Ulnlng edilWals'hn 4ll,mat^ T.t Ii«iUGr Mercliants, ftps ami u hi.Hik maw. If at tha request-of certain tnx pa vers Mr. Tobin shows to then Ids kindness of H4iiri,'why ItA* he^net, prior to this, be ing eertversant with tile dutty. ami- lia- bilifi''s of the olficjfof county ticasurer, not exposed its wopting tj tlip tax ptjy- As id K;ittg 411 cx-functiuuary «u- yltr the CiumborLiti povcitim*jit i m ; ght be iu luFk; to state to the-read rs oi baa i'Kori.K that Mr J.A, To.ii-i wii* flppfc'nited, with two eicixens of Afri-' *fl Qg place of next iqpetiog atnf, rcli- gty*a cxeicisee therefor—L L. u Anai* Strong, Mf. J. Ogden,, Caleb JUllingig^ 04 quostlona for dfacuselon—A. ityfat. 0. Eillingt worth, P. J. J-Refa. Qo metioo of Rev. A. Biii«t, it wne resolved ttyt the meeityga of thle union oesQUi- on the gatuids^ before eoch fifth Subda)^ Tbe conaJhittee on .RaUgious *Ex«r- nfaee fQjr thla uoaoting ma4?ty4nUow- lt« report, wbloh was adopted tlon advanced and hr me udrecutcd, will firid art echo* iu the breast of every tax f rlck Ratesffiamoty ; ^jiat a deputy- treasurer aejegr(je9 *01 f , 1( j t J^w Qr ^uorals »»llw\yed to pgr* chase at- KB owa,or the county trear- wrer’s stile—he c-m only bid for the State/ a* the law di •oct6.. Reitpcctf*iHv, *1 . r h» v Jwtiir C.itowuxo. 9P'v.« oE^AR^ . 118 East }’>a,y- Strcot, . <11 to. C. soplS-fiulifi. • u - .. • mv-.i V-trtiirt holding claims against the e.-r t^e of Cuff. Gantt will present them Jti’y attestHi, and'parties imK-btcd to M-.i i cstHto will make iuuucditue payment. < 1 k< • Cl.VX f r, A Jminisp-ator, ' jiiuSy't, ' Midway, S. C. ^. JL : : ... tl ^rfiWrll Coen v. U.i •Jcmi* ,ZI. Hynn, £*§., Judf- oj J'robatf. . -,,11 'Whereas, J. J. Bikblntn, cTcrb of the court of common pleas ‘for wtid vmntjfjtyi'foT'Vuii i^u’etion*! We will net ter* of i nt* rest te-tb*'public, Short siorie* and storica ctMitinuetl from week to areek, written exprrjwly for tbe Woitfl by the best authors, full reports of all tbe eountmf ; a {^o dep>rtJjty^ &C H Ilia in every essential a paper fortbC family One year (5’2 numbers), postage tk-e, less than 2 cchU per week, SI i" . To Clc* Aqiixts—An extra copy fot, chit) of ten, separately aj dressed. The semi-weekly World for club of twetity, sepavately ad- ftri-ised. Tho Daily’Wntfd for club of fifty separately addressed. < * ■ j ; SEMI-WKISCny ttt)ELI> On*year (KMnnmhers,) poetnx* frnn. $21>0 To Clvb .AgcKts—An extra copy tor club of ten. separately addressed Die Daily World ewrelnb oftwemy five, separately nddre.-sed THE DAILY WORLD. Wl!h Sonday- Edition, 1 year, I>oarage free ..$10 00 With Sunday K-titiou, 0«i«Bili8, .pqptttga'fitV fftkf Wit ft Sunday Edition, S tponths, postage free $ ti Without Sunday Edition, 1 year, poataga Icee.v.q.^ 8 00 ; Vittyut Suadgji., Edition, « mohlhs, poetaga frev 4 55 WftyM SuDifty -E.liliou, S wmot hn, f*o?tage fade A v . * 5 25 Sunday World, 1 yrniv postage . * ten .>,... •,. *> *p r- • • * ^ ^ 00 Monday Vv’orld, containing Lite- rary : Reviewe and college chronicle, I jvar postage free 1 50 T^i&ms—Casli in ad'-nutc. teAi>thoy*M.rnt tbe sboVe ratee. . , Wa bare no traveling agpny, Specimen rApico, ptisfers, etc, seht frao, Whi-rorcr rtfctf wLenevoi dodrod.'- -AJ ■ " --i--- A IVr Fidil arpl co Favor. a nrA^i? fob ktu* t~ I ■ | . -» * - ■ .-y* v. O a s Ir X 3 r e m i u m s f " T»the person from whoin ths World shall ^accive. q>r<'ri,>us to .Viarch nl. lb*8 the money for tlje- largest number <>f subscribers for ono^yoar fop he Weekly World we « Ul kir« n ft ret pri.