J'ir" ■i * . "V f ' * v-v* .TTV ■S^k —-' «» -4U- 5- ,\ - I ,. =® &>== «.f N-* ■ ST? j.’.; -k ^^5* «A •-.»>»-- ■ HE PEOPLE =X» JA.L. MIHClCt^LA-NY. I ^ ;., T ~——4a_^-—r ——r— ’— | :... 5 r_ ^ Tr~^ - ,,. [trakck.—B u ad the advertisement uteon Sf Co., losuranoa Agent, DiTS’ I01NGS IN BLACKVILLE. IlSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1877. Tti tonnirfya verjr lleely do Satur day. There was a large trade both^ln cotton and “corn.^ The oorn wainsot •old by weight, but by naeaaurement, and I am sorry to say that eome^of the folks bought more than they could oonTehientfy carry, and the town au thorities bad to take the matter^n band and accommodate the 1 overload ed ones. And yet they paid for the storage verxjeltffctantly. ’ The eharadee came_pff according to appointment/' Them was;a full house and,everybodysepmed to enjoy tbem- Of -oouraa. itjaas a aucoeas ¥ CAROLINA, \ Itynn. *sq.f jfn«»eofPMfca^.‘ ' i, 8. C. -UL *>aw*** A .-at ■, •«#- vdedOot.—Many imporUqt oom- omUods are iknaTol^ably crowded his week. ; i Jy laities iWhoreM Cynthia Lugenia Sullivan, ioth made shit to me to grant her tet- «rs of Administration on the estate and effects of Ulyses Sullivan j‘ » \ These are thcrofdro to. cite and ad monish nfl and singular t|ie Undrefl and creditors of ya # lJj?y Sullivan de- issaseiJ/thA they b(f wtT appesf i)efd»W CRAMPTOITS # A • ^ ' » im-rrijLl 'i • « rwye • • • • 5 v • • a a h • • • /i ^ * 2 imperial soap , •V:* ••»••• • • • • tnrnr Dkht.—The bommiselon to itigste the oounty debt will meet to-morrow, and continue In aea- until it oofieltides its labora. ik Evbhiko Dotocrat.—We have ived a number of this new venture •urnallsin. It ia edited and pub- >d by ?• E>. Kennedy, Jr., In Charles^ We wish the Democrat and its lisber every success. » r .- ,. 'The ebarud**s wps a success—Jacob’s Well was a success -the cake wos. a success to the one that won It—In fact everybody was a success ;but tbesuc cess was that young lady with those pretty white tenth that conversed with me over the back of the bench. The town is still on the improve. Another new firm hasbecn established aad the Avenue has now a wholesale and retrll establishment. At least so the sign says. I suppose it is said to me in the Court of Probate, to lie held at Barnwell on TUESDAY, the 80th day or October inf-t , after publication icreof, at ten o'clock in t4o forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be (MwwR. v . 11, Given under my hand this 18th day X % T J* fa hk tl • rrampton’s IiSperial So*p Is the Best. Cramp ton’s faperial Soep is'tlie Best. Crumpton’s Imperisl Sosp Is the Best. teiV»isd 4 for use in il» Laundry, Kifehen a«d Ba*h Hoom, and for General Household Purposes; also; WW from Dw. T H. ALEUjnstti.—We nrW pleas in being able to announce to bU cads and pa’rona that this (enlal ■oHcmae ahd IratoUM deatict will TO ALL CERN, WHOM IT MAY CON- -V xiroua of aecCtrlng hie valuable eer ioei had bevtier apply to him as early 1 far life arrival m pructiuablo. It U ■ it bWoenry for us to reoomreend Dr. Icx-giiler, m he fiuds bis work his est friend in that reepeok He doee lood work-and doea it cheap. HU at rone are hU advertlsrra. Twk Ptiw.ro Paumjro.