-edf $ 0-* W. • For tli" next, largest number, a second prir.e of Sd.V) "0 - Tor tlrt two next largest lists of subscrib- trs. S DM 00 each ’ » • J ov the two next largest lists of Sup-crib-' ers, t wu priids of *75 0> 1 each For the sixurett lar- $5U«<>«Uch ^ Fur tbe cb v-n»ieyt lrg-»t twU, eleven priw of v-!-> dO.fftoh,. > All persons dcsiroua of competing for th«e« prjxee (wh ieh a ry offered ^ add it ion la. the ri'gnfaf elnh premium?.) will please sig- Dry uvuna, Clothing, Blots ani * ’ .j-r t~ :«vv ■ j—'h'-aj 4\*J£ ;%\mt * W vf'; • Liebman & Adlero lac 10 41; Grahams* - if -;ux vk'il mm.. ,,, . fVOXIC’M:. •' The undensigned gives . he will apply to tbe Judge of Probate for Barnwell county aa xbe 16tb day arge of David Seigler. ^ dec6-td JemrStoobratt *r-*-*^F * * H«a<1 ' flit. B1W80V8 .. ‘Xii’ ' •» Ache, -# ■*#* • VjLi ti tyti, Cswtx.yX- *—• ... xVrhc. ■Aft. .r , AKD Itesd Okamowilk PlIM Ache. TvToti<5G ♦ fs hereby qy on to all whom it may con cern that the undersigned h.ut been ap • pointed -the .General - Agent of J. A. Peacock. E. J. R&ACOCK. i>iv>» ivirwiriv wrewrOMriw) Head B. J QiiRltlrbRiim, DUNTieX, 1Villision,S C.R B r-f- v WILL attend calls throughout Barnwell nd adjacent counties- r>ct2o-3m MBSil & ISSl-AE, . ATTORNEYSA.1 /.Atl r , ■ ^ v T J> . f ■ ■ -ft .' ■ B.ariilierg and Blackville, S. C.' Am'kkw C. DreaLE, Bamberg. Laurie T. I/, Blackville, sapG-Goa South rarolisH-—Barnwell County- - tB?/ Jtimrt .¥. Rt/tm, Bsq.,Juig9-if •Probate. court of enmmfth plena for said county, hath made suit to mo to grant him let ters of auniiniatmrien of the-*etate and rffvK’ta of Mary Aim pieeey—a derplict estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and s^pgulDr th> kindred aud eretfftors of tbe afrid Mary Ann ITessy. deceased .that they be anJappswFbeforc me in the probate court for snt I .county to be boblen at Barnwell or, the 5,h day of February next, at u-u o’clock «. nt., to show cause, if any they can, why said ad min 1st tn'iou etiould not fee granted. Giv*-n wndf r my itand, nt IJarntTell, the l3tli day o(J)flce«fbeF ( l8?7.'i -4. ' * ♦ f/ffawi yt. RTAHl LlfatK *. it rnTfp . hUuli.?» *f Prt.'jftte.* ■ .rrr t~—.•'.■t National House i o53 Kinjar Street; (BET. GEORGE AND LIBERTY.) Board, SI og.Per Day. tTlARLESTiJN, S. G. MRS. II. >1. BAIvKR, Proviictrc.v. SC; .'.0-1 V —j ^•GIRADACHE AMi KE^RALGiA Arc preparvol expressly to cure -7- J>i$k ffeadache, Neivoua Head ache, .^JJEKsoxAl ATTExTiov civf.x toweioh- TXO AND SEbUNO. novl-Oui. —■ .AJtfaU I riaSi lliiiin •* . *» >< BEGS hare 1o mtr.ounce to hie rriany friends that Itc haa lefurncd to B&rrt- well with.a stock of . ... Sadd'e and Dr^nskt Ho*sfs anti Males, whi> ii itc is oficrirg low doun ^ m ajtH o a. to M. tj All ityJeA, ^p4 prices pf horses and muk-s. which arc w/ttranUd to cotue up tq the reprvsenbtibns in evay particular. oft2.'>-' : iii CeiitraTlIbtel Broad Street, „ largest lists, six pr'ues of ATXOnJNTE'r A.T BARNWELL, S. C., Pmctices in all ihc’Conrts. j- ed Prftyer-meeting at 10 a. to,, eopduct- ib m BroUjere C. Killipgswqh ireechlog, at 11 o’clock bjff The Hatnt Louie ^ptrblicen *aj-B tbnt the didefence between the demo. dfaU and republicaw*, »o far ae the adnahiiatraHon le eororfbed, Is very plttiu. The democrat^ think Hayt-s is a goad deal bolter man than they had any reason to believe be would be, wfeHelhi rejHibltottu* khow that ho ih ao bad they' hoped lie ve. Both parties expected to be a pttobfatooi In tbe hands a leadefDHtad-he hta un tyv.Q. W. &teity v>sa 01 hl * ^Committee on plal' Ui>a»mt SuUivai)—a dcreltot es tate. The e nro therefote to cite ami adiiionirJi alj.ttutl aiugqlafithc kindred :iud. --i ciiitors of tlie said t’ly ases Solli- van, ilec-nacdi that they be and appear byfoi-c mc Iti fne probate cqui t for wid cn'unYy, tp*be1io1deu -at Barnwell on the UlRIt dt^ irtf Febranry, 1878, at>4«n o’dcx k a. slnrw cnnsXt il'any they- E^virrid administration short id not l»e giantcd. • • ‘ * * * -f Glvuib Carolina—-Barnwdl Ccanty. fiy •* M. //pc - , AVj.. Judytcf Frobot?, WV.raas, ■tfrJ. Bpri hrtrtt, 'derk of the cortrt rtf common pl rr Tor kaitl coum ty, tyfli ma-ic suit to n.e co tyant hiito* .tyters of' at(ipiuislration op the,crttito nod effects of C. E. Burke,—a tjereltef estate. These are ttyuofigo to oty and admonish all and singniar the kindred and er edit oia of the jpaid C. E. Burke, deceased, t hat they be turd appear be Sore fere in the prob'ale conrf’for said Countyi io be holdcd’ht Burnwcfl on the 24th dry ufFebruary, 1878, at ten o’clock a. w ., to show fuigp> >> tliey can, why’ said atyiairttruliou --lt"u'.d not be gratUed. Giyet: uude* -tay hand, at Baruwclj, tbeBd d*y ef Jan«*ry^|t478.. v 1 y . J^dgeSflbo t.ify^kci tftIJttWUion of so uofriV »»<1 ?citil p> .aUtfRT m ■ ii Wmm iw w. B. Duu- ix PHHi tCTHT..^ fa befeby gt^rtt'fbttf the ifndeVilgiied will apply te the Jnrtgff of Pmbsftwfor itorttweuetttmtj^tm Tueerlay, 12th day imm W* •pa,W7G38S4Bl^amontl., «f •February »e^ ak JO o’dogk am., *» AdmlalatratoY t 1I%«0Mn.U 1 »ralef. .wuMlatad^^,'^ « t tty pgrfauknral nh- ' ft.)) of these priz.cs to any rerjiou suyjilyiBg the Worl3to subset iliers at lc.i.s than tegular rstOs. Vl* : One Doltyr P<;r Tcai; A'hJiasa all orders and iett wp to “THE 1>0KU>. Ao Park itow, V«w ftofe. ft, B. -Those subscnbiivg before Jauuary 1 will rcc^vd the , ' - Treekly ttorld tuil«l Januftfy }, IftiO/ftn- : J- M.SKINNKR, ' ''A * ATTORNEY AT LAW, I3ambei:G:> S. O- sepG-ly ty. . 4 . . . . A. F». COIVNKU. A ITO jPtoT A, OTCOROIA Mrs- M.- AV- Thomss, U»u!'a)'>-Ls-uli-l—CorT- ni.tfit to Bu«inrs»' JpTotice of DissolntiGn- The partu«n«Hi}) now exfcbrpg betwtVBlhil ttntJer.ngiioxfyuiider tiie ttnu name of A. P. MftWTil!c& Co., wiP.b* diwolred <>» the 14th jp iRst. by mutual consent. Parties j»tf>l i« the said firw by open account arc re* f^iesieJ (o close itos.itnc by payment or not* t>ef«>rc that date, an i ttijsc who hold claii against the tirm me r^jitoiiiod f .them for payment. M claims >U 1 and net p-aht by tli3,1 fth tn ;t. win 1 Mr. MiftoniM. who Will b* authorixed to close tfr ar receipt for «unc. All n hoeaB arere- queete, Otic, thousand six hundred acre ►oafiow ',te>4ii >A Ji8 1 NVfl. Kano P*KMirjr—^ropfit^ Intoru- River a »d Ytycow Branch, four miles minfal pl'K-e* f° r P 1 * 00 -) north of Wiliiston, ftyjale. „ Ko'. - i - mrndar*, tor advanced player*.) 1 t- r Vocftl auil hnwW.1 TW? rr l He*‘‘4 > l* for «tel'*uD*crtostoWtfr*n«WfujMr-. r ' . v ' ' Full partwuifttoftBd lt*t (rfey»Het|t* nf the premium yplumta ^U,be U anyjiddto^ be*ttfiiflf* W)W. ; Otto. t-re js a good null seat dum. oil an , >r Thnrc is nohei ter foerttion tit ihV c hmtj for a Mttrehl^t E #|JB Or Cottow Mftntilftefory Tltfa* jj|r<).j.l and the price st whWh it vf8l Uff sold is far k-low its sctuid rtltts. tT For fitrtker mforsiation apply to «:< 5c JOHN W. JIOIsS y OF BTO r luayr e ‘sHkll t Higher ole terms lu lhr- t .vvi,. ....f-foOO f 00 10 00 fcrtlO ■ AT VU'Xi.V \TLA^ ? ' ^ ^ ^NDAI^r -.t tT- tJIAjKB jVi *T»-~r -.’Ay ‘ f**' ' . " HjSii-v C A1 . S * : ■■ft#-. THE Lj Aruat Jam: OB 1378, tOilstoo, 3.O., ty T-nr ►with Wm ‘tut Dry Good*, ;.iri ■■ ■ ■ . >