—We have icca a of sweetness long drawn out The' weather, t he occasion and all col lateral circumstances were propitious f and lire result an evening of splendid enjoyment to alt- Quid Nunc, when asked what he thought of such enter tainments, replied: Dum vtvimug vivamus. His fair Interrogator answer ed: “Wo will contlhustbe conversation when we meet again,” So we will end th® screak “To be continued.” . NOTICE IS HEREBY <11 ViW, That Mw. Eiimbeth A. Wise h®8 filfel her petition in die Probate Court to have a Homeotcad net off for herself ami children out of the real and personal nutate of ilia liue Sidney 8. Wise, sixty days from date IfefWOl. v - JAM,ES M. BY AN, sepfi—2mo Judge of Prolate > . ■ —a ... ■■■■ Notice of Sale. of Ink, Grease, Ter, Oil, Paint, etc., kehaiAK* ■ TkS Jlusttargtns ■ < ?»WWor ’’ of April 5th, 087v,.|>roa6uneeS tbe Jogp the best In the WILL BE SOLD at public sUKtsoS* or cash, in Bamberg, Barnwell County, S/C. on Thursday, tiie first day of No vember, next, at 12 o'clock M., a half acre lot of land with buildings thereon, io said town, boiintled on llw North by ands of Joseph J. Getsinger, East by ot owned by the town of Bamberg, South jy Railroad Avenue, West by lot former y of Mrs. J. M. Smith, now owned by Mrs. D. D. Autley. Sold under power contained in a mortgage executed by J. Monday, and although buyers were not so plentiful, still there was one who was so eager to quiet tbe market that he purchased more than be could carry away, and the town council was again called on for assistance. A dump cart was prose el Into service and the coru well sacked up, and the sack “soaked dp,” was hauled down to My its’ warehouse and put up. At 7:80 in tbs evening tbo corn was taken away and tfis storage p»id. V^hese sptiggjatota will save storage using more discretion in their “day’s doings.” Some of them who were .still’ able to get away wltlj their purchases Satur i day evening, were yet so much over loaded that tb** -could not restrain their groans. One in particular, wfl Into the wrong barn and manppe In Mra. m V- Hewitt, 7tlij‘2, 4, C, 8 and 10, Rutgera piaee,»nd 83, and of October, 1875, {oF record in Clerk’s office, in book Q. Q. Q, page o7U), and to satisfy artid mortgage. • Mrs. M. E. HEWITT. Bamberg, 8. C., OcL 8, 1877. octll 8w r - ~ - . W" ira- Fxecniors Sale, * # \ tS' - . JT# .- ■ .3^/- ■i.i. mnovE fi. ?. HOOTON & BE0- ' ~riA'-—•’ • > ’' "-- 1 ' ^ i T' - r- , l >, OF t_ .-1,1? — j, . . ■ I ' 4- UAMHKrtC», «. CU v- j ■."vh» rfiaj ,-j, I .. *• • ; • .* HAVE BARGAINS to offer to their patrons in the following articles: flfonr, Sugar, Cdffee, Rice, d, Rams. Cbies^ Butter. Syrup, Sosp, Lye.Btaiob. PeppM"^ . CMS, Tobsttoos. Otesrs.-Owi. Lobsters, Salmpf JSardfces.Torfia Peaofaes, Pise Apples, Btrawber Blacking, Bbos Brushes, Aites, ra«..’TO ^ bes. Glass Seta, Tumblers, Goulets, r Dishes, Cruet Stands, Soap Squids, Basin "AaS MlMKfcl, Water Buckets, Coffee Pots, Wash Pans, Mil Bbokets, Covered Buckets, Milk Violin Strings. Looking Glassy, S ISCBS stooS Dry Oboffc, thing, Hats and Shoes, OW« tm a rv rw t rwvw ; v" o offtr, tl 'itfP** ’ 0 * IV »f ,vajiv*r , lY ' ' 'b'-WMUt VKI lU -0 OODR :c 4)1 A'" a-. :.«s JH itlif J afe K* Flsbsbl, ’ so li- ■ Cant' D I CMSie% *• UK ••10s, t Zk +di OOOO JS’j HA m ANt> CAFE. jhJ j* i>-'a ■ d atuni •“U” GOODS. < JU,ni tfprrivt At “ Hklf Hoee. ktt v «S jffi Sbswls, /) . f.f.. ■S * ■ 3K* .15 -• m .145 >w sJJ e.-mgsa* n'irj «OV4 ,»a i luxe , -v erft id wr-ii wt •>" m isedt ) eiuet ID BAEOAiNd 4| *' cf^ouswissir^r: F i i^ftffP mwm wownw err rat »WW" adventure aad review* of irst editoriale. The JC J vl ciUMiTON 8 imperial soap.” Hav ing used It ia one- Slice for the pant year, we icau recommend U a* the beet quality of Soap in uee It i« a rare thing to get a Soap tSat will ihoiouglii v i-lwmae printing ink from the hand*, a* alao from linen,*but CRAMPTON'S LAUNDRY 80AB will Sd U, and we whereof ere epsak- R k enpeeie^ly fofl’rintere, 1‘aintera, Engineer* and I Chimst*. a«U clot hi. I ter././” "*4 ray ttoir Mtok Bamberg koA In of a soldier. He then went through.the movements of eyes right and left, balance step, mark time mads one or two efforts at "bitting up and then cam* to the parade reek He faded to move wheu called, to the at tentltarunUI one of the clock agents gave tbe command. When ho moved Qft grandly in quick .time. One of hie owner’s subordinates thinking him now thoroughly drilled*, took him in charge and gave the command, which be promptly obeyed, moving off in double quick Umo, which ho soon In creased to the run. You'wonld have sworn he was a regular artillery “hoa#’’ now as the “eub” on the caison went Gemini! didn’t M. Ryan, E*q\ Judge of Pr#t>ate, l utltl in tbe reaidenee of the lute PbnmcrBw on /HURSDAY, the ftrat tiny of November next, between the li<>ura of 11 o'clock la the forenoon and 3 o’clock In th# aAerncon, iq the higlietd. bidder, FOR CASH, the entire effect# of the estate ef. Tboinaa Odom, deceaned, ae (bllowe; Two Mules, one wagon, one buggy, one gun, one bed and bedding, six chair* and one lot of kitchen furniture. JOSlAJi BRABHAM, V. C. P, and Administrator. Oct.H, 187L4w TYFOTIPE l» htynfry piren, That in accordance with the previaions of An Act of the General Assembly of the Sutg gf South Carolina S^led u Ai» | inc of c ‘ MY HOTEIi^ . mT' •W '.Wftn r Win ewer, os heretofore, be eupplM ihtli Wvsry luktiry the Market affords. Everything has been marked down at prioes to suit the times, • . . Give me a call wb*n yon 6oms to Barowell and you shall not leave dla- 8u»d, i’opular _ . r ^nlnr Scleece Monthly p piemen t - - - Appleton*' Joeraaland Po|wf*. nlar .Science Moathly ■wp- yrtetnent - - *•' v u&i ^ 0 00 TOO “ 4«a ifket price paid j for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Poultry, Eggs, &c. * ■' sep6-tl i,j — * .W li ■'I.iw '■ '*^V. t !■' !.<■ The Way to S&re Money is Appleton^* Joernal and Pepe ..q liter Mtoce Monlkiy JWp. * j J element, with Plate of i Piekeaa i» hk Htady - .j - Any per*on sending usfiiur te eitsev Magmine, with eaiewat f*r the same, will be entitled to a copy gratis; t i#/five espies of Applaioa'a Journal will be i sg. oopiee of Moathly, for »*>.U0. Add re** all Cowunuf niMtion* to . v—-r— D. APPLETON & Cf>., Publisher*, 648 and 661 Broadway, N- T, a imt ^Pta>.J v - - ‘•(iii > attorney AT id.' -7wT::-w' LTitt U* '.'Bf-,*—tT.J* • S. ^ ■WSia* •tnq-'I -* V> e*.»»» e w -n' ■ ' i Uj!» &W &A JJtboeo l .BARNWKUijL W! AIL iita cw IwoiWmiH i4 wt.Fr, swrutn ATTOKlftr A9 LAWr mniliUBTOjSr, & a, IWM to ill tk, gut. .nd Tnited Btate. Oourt** —f wpg-ly john BCCTocK. Attorlwy *t ALLENDALE, S. ■**-lT •- - JM. BUR DELL tr MmliMito# Affix HU Sui^nrii iloMtotke above M*#mslmi* recelverf^tt. Tht* AMD COMMi&SIQXMERCHANT Act to provide lor granting of’certain" charters," appn>ve«l -Kebtuary 2UtU r I 1874, a jwtition ha# been this dny duly I 11081 '- /> ‘ IC0 » BY BLYING GOODS FBOH HE. CHAS. H. HY8R8 •u. Importer# of a BBO. WdPl»» 6tr wabxkn "71-2 cents caflT. \ $c filed iu my office for a charter to moor Wn Ilotuespuo, 7 L2 to 9 l;2c “The I’tonic Publuhiuv Com.J Lftd,e • Bboe# aqpljaAstcrt Pnces thousand* w moth city ly vialt At. mtofw. tbe duet fty 1 But theproudeet exhi- exbibitlon tents enable I b, ^ on come to an end, and so did Mr. Cole (the prq^rletoaUto offer to the I c 0 me^ook^hto be ° f ^ io*] Snd ^*lKy£. and got a stupendous exhibitions ever wen I do2en or 90 fdlo ^ B ^ port unity oar to witoees such a grand and imposing suddenly.* "Sub’ had grabbled tbe half a the •ight S»r*pwr«U Market Ouyixvu W eek r. KiidinKO«U25t|»,18Tr. , ' ^ Rkooud of mo In Clerk’s office d October 23d, 1877: 'kHis>*k!AUL' . - — John McMillan to TTrauIaB. Mc- MittHD, two mules and a wagon 02001 i t -T B. W. Middleton to Lucy Davis, ode * horse, seven bead of cattle one cast, j 8W#rt pptatora, 01 00 per bushel, one wsgqn. UVe |dows, 100 bushels of 1 Onions, S3 00 per barrel, corn and 1,600 pounds ot fodder for > $280. ' ' t • * ■ Samuel Jesse to Annie Jees* r entire . crop and nine head of hogs for 01tt. > [Reported hf H. H. Kutertia* X S»n ] Cotton (Lintl Ordinary, 8 8-4; Mid dling, 0 3-4 ^Cotton (Seed) 8 1-2 per .lb. '~Corn, 60 cents per toushet—‘ Peas, 00 per busheL _ "T Irish potatoes, $1 50 per bushel Rice, 8 cents per pound. Sugar, (Brown) 12 cents por pound; (White) la cent* per pound, kl Coffee, 24 W. R. Darlington to fhrmer &; one buggy and horse for $200. sj .Ben Jones to F. ij. Cassidy, one horse for 04L\ . I'/ '? — cents per pound. 86 cents per pound. Baeob, (Smoked) sides 131-4 cents ; ulders, I0-1J cents; (D. 8.) sides, 12 oentoL* bou,dw v9 8 : 4cents. : ^Lard, KlL5 ceotffrS^ Hotter, (Goshen), 40 ettrtsy (Coun try), 25 cents. Chickens, (fuR “ cento per dozen porate “The People Publishing Com pany,” of Barnwell County. ^ ^ J, J. BRABHAM, C.C.C., B.C. Barnwell Oounty, 8c(g. 2P, 1877.^ > Notice of Will be sold at the Plantation of Samuel T; Fairry, in Barnwell county, near Midway, S. C., on SATURDAY, November 10th, 1877, at 11 o'clock, a. m., aH that Tract or Parcel of Land, situate, lying and being in Barnwell county, 8. C., measuring and eonmning One Hundred Acres, more or less, with all the buildings thereon, bounded on the north by lands, of A. J* Hughes,* east by lands of Gtorge W. Muse, south by lands of Harry Jenkins tnd Henry Wright, and oh the WW#t by lend# sf W. W. Patrick, under power contained in a mortgage executed by W. S, Eaevs to Samuel T. Fairry, ou tbo 22d December, A. D., 1875. Recoi Clerk of Gourt’s Office, iu Barnwell county, S.G., January 26, 1876, in Book S. S. 8., Pages lG7\nd 168, and to satisfy said mortgage. 8. T. FAkBRY. October 10,1877, V octl8-3 Gents’ and Boy* 1 Sheen ak Chariestou * Prices. 2 i Sugar, 8 and 9 Iba-.—*—~ for $1 cash. Cfc 4.J'21ba. r s for 11 cash. My stock ie faH and Beah and beavy, PriteeslhAitiwAon evarykhiu^, ' m I propose to sell at half profits. ' 1 pay OAJSH for all prod nop. * Come and fee what 1 have/anyhow. _ C.'E. LARTIGUE. Blackville, Oct 4,4877. . : 1—*- F. p. Gmvm tv >. L* ft ff ’ > r* v - 7 F.P. GROVES & OCf. BLACKVILLE, S- (j., offering a General Asaort- of M^rcbandiae at vary TS- duoed prices. -Highest price paid for Cotton and all ktndaof Prod aep6-3«r ,1 >.?r- 'Hia ewsi'.; toue: